COAST FORK LOCAL Mr and Mr«. L. I) Hurt and dnugh tar» Hassl and llalan «pant Sunday with Mr« llu rfa parents, Mr and Ml«. L. H lusjotw at Walker. Grandma Paw II la vary 111 at th« liome of bar daucbtar, Mr«. Earnest M »'Reynold«. lYMght Huff hurt h l* wrist quite badly while cranking a Kurd Monday morning At first It was thought that It was broken bill upon consult ng a phyal' lan It waa found to ho throw** nut of place. Mr and Mr» Ardln Q rar of Calif* ornla are visiting Mr, Geer's mother and «1«!’ r, Mr« Hollo (loi r, and Mr«. Robert Powell. Mr and Mr« John Kobalnaok. and Mr«. George Krhellierlr «pent w o ik m d at Station whom th y via- Hod with relative« of the wom**n Mr« George Knutii auf «unit Monday In Cnrvaltl«, where ah» wont an a delegate Io moot with other delegate« fm m different ronntva to make ar- rangemnt« for the «tale convention of the F. K and C. V. of Atnrrlea. Which meet» at that place In May. CRESWELL LOCAL Creswell laical met Tuesday, April 21. with a small attefld»nrs owing Io sh It aes« and bad weather, Usual business matter« wore taken up and »<»n»~ of the maters taken up at th" County meeting were talked over Mrs. Horn was reported sick in Rug' no. All rosne next meeting May 6th. as we m'ght have a surprise for you. • DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 • The regular business meeting was held April 14 with Hugh Doolittle acting as chairman Q-teat'on» arising were: What should be don« with mem- bays who have let their dues become delinquent? W hether to take J fl. K irk, the merchant at Dorena. as a member. and the decision was that he could not be come a member. Motion was made Io vole on W, W. Chrl»man «gain «« Io whether he should remain a m 'm her and majority voted he ghnuld Final decision wss to bring all three questions before the officers at the ronvm t'on at Cottage Orov». and a- bide by their d’ clston. Then the delegates to attend the convention at Cottage Grove were elected as folltova: M r and Mrs, W ar r n Kelly. Joe Smith. Mr. and Mrs. C I I Jennlng«. Nias Land. Hugh Doo­ little and Mr. and Mrs Cha« Teeters The committee on squirrel poisoning made their report and on account of bad weather they left their work until the week beginning April 20 Then the meeting was brought to a clo*«- -w -" Mr and Mrs Cha« Teet»re and daughter Nellie, and Mr. and Mm V o |- gamore and children attended the fu­ neral of Mrs. Claud Arne at Cotta«" Grove Sunday evening The Missionary meeting wa« h«l * at the church Thursday aHe.eoon. «•>« the Indies tacked out a quilt. Only e?ven members were present Mr. and Mr«. Starkey and children went to Pleasant H ill Sunday t ’ vl«lt Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Florence Land went to Cottage Grove Sunday to vts't a few days. M r and Mrs Miles Wick« of Star visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. W 'ck's parents. Mr. and Mrs C H Jennings here Mrs. Ruth England nnd son RV rrt were Cotta»« Grove visitors Frtdtv Those who attended the conv-ntion at Cottage Olive Fr'd.iy were: Mr« Chas. Teeters. Clsrenc’ P»lersnr n d father Fred Peterson C H Jsnnlngs. Lowrte England An*’**ew and \. N Land. M r nnd Mrs W arr n Ke’lv an-’ Mr. nnd Mrs ’'e r r - »’ -««eb e'-r't and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smltih of Star. Mrs. Snahr nnd daughter J»n*>tt" df Slnr were In Dorena Monday morning Safe itane«'» box s for rent— First National bnnk. An«wer to last week's p u n t« . ¡6t[A|S |T j a F y a a r iN j t ■ A uaaa * lT M w O lt t 1 □ u a u c a a u H S u Lltì E1IIL1HHB a W a E 3 edC A Hl aas u rn F lÀ lL u ia a an CIUklSQ H U IS B Ü □m a làiun tlT lB B B a O M E B r:r«ii8n u n n nP li^ D 0 0 0 0 3 lòlMMCn 0 0 0 H iin H K ia m ueu a u a y i j t - i u l i l l e k'w kN B Ü H Ö . QffiO FOR HALE CHEAP If »old at one«: force pump, new gard n uose. C I- eatophone bicycle. Sen A W. Itld« 1 hous, residence N 5lh street. « Safe depos't box s for rent Hr*> National bank. PAO» n v » THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, APRO* 28. 