The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 23, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    PAOS H Ö H T
: i
A large crowd Is expected to attend !
the product tea. "Kentucky Bella", to!
be givtn by the Christian Endcavo? I
•octety of the Christian church Thitre- j
day evening at the Bell theatre. Tick­
e ts for the play are on sale at Eggl-
m snn’s confectionery and by member»
o f the Endeavor.
Special orchestra music has h*en J
planned tar presentation before the
play, and between the acts. Farther
entertainm ent will be offered by a
reading. “Nebuchadneisar". by Glen
R id d le
The cast of the play Is mad * up er-
tie- ly of local talent, and is directed
by Mis. Ora Read* Hemenwav. Tick
ets will be »old for SO and 30 Cents.
F a lse
G le n d a le V ia to r H e re — M rs
— " y
_ —/
» c.
iA-rrooi drawl
Gertrude Duel of New York is
shown wearing a hand-decorated
“sweat" shirt — a fad started by
college track men. The girls have
taken up the idea with enthusiasm
and now its all the rage. Comics
are hand drawn on the shirta with
plain india ink.
■“h . National Surety company has
filed suit against I. N E idicotl asking
ft .- a ludgm nt of $3S5,ft due the Se­
curity Benefit association of Vancou­
ver. Washington, as financial clerk.
S e c 'n l nod C streets
J. Carlton Wetterhalm. Pastor _
f- b le s c h - i 10:00.
n ernieg > rvlce 11 :W.
* Sermon toric. “Cur j a m
C list."
B Y P. F . and frays.- servi-e f-w
W !• Go to Corvatti»— M «a Anne I
Gorrlc Is rlann’ng io spen I Friday It
Evening s e n 'c e 7:30.
Rev. Chas E Durham pastor ot
the 1st Baptist church if Eugene will
exchange pulpits with the pastor for
this evening.
. 3*
0 »
Goes to Ridi»— F, C. Wrlght wenl
j to Riddi» Wislnesdnv ntorn'nx ta apend
a few l’ava wlth hls daugh’ ir, Mr»
James Etder.
Here from McCready— Mr. and Mrs
Earl Mathews were In town from Me
Cready Tuesday.
Here Is the first of several small
It la remarkable the large «-loset dow arrangement are all features
house plans that will be pr sooted space worked out In the Del'heun» which appeal to women
leach week. Mutt of the plans here plan.
Next week, photograph and floor
t -fore presented have beeu large and
The terra cotta e n tr a n ce-th e wide plans for a sturdy aeven room brick
of a more expensive type. Th* plans brick mantle and the excellent win bouse.
above, either of which leaves the
house In the sam e general appear-
wave B.iby Girt— Mr an! Mrs ('nil ante. Is especially attractive for s-v
Bungalow types of
¡W illiams of Marcóla are tí»» parrot« eral reasons.
We make a specialty of
o’ a ten rot ud baby girl, nor 1 Tues­ home« are h o c lm liig in r r a s 'n g ly pop
day, nt the home of Mrs Mary Magtll
the porch the hous» takes on a more
Impressive appearance and the In-
Goes to Roseburg Mrs
Rugeue * r* ’ *d
Kester visited In Roseburg W.-dne«
Th'' P|,n ,o
PW»»a«’d next week
Is of another five room house, but It
o f nil kind». Bn*nkfa»t Nook», Buffet», IJnen Clouets.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1« quite different In appearance and
arrangement from ihe one shown a-
Ironing Board», Medicine Cabinet», Showcase».
C lu b to M » » t W ith M rs. P a r k e r —
Members of the Priscilla club will
The choice of two floor plans Is
rrc’ t SaturniaV evn .ln g at the home of
offered the home builders who choose
Mrs J. C. Parker.
this coxy little flvoroont bungalow
cement and wood.
V ls itle g ,» P o lla rd s — Mrs R L.^ilrk
Pn,. p(nn „ for
„ rBpt|An>| „ „
' i ™ t - »"•’ ’ I *P'n« Porch while th
other permits of one bedroom—an al­
cove room and sleeping porch.
big 12x19 fool living room Is used as
romh|nPd dining room A bolll In Pull
man brPakfaat roPm
iratur„ , In
rno p)an
I’hone 7
— — - ............. - ...........
