TIUJ «PRINGFIELD NFWR THURSDAY. APRII. 1«. 1»2R PAO« FTV» house. ¡at the state agricultural college. “We There waa a large crowd enjoyed must be able to sell In California and ■y the Easter program at the church laet other markets In competition with the Correspondents Sunday. ' superior grades of butter produced ¡In the great dairy states of Minne­ High Scoring gutter. Neid sota and W isconsin and that now la THURSTON NOTES being imported from New Zetland “It Oregon and the other north­ and Australia In spite of a tralff of west states are to succed In selling The State Vrtenary was In Thurs­ 8 cents per pound. the surplus butter already reacti ng t ton this week testing cows for T. U large proportions, It must produce aj John Wlllian, from Cottage Grove high scoring produce.“ says P. M For Hem stitching see Vena Sneed spent Saturday night with John Ed Brandt, professor of dairy husbandry at The Mode. mlaton. •n OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. A large tractftv now being used by the bureau of putille mad* in widen­ ing Hie MeKenglc pasg highway be­ tween Histars and th e «now II»« prob­ ably will he used soon In an attempt to break the road over the snowbound summit to the MuKensle river »lope. Itabld coyote* are resulting In a loss of many valuable sheep dogs In the llay creek country of Jefferson coun­ ty One sheep company bus lost four valuable dogs In recent weeks. Itabld coyotes have been common In the atork country of central Oregon fur several months, Huatalned yield of the foreata of Oregon has resolved lt»<-lf Into mere­ ly keeping fire out ot the reforested Community News UPPER WILLAMETTE G A. Jordan of Columbia Fi« la, Montana, arrived at Plra’ant Hill la d wees to visit with hl» »oli C. E Coos bay exported daring March ' John ai d family end nlr daughter lumber products valued al 1137.735. J i n P ci .o b li ami '«.m. » Mr. J »r- WtllntiHltc university sli«-t«d Ml»» Mrs. Vernon Hensen from Eug- ne dan 1« a civil war veteran and visits j h„r Mr> Frank Camp. Lut-la l.uclln ('anl of Dallas to reign In Pleasant Hll annually. On Munday, b#)| Wednesday. as May t covers a pwrlod of four years, port«t»k of the dinner wora Floyd and Mm. P. R Edmlston Sunday after- The Haletn city council aulhorlxid during from January 1, 1928. Mr ( ’ora John Belle*. Henry, Alvin a n i Mr. and Mrs I Curtiss Price from an appropriation of lloou for croc C r hill's term expires January 1 Em n a Olson. Mr sud Mrs. E B tlou of a community building on the 1927. Tini:,« r aud children and Mr. and Mrs Notl visit'd relatives here last Sun­ Halctn au to tourist tamp ground». Tha Medford city coutyll has voted Andy Glbuo. At u gh t o'clock the day. Miss Margaret Russ II from Mon Kermit Roosevelt, »on of the ex- $26) to he i - I to puy the t-xpeuaes me.ubers cf tbe Christian hnutavor pr« »blent, will attend the l'.'25 Pendle­ of Oregjn Ayrlcultursl colli go mid so em y su. prised the ho; or gueeu. mouth spent Easter with her parents, ton Hound up. II. W. Collin», prcsl I nlvcrslty of Ore m experts In mik I Uu-At« were played throughout the Mr. and Mrs Fred Russell. Mr. and Mrs. H ens’ n froTi Eugene dent of the »how, ha» boon assured. lug scientific surveys for puht.c build -evening and partners far refreshments and Mr. and Mrs. Herrlnrton and lugs to be erected In Medford In the The state board of control baa au i were gotten by matcumg urt.de» of (horlkcd the purchase of 47 acre» of near future. In-ludtag the sit»» for toed gotten out of grub pie. Beiug dcughter. F lossie spent Sunday at Tem pt rebellious family appetites with seasonable foods. land adjoining the atate prison prop­ the proposed new $300.000 hlyu school a week nlgiit mu yoJug folks left el William Hensens'. It m akes the task of preparing meals m uch easier. You Th Ladles Aid called a special building. erty at a coat of I2h.ddd. The land ■10; 30. will alw ays find particularily seasonable good things to eat will 1», used for farming purposes. H. L. Neel ot Fort Rock Is In a H.-nd Ilia mumhers of the Christian Ec- meet'ng Thursday to tack comforts a,t out store. for Mrs. Taylor Needham. hospllal, the victim of u sugn tick, a -.esvor bad u picnic up Fail Creek Norton Kildlnga. 