TIIUR8DAY, APRIL 2 3,1925 THR S « U N C « Ä L n NFWH that, two Marriaga Llc«na«« laauad Judge Sabath of Chicago gran ts a woman a During (ha past wsak County CHrw divorce when she testifies th at her husband kissed her so hard her lips became num b and hugged R. 8. iiryoon has laausd the follow ing Publish««! Kv«rv Thursday at her so hard that her ribs became bruiaei. Valen­ m arring« llr sn iM : W allac« Brainard SprtBgMeld. L *a« County. Oregon. by i nml O w yendolln Mooney, both of Cop tino had better get out of the Shiek business. T H K W IU LA M K TT E PRESS Iago tlrovo; E lm er Lloyd Bran • • • H. B MAXET. Editor F. C. WNSTKRFtELD Monacar A Cleveland. Ohio, woman shoots her husband Bernie« Spinney, both of Marcoln; Ketth Sndth. Lorane, and Mary Dent, ■atered as uacond claaa matter. February 34. 1*03 at the a t the breakfast table, writes a poem explaining that she Is a dumb bell and then shots herself. t’o lla g s G rove; Carl H ansen, Olet» nostoKlce. Sf>rtngft«M. Oregon dale, anti S u sie H ollenbvch. Spring T rtuh like m urder will out. ¡field ; Loren S J a m « , A lr l» .. and M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE • • • M yrtle Evätyn Stm». S p rln g f’s l d ; One Tear In Advance » 1 15 Three M o n th s 60c The Rosevelt brothers. Theodore and Kermit, Herbert W. Straub, and M abel. Liver­ Bix M o n th s____________75c Single C o p y -------- 6c have finally sailed for Turkestan where they will m ore. bortt of MeOlynn. hunt wild game and vuluable advertising. TH URSDAY. APRIL 13, 1915. I THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS GOLD. GOLD EVERYWHERE BI T If anyone owns a ton of good rock and will E d ito r ia l C om m ent send it by parcel post to Mr. Richard Rodrian of j WHO AM 1? New York, the rock can be treated by the Rodrian I have scattered cru sts, tin cans, Sunday s u p ; le n ie n ti! prodess and tw enty three cents w orth of gold ex­ tracted. After the cost of mining and shipping and paper plat s from the Caves in South, rn Oregon the rock has been met, the exi»ense of extracting to Mount B aker in Northern W ashington. the gold paid, and a fitting sum set aside to take t have hacked forest trees amt left cam pfires burning! care of a proportionate share of the cost of the from the C alifornia Hue to the Canadian border, m achinery the ow ner of the rock can take the I have hooked pears from a M d fon l orchard and w alnuts balance of ids tw enty-tree cents as his profit, m the W illam ette V aley. ■ Ito u v Beauties" from beautiful W hat COUld be sw eeter than th at? Hood R iver and "Delicious" apple« from the Uroa.l Yakima This plan of getting rich without working may Valley. not appeal to the “dull" folks of the country, but I have ro lF d rocks into the sapphire depth« of Crater th e idea appealed to m ore than one New York L ake and throw n tin can s into latke Chelan. City slicker. Rodrian started his schem e of ex-| I have aeen all. heard all. and In m y w eak way. have tr a d in g gold front rock in Yonkers. N. Y. He managed to destroy much was going to spuply the world with more gold I am the caret.«» and ihoughtle«« A m erican Tourist, than it ever thought existed, and with as much T h e lum ber industry rep resen ts In vestm en ts totaling Stock in the gold producing company as might be $13.IRX».000.000. em ploys SOO.OOO persons and Indirectly floated. Quite a few “clever" New Yorkers drop- about l.ooo.ooo, and it* annual output has a valve ■ f more ped into the net. Then along came an annoying than <3.000,000.000. Annually through d estruction of for- A ttorney General. By th at tim e the plant had <**« by firee left by ca re le ss cam pers or sm ok ers it and the been moved to Gloversville. N. Y., w here there is nation are su bjected to timb- r lo sse s w hich aggregate Just as m uch rock but not so easy an approach m illions o f dollars.— Exchange. for inspection. • • • U nfortunately for Rodrian. the Attorney-Gen-'. german politics eral insisted on an investigation before any m orel T here Is a stran ge harm ony relation sh ip In Oermany Stock was sold. A cruel professor of Columbia «betw een th e monarrtUsts and th e com m unist*. In a University began to test the prodess, under th e ’slralghlforwnn! fight betw een republicanism and monarchy direction of Rodrian hintself, and a fte r a year or the com m nnista are lik ely to favor the latter. They <9 WO Of work it was discovered that by carefully fol- from on e ex tre m e to th e oppiw lte. ««-emlngly being of the lowing the Rodrian process tw entv three cents Im pression that they like a pronounced dictatorship In got- Worth of gold could be extracted front a ton of ernm ent rather than th e enlarged but reatra ne.1 liberties rock. In brief the Rodrian Electro*Meta!lurglcal which go w ith the republic.