■ PAGE SIX T i l l ' S P R IN G F IE LD NEWS I NOTICE OF F IN U , HEARING Notice Is hereby given that Ihuiald •'10111*. uh» iitl.uiii|.iri>ior »Hh the I ti ill aiiues t|. t>t ih ' e-tate of Henry I Pierre, deceased, has riled his dual »count anj that Saturday, the Itttli TOWN AND VICINITY Co to Salem Sunday Mr. and Mrs i Diamiaatd From Hospital -Mis* W H. Adrain drove to Salem Sunday Alice MorteMrn. who under*' nt a ™ - « •noppinf. Down S . . « WW From Donna I * Mr». 1KSS G ~ rg e SporM w a, In , own from Itonn. Mon dj,,. . Buys Lumber Her«— W c . Things of W atterville was In town Monday to purchase lumber for a she! / a" ^ " 'a ^ » k ‘f ’ ’f " ™ 1 l'f ‘”- »Inter m onth, tn California for hl» [health, returned from Ktsldlng Friday H,s health Is reported to be much Ini- Proved. Spend Easter Here— Mr. and Mrs Coes to Portland—Darrel Sutton Addison S. Jelltson and two children spent the week-end |n Portland visit­ of Portland spent Easter Sunday at the IX W. McKinnon home on Wil­ ing hie brother. Herschel. lamette Heights. Mrs Jelllson and In Monday From Thurston— Pre,I Mrs. McKinnon are sisters. Russel o f Thurston was In town Moa-1 day on business. Ladles Aid to Give Supper—The Izadles Aid of the Methodist church Go to Marcóla Dr and Mrs. \\ . H » ill be hoetessee to a supper In the Pollard and family drove to Marcóla church basement on the evening of Sunday Aprf 24. The public Is Invited to at H e r e f o r E a,ter—Misa Marv Wech ter of Portland spent Buster with her T » * r' P W **da ° f which “ th* A,d work parents on Emerald Heights. V isit Parents in Eugene—Mr. and _ _ _ Mrs. R E- Moshler spent Sunday wlin Down rom Portland—Robert Skel- Mr and Mrs. W. B. Knott. parent* of ton was In Springfield Sunday from Mr». Moshler. in Eugene Portland. Install New Boiler— A new twelve V isit, at Rebhan Home— Miss Rose horsepower boiler was installed at the Spain of Eugene » p n t a few days the Springfield creamery Tuesday replat first of the week at the W. C. Rebhan Ing the old seren horsepower nia home. chine. I Inspector From Portland— md— F E. E — Q bbs. fv»ithern P an flc demurrage laepector from Portland vraa In Spring- U n U C-llt I hlS C jllt n n (l P xV c A ■ * t1f Ull U f r / v i ’e n , u s n ic iu field Monday ' v , * Me- 1-125 -,| th e h o u r o f te n j o'clock In ibti forenoon of »aid day, In • tin County Court It oom at the Court' ; House In Eugene, Lain« Coitntv. G t e i B-'ti. ha» li« o.t fixed a» the tbn ■ and I lace for hearing th» final account ami -<« it lenient of until estate. ' persona having objectl-ne to »«Id final account are n o ilfid to filo the same In w illing with the Clerk of the County Court for lam e County, l-regon, on or prior to »ad date. 1 DONALD YOUNG, Administrator with the Will annexed of the Estate of Henry I’lerre, tie- ceased A 1B23 30.May-7 14 •-»is'. ' A J EGGIMANN’S W anted engine r. early In 1917. He believed he could begin a college course tbe nest (all. Then war. Murray quick, ly decided he could not »lay on the sidelines. By Robert Fuller Boston. April 9 —John Murray now ati Instructor In Boston Universi­ ty here .who, quitting an »18 a week i . . k < < . J"b llrl'ftn« sta k e,, went mt,, the Gassed and 6C2 Oak S treet Eugene, Oregon C orner 3rd und A street«, S pringfield Late» A rm In I t ’s A Good School The Rates Reasonable G nr «rbool w ill continue in s c u io n all th ru tin- m onth«. Ask fo r o u r free cntalogue. «utntner Eugene Business College Argonn« He went to France with the t i lt h Infantry of the Stith division. At M anhlalavlle in the Argonne he woe B*««*d and his left forearm so bad- Phone 666 .. A. E. Roberts, President. 892 W illam ette St. Eugene, Oregon “ nd 1O*‘ a ° arn> ln th Argonne, has written an appeal io remember those still suffering the pains of the great conflict. Men! I he mom lni|K>rtatit c lo h tin g announcem ent ever made to th e men o f S pringfield and lum e C ounty w ill be made next week Watch For It! Green - Kilborn Co Pictures Printed M EN 'S WEAR The New F irm “The way YOU like them“ B aker-B utton 7 Weg 7th., Eugene Oregon « E V E R Y T H IN G FOTOGRAPHIC — — — W ith a New Policy 825 W illam ette St, Charter No. 88 Eugene R eserve District No. 12 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Commercial State Bank of Springfield At Springfield, In tbe State of Oregon at the closo of business on Arrll 6, 1926 RESOURCES Loans and discounts, Including rediscount, shown In Items 2» anil 30. If any »IS2 Í.204 39 Overdrafts secured and up*'««cured 16 12 U. 8 government securilles owned. Including those shown In It« ms 30 mid 35. if ,,n> 13,600 00 Other bonds, warrants and securltb-s, Including foreign government, state, inunlclpnl, corporation, etc., Including those shown 'n Items 3o and 35. IT miy .732.34 Banking house, 814.