THURSDAY. APRII/ 23, 1928 ttoc springfiei . d news ?AOE FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News O FF IC IA L PUB LICA TIO N LANK CO U N TY U N IT r»O. H Resolutions Passed at County Farmers Union Convention CDIINTY MEETING IS WELL ATTENBEBI: I • Local Reporter« • |* C a n a r y ________ ___ J. L, N on hup • | •..Central __________ Ray Bower • Cloverdale __ Mr». L. J. Gvtchell • Coast Fork . Mrs. Geo. Kebalback • . . . . . . Mrs. M. A. Horn • Creswell Resolutions touching on lexlslat to n , I »lanital majority of our organisations were i •tP i“ " ’’ And In making this report | • DOPMM . Mrs. Ada J.n n ln gs * legislators and the county court w _ i we believe We should < sen ne I lio Many Locals Report Delegates • Heceta ___ Mrs. B. Baker • adoptetl by the lame Couuty Farmers in Session Held Friday at Cot­ H a d k w lllel ,. Mrs. M. Gillespie • Union In Its meeting held Friday’ s! I »»ms precaut on and not convey on tage Grove; State Officers in • Jasper ._...... . Mrs, Grace Jones • Cottag- Grove. Following are copies i Impression that m thit not b corr-Mt, However the voir uitto» has recclv- • Lorane ........ . Mrs. C M. Foster • a n u l, bpr ,,f tmfreaaton» and has Attendance. • McKenale Mrs Lawrence Mlllcaln • of the resolutions: Minutes of the Meattog of L««» Coun , nn-onur-ended a numb r of actions on • Mt Vernon. Mrs. V. A. Reynolds • ty Joint Legislative Committee, ¡bills to our leg slalnrs In aucdl a way The second quarterly m eftlng of the • Silk Creek ________ Bulah Smith • April 3. H25. . . I t o make tile wish«-» of our niguslaa Lans County Farmers’ Unto l was held • T r e n t ...... ......... E. It Tinker • Meet ng calied to order by the chair- j known W s balleva that the in Cottag? Grove, on Friday. April IT. Vida .... ............. Mrs. W. E. Post • ' man. _ ,, , . _ ! work don. this year was In many IVLi with a la. ge attendance. Mem- Aa this was a meeting cnllad to wuy, tnudequist but was a atep In the _ i|a u ;n up th. results of the last l,«gl»la right ^rasstton and hop« that the Lers from '»her counties wer* State » ¡t o r e and the com m ittee's work • Grange auil luriuuta' t'ntoa will not IT fid e n t * 'd Mrs. Herb«-t Egbert I minutes of all the previous meeting* j dtscoutugad In this line but Waist from The Dalles. W asco county; Mrs. JASPER LOCAL ! were r ad. on following up the representatives »* O. B. Jones, trem Polk county Mrs -I After a short dUcuaston it was , nd to t.he I'glslature i .. 1.1.. ,,,r- and „„.t advise ; votes) that the com m ittee «uh rit H i ­ ihrin as well as report their i. -r ts 01 Jones is sta»? stcretary. Lane county aw. emrbtee b .n l ta have s ' f"»owln* report «o the U n e Pomona demerits bark to their tgders Locals wer-* represented as follows; ena. Hadleyvslle, Jasper. Lorane night. May 13. Ten cents will be K entle River. Mt. Vernon. Spencer phar diameter wllh 7 inch lire« B»i*y Kappauf, Cottags Orove, and are to be us d In logging while * are.-Treaa. • N. A. Horn, Cottage Greva, Door * cedar along the Pnrdflc ocean beach • Keeper • neur the outl»t of Slltrooa lake. Tbla • H. Ç. Jackson, Waltorvlllo, Con- • * i white cedar waa pari of a rafl that • went Io piece« farther south and la • doctor. • o . L. Clsrwent, Chaplain • y ry valuable timber * • • • • • • I>r Klasr of Marahfleld operated prov toon m ad. for their salary In th on Walter Beard'a hand Sunday, re. moving one finger al the second Joint. bu,|K, t« IS From w te t fund« do they r> He 'njured It while digging d itch « » * c h e their pay? j The children of Hllleooa erhoel en- 1» Ik, you employ (wo roe ! masters „ h«IE holiday Inal Friday aa a w ien iitre la not sufficient work < •’ r„wnrd for perfect attendance 7 "" ' keep one busy. Be sure to read State Market Maw- HUGH TRI'NNKLI,. t ter Spence's circular p llera for thia It H WHITHMUK. month, and every month. They are KILBY PETTY. I» M. DA VIH full of good thing», Your librarian F It HARLOW, Chairman, MARTIN FOBWTR, has them on file, It I* I.Aliti itcoolutlon Com ritte®. E. J WARD. Reraoae of alnrmv weather our Sun­ Allotted by laine County Farinera' K It, CROWE. day ardiool met wllh Hlalrr N orth '» Union. C. W ALLEN. , and enjoy’ d a profitable «o«»*nn Me WM. HOLLI8TON. meet al the hall every nk-e Sunday Joint Legislative Committee. Whcr a« we have be- n reliably In formed that Hi’ automobile