73. next to the last Mr. and Mrs Lem Drury from aurvtvor of the old »tage driver» who catrler of the greatly (eared spotted unday aitcrnoon. April 12. twenty-' Pleasant Hill visited relatives here f,-vir So far a» known, thl» Is th» were such picturesque aud Important {three niv.iibers were pieseuL Sunday , figures In the early history of south­ first case of spotted fever, known to I April 24» the budi-avor b o d ty will last Sunday. Special 14 Cream Oil soap—$1.20 value for..... The Coburg bas-ball team defeated ern Oregon, died at hi» residence near medical men as (he Rocky Mountain | go in a body to Spring! eld to attend th* Thurston team laet Sunday on Spotted fever, reported In central Ore ! Gold lllll. the County Convention. gon Ibis year. The (ever frequently | th« diamond here. Mr. and Mrs. E. 11 Tluker, and two A young cougar which had killed William Byler and family visited 1 Doz. Large 2V2 Slice Pineapple proves fatal. ih .id ru i k m * to Eugene Tuesday (wo year-old heifer* on fhe M. E Governor Pierce sent a telegram to night to atteuu the 1 e beta lt d alum- Mr. and Mrs. Farrel McQuinj) near (iruber farm was »hot on the north 1 Doz. Large 2f/2 S. & W. Slice Peaches W altervtlle, Sunday. fork of the Traak river by William Governor Richardson of California n. dinner given at the home of Mrs There were some Gypsies passed urging him to algo a bill recently 1 Doz. Large 2y2 Yellow Cling Peaches and lloiuer Wilk» and brought to Henry Davis. through here Monday. passed by the legislature of California Tillamook. I. F. CiitA* of Enterprise left laef 1 Doz. Large 2y2 B artlett Pears Mrs. William Platt and son Her­ After ten years of effort directed including In tbe highway system ol week for Florence where he will visit bert from Dearborn visited George With each dozen cans of the above fruits, or a dozen a s­ to obtain a district office at Portland that state a road from Beaver. Cal. for some time with h » sone. Wilbur, Platt's 'art Sunday. of the federal bureau of foreign and to Malin. Klamath county. Oreguu Louis and Lester. sorted we give you free one 50c steel canopener. Lawrence Baxter has gone to West­ domestic commerce, that goal ba» This proposed road would connect The Pleasant Hill highschool boys fir where he has employment. with The Dulles-Callfornla highway. been attained and the office will be baseball team won from the Thurston Phone Th* grade school baseball team Phone R. B. Reeves of North Bend wan team by a score of 14 to 8 and the opened July 1. motor’ d to Hayden Bridge Tuesday elected president of the Brotherhood girls won by a score of 38 to 11 at Four of the five d a te deputy fish afternoon, where they defeated that Arthur warden» at Oregon City recently ap­ of American Veomen for Oregon at the Thurston Friday April 10. team In a game there the score was state convention of the order at Lindley and Har>id Humphrey« pointed by Warden A. C. Itoas. have 18 to 4 In favor of Thurston. Salem. Other officers were: J. J. pitched for Pleasant Hill and Orval turned la their su re. The appoint . Mr. Enhoff 1« building a m w chick- m enu had been protested by the «Ute ! Welch of Medford, vice-president; ( Gully waa catcher. E. Albin of Salem, treasurer; Fred E Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hyde returned game commission. ' Schmidt of Pendleton, secretary, and Bids for construction of approx! . Julia K. Moore ot Eugene, chaplain from a trip to Portland Friday. April 10. mately 80 miles of road and con - - • structlon of several bridges will be Cenewllatlon of .U to liens on un A son was horn Anrll I to Mr. and considered at a meeting of tbe state occupied land, of the Deechute. coun Mrs. Lew W olf of Trent. highway commission to bo hold la 1 ty municipal Improvement district was favored at a meeting ot settler» S ta te m e n t o f th e O w n e rx h lp , M anag e Portland April 13 and 34. of tbs Tumalo Irrigation project with m e n t. C irc u la tio n , etc.. R eq u ired by Bids on tho now nnlon high school Rhea l.uper. state eogtoeer. In Turn th e A c t o f C o n g r-a s o f A u g u st 24. 1912 building at Molalla will bo oponod alo. Tbe cancellation of liens was Of The Springfield News, published by tho board at that placo April 30 recommended for tbe purpose of mak every Thvwday at Springfield, Oregon Tha sirncturr la to bo of brick and lng the unoccupied lands attractlw for Aprtf 1825. State of Oregon, two »lories In height and will accom­ to settlers. , ss modate approximately 400 students. Aerial photographs of tbe city ol County of Lane Mgr A. Willebrand, fleer general of Portland which will be made Into a Befor me, a notary Public In and tho Catholic archdiocese of Oregon map showing 107 square miles of ter for ra'd State and county aforesaid, City, w u named administrator In riwry will be provided by the F. O. p«rsonally appeared H. E. Maxey, who place of the lets Most Rev. Alexander i Mercer company, tbe city council de having been duly sworn according to Christis. He will servo until an elding (bat such a map should be In Taw. deposes and says that he 1« the editor of The Springfield News, and a rch b ish o p Is selected by the Vatican, i the hands of the city engineer and that th 'ollowlng Is, to (he best of An enlargement of the educational | that the price of *200 was lets than his knoif ?dge and belief, a true facilities at Chemawa Indian school i , he c„ , cou| j have the survey work statement of the ownership, manage­ ment (and If dally puper, tho clrcula- at Salem was announced by the In­ done (or by Ils own office. t'o n .ll e tc . of the aforesaid publics terior department. The grades taught H. H. Corey, member of the public tlno for the date shown in the above GRAPE FRUIT— Large Juicy Floridas ..... 