S P R IN G F IE L D — TH E W E S T E R N ORVOTKO TO INTKRKB OF KPR IN O FIKLD ANO I TH E F A R M E R * OF T H E f W IL L A M E T T E V A L L E Y i * T E R M IN A L O F THE NATRON SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD, LANK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL 23, 1Ü25 TWKNTY-8BCOND YEAH W ill Fly MacMillan to Pole LEGION BUYS SITE Springfield Poet Pinna Erection of Large Structure on Lnnd Purchased nt Seventh and B. Streets for $1300 from Fran­ cis Travis. CUTOFF “Th« People's Paper” A L iv e NKW SPAPER IN A L iv e TOW N NUMBER 14 RAPIDGROWTH IN IßA PTiSTS GLENWOOD PARK |{{ LÛCAL CHURCH 40 Houses to Be School Building is Built For Tourists Planned at Meet Umpqua Association Meets Here With Approximately 200 in A t­ tendance; Many Speakers on Program this Week at Church McKenzie Gateway Plans for Taxpayers Vote at Meeting Last With approximately 200 delegatee Many Tourists; Nettleship Thrusday to Build and from the various churchee in Lane Starts New Restaurant. Appoint Committee and Douglas counties the Umpqua Baptist association convened In and Confectionery on Location. A« n a t« (or a public auditorium I Springfield poet American I.«Elon pur» , rh#iml till« week the properly at tr»v- ; «nib and II. street« owned by Mb» ' Springfield last night. The sessions, Establlshm* nt of a lurch room and At a mass meeting of tax payers of which will last until Friday evening, Francis Truvla Th» property 1» loo ! conf1 ctlwiery at the McKenzie gate-1 the Glenwood school district h‘ ld la e t ' are being held In the local Baptist x 120 frat and 1» bounded by S e n nib : i mol II. alreela and alley» on twn »Id«». ‘ way uuto camp In W e« Springfield , T cur»day evening at the school house, churt* Rev. J. C. Wetterhahn, of the The eonOderatlon wa» *1200. I' by F. W. Nettleship, add» - n o t h - s l’1 waa declded 10 build a new Bchoo‘ , Springfield church gave the address Mprlnsfleld poet plan» are to hu'ld I of welcome last evening which was convenience to the camp. Mr. Net­ building. Mill 7*7 J ? w°2u o r> Uk T ,y t r * who huv* ''»iunteered to fly mac- a large auditorium which will cover I No definite plans for the building, followed by the annual sermon by Mlllan to the North Pole this summer, "which event," says the noted tleship, who formerly '••'«rat'd n res­ the entire property at a-m at ot *4000 1 *»Pl»™r, will result either In success or death on the great ice wastes were made, but a comm ittee consist- j J. D. Chappelle. taurant In Junction City, opened h's the north. The flyers arc, (above) E. E. Reber and A. C. Nold. Or *(>000. Thia will be don« by deg •"hop Sunday with a chlck’n dinner, (Below) Commander Richard E. Byrd and Lt. G. T Owe*. • r ea. Thia aprlng (he (»undallon and which he will serve each Sunday ■ JudMI»«. Clarence Hazen and J. D. I er m a tin g at 9 o'clock and a business floor will be laid and the atrurtnre — ---- Fountain order*, lunches, and candles ' BarkeT wa8 aPP°,nted to Investigate report from the churches and enroll- naed M an open air dance pavilion LITTLE GIRL DIES FROM ns well aa r- gular restaurant meals , l<’raUon’ ' « ”** and ’>‘an’ 8ome « - . » • « of delegate«. Dr. O. C. Wright LOCAL BOW LERS KNOCK during the summer It la hoped by I port from this com m ittee may be gave an address on “What N ext.” STRANGE MALADY HERE GROVE FOR ROW OF PINS wl" •* thia method to ralae eufflc'ent fund« j Still more Improvement« are being 'a. **r ! ” o '^ r ' Reward who Mary r - Thompson was I to pay for the lot and foundation, a( j tinned by by W. J. S e v e r , owner of « I Ila-If and erect the auditorium. Grove her., Friday even ng b , a mar- season I. finl.hed, be exp ect, to add £ £ £ V ‘I <* afternoon, after an Ulne«« of only one Aa there la no public auditorium the Bible School, How We Can 8erre day, at the home of her parents, Mi. gin of 72 plna. The first and third tw« nty n*ne more cabins, making a i Several suggestions were mode at or community house In Hprtngfldd lb« Them," and