- —..... — .............
C lu b to Meet This Afternoon—Tbs
Cor. G and Third St».
Springfield, Oregon
A. C. Mathews of Eugene purchase I *“’*•"»•(’-Id bridge club will meet with
K aaaaaam
two Ford trucks and a coupe from th’
C, Rebhnn th!» afternoon
K B fa n a M tM M M i
Anderson Motor company this wee»-.
Frea L!"ds:y and E. C. Wilfert -l-t-i Gees to Lagrande— M’ s Grace F
bought trucks, and Howard Frat! Lorblt has gone to LaGraude In at-
j< r ’ her daughter who will soon un
bought a coupe
id* «go a n in ’uid operatl-».
Manufacturing Corp.
days at the home c f Dr. and Mr«. W
H Pollard. Mr Kirk Is former city
school superintendent here, and ocqu
Pled that uosHlon at-Kalama until h l.
re.lgnal'on recently to hare charge of
a school furniture supply fl’ra | n
F irs t C h r is tia n C hu rch
Mrs. David Cunningham, 47, of
Gary, Ind., is held pending an in­
vestigation of five deaths in her
family by poison. Look at her
eyes. Does she lock as though she
would poison her own children?
M e th o d is t
The fiortavTf *1d Lodge No. 40.
The High school base ball team
o a v and the ladle« of the Re­ have received new suits .
becca J u m iti lo^jrp No W5. have ac­
c e n t’ d th e iT r tt e tf o n of the Ebbert
The Hall company gave a dance last
M «*m or’5i1
rhnrcb of Srrfn*- Saturday night, the proceeds are to
fteld fo at*e»d w^rahio tn a body go to recover the hall.
o«*xt S ”"dflv ev^n’n c
7 30. F. L
Moor* de1ive*’ny th* aneual Tne«aa<*.
There has been a contest running
In th* mo’-n,’*r *b° *hur^h school in the Sunday school, the primary aud
wVI n*'-«** at >*45 with Mrs. Ida Gantz. j Junior classes hare won. The Bible
• ft - 1 on d p nt.
and young People’s class are to give
Th<> n rw cU*< fcr th* ronng mar- them an evening entertainment about J
r**d women meets In the league at the May 1st.
•chooi hour
The morning worship hoar is at 11 i The Thurston Sunday schol Uas won
©’clock* with th«» r^miler morning the banner fir hte W altervllle dlstdlct
m n u n *. >11 j»t "The church of the for the next three months.
cordial welcome.”
The high school baseball team
tn T o w n fro m
E u la — f il a r l e »
T. played the Crow team last Friday on
Michael is In town from Eula today the local diamond, Thurston winning
on business.
10 to 5.
Gosh»n Man Here— Charles White
of Go«hen visited In Springfield Wed­
ANYBODY wishing milk at gallon
rates cell Riverside Dairy, Phon»
a , »ta « 3 0
FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large
sh eets, 26x39 Inches, suitable for
making tracing». The News Office.
S Í?
Built-in Fixtures
F irs t B a p tis t C hu reh
S»3rinof‘e ld
—T -—■
Mas Blood Polson in Finger— \V T ,
i Smith of Camp Creek I« suffering from 1
! blood poisoning In his fing«,', r suiting
; from a briar scratch.
Seeks to Reco er
Corn-r of 4th and A street
S. E. Childers. Pastor
Serv'ces at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
each Lord-» day. Bible pchool at
9:45 a. m S G Moshler. superinten­
dent Subject of Sunday morning ser­
mon. “The First Christian Martyr.”
The Christian Endeavors will have
charge of evening services.
m esic at all services.
Cozy Five-Room Bungalow A ttracts Home Lovers
I Clark of Glendale la a visitor at the )
home of Dr. and Mrs II P Mortonseu
i for n f«w days
R ep ~esen tation
WUPam Taylor has filed suit In
circuit court aeatnst Natoaa Hill,
he H ag Judgment in the sum of $17.
