w t i i i k s k . ay a p r ii . h ; i . PAGE SEVEN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS , (A G L AND ASE Dr N. W. Emery (NOTH B o r S H E R IF F 'S RALE ON 5 Tp, FORECLOSURE V, if.. except i "n pr1 on plate and o th e r worn ’, ___ NOTM B is HEREBY GIVEN, T h at ’o 76, , with- j > by virture of an execution and o rd er C ascade N atlocnl F purpose of th is n< U(v» is to Vena Sneed : of sale Issued out of the C irc u it Court F or H em stitching Plaintiffs *•11 w hat you w ant to »all. buy w hat you w ant to buy thro e oaaa ; tho lands ' a t T he Mode. of the S tate of O regon for the C ounty VS column». W r it* or phono T W O fide o b j,c __ ¡of T^ane on the 15th day of April. 1925 F ran k M alin and Malin hla wife, a« oppor- upon a Judgem ent and decree ren d ered iran.ual C. M ilin and Ida M alin, hla a with tii • Dr. 8. Ralph Dlppel. D entist, V itus , In said court oO the 14th day of April, 1’n lntlng, tin tin g In all b ra m h ra . w lf . Sarah J Dutton a n d --------Dutton tunity to file th eir pri W ANTED TO BUY Few wind” »» th U nit’d hl» w fe, h er husband, Anna Belle R egister anil H’c l v - r of the ' p , : , ' t ,H S e r ^ T ' j u d g t Prom pt aU«oIl»n to country or city Wilaon and lltn r y II. W ilson, her f i t u t e i Land Office at Roseburg. O re­ building, Hprmxf ■ id. Oregon. amt doors to m ululo, ■munii hand. work. All work guaranteed. gon, Any such protests or objections husband, iP n r y A. Malin and Flor m ent ag ain st the defendants. Ja in -a Ih n 260. EuK’ 11*1 A 14 ence C Malin, hla w lf*. Annie Malin, m ust he filed In this office within IN T IIE CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E •- Clark and Ethel M C lark, h ti w lfs , «»50 7th and L. thirty days from the date of first puhlt linn»« painting, papi rhunging. cat Jam «» Malin and— —Malin hl» wife. STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE a “ rt t,he ttilte d S tates N ational Bank Hhup Corner A and 5th S treet. William Malin, R obert Malin and , .tl,i-i of th 's nolle», w hich first COUNTY Ba ' e,n . Oregon, for the sun» of Tfc.v roi'iltiln*. Ray Koch, t ’all S p rin g f’id’l A IS publication Is March 28. 1925 Malin h a wife, John Malin, Fan­ THOUSAND DOLLARS together with 11 SBJ, M 21 HAMMII.L A. CANADAY. W. J nie Malin, Maude Malin and th e u n ­ L lcbty and J T. Evans, and ! in terest thereon from th« 1st day of F o il R A L K C urbon ta p e r In (urge R< sglat r. AVIllis J. C ham berlain,— — — plain- ¡N ovem ber. 1923, a t th e ra te of »even known h 'l r s of Ann Malin. d a ceaaed ; •h o n a , 26x39 Inches, suitable for Hr S R e tili t>lpi»«U Denti»«. Vini» M 28-A 2-9-1«. „I»,, all o th er p*>r»„n« or p arti, a un­ Non-coal t.ffs. per cent per annum until paid, and m aking Irm ina* T he New» Office. known claim ing any right till-, r a ­ N i/i lf K TO i'll E D IT O R S ......... bull,Im«. Kprlngf " Id, Oregon. *• 345 Insurance, tog th e r with In terest t a l , . Ih n or Iniereet In th e real es NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN. T h at | Em m a H ardings, Mary Loek« and------ th rto n (rom March 18th. 1925. a t « ANYBODY w irbln» milk a t «sl'on T O T R A D « , FOR 8 P R IN O F IC L O lain described in th e com plaint herein, Hi« u n d erslg n td has been duly ap­ - -------- Locke, h er husband, Josiah per c tn t per annum, and the fu rth e r m i, » unii Htvoralde Dairy, l'h o n r PROPERTY d f . ndants. of ir.oqoq as P lain tiff» atto rn e y pointed by th e County C ourt of th, ¡Shaw a m i ---------------«haw , bis wife. To th e above nam ed d e fe n d a n t» ,1 S tate of O regon for the County of l.ydla