192B OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Medford and Ashland have Joined hands In another attempt to remove the Jackson county seat from Jackson­ ville to Medford. The latter city of­ fers a free site and temporary quar­ ter» for a courthouse. • Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. Prince L. Campbell, president of the University of Oregon has returned to Eugene after an absence of several moot ha spent at Coronado Bench for bta health. Hla condition waa report { ed to be slightly Improved. • • TIME AND PLACE OF LOCAL MEETINGS • Canary— First Sunday and Third • fhtturday, Farmers Union Hall. • C lo ve rlale — Second and Fourth • Fridays. Cloverdale School House. • .w e ll— F irst and T hird Tuea- 1 died at b»r boms nt Dexter, Friday, ' Method writing pins lost week. April 17. She la survived by her bus- I Mr. and Mrs. Jesae Phelps Joined Sand, Frank Smith, her father. D. C. the Christian church at Pleasant H ill • Mathews, one s'ster Mrs. W lllford of Sunday. April It. Mrs. Phelps hi tear • Bureka. Calif., and by six broihers, ‘ cber of the primary grades at Pleasant • David C-, Archie Lewis. Henry, W ill-. Hill. • lorn and Ira Mathew«. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. English have • Miss Dorothy Ditto has been re- Installed a phone in Cher home In the • elected to tench the primary grades at Trent district. • ooshen and Mrs. Lucille M iller of i C. F. Hyde «rent to Portland on bun- • pleasant HUI haa been chosen to tench Iness. He reports that real estate • u,e upper grades. I Is picking up In Oregon. • • • days. Creswell. M. W. of A. Hall • Coast Fork—Second and Fourth • Thursdays, Hebron Church House. flsnebo— First Tuesday. Danebo Nine bond Issues were voted on at Word Is received In Medford that • School House. a spoclsl city election in Eugene and Roney Bros, store at Goshen has ' Colonel Frauk H , Kay, principal own­ Dorena Sacond and *iu th Vues- • Mra x c Thompson of four were defeated. C A LL AND SSE Dr N. W. Emery er of the Rogue River Electric com • days, Dorena (huroh • «n p H ' * on plate and other work *f Harry Knox, 67, tired of life, »hot pany and a pioneer In the develop­ Montana. htmaelf at his bachelor home In Hay ment of electric power In Southern • Hadleyvllle — First and Third • Ruth Emery and Emma Olsons, pn I • Thursdays, Hadleyvllle School. • pits In the upper grade« at the Pleas- { Dr. 8. R al;h Dippel. Dentist, Vitus Park, near Marahflold. Oregon, died at Huntington. N. Y. • Heceta— First Sunday of each • The regular spring maettag of the a i t H ill public school won Palmer building, SprlngfM d. Oregon. Rapid work la being done on the • month, Heceta School House • W illamette preabytery wss held In the track laying between the rail head • Jasper— Second and Fourth Wed- • Presbyterian church at Mill City. and McCredle Springs on the South­ • nesdays, W. O. W. Hall, Jasper. • The southern Oregon conference of ern Pacific company'« uew line over • Lorane—Second and Fourth • the Presbyterian church held a two- ---- the -------------- Cascade ------ mountains. About 100 rmirxugjg. i, Wednesdays. I. v/. O. vr. O. r F. , flSIl. Hall. day conference In Klatualh Falla. men are laying track and about 200 . |oca| WCOB . fnurth W ed«auday, g p. m. I. O. O. • Work on a modern »ewer system ar<> employed In all camps. The actual shortage of funds In the j • p hall, W altervllle. • for Monmouth w it begun by Ek 42 state treasury department due to j • Mt Vernon— First and Lind of Portland, the contractors. Third • • Thomas J. McMillan, veteran of the the alleged manipulations of O ar- ' • Wednesday. Hrasfield Store. Civil war and prominent member of once W. Thompson, ex-cashier, ag • Silk Greet Meets First and Third • gregates 15000.0», according to Alex j . the G. A. It., died at Kalnlur, aged 78 Thursday at Cedar School House • under Hamilton, bookkeeper. who has yeara. Spencer Creek—Third Friday. ’ completed an audit of the hooka. Pine Grove School House. • Approximately 16,145,000 leet of tim ­ A mass meeting was held by the Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- • ber will be aold at auction at the Culled Stales land office In Portland. citizens of Cascade Locks to dlscuaa nesdays. Pleasant H ill High • plans for the building of a new high School Bldg. • May 5. Miss Mr.rle Swearingen has been | school for thia loca ty, It waa de­ Vida—Second and Fourth Satur- • cided that the district school board • days at Mlnney elected queen of the annual May day t elded _ _ ------ Hall. _ festivities at the (Up-gun Slate Normal »»bed to coll an election to ’ * Secretaries will please send In « « o n nfui k»..nsi» rt tfsvr p ftfl. ! -, 1200,000 bonds to w«I run for 7(1 20 V years, time and place of meeting and • school. Destruction of much of the spring changes of date aa they may oc- • Three pure bred Guernsey cows be- cur. * longlug to J. E Fisher of Oregon City truck garden crop near The Dalles, were killed by lightning us they stood either by being washed away or by I hall, and damage to fruit of sn unde- I under a tree. termtned extent, were reported by ( Mrs. Claryssa Numbers. EL a