BOO. He alleges he tra ice property in
Lincoln county. Oregon for a lot an!
two story concrete building In Cal
gs.ry belonging to Hill. When he In­
sp ect'd the property the building wa*
found to be one story aon instead nt
b- nr worth $30.000 the plaintiff al­
leges It Is not wo'-th more than
$13 000.
>feuse it when
Uncle Jah n
My niece has bought her new
spring hat— a smug, artistic
dome— that looks like it was
built to keep her intellecks at
home; I never like the “cart­
wheel shapes she wore in years
agone, that took a ha if a dozen
spears to hold the critter on,—
but this here up-to-date device
that crowns her brow today, is
certainly a winner—and. I ’m
back of what I gav!
. “A gravy-bowl turned upside
down” describes it mighty nigh,
and a single, bobbin’ feather
captivates the searchin’ eye. Its
b« « -lin e ,ives the merest hint
of Venus in eclipse— but it fairly
socks the emphasis on smilin’
ruby lips!
Although my niece’s new
spring hat ain't needin’ no de­
fense, I ’ll stake my reputation it ’»
the peak of common sense. The
unaasumm’ egg-shell may be
plumb bereft of pride, yet every
time we meet one, we can swear
to what’s inside! When we run
acrost perfection It ’s the time
fer atandin’ pat—eo, I register
approval of my niece's new
spring hat.
Uncle John.
Visits in Eugene— Mrs
Phil A
Johnson spent Monday In Eugene as
a guest of Mtr Charles A. Ei.«tinan.
Wilfert Sand & Gravel Co.
N e w Awnings Erected— A n*w awn
Ing Is being placed in front of th •
Morrison and Cllngan grocery t lay.
Cement Contractor
VisiUng et Bastarde— Mr and Mrs
Wllfred Marshall spent thè w eik-eni
at thè Paul Basford horae.
homo Is In S tatile.
We have all our own »and and gravel and all our own
Safe depos't box»» for rent- -First
Natlonal bank.
C ontracting and Building
Corner 5th and D Street»
Springlield, Oregon
and can give you n better price
Call EUGENE 386 fo r Estimates
Plant on Highway Near Springfield
Plana and Estim ates Furnished
Free. Will Help You Finance
Your Building.
There’s Only One Way To
Start Building a Home—
That’» to START
G iv e ll s
Spring w ill be here soon.
Its time to begin active work on the big things you have in mind fo r the
There Is no more Im portant m atter than tha t home you have hoped for,
Watch This
Space Each
Week For
(Junior Orpheum)
Now Showing
at the Heilig
each Wednesday
Cntertain ter Mra. Leave)
Honoring Mrs. Jess Sravcy, who
t ft Monday for Tlllamio«. Mrs. Ron
aid Robert» art it a c trd
pnity’ at her heme Friday evening
.»•’ending the party aero Mr an I
Mra Hcavvy, Mr and Mrs It ,lph
b Fp«l. Mr and Mrs F anh Ib’Pu
Mr and Mrs W It Adrian. .Mi
!*t.u Mrs. Illehard Harbs t. Mr a»d
Mrs. M. M. Perry, Mr and Mra. I P
.Lorimor. F. A. Cllngan. tVdhy ?t«v
' ens, E Q. Hutton. Mis Maude Dryab.
j Miss Crystal Bryan, and Mra. Zatta
, Cantrell.
C harg e«
Auto Repairing
wished for and talked about fo r so long.
P ut the hopes, the wishes and the ta lk Into action this month and realize
In the new home the happiest year of your life.
We Solicit Your Auto Repairing
There Is one very easy way to s ta rt—call at our retail office and tell us
you are Interested In home building.
W. R. (B ill) DawBon Is In charge of our repair department
The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.
A ll we ask is a tria l
Springfield Garage
414 Main Street
‘‘We Fix 'em"
Phone 11
Springfield, So. 7th St., Phone 55
Eugene, 507 W illamette St., Phone 452