Grow and Paschal Grow, her ftt! herein and for the stsm of 917.00 44.000 equity |n 16,000 sto rk ranch 341*3 Frank M al'n an d ———— Malin, hl» wife L ine. E xecutrix of the last Will hu-.uand, S arah It Shaw and ------------ costs and dl»bur«em rnts, which Judge- V ena M ired 200 ,u r**" w"*’ a*01'*1 “ n'l »onia to»,la; Sam uel C. Malin and Ida Malin, hl» and T estam ent and estate of A. C. iS haw . her husband. H annah V errlll m nt w as en-olled and docketed In :hn F or HomHHchlng good bon»« and barn, o rchard, and wlf,-. S arah Dutton and \ .¡I, ' .-r ,, . : . ,e’ laities ------- --- — e violation of this j CNITED STATES LAND O FFICE ------ Th<. south half of the no th w est Roaeburg. Oregon, F eb ru ary 14,¡p artie s unknow n, claltn 'n g any right Dated March 17th. 1925 ordinance, repealing all o rd in an ces In Shaw, his wife. E phriam Shaw and q u arter (SAfc N W ’41 and th« , a s t title, estate, ll n or lnt rest In the Frank A. DePue. A ttorney for the conflict herew ith, and d< elat ing an 1MB. Shaw , his wife. Samuel N half of the vouthw est quart r i n * r -nl ,-stata described In th o com plain' I • state. M-19 26-A 2 9-16. Notice for I hl bl teat Ion Shaw and em eige, y. Sha his wlf?. s w % ) of section tw lvd» (12) tosm - herein You and each of you a re here THE TOWN OF BPIUNGFIELD F orest Exchanges Jem im a E astm an and East- >hlp e ghteen (18) south of range NOTICE TO CREDITORS by aonrmoned to an sw er Hie com DOES ORDAIN Ab FOLLOW S: N otice Is hereby ,|lv,-n lliat on man, her husband, Polly Locke and three west I.3W.» of W illaroe’t Me- Notice |a hereby given th at Mary A. fln ln t fil’d ag ain st you In th e a b o v e 1 SECTION I T h ere »hall he paid 4 W m ber II, 1424. F. II. and Anna .......... Locke, her husband, Jos ph rad/an In Lane County, Oregon to- H umphrey was appointed ad m in istra­ en titled ca*e and co u rt w lth'n six Ini,, itlv Town T rm tu i,-ry of the M. Paulsen of Onrdetia. C alifornia, Shaw and Shaw, his wife, g ather with all th e right» e f «»7 deu- Town of Springfield, a license fee filed application No, <115839 u n d er »••ek from th« f rst publication of this! trix of the esta te of David H um phrey, H en rietta Flem ing and --------------- erfhed in th a t certain de d from B A. upon eoPl, g running at large with­ th e Act of March 20, 1922. <42 Slat., sum m ons, and In case you fall so t, deceased, by o rd - r of ’he County Flem ing, h er husband, E. E. Shaw and W ashhum e and Mary A. W ?ehhur-ie, in the corporal« lim its of the Town 4851 to exchange th e SW '4 N W ’A. answer, judgem ent will he ta k e n Court for Lane County. O regon, duly Shaw , his wife, E tha Belle his wife, to Jam es L. d i r k , dated Sec 29. 8- lots 2 and 3. S'C. 30. Tp ngnlnst yon th a t plaintiffs are th made th« 25th day of March. ’.925. Kobberson. V erna R RohberBon, Har- O ctober 19th, 1918. and ff ed ’or re- of S prlngf'eld as followa*. Upon each m ale dog and a p a ld f e ­ 15 S Range io W eal AV M. w lth 'n ow ners of th e following described All persona hav ng claln.» ag ain st da H. Robberson, H attie M O rrlson. cord O ctober 11th, 1918 and contain- »aid e«tate are hereby n o tlfo d to pre­ m a le do gs. Hie « u ni o f 43.00 p e r V o 43. N< Hfleatlon No. 7049. In town- Eugene. C tegon, w ithin six m on’hs (O ther persons or parties unknow n. , \ nfj th a t the proceeds of said sale first dav of ,May, 1924; and on H'1 low alt persona claim ing th e lands »bln 18 south, of R ange 2 went of the from the date of this n o t’f.o. D a t'd at Eugene, Oregon, ’.he 25th claim ng any right, title, estate, lien be applied as follow s: first day of May In ,a , h year her, I selected, or having bona fldo oh) c AAlllamette m eridian. Oregon. 