associa al 2 p m You are welcome Inasmuch aa the Farmer»" I nlon Is ,1,,,, ,i,,M «tate I» bringing rr««»ure No more caaan of a»-«rlel fever an * Ralph Laird, Creswell. President. * ’ ' £ 7 » , ° " « « la d r y and Repr-senta n --« en ta ------- V-----. --------- "Z..... -— I uslve purtbaaer and un r o f ga« ia recorda »how that the b|„ agricultural work, buy'nt many praise of the activities o f the Joint heir children and grandchildren were (,T^ Howard have not worked tn a c -1 I Ho th h have I one Co«»ty ***bt *«* iBcrearod o r ; * h>,|,.»ale q u a n lllte . legislative committee of U n « county. ¡¡>resent They were presented with a coni with t ie policies wh rlxs'l n d k l l;i ' 1' 1” le: ,h '’ m anagem ent of T hatefora be t rtn.lve.1 That we. A short time w as devoted to a pro- beautlfcl flower stand made o f haxel been advoc.-ted hv our ‘'[ F '1” ’ ? pr< «ding court! the com t i t le re-irearp’lng the Lane posed gas ruling tending to faver curb bush. | « » . Y ?ra t««« and w . fee! that there , lb, , hi, t , n or d' d » ‘“ to f '’“’’‘Y L" L '; : ,.,tn, v r rvnicO: U t ,W' fn ,rOrai r “B‘y d* bt *•„ ,nc' l “4,n« t h e m h'armer«' e m h « 7 .h Union, l p o f U ui ^ r the o u request .? v do dealers. A protest was passed In the I Mrs. Sam Vincent has Iren very R efrvU n tatlve W heeler h .< »«r! X t a t ^ u i t ^ eou‘« " * ’ ’ “l*‘,t « rote.! agaln-t any ruling ten form of a resolution later In the day. ' «|ck with the flu for the past few years b c -n Identified w llh organ'sed P - J“ 000 , haI w a, *""« •“ d la c rm in a President Egbert concluded with in days, ««,«». earnest message on national organl- «atlon. Mrs. Jones spoke briefly of the county meetings held during the past , i- r tr u h u r hut WI> feel thnt h will CANARY LOCAL 189 FARMER'S UNION u * J-u.OOO that w m l lar«*«l in lloII The girls of the Homo Cooking club # considerable criticism foe ,h’’ 1924 hudgi t for a timber cruise t met at at Mr». Mrs je Jesse last although met s s e Walace'a w sin ce s i» si 8 a t-‘ i supporting the ...- M'lla ... - bill, —- - —- b - Jn Ian « County, still In the county urday. Also Mrs. W allace's cla ss at states he did so because of certain «fa su ry ? Sunday school met In the afternoon existing rondit'on* and not b. cans'» he n l\ * <'*1 *”"*’*’* has It M prj« <»r Run and oil l,»«pe ., „t r .. . • .v C-.™ not only a vote against an In« 7 W re you ti'occre n m iking »uch . . . . visitors, an mpto'ui« Hyslop. and E. R Jackman of Cor- Mondav for the Higgins and Carr , bul a r,)UD(1 about wav by whlch autemwnta or were they merely used "»••*««• rv»«»«Y evening» A prll 17. a„ „ b< readings, recitations and ▼allis: A. E Upfbrd of Linn county, sawmill. income opponent« hope to be able to ma campaign buncombe? at Erwnu Gent’« place. t mu«ic*wa« rendered and w«ll received Mrs. O. B Jonea of Poly couc y an d , j R Conard our local secretary, buy the d e f a t of such a tax for a 8 if you w ere sincere In placing, A prowi) wa, pr„ en , , pllu |un. ......... .. bad been well .pen. a Farmer»’ Union hall two miles eart J Harry Jones has gone back to work and Individual support caroled this bill In the 1925 budget a aufflclcnt a u - s ' Y < < lj Rr t eral of our members visited the of Springfield. The cou’ ty unit 1« fOP Booth-Kelleys at Wendllng. ¡e being e l a t e d "5”™ ’'I'I ount to cover the cru l.e for .he n *« n t' » - and gave a brief w.a „ prv„ |(, Lop„ A, rll , Invited to hold the next quarterly . d T n T . J n o v ’e ot a t b a m a s J ^ w e „„„„ y(,(ua| w„rk „„ hl« action, and when Mr Hoawrd. him » elected * Warehouse c f Eugene which op-rates self a farmer .olleltesl fa rm er• votes ! 1(| ur p g w ,(h rldd'ng th® county of grcydlg<«r«. a branch -r Cottage Grove, report:: a the new hall and In all earnestness we a'surtng them that they nrlgnt expect •mol « and gopher«. Mr. and Mrs Norman H -n e n w a v m i ^ ^ . 1 ' 1 ^ ; ^ " b o M ^ r ' second breach "stablls’itd in Creswell say, “Hurrah for Mt. Vernon.” Mr and Mrs Carl Ottuple and Frank this n.of b. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Seales, H H. Smith ,jon supported the D 'nnls bill and 11. H o« many touring and other ¡Qpn, aUpnllp<1 Un,on O. S. Fie-Cher. the l a i r county ¡and Jesse McCulloch were chosen as practically every Increase In salary a a a a a a meeting at Cottage Grove liring tig tbp' s t.,n1 D ¿UappTova’l