THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1925 THE SPRINGFIELD N W S PAGE THREW (banks than the manufacturer of a THE UNITED STATES ON WHEELS the fire “ good automoblla sold at a fair prlca. In very ancient days, aa iteclus And th' price may be fair, whether It LEADS WORLD IN AUTOMOBILES showed you In bis history of “Man be three hundred for a car or tea ning. More Automobiles than all the one Hate the ENTIRE POPULATION rest of the world put together. There I of tbe B u te. This Is the World's T T are several states In the union that greatest automobile country. It will have enough automobiles to carry at I keep that place. Bo, Get a Carl 'houaand dollars. Meanwhile, if you haven’t got your automobile GET IT. An automobile Isn't like a horse. It doesn't eat when it Isn't working. You can take your family to the Economy— and Happiness mountain« the lakes, the seashore. The automobile, tractor, truck, gas You can take ih ’ in acrosa the Con engine earn all they cost today and I tlnent to California, or south to Florida, or southwest to Texas, the ten gm es what they cost. The automobile means economy, gigantic State of great opportunities, ■lilt the Important thing Is not econo­ or northw- at to the glorious Beattie my. It Is HUMAN H A Pl’INKSB. The country, or up to tbe Maine woods, tiling desirable Is not merely saving down to New Orleans. W h'n you have an automobile you labor, or making time more valuable. It Is to make life longer, and make conquor distance and time Is your slave. human fam ilies happy logether. Wings for a bird are not extrava- The automobile Increasing length of life, Increase happiness, represents gunt. An automobile for a man who above all other achievem ents the pro-jean get II Is not extravagent either, g r e s « and the civilisation of our age. This Is a Country on Wheels, The No man Is belter entitled Io public United States Own"« and Keeps Run­ and the Earth," primitive man hitched his OLD, wornoiit wives to the front of the plow. The young wife, that still Interest'd him, wolk'd behind the plow, guiding It. wblls he watched for the qtieiny from a tree-top Every Dollar Spent for Motor Cars is Well Spent. What the Autoinoblie Has Done and Is Doing for Us. Not an Ex­ travagance and Every Family Should Own One. Writ ten Specially for The News Ily Arthur Jlrlabane One thing llv people of tho United m a le , have done thoroughly and well, better than any other conn try, better than Mil be rountrle. put together, and that thing I» Automoblla Production. , The d v lllia llo n o f a co iytry I. judged by th« average comfort. And on Hint ba.l* thia I. the world'« civil- Ixed country. Year« ago, when there were a few hundred autom obile, only In all the I'n ltxl B ute«, thia writer predicted that a nation buying two million bug glva a year, to be dragged over the road, by .low ly moving borne«, would eventually provide ronda worthy of tbe automobile«. That prediction baa com« tru . al­ ready. The genlue and good Judg­ ment o f American tnanufni-lurera have produced car« by tbe million«, and moat w i.ely and fortunately for the country the constant effort h a. been to lower the price and Inerva, the iiuallty. (Inly such quantity production a . till, nation ba* achieved would make poa.lble tbe reasonable prices of auto­ m obile. today. Thia la a country of high wage« and high price« Y«t, because the people buy on a big «cale, and the manufac­ turers compete earnestly In low coat pnsfucUon, , v i C i can buy for your dollur In the United State« tw ice a« much real automobile VA.LUK as you can buy for that dollar In any other country In the world. Tho olh'V countries admit It, do not attempt to rómpete with this country There have been financiers and Others «o «hortslghted nn to suggeRt that the United State« «penda too much money on automobile«. And some that do not understand con­ ditions or true values spenk of auto­ mobiles «« a “pleasure vehicle.’’ , Every dollar spent for automobiles , has b«v n well spent and has brought hark two donara In value. , There Is no such thing as a "pleas­ ure niitomohlle ” You might as w ell] talk of "pleasure fresh air,’’ or of a “pleasure beefsteak.” , Tima—It'« Value to Men The automobile saves time, the moat valuable thing that men posse««, the most precious, the moat Import­ ant. The automobile, truck, tractor and gas en gin e.h ave doubled the life of the farmer« by enabling them to ac cnmpllsb twice as much In a given time. When those who read thia were hoys a trip to town meant that the farmer must lose a whole day. He must plow along through the deep ruta, taking the horses from work on the farm. ' Now a "trip to town," with time enough to do the necessary buying, m u m half nn hour, at a convenient time of day, and with the uae, per­ haps of ten cents worth of gusollne for the round trip. Nobody can estim ate tho value of the time and money that automobiles have saved for the farmers. And what la true of farmers Is true of other classes. Ask the doctors, especially those that Uve ln> sparsely settled regions. Thanks to the auto­ mobile, their value has been multi­ plied by four and five, tho possibility of doing good work, and also tholr own curning power. Ask those that understand the labor ¡ problem. The shortage of labor, of | building m echanics especially has ‘ been largely overcome In rural re , glons by tho fact that the carpe,n-fet or mason now thinks nothing of going ten miles to a Job. The automobile has saved every I year. IN ACTUAL WORKING TIME, I for this country, more than all tho ¡ automobile« of the nation cost. That should be remembered be those that talk nonsense about "national auto­ mobile extravagance.'' There was a time when men plowed, I using human power to pull the "plow,” t EVERY CAN OF EGGMANN'S ICE CREAM 1« rigidly Inftpected before It is allowed to go ouL The cover must be on tight, the tub must be solidly packed with Ice and rock salt. Thia insures Its firm­ ness for a long time. Those giving dinner parties or holding other functions can order Egg- mann’s Ice cream well ahead with a surety that it will be In perfect condition when It Is needed. EG G IM A N N ’S Springfield Springfield 338 MAIN ST. 338 MAIN ST. After All the Best Place to Trade This Special Lasts 3 Days Friday, Saturday and Monday Don’t Move! Don’t Turn Around! But Right Now Read This Bill and PROFIT Y THESE PRICES This is your Biggest Chance to Save. -W WE WISH TO TAKE TH IS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR PAST PATRONAGE _ There has been three big weeks of selling. Three big weeks of good values and we know by the amount of money taken in that you appreciated our effort to keep prices down. We certainly are thankful for the volume of business done and hope you will continue to come to this store. Yours Truly, W. A .HALL. Advantage of it While These Prices Last. MEN'S HATS, ODDS AND ENDS CANVAS GLOVES 16-INCH LOGGING SHOES, FULL CALK, REGULAR PRICE ........................ SALE PRICE SPRING HEEL REGULAR PRICE ................................. SALE PRICE .................... ....... ...... SALE PRICE .......................................... C l DRESS SHIRTS, VERY SNAPPY MEN S ATHLETIC UNION SUITS REGULAR P R IC E - - - REGULAR PRICE .......................... SALE PRICE ....................... .....- Cft -—5 2 «75 - ..... ............. SALE PRICE .............. - .................. UNION SUITS, LONG LEGS, LONG SLEEVES MEN S WORK SOX, GOOD VALUE REGULAR PRICE ...... ....................... SALE PRICE ................................. 5 1 REGULAR PRICE ............ S A L E P R IC E 8ALE P R IC E ........... DRESS SUSPENDERS REGULAR PRICE .................................. $2. REGULAR PRICE SALE PRICE ......... ................................... « 2 . SALE PRICE $ 5 .0 ............................................ $4.2 REGULAR PRICE .................................. SALE PRICE $1 oo 79c 75c 69c $ 2 .5 0 75c $ 1 .0 0 $ 1 .2 5 ONE LOT FELT HATS MEN'S KNIT TIES MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS IN SELECT PATTERNS REGULAR PRICE .................................. $ 2 .7 5 ONE LOT MEN’S FELT HATS ............. ............... SALE PRICE __________ ___________ HOOD BROWN CANVAS SALE PRICE ........................................... RUBBER SOLE , I« M I . I f U REGULAR PRICE ................................ - WIDE LEATHER BELTS BOYS’ LACE BOTTOM KHAKI BREECHES BROWN CORDUROY TROUSERS FULL CUT REGULAR PRICE WURKSHU. REGULAR PRICE ............ MEN'S SPORT VESTS 5 1 .5 0 <1 BOYS’ KNICKER SUITS, AGE 12-13-14 $2.1 5 SALE PRICE $ 2 .7 5 .............. ............................ CO ODDS AND ENDS IN CAPS REGULAR PRICE ...... ......... SALE PRICE ........ ................