15.85 ' " S j n.t fre81J n the real PT°Ve r ty 4es- F irst: The expense» of said «ale a fte r; Mini ending at the 30th day o fjllo n a to such appl'cntlon. on oppor- chains west of the so u th east corner day of March .1925 . icrlbed in the com plaint herein.--------- and , he P laintiff s costs and d>bur»e- M a r y a H u m p h r e y . April, th« next y ear; provided th at | (unity Io file th eir p ro tm ta with the of said donation land claim, and run m, n ts of this suit. E xecutrix of the e sta te of defendants. for any dog brought Into th e T o w n , R eg ister and R eceiver of the U nited " ” ’ thence north 9 17 chains. th»tice David H um phrey, deceased. _ _ „ SUMMONS Second: To th e paym ent ot th e aft» r the first day of May. of any S tate» Land Office a t Roaeburg. Or* n,,r,h <* d er. r’« mlfl W. 13 77 chains. Donald Young. To Emm a Jiardicgfi. Mary Locke, and Judgem ent of said P lairtiff. year, then th e ow ner thereof may sc- g„n Any auch p ro tests or objections thence S 331« d ’ g V.’ 4 43 ch a'n s thence A ttorney for E state. —Locke, her husband. Josiah T hird: The overplus if any th ere be < « ch a'n s. to the w est line of said cure a Urena« for th e rem ain d er of must be filed In this office th lrtv 1 5 7 5?' — ~ s Jlaw . his wife, to be disposed of as tbe Court may dl- NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING the year upon the paym ent of one- days from the d ate of first publication donation land claim. ch a'n s to the moat n o rth erly n o rtheast Or< gon. and said court has se t S a tu r­ M 19 26 A 2-9. the Town before the first day of No­ Non coni corner thereof, th en ce south along day. Mav 2nd a 10 o’clock A. M. at the man. hla wlf B enjam in F. E astm an Saturday, the 16th day «f Mav. 1925, vem ber of such year, then th e ow ner ' E astm an, hla wife, Polly betw een the hour« of nine o’clock A. the dcnatlon land claim line 11.07 County Court room. E ugene, for final ehal pay the full license fee speclflxl NOTICE TO CREDITORS chains to the most n o rth erly north bearing thereon at or before which Shaw and —— — ------ Shaw, her hus- M and four o V o ck p M nf „1,1 day In th is ordinance cT— “ 7 at ,h t' hour r,t onP ° ” nt N otice Is hereby glvpn th at t h e '« ’»«! corner of th« C harles H ardesty tim e any obpectlons will be filed or ’^ •« w Th u ° w u shar 7 SUCTION 2. The license fee men- S .aw, hts^^wjfe. Daniel S-lmw and door a t , he southw est door of th e tinned In Recti in I of th 'a o rdinance undersigned has been appoint ,1 ad -.D cn atlo n Land Claim No. 42 of the made. 8b.»w. hla wife. Sallle M. C ounty Court house In th e City of I>at,d and (Irst published April 2nd O,___ shall be paid .«> the Town R ecorder m in lstratrlx . with will annexed, of »ante tow nship, th en ce 8 89 deg. 58 Shaw and ---- -- ------- Shaw, her hus- Eugene. Lane C ocntv Or««pn offer d u rin g the m onth of May of »ach th e e sta te of K ate A Collier, de- min E 1180 c’-alna to a fir stak e set 1925. band. R lliam Suaw and — ------------ for* saIe. in one pa-ceI. {or caeh ln All persons h a v n g claim s I in tho County Survey No. 1589, thence JO SE PH F SAFLEY. y ear; and upon paym ent of the same, ceased Shaw, h is w fe. E phriam Shaw and >,and a nd sell to th« h fc h --t and best iigalnsi said ewtate a n hereby notille : S 00 <|.-g 12 min W 2 47 chains A dm inistrator. the Tow n R eco id er shall lasue « Shaw. b |- wife. Sam uel bidder, all the right, title. In terest. license accordingly an I shnll furnish to p resen t th e »ante duly verified to I thence 8. 