pa g e eight THURSDAY. APRIL 1«». U>28 THURSDAY, APRIL Iti, 1926 MRS. McKY HOSTESS TO PRISCILLA CLUB FRIDAY M ix J. A, McKv was hostess to the Priscilla club last Friday afternoon at her aonv at 1470 Oak street SB Ku gene, rhe art error, was spent with n< t-dleaork and cards. Springfield in mhers o f the club who attended the affair are Mrs, L B Raeford. M rs. Riley Snolgrass, Mr» Norman Howard, Mrs. \V E. Sir.., mer. Mr* , D. Larimer, Mrs. C. A Swarfs, Mrs Paul Rasford. Mrs Wit Ham PoBobHon. Mrs. Joha Tomselh. Mrs Jack Larson. Mrs. Trubcot H as t ersou. M-s 1 E. Eubanks, and Mrs. J C Hackee. Mrs J W S-avev. Mr« Howard Preeland end Mrs. McKy of Evjene were others members present. The next meeting of the club w il he at th - home of Mrs J. C. Parker. Satur­ day evening April 25. when Mrs H. VV McKy. Mrs Eubanks and Mrs. Parker will entertain members and their husbands. , Arkansas Boy W ins 1st Prize in National Drawing Contest NEW MARKET AND DELICATESSEN PRORESSES H ere's a Sturdy Seven Room Home For You Work on the painting and papering n the Swart* and Waalihume meat market, and the Huntley Uvlkalraseik. which wit occupy the west half «( tin building wil lsturt llutued ately. Th* walls are to ba paneled, the paneling to be paintol rod. and th walls above papered lb white. New show cases have been ordered hy both ahopa, and how and beter lights will ba put in. Sliding doors at th ■ back of th e windows vhll also be arranged. Th. stove*, hake-ovvns and cake machine tor the delicatessen shop era already in place. A new eb etric doughnut machine, which will make' doughnuts as they are called for ta expected soon, and a glass showcase fourteen feet long and t n feet high will be Installed belifml the counter. Major M It. lluntly will operate the establishment, and Mrs. Huntley will! assist him. New wrapping tables for the butch-1 Lebanan Club Meets Here er shop are being made by the And- The Past Noble Grand club. Pearl erenn lumber company of thia city, j Rebekah Lodge. Number 47 of Le­ banon. Oregon spent last Thursday McClure Baby Dies J _______ 7 11 'with Mrs. A. C. Wilson who Is stl 1 a Jktne FJvelvn NfctUure, aged on» member of the club. year and nine months died M onday. I j n - f n .. ______________ • • morning at the home of her parents At one o'clock d'nner was served j to the following members: Mrs Lester The fun.ral was held i * K'r/ * J Dan Glass, age 15. of Harrison. .near Goshen Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 at th e' Stacey. Mrs. A. J. Porter Mrs. Chas. A rk., is the winner of first prixe We pedlcted last «reek that th , built and ao ventilated as W> afford the aide affords a pretty sw eep of Mitchell. Mrs APce Elliott. Mrs. F A in the nation-wide drawing contest ¡home. w’ith Interrnient at the Laurel of "Old Pop" in McCullough’s Hill cezretery. Arrangements were homo presented above would appeal'll)« coolness desired lu the south. It lawn, lurul by sidewalk Heinrich. Mrs. W. A. Hunt. Mr«. Wil “Folks in Our Town" comic strip i in charge of the Walker chapel. ¡to you tn many way*, especially of •• English in line, the floor plans As a voutiuy hottie, Il will bo hard 11am Morgan and Mrs. Joe Smith which this paper conductetl, with Quests at the dinner » e r s Mrs. L est’r other newspapers. 3,120 drawings you ere Intertstid tn a a« yen or eight ‘bowing an ideal arrangement of Ur Io conceive of a plan that o ubodlea no Mart'C of Eug^we and Mrs. Dare Kissinger Funeral room house room' ‘*,|ilng room and kttrhiMi. many of the feature* that are de­ ere entered by boys, 8 to 16, in On th I parts of the country. For the Porter of Lebanon. rond floor are U in e . a ig e sirable A» suggest'd above, the F. nera! services tor Elisabeth , . . -her 24 winners see McCullough’s i Kissinger, aged 42 years who died * K ,<:re,,n pore . open ng ,>e toituedl- F u g n e . May 14th. Mrs K lloylt- has rented the house of the Srrigfleld garage, has leased a lf c j, moved to hl* other residence one j « ” • ’ of ,h " “ld P ° u*l»f » » r e — , Wilderness.'’ Mr». C. A. Knott in West Spnngflrld- Bible School at 9:45. 