#00; furniture mol fixtures. 33.40000 ,300.00 Ileal estate owned other than banking house „ None (ahi Cash on hand In vault and due from banka, bankers and trust companies designated and approved reserve ns>ntr r»f thlfl bank 39 760 48 E x ch a n g e for clearing house and Items on other bunk* In The »nine city or Town us reporting bank 73(1 11 Checks on banks outside elty or town of reporting h.irik a rut other cash Items 5.00 Total cash and due from banks, Items 8, 9, lo and 11, ............................................. .............. »40.501.60 A lw ays Progressing in the Right Direction Total 2(19,354.44 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In ... Hurplua fund .......................................................................................... 2369116 To ( lltlc a lly compare M cM orran * la ) C n d lv ld ed p ro fits (h ) L ess c u rre n t e x p e n se s. In te re st mid tax e s paid W ash- 30.000 00 6,000.00 .'/021 ss The energizing influence o f th in k in g and 2,800.01 DEMAND DEPO8IT8, other than hanks, subject to reserve 23. Individual deposits subject to check, Including deposits duo ’ the state of Oregon, county, cities or other public fctwls 201,265.23 Demand certificates of deposit outstanding .. 6,817.07 Certified cheeks outstanding 69.00 Total of demand deposits, o tte r than bank deposits, subject to r« serve, Item. 23. 24, 25, 2« «mu i e', TIME AND 8AVING8 DEPO8IT8, subject to reserve and pay­ able on demand or subject to noth««: 27. Timo certificates of deposit, outstanding 22,41 ! 1,7 Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or doing is appO 'eifi th ro u g h o u t th is e ntire 31. to com pare q u a lity —- value and service— is to convince you be­ Sher Khan U. S. L. Batteries A S ecretarU l, Bookkeeping o r Stenographic courte lu our school w ill prepare you fo r a good position. W orld W ar Veteran Studies Business Course So Well T h a t Boston U niversity Makes H im ¡ A Professor, b um e merchandise Eggs and Poultry We c a rry «‘ fu ll Uni’ o f We Can Train You a -salesman of him. but h i. work In H „»ever. the government agencle. ec o n o m ic attracted attention to auch were making that heartrending be- "nu,ual ,hi“ lhe unlver-lty ginning of the effort to give alt men deefoed It did not wish to lose him. disabled m war service a fair .leal He knows what it m ean, to really and The government acknowledged that a literally fight for an education, und man who had given an arm for h i, his letter, sent to national headquart- country was entitled to an education e r , of the American Legion In Indian- at Ute country's cost. So Murray Moves *o SoHngfleW—Mr. and Mrs j E lrtth iT ” »rolls. I, a plea In support of the was enrolled In the College of Bust William Dawson have moved to a , Ninth_ American Leg'on Endowment Fund ness Administration of Boston Unl- house on the corner of 4th and E Tenth— for disabled men and orphan» of verstty. He now has completed the streets from Albanv. Mr Dawson A~ re eraa8- , courses at the age of 2» and has been will be connected with the Springfled p Z _____ a ,_______ My observation ___ and ____________ my know made professor. On the threshold garage. ! ledge of the Legion's acts of kindness o f newer and wider ambitions, be p and help to many prove to me th«» writes: Birth Rate Low—Ten births and p Justification for Its existance. - ne - C n .t n i v ir .. . . five deaths are recorded In Springfield G__ says ' r ,a 'n‘T If B » ere not for The and vicinity for tbe month of March H— I American Legion, manv of u». myself I Murray had been working as n Included, would have no reason to !.. The birth rate is lower than It has I— Limits transit man. swinging a hammer and other than bitterly 22 4 1 9 1» m u , parable with federal reoerva bank or with other banks or trust comi/miles . ' '"IKM Total .............. ................................ 269.354.44 State of Onegon, County of Lane, ss. I, Herbert F. Clnrke, cashier of the above named . that the above statem ent la t n » to the best my k n o ^ X w d ' t e l Z ' ' ^ Correct—A ttest: O. B K etsey, Welby Hfovens * m ' ’t'C’^ ' Subscribed ami sworn to before me this I5ih da.*7f A i'rlL ^ m ,,t PÛR STYLE QUALITY £ tCQNCMY (SEAL) My n ^ i Z | AnI,B 7 ' R’ Nn'nry Public My ( omtnlsslon expires January 8, 1928. X»