42 deg. 32 min. W. 6. ’ 86 W itten Sw afford. Atty., Shaw and his wife. Je- c ja jm and e -ta te of the «a d ,1 fend- to the person paying such llc o a ts fee th e undersigned ad m in istratrix at the I chain» to a point S3 links S 89 d»e Eugen«. Oregon. minia E astm an n and * Bean. 580 , 58 A 2 9 16-23-30. .. , E as t'c a n ' ants. Jam «» L. C lark. Eth«I M C lark a license lag. properly nttmft»r*n| to law office of Wllltwma _ _ . min E of a yew stak ? mn’ k ed'C . 8 ' her husband, Polly Ixirke and ------- - f>n(I . h „ T-nlted s ta te s N»tton«l bank he attach ed to the collar of ih e dog I W illa m e t te S t r e it , Eugene. Oregon, tb»nee S 89 deg 5 8 -J n. Al. 3 83 chains IN T H E ( IRCUIT COURT OF THE ^ ^ - — Locke. h e r husband. Joseph of galem OreKon and a „ within six m onth» from th e date o fjto a fir stak e m arked *'C 8.'* th in e lie, nseil STATE C F OREGON. FOR LANE in tT iJ * ...1 io,__*__ ___ Shaw , h l s j i i f . («¡aiming by th ro u zh or under Passed by .he Couiytion Co mvll first publ’ra tlo n of th is notice. T he 8. no deg 12 min W. 4.38 chains, to COUNTY d ate of th e first publication of th is a stak e m arked C. S..-’ th en ce 8. 89 the DR. N. W. EMERY Tp 16 S of Rg. 2 W of the W llrra « tta ant to an order of the H onorable G F. 1 Beginning at a point on the North north side of said B s tre t Ivin? AVest Automobile. F ire and L ife ; m e r id ia n in I'reg o n . b ears 8 19 d*g. S klpm orth. C lrcu't Judge, m ade and I ne of Lot El ven (11), P a tte rso n ’: Of th e W e st lin e cf M l1 S t r e e t : a n d d e n t is t IN S U R A N C E 13 min. E 14.89 ch ain s and running en tered F ebruary 27. 1925. and the A ddition to Eugene. Oregon, fifty (59i th a t th e Bno»b K«t|v I «■- ¡s Surety Bond».. Phone #17 Sutton Bldg. Phone *®-J t h i n e * N . 35 d -’ g. 2n m in E 3.3.?i first publication hereof is m ade the f 1 e;! ' “I,,1 N orthw est corner of th e ow ner of all th e p ro p erty ab u ttin g My buainets la to protect your chains along th e no rth r'y lln -rid E'h day of M nrth ?9“5. end th e last said Lot Eleven (11). thence e a st on the south sid« of said portion of Residence Phone 153 M business right of way. th en ce 8 56 leg.. . F r :M1cation »hereof is on the 16th day h i - lilt* u o rtti line cf Lot LI ven p stre e t afo’* rsid ! t'iDt th»1 -a**? 1.54 chains, m ore o r ’«ss to sp . t * 860 W illam ette St. Cugene O regon Sprlnßfleld. Orrqnn of April, 1925 (11) Xm t\ (<>o) feet, th tn e e South vacation would effect no o th er person fence post cn tb e so u th erly !'ne ,.f • .,,, Brown 11 i- Brook«. j a r a l i d w» h th e w ¿t lin e of Lota or corporation, and th a t -saM n r t i o n right of w ry. th n • • 8 58 ,' -g E ' Attorneys for plaintiff. r h \e n , 11» and Tw elve (12), Seventy c f th stre e t had never b e ‘ ti fcn- ’ halt’s along a ce rta in f nee to nn R esldrne F - « r n “, Oregon. 1 v <»5) feet, thence w est parallel proved nnd th a t the sam e r o t in a -e'o nntnt th nc-> 8. 30 d«g 21 r l i t i . At 12-19-2 1 A-2-9-16 NEW RAZOR n th ..he N orth line of Lot Eleven a resldenc d is tric t in «aid Town of SHOE REPAIRING F. 5 29 ch ain s to an a n rle r c ;r t . th'-nco NOTICE , i l l i N . i i ’ ty (DO) fe e t, th e n c e N o r t h ‘ Td e n d t h n t n o o n e w o ’ iH For Sale Work Promptly and m oth 7 deg. 55 in n W 22.77 chains Guaranteed. Price $2. to th north hi.ak of tho Mohawk: NOTICE is h r:'< v given th a t the parallel with the \\ e .t line of Lota affect*' i hv the ?aid v a a tio n ; and t* •? Cnrofully Done s ->r, r "fioid Mill & G r i n C c river, thsnci S 7 ,!