Mrs. O. C. Wright on "The |aed Mr«. Fred I,. Baker, of 9th and games w re taken easily by ftpring- total of 40 The cottages will b e 1 need (or It 1« keenly felt. It la be- the meeting before It was decided to Ooa, of W(Mnen-, Missionary So- L street« field, but Ihe second was taken by Cot' equipped with gaa p late, and electric bulld. The possibility of hiring a I'eved that once the auditorium la con- clety.” Miss Contee Hundercup was She Is survived by two •liters. Mr« lag« Grove. O< orge Caraos of Spring- lliehta. A «perlai »»-page and wa’er •tructed |l will be a If »ualatnlng and Ilhea Kau and Mlldrel Baker, and field wwa Ihe high polut man of the «vwt m. rrovldirtg running water, w'às'deilde'? unfeas^ble8*08“ * ° D 11,6 Program for a talk on the W. will become the community center for four brother». Viva, Varn« - - The W. G. and Crusaders’ Work. . - - - sanitary . . . toilet» . . . has . . been Pnnl and - * ¡evening with a «core of _ 200 pin». «bow er, and the town. consensus of opinion at the meeting Pollowlng ,s the program for this A. C linker, all of ftpr'ugfteld. ' Springfield*» lineup was: J s s e Installed at the camp. The executive comm ute» of ftpring, seamed against having the building 'eventog aBd p ^ g y ; The funeral waa held Kalurday af­ Meats. Juck Laravn L Bryan, Ceorgc The store and service station nt located where the old one now W. field Post was authorised to purchase THURSDAY EVENING ternoon at 2 o’-lock. from tha Bran Ì Carson and A. O'bson. the ramp I» operated by R H. Peters. owing to the very sm all play ground the properly at ihe m eeting of the 7:30— Open Testimony M eeting — «l'Iter chapel In Eugene. poat members Monday night. A com- space. Planj suggested by various _________________ Rev. R. Sumerlin Loral phyilciana. who utlend <1 he CIVIC CLUB TO M EET nVIl»« has been Investigating »Ilea for HANSEN TO BUILD 10 speaker» proposed the using of the 8:00—“Personal Soul Winning"—_ girl. bled by Portland expert«, are; th« last month and had examined eer- NEW TO U R IS T CABINS oW building, which ba» four rooms, ____________________ C. E. Dunham {■till mak'nr an effort io I termino i '• Y ’ I aúllete Clvle e'.i-» * <1 m eet ia *ral other location« ______ for som e of the grades, while others FRIDAY MORNING the cause of her death. r-yular srsalon A tril 2:¡ At this Construction of a build mg housing wer’ |B f®vor <* «“Bing the old build- 9:00— Praise Service led by--------- ....... p.oi-t'ug the d:l"gate will b“ elected OBSERVATION ON ART POTTER SAYS BONDING Ith the 81 at M arshfbld, Jeu« 1-2 J-2. All camp In W est Springfield this week. Ten more children :n the district. W. A. Elkins, gift shop owner of H. L. Caldwell :o.-inber» a .c requested to he preannl. workmen there report. Ctligens mill have to pay for muni cabins will he start'd immediately, Eugene, waa the principal speaker at ' 10:00— D'ecusslon. Needlecraft M etis 110:15—“The Boy Problem In the the present group of 'lev en being In­ the Parent Teach re Association clpal Improvements more a« they go EIGHT GAMER SCHEDULED sufficient. I Mrs. D. W c u t ’ s and Mrs. Carl, Bible School m eeting held last Thursday evening »long In the future and curtail the ........ J e « H. tvi.b FOR SPRINGFIELD TEAM at the high school. Mr. Elkin« spoke faaulng of bonds, E O. Potter, city Tour’sts from several eastern state» Olson were Joint h ostesses to the i o ;4S—Discussion, on, "Practical Observation of Art" and attorney and member of the P g la la -. a» well as many from neighboring Needlecraft club Wednesday at the yp p o—“The Bible School -the Field lure from I-ane county, told the ( ’C,p baseball game with the Cas llluotrateil h ‘a talk with reproductions etatos arc beginning to arrive at the home of Mrs. Olson, Tulips and iris , for Evangelism ... Dr. W. T. Milliken Springfield Lions club at I^ost Fri. carlo rcaort nine which the local team of famous pointing«, und of pottery. camp, the manager reported. Several decorated the rooms A two course