TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. APRIL 23. 1826 PAGE SEVEN and xhould be addressed to G. O. SIM PLE M IX T U R E FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COCRT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE cm. Oregon, and marked "Applica COUNTY CAS ON STOM ACH tlon and bid to purchase river-bed Alexander Lewis and Maynlo E. Lewi», land*." i’la ln tffe Sell wh«l y«u want ta aall, buy wbat you want to buy thro ■* t^ooo Simple buckthorn bark, mag­ Done at Salem, Oregon, March 20, VH 50c ’ oolumna. W rit* or phono TW O 1 Lead thrown In Frank Malin a n d ------- Malin hl» wife, 1926. nesium sulpb, c. p., glycerine, O. O BROWN, Samuel C. Malin and Ida Malin, bla 1 Lead thrown In and piled ___ 75e etc., as mixed in Adlerika, helps Clerk of State Land Board. wife, Sarah J. Dutton amt-------- Duttou Load carried up etalrt $1.50 It,,u... puintina, pat» > hanging. < o ï «ALK- t urbon taper In lara« , M 26 A»2-9-l%28-30 M-7-14-21 29. any rase gas on the stomach 1 cord epllt up $150 conilning. Ituy Koch. Call Hprlngfteht j eheete, 34x3* Inch»«, aultable for unless deu to deep-seated caus­ Guaranteed work. Our motto It IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE making tracings. The News Office. huaband. Henry A. Malin and Flor­ M 11 utu. ence C. Malin. hla wife, Annie Malin. "Service." Leave orders at News Of- es. The pleasant and QUICK ac­ STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Juinea Ma|ln and Malin bla wife, flee. • COUNTY TO TRADE, FOR SPR IN G FIELD tion will surprise you. Becausa Dr. 8. Ralph IMppel. Iluntlst, Vitus William -Malin, Robert Malin and PROPERTY Adlerika Is such an excellent In ­ Evans, and ‘ Llchty and J. T. W J. — —— Malin I n wife, John Malin, Fan­ building, Springfield, Oregon. INCREASES IN Willi* J. Chamberlain,— — — plain- testinal évacuant It Is wonderful nie Malin. Maude Malin und the un SOUTH $4.000 equity In $6, 000 stock ranch. ANYBODY wishing milk at gallon tiffs, known h< Ira of Ann Malin, deceased; for constipation— It often works COOPERATIVE M ARKETING rales call Riverside Dairy, Pboua 3O(| acre« with Mock and aotne tool*; ulau all other peraotfa or parti** un — Emma Harding», Mary Locke and------ In one hour and never gripes. good house and burn, orchard, and known clukntng any right title, ee-, 34 F3 lien or Interest In the real es­ The fremendomi tn<-rea»e tn coopera —- j Lmcfca, her huaband, Jotlah Flancey’s Drug Store. Iola of outrange. 40 acre» plow land, Shaw, hla wife, FOR » A L B -— Milch Goate; Henan, 30 of which I* *eed«d to im all grain. tate deacrlbed In the complaint herein. t,v, marketing In the Southern States aod . . . . . ... , . . , Lydia Orow and Paschal Grow, her i Nubian, Togganberga, «nine fresh, About a million foot of timber. What d- f> ndunt« nnmed defendants, during Ih past 10 year» la brought out [hu-thand. Sarah B. Shaw a n d ------------- To the above •onto coming fru»h soon. Georg» have yon? Write inn at Noll. Ore Crank Mai n and — Malin. h!a wife by the Rur>-au of Agricultural Ec-O- Shaw, her husband, Hannah Verrlll NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S» SALE ON FORECLOSURE Macauley, John Scav»y*a ranch. Samuel C Mnlln and Ida Mulln, hla noml Culled States Department of and Joseph Verrlll, her husband. Isaac : Ralph B. Yoder. tf. Eastman and --------------- ._ Eastman, . wife, Sarah .. Dutton and — ■■■ Dutton , Agr'< ulture, when It I» shown that In . it. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Mi 36 -A-3 9 16-33 . i „ n . . irLfLru~j~u-u'j~ir -rij>ro~jo‘i.