■ c 55 inin. V . I 25,. S late 1 ,1 Board of the S ta le of Ore­ Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) S venty- al .1 b d s a t it« five feet to the place of be? nning. panv having caused notice o* th e f :!- '■ha'ns to the c e n te r of th e »treat»« gon w'P. r cclvc A. A. ANDERSON JOHN A. NELSON th e n c down stream nuh«*r.’«.Hally as , ff'ce in the C aolto' Building In Sal ^•ting a p art of Lots E leven (11) and jner of such r^titio n to be nnhKehed 509 Main Street fo llo w s: 8. "5 d ee 70 niln . W. 4 24 can, <’r«.; m c , to II 0 o’clock A. M . I welve (12), P a tte r s s n s Addition, all and posted and fu rth e r sta tin g th a t EARBER SHOP aft r th e expiration of th irty days. 1 cha'ns, 8 45 deg 30 min. W. 6 9«, Ju n , 2, 197.5 for ill the S ta te ’s Interest in Luger. . Lane County, Oregon. 'n Hi" r l ' . r b ’ d U r ' : h: r e ’a a fte r d - >nd th a t th e plaintiff. W illis J th a t th e p etitioner would apply to the j chains. 8. 17 deg. 30 min. W. I ««rib t. gtv ec h ow eier to he ownet ( hanib rlaia, be declared to be the Comcn Connc*fr of the said t o r n for 11.11 ch a'n s. to th« n o rth raeterlv 1 Ila« of p ro p erty h ereto fo re con- c r o « r e r of any I a n ’., a b u ttin g or ow ner in fee sin irle of the follow .nc ’ti • vacation thereof* and also i aving ’rontinv ¡hereon, the preference right described real property, to-wit: 21 cau erf ^ueh ro t ce to be ported in a I v ey cl to Alex in-lcr l-ewls. then«« DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL Beg nnlng at a point on th^ N orth COr' nic’-p” « p lr c ' in th© Town of I along said p ro co rtv line N. 85 <0 pugchMC Sttld I ’’ « at the h lc h e ’ t p r’c- c’ fer, d. provided such offer la DENTIST (line of Lot E leven (11), P a tte rso n 's Springfield-, n n i d” ? proof of the puhll- I dug 40 m 'n. AV?, 2 0« chain« a n d ’ ade in good fr th ami th at the board (A ddition to E ugene, Oregon. Your Homo When In One cation of ?uch not.ee in th “Soring- iitence N 52 •«I of th W iliam -1 b a rk of the MeKenxie 1 ork of th io r less, to a .point two and (wo*tenths posting of C'e >amo: and no perron A ttorney for Voi. S tato Aid Com., WM. G. HUGHES of the South- having* objected there^c« and there etto Morldlfii’ la I.an« Co O regon' ' ” ” lam ” e R iv e r. 17.50 c h a i" « n « ’ ■• I n f e r,-tj r on w est line of Sec: «n :i-i. T. ‘h n* > Soutu Twenty-seven and 1 wo- c Om r ? n C ouncil deem ing it for the N O T A R Y P U B L IC , •'herein, nn,1 unh-’ing v laln ’iff' Ull.v. corn A ttorn >y S tu te Land Board. 1“ •-’.. »7 1 AV. of M. .in t m e ’Ir.g t nt. is ( ¿ i .2) fe e t m ere or less to Ihe best in te re sts of all co rcern ed th a t , O ffice at 1 from any claim Io «.aid l«r held or r 'r 1 n?rn8,r ? n o ,th e said p titicc be g ra n te d ; thence along m eander lei« down «l S tate School Fund Loans. i in se rte d bv yon or nnv of you Now th e re fc 'e . stream . 8 43 deg. AV 3.59 ■ -hntns 8. b >lf of Lot T w elve (12), said addition FIRST NATIONAL BANK T his »uiwtious I , sorv. d ui on v >u 19 deg F 1199 chains: S. •' deg. E. ( th en ce west p arallel to the N orth T H E TOW N OF SPRIN GFIELD D ES W ILLIAM S & BEAN S p rlrqfleld. Oreqon ! h« mihl entien ru rs u a u t to nn order 17 «¡1 , ' j ' S l l dc- W. I > ' tin I n of said L ot 1 welve (12). sixty ORDAIN AS F O L I j O W ’*1* ATTORNEYS I Hon O. F S hlew orth. n,« ’ ■ {■ this to left hank of a large slough- thence 169) feet m ere or less to a point One SECTION 1: T hat all th at part of •n't tttiil ,'ut ' March 11. 