i2:00—Adjournment. day’s meeting He «aid the limit ot wn* «»age last SLRday was jott- The work of several local people waa Pennsylvania cars, with some from luncheon was served late in the af FRIDAY AFTERNOON liondml Indebtedness was lielng Pcned because cf the rain Eight ulao displayed by Mr. Elkina. town Texas. a“d many from Arizona ternoon by the hostesses, 1:30—“The Joya of Service,” Open reached all over the country and that *»”’ » have been ••cii «iul«-.1 hy T IL Announcement of the art exhibit to Attending Ihe party were. Mrs. W. Meeting ... .......JL R. Sitton, Leader a tremendous burden was being place, * Hulburt. manager t«r the f a m , and have registered within the last few be sponsored hy the schools was made Played alm-Ht overv Sunday «J»P«- H- Adrian. Mrs. Robert Drury. Mrs. 2:00— "Our C ollege" --------------------- on tho future generation. * * *'» Bt Ihe meeting Thl« exhibit will be — ------------------- C. O. Wilson, Mrs. C. A. Wilson ___________Linfield Representative Mr. P oller advised tho Lion» club ¡»Iter May 3. held May 6, 7 and k al the Woodman New Store and Butcher Shop Mrs. Harry Stewart, Mrs. O. H. Jar- 2:30— D iscussion, Questions. as to the legal n«pects of paving I , n ,bnt date the lorula w'l] plav linll during the afternoons from 1:20 --------- reitt. Mrs. Ralph DippeL Mrs. W. H. 3:00—“Joys and Sorrows of the either Mill or Second street. Albany there, and on May !•• a name M»v 1 has heen set by O. F. Bevere i Pollard. Mrs. W alter Scott, Mrs. W. to 5:00 and on -Thursday and Friday Colportor" _______ ____J . L. Whirry Paul Kelly, «dltor of ihe Eugene ' Harrisburg will he «aged in even in g, between 7:30 and 9:30 the onen’ng of the butcher shop X. Long. Mrs. Olson and Mr». Crltea. 3:45—Unfinished Business. , the 6th street diamond. On May 1 Dally Guard, will address the club at fteveral ladle, of the P. T. A. will li t r e will he » game w ’ •- ft-lo there, "n*’ varse» In hl» new »lore building Guests for the afternoon were, Mrs. FRIDAY EVENING assist nt the exhlb'tion. proceed, from thia Friday meeting. and the Albnry tea o v l l u liy a re-,'n We«» ikorinafield. The other shops, John Henderer. Mrs. Levi Neet, Mrs 5:00—B. Y. P. U. Banquet. vf'ihh will be used lo buv picture« for *.U»n game here May 21. The ti-turn " cenfeet'onery and a barh“r shop, ¡C. V. Crites. Mrs. F. C. W esterfleld ,1 7:00— B. Y. P. U. B usiness__ _____ BEATEN the schools Tlckftk which are good SPRINGFIELD game with Scio will tv here May 3l J w','l be open In the same building hy and Mrs. R. W. Kirk. ______________ Mr. Kenneth Tobias for everv ahow*ng of the itlc t re» BY ALBANY 12 TO nnd on June 7 the postponed gn u e May 15. he reports. 8:15— Address, “Young People Ev- will be 15 and .25. with Cascade rrsort wl I be play« d I The building I* a two story frame Fire at Theatre angelizing" ... ......Dr. Daniel Bryant At the same time the Civic League Springfield’» high school nine loat It» off. Two Coburg garnet are sell’ ll- structure on the w est aide of the high-1 The fire department was called our 1» planning a local art exhibit to b* first game Friday afternoon to Albany uled for June 14 anil 2*i, the first to j way. about a hunderd feet south o f. for a flue fire In the Bell theatre displayed In conjunct'on with the bv a »«’ore of 12-7. Springfield was h- played here and th-- other al C o-, the McKenile highway Intersection, ¡hcildlng Saturday. No damage result- MRS. SM ITH, 53, OF LOST i. .r n.i-, ... ... ------------- —-------- ------- - - other Pti-tur--.» owned bv or the work ahead In the fifth Inn'ng 5-4. but Al­ l.urg. June 21 Is still open for an | The upper story will he made Intojed. and the blaze was extinguished CREEK PASSES AWAY of local people will be displayed, with bany made five runs during the sixth engagement. apartments. 