resi­ farmers and orchardlsts as a result ot UPPER WILLAMETTE dent of Oregon since ISM , died at the a freak hall storm and near cloud ! home of her son, R. E. Lackey, In burst. Cottage Grove. There Is to be no letup In construe Mra. F. F. Kahler and HtCn daugh- The Large One Mrs. Kezlah It Veatch, 82, pione?r The Small Size tlon work on the Rooaevelt coast high- ter .Mary Catb-rine came down from ______ of Lane county, died at the home of J In Mahogany or Oak Leatherette Covered Benter. ' * “ F* Senator McNary was assured lJlue R |ver pr|(i ay to spend the week- her daughter, Mrs. Adolph by Colonel W B. Greeley, chlof of en(# w,(h (JJe Kab, „ g p ^ g a m H .n< near Creswell. , the United State, forest service. Sev Mm Kab)er A new automobile stage line has ' ! erat sections of that highway have been established between Eugene and j ; been “ Included ' . . In . the „ Oregon _____ forest *be high school at Blue River. —Delivers Yours — Now! Mapleton over the new W illamette The Pleasant HUI girls sewing club ' road system. Then Easy Terms Valley Florence state highway. met Monday afternoon at the school Fire destroyed the old stern wheel Governor Pierce Issued a proclama —No Interest . u . er Wlnema, relic of the early pioneer house. They chose sides to as? which tlon urging the people of the a m e , Klam>|h , n(1 , ook wlUl side can accomplish the most sewing You are going to want one of these popular new Victrola Portables of Oregon to observe • American u , dlK.k en(1 uarvtloUBe on the shOre» In the next four w^eks. The losing on your first outing— why not get It while these special term« of Forest week." April 27 to May S. K ,amath Iake at 8hlp. side is to give a program for the win­ credit prevail—have the pleasure tt will bring— NOW? The Victor Six men and one woman were under | pln(it(,n The old boat had ceased ac- ner Mrs. Hays "la leader. Portable is small, sturdy, compact—carries in one hand like a suit arrsst at Klamath Falls, suspected of Uve on Klamath lake and had Orlo Glllet. teacher In the Pie:: t ’ case— plays any Victor record, any time, and place with true Victrola complicity tn a aeries of safe blowing i b<.eo aa a dwelling. H ill high school, ¡went to Albany F ri­ quality and amazing volume. And whether you choose the small operation during the last two weeks. Ben Dorris of Eugene was relieved day to spend the week-end at his model at $35. or th? larger one priced at $50, you are aasured of a The Booth Kelly mills at Wendllng of bis commission as a member of home. Standard Victor quality not to be equaled tn any other Portable. and Springfield have gone back to ’ the state game commission by Gov­ The congregation of the PDam nt Come in and hear a tew of th? late Victor Record Hits on a Portable a five-day working week. The crews j ernor Pierce. Mr. Dorris had served H ill Christian church voted last Sun- i had been working but four days a on the commission since June 18, 1923. — You will be convinced. day to elect two more elders also »o , week. H I. term would have expired February | b, ; e V r v R tr hefore the The Federated Clubs of Polk coun­ 25. 1928. M r Dorris was succeeded ^ rmon ty came Into being when represenla- . by ..i II. i - - . . i . ia.ll» Q Jordan, father of C. E. Jordan Ives of 17 communities of the coun- , Mr. and Mrs H. H. Hoppe and their and Mrs. bert John, who has been qr met at Dallas and formed an or- three children. Vernon. 17; Ruth, 13. visiting In Pleasant H 'll the past gaatsatlon. and Herman, 11. lost their lives in a we k. left for his home in Montana , George Sylvester Sardam. 72. for 11 fire which destroyed the Noble build M e id ay. A fr il 20. year« a resident of McMinnville, died, lng In Marshfield, containing a gro e a s t tllN T H A N D O A K following an Illness of 18 days, dur­ eery store and a cafe In addition to ( There was a large attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Laura Smith which ing which he suffered four strokes four occupied apartments on the W e Charge No Interest Uae Your Credit second floor, with a loss ot moaa than was held at Pleasant H ill Saturday ot paralysis. April 18. Mrs. Smith who has been Group 1 of the Oregon State Bank- 260,000. Representatives of about 20 Oregon a resident of Lane county for 22 years era* association. Including about 160 It’s Time For Your Victrola Portable Two New Styles Now Here $50 $35 $1.00 ^/E T H E R B E E -P O W E R S JL banker« In the eight northwestern and Washington creameries met In counties of Oregon, will meet In As­ Astoria for the first session of mem­ bers of tho newly organized North Pa- toria May 1-3. Two large millstone, that came clflc Cooperative Creamery asaocta- around Cspe Horn to Corvallis, via tlon. Creamery problems were dis Portland. 