~^\rijuirj-u~u~i - «*-* ev -w-ww zww*» her husband. Anna Belle Wilson a n l his wife, lin ja m ln F. Eastman and by ylrture of an execution and order NOTICK TO CREDITORS Notice )« hereby given ihul Mary A llenrv H W'lson. her husband. Henry the« • «täte» them are now some 913,- | ---------------Eastman, hla wife. Polly of gale issued out of the Circuit Court PEDIGREED POLICE PUPS Malm and Flor> i C. Malin, his 000 farmer* who are members of co- Shaw and ---------------Shaw, her hu» of the State of Oregon for the County Hired by Doiible Champion, Humphrey waa at pointed adlinntatrj operative organizations, as compared [ hand, Timothy Shaw and trig of the «stale of David I|utitphrey, wife, Annie Malin. .lames Malin mid of Lane on the 15th day of April 1925 non of an International Cham­ dcceaœ d. by ord r of 'h< County Mulm bis wife. William Mai n Rob«r» with 104 000 in 1915. Shaw , h » w ife, Daniel 9baw and upon a Judgement and decree rendered Shaw, bis wife. Salile M. in said court on the 14th day of April, pion, Stronghoart Strum, aptvn- Court for lain« County, Oregon, duly M„nn Hnd-------- « » ¡in hi, wf> , John For the country a* a w hole th e re a re ghaw and Shaw, her hus- 1925, In a u t wherein Melville G. made the 25lh day of March, :»26. , MBtln, Fannf<. Malm and Maud» Malin. tlltl condition. All p er« .« , having claim s «gain*. unknown helr, of Ann M.lln.’ now -Prox'matnly 2.500.000 farm er, band. William Shaw and Get it p u p now to I ruin for »aid estate are hereby potlf*»d to pre- [ d (■,.<•. «„d ■ .1*0 M|| „iher pprsons or who are members of cooperative organ- Shaw, hl* wife, Ephriam Shaw and Evans, the Plaintiff recovered a Judge­ ment against the defendants. Jam?» Mutch dog, cattle dog, or pet sent, the »azti'. with proper vouchers, ,,.rtl*» unknown, claim ng sny right. > Igg* Ion*. compar’d with 651.000 In „ u — 8haw, his wife, Samuel N. L. Clark and Ethel M. Clark, hie wife tor the family. Prices exceed­ to the said execuirlx »1 the office ot ,.Mo, e interest In the K-(.„ r,v „ » .h a ir « , 46 1.2 ner ? * 7 and ------------- 7 8haw’ hla Z W! ’ and the United States National Bank d„ crlbe d , n tb, complaint > "«*'T,a,r- or « «*r Jemima Eaatman and - East- of Salem. Oregon, for the lir a < t TE.s ingly reaaouable considering Donald Young. »60 W illamette Street. r„ , KUfen». C recon. within nix motttbn herein, You and each of you are here- ren • th* tota| m*»niberRhlp ta tn man, her husband, Polly Locke and THOUSAND DOLLARS toge her with «lock. -Locke, her husband, Jos- ph interest thereon from th« 1st day of from the date of »hl» nom o. t’y aun>n»nned to an»wfr th* com the 12 North Central states where M. P. FLE T C H E R . <,r' ron' 2f,h llaln t fil'd against you In the above cooperative marketing ha* always Shaw a n d --------------- Shaw, hi* wife. November, 1923, at the rate of seven day of March 1925 Henrietta Fleming and Box 263, Eugene. entitled case and court wlth’n *lx be» -i g strong factor. per cent per annum until paid, and M ary a HUMPHREY, Fleming, her husband, E. E. Shaw and f45 Insurance, together with intereet week from the first publication of this JCxec cutrlx of the estate of summon*, and In case you fall » o t e ! Th» New England states show 55,- Shaw, Etha - Belle . - _ „ - hl* „ wife, _ - — _ th'reon from March 18th. 1925. at 6 Kstgl» of Philo Wilcox Deceased__ Davi »«vid Humphrey, deceusod. answer, Judgement will be taken 000 farmer cooperator», compered with Robberson. Verna R. Robberson, Har- per cent per annum, and the further NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Donald Young agnlnst you that plaintiffs are the n.OOO In 1916; Middle Atlantic states da H Robberson, Hattie M. Orrlson. sum of $590.00 as P lain tiffs attorney NoCie I* hereby given lhat Sarah C. - - - 77, nftn . . . .. . formerly Haiti? M. Met roskey, and fees herein and for the sum of $17 00 „ [o w n e r s of ......................... the following deacrlbed McBee has fllsxl In the county Court Attorney for Estate real property: 141.066 compared with 64.000; East w E orrlson. her husband, also the and disbursement«, which judge- of the Stale of Oregon. In and for NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING B eginning'at a po'nt 6 55% chains North Central group 414.000, against unknown heirs of any of said defend- costs m nt was enrolled and docketed in the luine County, her finer, report as Ad