3 for will be Increased from 10 to 13. The service commission, has returned from capl. cn. requlrr-d by th- Act of August school has an enrollment of 959 pupils Washington, where he attended a 24. 1912. eiutoodtiid <1n section 443. LETTUCE—Nice Solid H e a d s .................. Klamath Falls mall carriers are hearing having to do with the pro­ Portal 1- mws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: TOMATOES— No. 2>»2 tins, solid packed. now carrying pistols on order of John posed railroad development In central 1. Tim' the nun -« and address-s of McCall, postmaster, because of at­ Orngon. The hearing was held under the puhl'aher. editor, managing ed'tor, BUTTER—Skaggs Best ............................ .... 1 pound tacks by vhlous dogs. Six carriers the direction of the interstate com­ and buriness managers are: I'ubll-hers. H. E. Maxey and F. C. have been bitten during the week, to merce com ni I. slcn. Mr. Corey pre 2 pounds they have been Instructed to shoot dieted that au order tu the case prob Weslerf'oltl. Sprli-.gf eld, Oregon Editor. H. E MbXty, Springfield, Ore­ all offending dogs. ably would be Issued within the next gon The Michigan Oregon Trust com- 6o duys. Business Manager, F. C. W csterfldd. Springfield. Oregon. pany of Muskegon, Mich., hua bought { Poisoning instead of shooting will 2. That tho owners are: (Give a tract of timber one-half mile from he resorted to to the effort to kill na-we-s and addresses of Individual crows which are molesting the neats Swlsshome, on the lower Sluslaw owners, or If a corp-ration, give Its Fancy Lily of the Valley Vegetables in No. 2 tins—Golden B antam Corn, river, from Mrs. Marie W hile ol of water fowl near Summer Lake, ac name and th names nnd addresses Duluth. Minn. The tract contains cording to a decision of the Deschutes cf stockholders owning cr hold ng 1 Sifted Early June Peas or Cut Stringless Beans. 4 Tins ..... Rod and Gun club. Th« club had ■»or cent or more cf the total amount about 6.000.000 feet. of stock-. H. E. Maxey. Spr'ngfiod, George Putnam, editor and pub­ planned to organise a large party of Oregon. F. C. Weaterflold. Springfield, Standard Peas, String Beans or Tom atoes, 7 cans........ lisher of the Salem Capital Journal, Deschutes county folk to visit the Oregon Black Figs, Extra Choice 25 lb. Box ................ ........ 3. That the known bondholders; has demanded that Joliu Caraon, dis­ lake anil shoot the Invading birds. A. trict attorney ot Marlon county, start E. I'-urghduff. state game warden, ad mortgag- «, ard other security holt! White S ta r Sardines, in Oval Tins. Mustard or Tom ato Sauce 2 for or- owning or holding 1 per cent or nianilumua proceedings looking to the vised again*, thia method uud gave mere of total »moi at of bond», inort- return of the atate banking depart­ directions for the use of poison. Cereals, Crown Premium Oats or Wheat in 3 lb. Cartoons, 2 pkgs. g ges, oi other aiectu'tlto are: (If Members of the tribal council tjf the there are none ro i-’a tn ) None ment Io the stale capital. Klsmalh Indiana apt ared • >rt 4. That the fr o pararrei hs n xt It was reported at Salem that an Hubert Wora, secretary ot the in­ above, giving th» namrs of the owners attack may be launched In tho courts Î terior at Klamath Falls with an stockholders nnd security holder’ , it I to annul the so-callod cigarette tax urgent plea for his Inl'.uetice toward any, contain not only the 1 st of stock­ holders and security holders n s they law which was enacted at the recent getting a $3.1)90.000 government loan. appear uir n tho book-! of (he com session of the legislature. The re­ As spokesman for the Klamcth tribe. punv but also, n ca’ where tbe j port Indicated that the proceedings ÎÏ Peldon Kirk, chairman of the cout- stockholder nr security holder appears ( would aliuck tho title of the act. ell. told of the hardships of his people upon the bonhc of tbe company or in , Tho annual conference of county In their efforts to farm their lands on any other fiduciary relation, th-- na n « ; agents of the Const counties of Ore­ tho reservation, anti declared that a of the pertoti or rarpofitlon for whom 1 s'Jc".( trustee is acting Is given; s'