1925 providing crossing the old channel. N. 860 W illiam en» St. C ugenr, O re- eg. E. J b tn rtr .! F orty (1 4 0 ) feet , a - of th e g nu h H S tr,?et ,vtnK Wl,„t of the we#t •hat h,- s 'r v - 'l w t h th!', -■ni!-n'' «s 6 09 c h ile --; h deg. AV. 1.79 ch ain s: N. 29 •line or Lot Twelve (12) Seventy-five , „ hepiby vacatt>l|. and th a t the , ald ifl'1,1 N « nnd r e n ring u to, deg AV 2 50 chains: N. 37' deg. AV ¡r.*»L inoro or ' es8> to t l ace ° f b eg in -, portion of said s tre e ts so vacated, shall an sw er the tnm e w ithin six weeks 10.16 chains: N «4 deg AV 3.75 chains. n.ng. All kinds of gravel for con­ ■ be attached to th e lands or grounds crete or road work. We ¡from the first publication th e re o f.! N. 28 <|cg. AV. 8 10 chains; N. ISA;- deg. i nnd. th at non-- of the defendant« h a v e !bordfr1n(r on sWd stre e t a(,jacen t This an-mjnvins is first so publish’ d E 3 93 chains; N. 20 deg. E 2.30 chains any right title, or Interest therein o r , ,hOTetOi and , h at thp r ,ght and title make a specialty of crushed March 12. 1925. , | (,’ left hank nf the mil 'a c e c i Eugene rock and rock sand. Bunk­ 8 D. Alien. A ttorney for P lain tiffs., City Pow er P lan t; N. 75 deg. E. 2.30 fendnnts, and each of them , be forever •h'-rsto shall be V st-d In the person jeweler Office, Hovey Tllock Eng«n« o11 ch ain s; N. 80 dfg. AV. 6 09 chains to barred and enjoined from assertin g lo r persons ow ntng the property on ers at foot of Main on Mill each side thereof In equal proportions. Mar. 12 19 26 A-2 9 16 23 Repairing a Specialty street. plsce of beginning, con’alnlng 13.66 any clahn thereto. SECTION 2: T hat the Town Re­ T his sum m ons is served on you by acres. Springfield, Oregon corder of said tow n of Springfield HENRV W. CHASE. Prop. DEPARTM ENT O F T IIE INTERIOR A pplication should be accom panied the publication th ereo f In the Spring- file and cause to be recorded with tihe Roseburg. Oregon. M arch 1. 1925. ! hy check or druft of the am ount of bid field News, in accordance with an NOTICE FUR P l BLICATION { and should be addressed to O. G. O rder m ade by the Hon. O. F. Skip- C ounty Clerk of L ane Conn’” . Oregon, a certified copy of th is ordinance. Brown. Clerk S tate Land Board. Sal­ w orth, J ” dge of th e above entitled P assed by th e Common Council th is F orest E xchanges CLEANING. PRESSING FRANK A. DEPUE N otlco Is hereby given th a t on em, Oregon, and m arked •’A pplica­ C ourt, on th e 3rd day of April, 1925; 13th day of April, 1925, N o v el!h rr I, 1924 W 'lh sm M Faulk­ tion and bid to pnrchaao river-bed d ate of first publication. April 9th. . R. W, SMITH, A T TO R N E Y A T LAW AND REPAIRING 1925. • n er of C orvallis, Orogoitj. filed ap­ lands.” Town R ecorder. Done a t Salem . Or gon, M arch 20. D O N A L D Y O U N G . plication No. f 16833 unuor Ihe act of N O T A R Y P U B L IC Approved by th e M ayor th is 13th We Call For end Deliver A ttorney for Plaintiffs. M arch 20. IJ22, (42 g t a t , 465) to ex­ 1925. d ay of April, 1925. O. G. BROWN. P. O A ddress, 860 W il­ Button Springfield change th e NAj S W ’i Sec. 12. To. G. M. PLUMMER , O. O. BU9HMAN, Clerk of S tate Land Board. lam ette St., Eugene, O re­ le . 8., Range 10 W fkt. A V M w ithin i Buldllng Oregon. A-16. Mayor. A+L and Main. , M 2d-Aj>®--'H 22 30 M-7-14 21-29. gon the S iu - 'iir X s'«3nal F o res’ f-.r the C la ssifie d A d v e rtis e m e n ts IN T IIE CIRCUIT COURT O F T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE ( COUNTY A l« xnnler Lewis and M aynle E l.ewla, ,b r on the 8. Rauge «4 N V»« a it, 8 U SI NE SS D IR E C T OR Ÿji “ T h e Loop SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. D. W . Roof . A-916-23-30-M-7.14-21.