Th« undersigned Administrator of norlh H po)n, on the BOUw> her hug ippolnt' »count and that Saturday, the 16th undersigned has been appoint'd cord October 11th, 1918 and contain­ BM ed. of , ownshlp thance 8 g> d 5g fle d again « vou herein on or before hand W il„ am &haw and annexed. day of May. 1925. at the hour of ten m'nlatratrlx. with will M ISO acres mor- or lesas. together & , , ro <,llalnR # f)|> aUk w *k. from date of first Pub»;« g haw. hla w fe. Ephriai o'clock In ihe forenoon of said day, In the estate of Kate A Collier, de- Ephriam Shaw and ing All per«»n* hav'ng claims , he r „un,y s „ rrey No 15S9 thence h0reof or for ’™nl 'h ,,’,eof th* ------- the County Court Room »< t*10 Court ceased Shaw, b n wife. Samnel with the tenem ents her'ditsm rnt» and House In Eugene. I-ano County. Ore against said estate are hereby notlfle,. s on ¿ , K , , m,(| W 2 47 chains f 1,lnt,ff wrfll takO tudr-rent aga'nst N an1 ____ ---------------his wife. Je- appurtenances ther'unto belonging any wise appertaining. thence 8. 42_deg. 32 min W 6 186 end arnly to the court for th - mlma and x<»n. h«» h o n fixml »• ihe tint* ind Io pre.eht the ».m e duly Eastman. in And »bat the proceed" of said sale „ po|M g;t ,)nk. s g9 de< r lief prayed for In the eomelalnt her husband. Polly Locke and place for hearing the final account the undersigned administratrix at the ( hatna be applied as follows: law offleo of \Mlltem« A- Bean. S60 jg m| n E, of B yew «take m arked‘C S ' an'' f°r • decree of nheolute divorce ---------Locke. and settlem ent of said estate. her husband. Joseph First: The expenses of said eal« XU persons having objection* to W illam ette Street. Eugene. Oregon, hence 8 89 deg 58 m'n. W 3 83 chains Horn yon end the enstedv of the two Shaw and -Shaw, his wife. Henrietta Fleming and _ and »he Plaintiff's costs and disburse­ said final account are notified to file within six month» from the date of [to a fir stake marked "C 8 ." th nee minor children of the marriage Flem Is pubBshed once )ng h er husband. E. E. Shaw and m ents of this suit. the same In writing with the Clerk first publ'catlon of thia notice. The 8. 60 deg 12 min W 4 36 chains, to T»ils summons Second: To t*ie rav»n»nt of the thence 8. 89 *»ch week for six con«eciit've w »ka ---------------8baw. his wife. Etha B«Ile of the County Court for I-ane County, date of the first publication of this a stake marked "C. S notice Is March 25th. 1925 'eg 58 min W 3 60 chains, then-e In the Sorl-gU eld. (Oregon» N '—« bv Robberson. Verna R. Robberaoti. Har- Judgement of said Plairtlff. Oregon, on or prior to said date. BERNICE COLLIER. Third: The overplus If any there be IXINALD YOUNG. N. 0 30 chains more or less to the ^rde« of Hon C P. Barnard. Judge c f da pf Robberson. Hattie M. Orrlson Adtitljlslratrlx. Administrator with JJj* W,,,’ a« #*’d^ . W illiam . A Bean, most easterly southeast corner of the »he Coun'y Court of Lane Count*, and W. E. Orr'son, her husband, also to be disposed of as the Court may di­ of the Estate of Henry I Ierre, »e- i R | K<< Robert McCowan donation land ' Oregon, made In the ah« ic« of the aR other persons or parties unknown rect. Catate NOW THEREFORE. IN THH ceased. _______ _ ,. M 26-A-2 9 16 23 irlalm tb-».»-. »v in jg chains to the Judge nf th - ah o-e O c i ' t Court, on claiming any right, tltls. estate, lien NAME OF THE STATE o p OREGON A IB 23 30 May 7 14 corner in angle o.i the east boundary 21st 19?r' Dai«“’ and first pub- or interest in the real property des- of said McCowan donation Land Claim llfh«d Apr'1 ?’ -d 1925 erihed In the complaint herein de- in compliance with tne sr/d execution and order of sale. I will on thence south on the east boundary of WHITTON ? W '> 'F ^ p n . fendants: 'Id donatl n land Claim 12.70<4 Attoenev for TUalnt'ff IN THE NAME OF THE 9TATE Saturday, the 16th day rf May, 1925, chains, to r po'nt 6 55*» cha'ns north Rov-e-mc® a-d Postoffice adress. Eu- CF OREGON you are hereby required be-ween the hour« of nine o’clock A. of the southeast corner of said Me- gene. Or'*"" <0 appear and answer the Complaint M. and four o’c’ock P. M. of said day ----------------------------------- — -------------- Cowan donation land claim, thence A23-.’ O. May 7-14-21-28 J. 4. which has been f led against you 'n at the hour of one c'»lo»»v o m nt snid door at the southwest door of the west parallel with the south l!n- o f ................................................. .......................the above entitled Court and cause said donation lard claim 16.85 chains NOTICE FCR PUBLICATKI’ within six weeks from the date of the County Court house in »he City of w . F. WALKER Call E uge-e, Lane Cocntv Or g-n. offer to ihe place of b g'nn'ng. excepting Rose».”- ' »'r gen. ' "rl| 1. 19."5. first publication of this Summons ■ FUNERAL DIRECTOR from the above descrirtion 4 to acres DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR And, if you fall to ao appear and an- for sale, in one Darcel. for cash In SU TTO N TRANSFER UnltM S’ates Land Office swer, the plaintiffs will apply to the hand and sell to th= h igh --- - o t best Full Auto Equlp’oent thc Southern Pacific railroad through Forest Exchanges (Court for th relief prayed for n said bidder, all the right, tit]«. 1-tereat, Phone 57 said propertv. ronta nlrg of eg exclusive exclusive of 'Complaint, to-wit: that the plaintiffs. claim and e=t.ate of the aa'rt defend­ W O. W. block A'ZebZ1,51 “, h‘hprtnd%N^r J L ,ch,-V and J T. Evans, be de- ant«, Jam 's L. Clark. Ethe’ M Clark said right of way 117 61 acre«; a ls o 1 Office Phone 62 M Re* Phone 6$ J »r post on __ X H c a tlo n Nof clared ,o be the owner3 ,n tee slm ’ le a"d 'ho United States Nat'o-»"' bank beg»nn:ng at an anchor ___ ___ Oregon and all per- c t^ M n ^ h described rea. Fro of Salem northerly line of the South rn Pacific Par!s- Oregon ro-'s ckiiming by through rr under a point on the North them or any of them «'nee the 4th GEO,. N, MeLEAN DR. N. W. EMERY El ven (11), Patterson'j dav of May ’ °20 fn and to th said Automobile, Fire and Life Tp 16 S of Rg 2 W of the W illamette Tp. 15 S Rang' 9 W est W. M with e « ™ óregón fifty (60 lands and premise and every part IN S U R A N C E meridian 'n f"re-nn bears s m de» 'n the Sluslaw N.f o n a l Fcrest. for the ‘ , “uge ;5tgo“’ 1 n> * . thereof. d e n t is t UP. " ’K E. TXYT "R. Surety Bonds,. Pnone 617 Sutton Bldg. Phon* 20 J .Sheriff of Lane Count*. e'—.esa to an anchor ; ' J 71 w » ' . 1 f--. ant* (12». fence po-» on the s"n'hrrlv I ne of s->id selt'ct -d. nr having bensì fide objec- j til- z-s6 • hs w elve — -, » a Seventy- « — — 11 — 1 * NOTICE right of wnv. thence 8 56 deg E 10 23 tions to such an-llcation, an oopor “ v I »5) feet, thence west parallel tunttv to f l c their » a t sts with the w ‘^ e North line of Lot Eleven ihnln« along a certain fence to an I WHEREAS in chamer 127. -zenural NEW RAZOR Register and R ceiver of th? U nttel I G B Ninety (90) feet, thence North laws of Orikton. enacted in 1919. It la SHOE REPAIRING eftc? at Roseburq. Ore- I'nrailel with the West line of Lota dfdared to b« the >»'itv of ev ry pT - For Sale E 5 29 chains tn «n an gle po'nt. thence I-’ nd <'ffl< Work Promptly and 56 „.i« min «i- W 2’ 77 chains con K° n Any euch •' -rotestg rr object'nn- Eleven (11) and Tw-elve (12) S venty- son, firm. eopartn°rrh'p, company • nd ’outh 7 deg. 55 Guaranteed. Price $2. Carefully Done to the north bank of (he Mohawk must be filed in th s office within five feet to the place of beginning corporation owning, leasing, occu cy- river, thence S 7 d»r 66 min tx- , «« 'hirtv day« from th date of first mil»-, being a part of Lots Eleven (11) and in. possess'rg or having charge of or A. A. ANDERSON « . I.z a ; first [Twelve (12). Patterson-'s Addition, all JOHN A. NELSON I chains to th e cen ter' of O U th l i n . stream cf , U I „ •’o t’0*» wh|rh * hlc dom’nion over any land, place, budd­ i in Eugen- , Lane County, Oregon. (thence down stream substantially .