— Scranton Republic. Com pany is shown to be founded on hot air and • • • bunk, and the New Yorkers have proved th at the England repudiated th e protocol framed at O en-va un- clever city slicker can buy a gold brick with more der th e leagu e o f nations auspice« because it virtually ease than ever characterized such a purchase at m ade her th e guardian at arm* of Europe and the East th e hands of a poor fellow from the country. A s o h M o f police for th e sta te s large and «m all. It would * * * 1 have been up to her to p reserve order In (he Balkans, W ashington Thrift Note: The w asteful w ear Bhunt on shells bv rolling of eggs on the W hite House J " “* rr,n<’’ "?4 lawn m ay be discontinued unless the moss can b c ‘behaTe hlm* lf • rou,K, ,he m e r d a l Tribune. m ade to grow thicker. • • • • ‘h- Ru»«‘«n border. keep the ,’ern,; njr' ,#4 ,h* £ rk Bo.phoro»..-Ctncin«.«i tom- , • • "Trotxky I# in M oscow— not Im prisoned, n ot exiled, not The form er K aiser says he is not behind the In fligh t and not dying,” said th e A ssociated Pres* But II plot to m ake Von Hindenburg President of the ts adm 'tted he ha» bronehlt « which In this country c o v e r - G erm an Republic, thus proving th a t th e Beat of at m ultitude o f ailm en ts. Including exile, flight, bankruptcy, Berlin is no George W ashington, even though pneum onia and tendeticle» toward I-a Folb-tlaaS—O w troit F ree Proa«. he has got th e axe. • « • • • • F or the edification of bridge playing wives. G overnor Miriam Ferguson announces there are m ore ways to a m an’s heart than by Ham and Eggs. Many big city wives agree. They have turned this domestic, problem over to the deli­ catessen man. T he P rince o f W ale« probably picked Africa for a trip because he kn ew that down the»» at least h e wouldn't be accused of looking for a w ife.—C in cin n ati Enquirer. • • • Mr. Snrgent, th e n ew A ttorney-G eneral, la a fearloa» man. O therw ise, never would he h ave perm itted hla pic­ ture be'ng taken In an outing su it.— T oledo Blade. Springfield GIVEN AWAY FREE Absolutely Free Ladies Silk Hose WITH EVERY PAIR OF IN ­ DIES Battery Service for AU Makes of Cars DRESS PUR­ CHASED WE WILL GIVE YOU FREE A PU R Expert Repairing anti SILK HOSE Recharging . We carry a full line of U. S. L. Batteries 8II0W 8 PHONE. 693-Y Corner 3rd and A streets. OF LADIES SEE OUR WINDOW The HUB 646 WILLAMETTE EUGENE. OREGON Springfield — Subscribe for The Springfield News MOORE A MOORE «re talloV» fbr those desiring to be correctly groomed tn every detail. New seasons fabrics and styles are ready for your selection. You will ap­ preciate the variet.- of new fabrics shown. We m aintain a d e p a rt­ m ent for garm ent rem odel­ ing where past season g ar­ m ents can be made over Into late season styles. ■ B E 5 MOORE Tailors for laidles and Gentlemen Established 14 years 36 8th Ave. West. Phone 250 Eugene, Oregon Travel Planning —fo r v a c a tio n jo u rn e y s D e p e n d u p o n y o u r lo c a l S o u th e rn i’ aclhc a v e rt to r aid In co m p leting yo ur vacation plana. I t ’s lu gil tu u . to be thinking about them. And be !• th orou ghly in fo rm e d , lie can advtee you m irin g « m ly about vacation apotaol eapectal ch arm an d h o w heat lu Neath them . H e ’ll gladly tu p p ly you w ith a ll hookleta and com plete,accurate In fo rm a tio n regarding Fares Schedules Runlet Re>er<«uiunt,etc*. Y o u r local agent la eager to aervs you. Southern Pacific Carl Olson Fone 65 Springfield Henderer Electric Supply In conjunction with Hall’s Cash Store 338 Main Street 338 Main S treet Closing Out Paint Stock On account of the shortage of space in Mr. Hall's new store, part of which I occupy, I am forced to discontinue the sale of paint3 and turn over that space to Mr. Hall for hi3 own use. H eath and Milligan Are second to none and I am proud to have had the agency for them, blit under the conditions must dispose of this stock as quickly as possible. PAINTS IN GAL.—’/ a GAL.— QTS— PTS. AND ’/ 2 PTS. Varnish Stains One Coat Enamels Undercoat Varnish Bath Tub Varnish Screen Paint Japan Dryer Kalsomine Prepared Wax Architectural Varnish Superspar Varnish Linoleum Finish Varnish Remover Auto Top Dressing All at Liberal Discount 1 SALE NOW ON 1925StarSport Sedan with the Million Dollar Motor Quick Pick-up means PO W ER ______ A______ The Car for the Millions with the MILLION D O LLAR M OTOR “ * When a car can accelerate from 5 to 25 miles an hour in 41 seconds, it means power. That’s what the Million Dollar Motor in the 1925 Star Car guarantees. Power—abundant power—power for speed, power for hills, power for the tough going, sand, mud. It cost a million to build, but you'll say its worth ir, every cent of it. For the first time, real power has been built into a low cost car. Drive this new motor. Get the thrill of real power —that’s all wc ask. Today—at your Star dealer's—test out this new motor. Springfield Garage [ See It at Your Dealer's. Drive It. Compare It ]