60 years ago, are being erect cuased and announcement made that ed on concrete pedestals in the Cor- « meeting would be held next month vallls city park. j 1» Portland. Ml«« Anna Milter. 63, of Ashland, i Sales by mill» of the West Coas: was burned Io death In a fire which 1 Lumbermen s association In the week destroyed the residence of W. H. ending April 11 were materially high- , Wetnschenck In Newcastle, Pa., where er than output and shipments. Book- I ings for the week were 109.874.476 she was visiting. feet, which was 8 per cent above the , The number of business concerns output of 101.978.762 feet. Shipments j operating In Oregon has been Increas­ were 104.147,792 feet, or 6 per cent j ing steadily since ISIS, until on Jan below new business. uary 1. 1925. it totaled 19.361. a new- About 91 members of the Brown- | high record for the state. smead community. 20 miles east of I There are 2963 regularly enrolled Astoria, have signed a petition asking ) students attending the University of county authorities to co-operate with Oregon at Eugene tor the spring term, them in driving every vestige of according to figures given out by moonshtntng and bootlegging opera­ Carleton E. Spencer, registrar. tions from that district, following the The first of a series of schools con­ death of Ekmer H ill, Brownsmead ducted by the state traffic department rancher, from acute alcoholism. for the purpose of explaining the pro­ Oregon pensions have been granted visions of the new state automobile as follows: Kenneth Clark. Falls City, lighting law- was held In Roseburg. $18; August N. Parlett. Portland. $17; Two hundred Knights of Pythias August Pederson, Portland. $15; W il­ from all parts of the seventh district liam Laing, Salem, $13; James W il­ of Oregon, comprised of Hood River, son. Portland. $12; Calvin F. Patton, Wasco and Sherman counties, met in Salem, $16; Helen K. Tate, North uunual convention In Hood River. Portland, $20; Naomi E. Bower, Eu Resolutions making it unlawful to genu, $12; Charles Ilalhbun. Hood levy or collect a tux from agriculture River, $15. or livestock for a period of 15 years Two boya were Injured by glass, or until 1940, have been adopted by the roof of the Condon public school Pomona grange of Yamhill county. was blown off, heavy window panes Thirty-six head of fine Hereford In the high school building were blown cattle belonging to County Judge T. S. In, a lumber warehouse was toppled, Cornelius of Astoria have succumbed garages and homes damaged and a before a malady which attacked the barn demolished by a heavy wind herd last winter, leaving only seven storm of cyclonic character which survivors. struck Condon. The total damage was The battleship Oregon will arrive In estimated at $5000. Portland harbor June 15 and will be Tillamook county suffered defoat In accepted formally by the state on a court action brought by the Ore- July 3. This was announced follow­ gon American Lumber company to re­ ing a meeting ot the battleship Ore­ strain the tax collector from collect­ gon commission. ing a special district tax In road dis­ Actual damage of approximately trict No. 1. for $20.000 to construct a road around Neahkahnie mountain, $6000 was done tn a high wind that visited Um atilla rousty and gave peo­ which It waa hoped would eventually connect with the road from the Can­ ple there the neareat thing to a corn non Beach »«otton and make a naw bait tornado that thlg part of tha west coast highway. had ever experienced. 1K-# How Constipation Can Be Cured The ordinary American meal is a dietetic horror, not merely as the result of our bad cooking but as a result of v.Tong food combinatons, commer­ cial refinements and adulterations. Because mea?, boiled potatoes, white bread and white sugar are the four corners cf our dietetic temple. CONSTIPATION and AUDOSIS are our two basic national diseases, from which most other diseases come. We are a nation of starch drunkards, w*e carry an overload of ta i’oohy- drates which,if reckoned in calories, ought to run a STEAM ENGINE, and when we are not stuffing the fire-box with “ENERGY PRODUCING car­ bohydrates, we are filling it with an excess of meat proteins, which is even worse. Whole grain cereals we hardly use at all, we boil the organic salts out of YEGE’l Al.l.ES and pour the precious liquor down the sink. Your Progress Is Dependent in the Larger Measure Upon Your Heaixu Ta