«« cubilcntton '» Mvr ' ï s ing. structure, wharf pier or lock 509 Main Street BARBER SHOP j And that the plaintiff. Wlllla J which Is inflicted with grounl squir­ follows S. S 26 ’ 6 dnw a.i min., W. it- 4 24 HAMILL A CAN D \Y . follows: deg. 30 Register. (Chamberlain, be declared to be th? rels and other novlous rod n il or chains, 8 45 deg ,30 min. W. 6 »6 _ . A 23-30. M. 7-14. ¡owner In fee simple of the following predatory animal*, or as «ocn us the chain». S. 17 deg. 30 min W NonC oal .described real property, to-wit: 1 ■ ----- ---- - 1 ■ 1 1 ■' 4.11 cha'ns. to the northeasterly I presenceof the »am» shall come to NOTICE ! Beg > nning at a point line of property h-retofore con- ■» . r ™ - . . . on „ th North his, their or Its konwiodge at once to DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL veved to Alexander Lewis, then.« NOTICE Is hereby given that th e !11“0 Lo‘ Eleven (11), Patterson’s proceed and ; > continue In jfoud faith niong sa'd property line N 65 State Land Board of the State of Ore-! Addition to Eugene. Oregon. One to fxter.T n.uc and destr v such ro­ D E N T IS T d»'g 40 min U t 2 05 chains an ! non will receive sealed b'ds at its | Hundred Forty (140) feet East of the dent« hy pU-, . irg. tranpim: or other Your Home When In thence N. 62 deg u win. W 2 7 1 0 lc f*ice in the Capitol Building in Sal Northwest corner of said Lot Eleven .appropr'df-' and .-ffictiv,' means; and Phone 43 Springfiald * o’clock ' ’ ' A. ' "* chains more or less to (he pi-ice of ' ™- Oregon, up to " 11:00 M (11). thence east along said North WHEREAS gray digger ground Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. beginning, containing 86,86 line of Lot Eleven, Five (5) feet, June 2. 1925 for all the State’s Interest n ’ c *------ -------------------------- squirrels (Cltellu* doug’asi') are nox­ -............crps, px-, - ’-----“ — - ” ------— — — -------------- ----------- thence South Forty-nine degrees (49 elusive of rn'lrond right of wav 'be river-bed lands hereinafter de- ious rodents in Lane County, Oregon. through the same all of the land ’ CTOied, g lv n g however to the ownet deg.). East Sixty-nine (69) feet more Now, theref” ’«, all „ieh p-rson«, or less, to a point two and two-tenths ohoye mentioned, iving and be’ng In' or owners of any lands abutting or firms, copartnerships, corporation* JOHN M. WILLIAMS sections 26 and 27 d March 11. 1926 providing K „h ,h »‘noe North parnIPI to said West minate spfd gray digger ground squir­ be serv d with this summons " . ^n .’7 f 2 N.'-er. 17^0 ch" < n o .t h |„ np nf 1ot -pwe| ve ( i 2). Seventy-five Licensed to practice In till Court* rels (Clt3llus douglaati) pn1 th? cost -------catlrtn thereof once In each nn'1 8 50 chalpH( east I fpe ‘ more or less, to place of begtn- [of said extermination will he levied of the State, and United States. week for six -hlceesalve in the Spring- S?r"er„°". 'T,e.St V i ^ L 3 ^ ' “ '“ S- against said land. and reon'rlng you to, ^ /'n in n ir 111 and r ” line'"dow n ' “nft bank of the tall race of Eugene 1925. cost of preparation. DONALD YOUNG. A T T O R N E Y AT LAW field, Oregon, warrants 393 to 437, In- City Power Plant; N 75 deg. U. 2.30 AND REPA IR IN G Date of fir«t nub!'cation of thl* no­ Attornev for Plaintiffs. elusive. Interest cease« after April chains: N SO deg W. 6 00 chains to NOTARY PUBLIC P. O. Address, 860 Wil­ tice April 7th, 1925. We Call For and Delivor 25th 1926 Place of beginning, containing 13.66 (Signed) O. S. FLETCHER, lam ette St., Eugene. Ore­ Sutton Sprlngfleld 0 . M. PLUM M ER County Agricultural A g en t R. W, Smith. District Clerk. Application should bo acemppented gon. j Buidlleg Oregon r»u M»in, A-9-16-23. A-9-16-23-30-M-7-14-21. A-16-23 check or draft of the amount of bid Springfield Wood | Boys Classified Advertisements date, clalm "« anY rl*ht- h i or I B U S IN E S S IJ I R E C T O R Y ^ 86u a ä “The Loop” BeB'nnlnK Bl a ,P°Z On SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W. Roof ^ T ^ . “ M. ,, ^ U,' £