'without a'd of the firemen. Mrs. Laura Smith, 53, died at her pottery and fancy work. session, giving them a decided ad home on the Lost Creek road, near vantage. Dexter Tuesday morning. Funeral McMullen pitched and H. Cowart THIEF BREAKS INTO CIGAR SUCH IS THE FAITH OF MEN services w ere held Saturday after­ STORE AND STEALS $60 caught for Ihe lorals until the sev ­ noon at 2 at the Pleasant Hill cem­ enth Inning, when they switched posi­ etery. Rev. Harry Benton of Eugene Enlerli’.g through a windo« at the tions. Ihe weather was bad for good delivering the sermon. The Walker back :f ihe chop, a thief, < Keyed to playing, and no sensational play» were ohapel had charge of funeral arrange­ have been r floater, took *5 ' In cash made. Butt« of Albany mak'ng th" ments. , front the Clover and Cox cigar »tore only home run. Hitting for the two Mrs. Smith Is survived by her hus­ last 7 r.arkda) noon. The th* .* entered team» averaged about the sam e al band, Frank Smith and her father, the building -while C. P. Clover, wha ■though Albany won an advantage David C. Mathews, six brothers, Ar­ hat^ charge of the shop, was out to when McMullen walked several play­ chie, Lewis, Henry. William Ira and lunch for a few minutes. He had ers. The next game for Ihe local» will David C. Mathews, and one sister. Mrs. closed the .h op during h l. absence, Elya Wllford of Eureka California. and the money left on a table behind a be ftaturdav with Harrisburg and will he nlavrd or th" hleh «chool d ls’vond counter. If It 1« graded hv that time. Other­ Her* for Medical Treatment— Miss wise Ihe game will be on the 6th Ladle. Aid to Give Supper Leila Litrell of Tennant, California, it visiting h ire with her grandmother. The (gkdie. Aid of Die Methodl.t street field. Springfield's lineup for the Albany Mrs. E. Redding, while undergoing church will sponsor a «upper In the game was: Nice, second hnae; H treatment ’or a fractured elbow Miss church baseTOen-t Friday evening nt Cowart, catcher; Cox. shortstop; Mc­ Lltrell injured her right elbow nearly fi otelock. Besides the supper, which Mullen, pitcher: Caateel, third base: a month ago, but the compll ations re­ Is an annuel event, a short program B. Cowart1, left field; Lewis, right sulted. making lt n ecessa -/ to havo of entertainment la planned, with field; Hughes center field, and Hast the arm re-broken Wednesday. songs by the Methodlat Brotherhood quartet, and reading, hy the elocution Inga, first base. class of Mrs. L. Yarnell of Thurston. New Fire Eecape— A new slide fire ..D aughter ot Former Realdent Die»— escape was installed at the Lincoln The two year old daughter of Mr. and In s tall. Concrete M lxkr. school this week. The slide Is on the Mr.. Will Bishop, formerly of Spring- north side of the building. B. C. W llfert of the W llfert Sand field, died Monday In Eugene. nnd Oravel company, has Just com ­ pleted Installation of a complete con­ Dinner Guests Sunday— Mr. and crete mixing o u tfit AWhough his Here from Cottage Grove — Mrs. .Mrs. Bill Dawson and Mr. and Mrs. plant Is located on the Pacific high­ Orant THillner of Cottage Grove wa» W. II. Adrian were dinner guo»‘.a Sun­ way between Springfield and Eugene, a Springfield visitor Tuesday. day at the Leland Eubanks h a c e . It la portable and will he moved to the various concrete Jobs he hne. Return Horn Astoria— Mr. and . Mrs Vl.lt at Hulburt.— Mr. an t Mrs. W. M. B. Huntiy returned from Astoria H, Clark of Lebanon spent Tuosday Tuesday, where they spent the week­ Baby Boy Born— Mr. nnd Mr'. C. W. ovenlng at the T. H. Hulburt horn», re­ end with relatives of Mrs. Huntly. Foater of thia city are the parent« of turning to Lebanon Wednesday. a hahy hoy born at the Pacific Chris­ Ill with influenza— Byron Carney Is tian hospital Tuesday. confined to his home at 3rd and E Drive to living—Mr. and Mr». C. F streets with influenza. Return» l om Builne.» T r io - - A. J Etgliuanu drove to Irving f lesday. Perkins relum ed from a bnalnesa trip in ftalem end Portland Tuntdey .»»■• leg- In from Jasper— Morris HIP.» was In own from Jasper W eduoaat'. Goes to Hoi.eburg—Mrs. John Kf.tels spent ’W ednesday visiting in Poseburg.