340 attendance half of the Thompson Macksmlth shop R ^ ,uth First B »ot:»t Church of Soringfield liuiLllttk.' alHUt 1», m iles aast »1 »st Sunday. Orchretra at Bible on Main street between 5th and «th ’ _ _ Cecond and C Streets ¡last town. J Carlton Wetterhahn, Pastor (seb ej and evening service. a n l will operate an auto repair shop Property Sold Bible School 10:00. ' If you ,r<> not a*,en dlng bible school There. A new sign for the garage has , A two acre tract in the Bear ail- Morn e g service HrOft. Morning ,h e C,,V we Invite you to c o m e » . - flared In front of the building, Contracting and Building to ll to ¡and another Is being painted on t h e f dltlott r.orth of town wa m essaxe "The Risen L ife" Special ,na«c•’ tu'ty of dynamo expert on the ship. the Leaburg still. K.i«- residence on E Street. Mr. Vet. ---------------------------------- J Siullh will 1 »o n Ihs iam b . [L2HL" Io From Thurston—Frank Campbell of Thurston was in towu W ednesday.1 Fire Sunday Springfield Wood Hoys Marc. C ’ . ' - r Here—J O. P et-rso " .'| of Marcóla was in town Wednesday j From Vids Tuesday—C W Thomp­ son was down from Vida Tuesday. Go Fishing Wednesday—Drs. W. C. ! Rebhan and Ralph Dippe! Levi Neet. and J. C. McMurray spent the first ¡ day of the fishing season up the Me- Kerxle. Goes to Siuslaw—Jack Oliver left for the Siuslaw district to transact Í business Wednesday. He »rill be gone | •eversi days. JOLÜFF-SCAIEFE MOTOR CO. RACINE TIRES AND TUBES QUAKER STATE OILS ACCESSORIES AND PARTS GUARANTEED REPAIRING AND MORE MILES bers of the Methodist choir and their fem l tes er Joyed a supper at the dhurch Tuesday evening. ANDERSON Manufacturing Corp. School District No. 19, Lan» Coun ty^O regon, will pay upon presenta tlon at my office In City Hall. Spring 1 field, Oregon, warrants 393 to 437. In­ clusive. Interest ceases after April 25th. 1925. R. W. Smith. District Clerk. A-16-23 «■ Ill W'th Influenza— Mrs. Fred Frese Is ill at her home with influenzo. Mrs Harry Bro»m is taking her place at the Springfield bakery. I'lcnkfaHt Nooks, llurfeta. Linen Closet*. Ironing Boards, Medicine Cabinet*. Showcaae*. Call for School W arrants SATISFACTION I ' Go Un McKenzie—Mr. and Mrs. By ? ron Carney, daughter Siby and M‘»s j V»V-'a Hll's drove to the fish hatch-Ty j wp ¡he McKenzie Sunday. Courtesy — Service — Quality Phone 7 Cor. G and Third St*. Springfield, Oregon m There’s Only One Way To Start Building a Home— Admitted to Hospital—Mrs. V en ali Brigh’ if this city was admitted to L the Mercy ho. . J in Ecgs-ne Tue- a»y. • of jill kind*. OF Yours For Better Service Methodist Choir Entertained— Mem. Built-in Fixtures Fire of unknown origin bur»<-.| th» »rail of an apartm o.t In tux second ! story of a b ald in g owned by Welby Stevens on the corner of 3rd i : l Main 'Sunday evening. Little damage wn. doce. and the blaz was oxUngnishf' bijpre the fire departin'nt could come. The fire started .".ear a stove and burned a section of the wa I paper. ¿ That’s to START A tten d M eeting In Eugene— Mrs. J) W. Crites, Mrst H. A Korf and Mrs. T,. W McGowan attended th“ P. E O. sisterhood meeting at the home of Mrs M. S. Ady, In Eugene Monday Spring will be here soon. •evening. Its time to begin active work on the big things you have In mind for the year. , , . , , H e re From Woodburn— M oser Col­ lier of Woodbnrn regljierad af the Ho»el W“dnesda.- T here Is no m ore Im portant m atter than th at home you have hoped for, r .Stung Badly by Bees—Charles Mar­ tin . gnrployed at the filbert ranch of Oeorge Dorris, south of Springfield, had his left hand stung badly Monday w hile hiving begs, J Vlnh Here Over Week-End— Mrs A B. Harrington and two children of •Portland, and Mr and Mrs F. R Ross of Roseburg spent the week-end at the W. A. Taylor horn“ here. Mrs. Har­ rington. Mrs. R oss and Mrs. Taylor are sister». • VIFt'nq al Johnson Home— Mrs Eta Andrlst and little daughter Al­ berta from Bandon are visiting at the home of Mrs. Andrlst's mother, Mrs. P h'l A. Johnson. wished for and talked about for *o long. P ut the hopes, the wishes and the talk Into action this m onth and realize In the new home the happiest year of your life. SPRING PAINTING A $50 coat of paint adds $400 In value” Is a statem ent proved over and over again. Make plans now to have your hom e painted this spring. Good Paint is m ost Im portant. Pure leads, pure oils, and in colors mixed by m aster chem ists, look better and w ear longer and are well w orth any difference in cost. Come here for your paints, wall paper, varnish, glass, etc. We will take your job on contract or by the hour. Vasby Bros. Corner 5th and A streets T here is one very easy way to s ta r t- c a l l at our retail office and tell us you are Interested In home building. The Booth-Ke lly Lumber Co. Springfield, So. 7th St., Phone 55 Lumber Eugene, 507 Willamette St., Phone 452 Lath Shingl es