PAGE FOUR T H U R flD A Y . A P R II, 10, 1926 « THE SPIUNGFITO.D NEWS " Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANK COUNTY UNIT NO. 14 • G ray D igger Men In A ll Localities r • • • • • • • ¡C L O V E R S U C C E E D S BE?ST OFFICERS OF LAN* COUNTY • W H EN P LA N TE D ALO NE • D O R E N A L O C A L N O . 190 Lo cal R e p o rta ra CANARY LOCAL 189 FARMER'S UNION ’ ....... - i ■— * | R»d and al'lk clover planted alone Central .... .............. Ray Bower Ralph Laird, Crsswell. Prssldsnt. • wlll ba mora aucceMful In establishing Brother E. B. Potter has cleared up Cage Vunscholaek Is busy thia week Clovenlale Mrs. L. J. Oetchell Will Wbtaler. Trent. Vies Prasl- • a stand Although Indication« from evgtral seres of bottom fend this scraping and cleaning out the county Mrs. lleo. Kehelheck Coast Fork Couny Court Appoints 24 Men dent, • Iho d ea l'rs and the eXperlman, sia- spring and Is planting It to grain anil road __ Mrs. M A. Horn C r e sw e ll__ to Supervise Work in Various Brtty Kappauf, Cottage Qrova, • lion at Curvatila »how a «hort ai te­ i A number of the p ople from here Communities Under A g ric u l-’ IXirwisi ....... Mrs. Ada Jennings roots. »«O.-Traa*. • nge of clover for 1925. »»ad deal rs ......... Mrs, B. Baker HvctMA Leslie Acstln Is up and attended and enjoyed ihe basket so Stater trual Agent Instructions. N. A, Horn, Cottage Qrova, Ooor • i Indicale a rather »low dt unMd for Mrs. M Gillespie HadUyvtllel In after her athiek o' «car- c'al and program given by the Star Keeper * trover ««•-•I this sprit«*, lier»u«e ot Mrs. Grace Jones Committeemen to act in cosjunc- | * Jit*p rr____ H. C. Jackson. Waltarvllle, Con- ♦ the MAUMialty few numbers of In- Mrs. C. M. Foster Miss Unii» W ill,“ and Ml»« Hull >v tton with the county agricultural a seat i * Lernn»» ....... du otor. • quirt's at the station, li »e- no lo in­ in exterminating the gray digger have ; * .McKenile Mrs Lawrence MUlcain Sister C. K Hester w a > ca led to came up from Fugen- Sunday, and O. L. Clement. Chaplain. * dicale that the farmer» do not figure Mrs. V. A. Reynolds gave a very Interesting talk on the Mt Vernon been appointed by the county court I* Eugene last week by the death of her en pine ng I I n i r thl "l«r tur I V Endeavor work and the International In all sections of the county. T heyt* Silk Cr'ek ..... ......... Bulah Smiih tether. »■’« o n the elo» r crop was short and E. B Tinker ,-iittvi nu*O!A at (th.- church Sunday will serve without pay and have gen- * Trent _____ The Faster exercises a* th ? hall the clover crop for 192fi I» going to Mrs. W. E. Post 'ey has been distributed throughout i* Vida ....... .... have been postponed because of sick­ evvn'Bg. M c K E N Z IE L O C A L !>• chert b-• ¿nt»« of the drv sumnit-r Mr ttnd M«« Chas Teeter», and their localities. t ness. to a date to be announced later • • • • • • of ,974 which killed mint «>f th clt v»r d iu g h t r-- N e lli.' nn l M•-1 V» •" Much squirrrel poisoning Is now Mr« Frank loine and son AH' n, of seeding |s chcn|irr for I*1- farmer From Our Exchanges Volgamore and children from W ill going on in the county. Polson bar nr bttwine*i» nt«Mating: wa Bandon are v lsitn g at the t'arl Mil! t Io grew hl» own hav which ahocld he woielt went to Fl'tyerei Sunday I * »poh ley has been distributed throughout; s K K, Morn •on t From the Kansas Union Farmer home. I I.'- I .■ ui I n 'I a g ra b g ra s* a»| I spend Easter with their daughter. the county and it is believed that an !n< «» dw<*lopin'tul nd th A party of Cushman young people we barn that since the first of Janu­ weed hay Good quality hay I» cheap, M r s B o h Coomba. effective campaign is being waged to ary. Kansas has Initiated S55 new made a flying trip to Silicon« and r-'- er to f-e I th«n poor n'lnllty li»y wh ch B u ' William» 1« bu'ldtng « v >»' destroy this pest. wer« Mr, *und Mr tak -• more f-w feeding members and re-lnstaied more than turn on Sunday's train irnrn on hl« pis." here The appointment of c o m m u n ity ;.., . __ Cira The II u m Brothers are hn«v separat i l Mr ani Mrs . Ira ... ... ild fp me.’ibers, one county alone but Plow the land tarty in the « p rin t P er Starkey ..„ ! daughter Eta I of ut n Lat iti Mr. and Mn committeemen follow: ,__ row one ing hundred their herds and get ing them Ing ____ more i than and culllvata utili) planting in k ill th» this rlace wen' 1.» Drain Sunday w tb Name Address Community m e:'b ra. Between the firs' of the ¡moved to their home pasture*, of Vida w- « d" and mstninlti a g- o f match. Mr Brown to a l’ -nd -hurch se-vl -es M F. Stewart, Crow Stage Eugen tin Match ts tt vl*lH itt ÇOÎ11’pitie T h e la te w ttrklnr - f the land «houli year a n l the iirst of March the Farm I Slltcoos w-hoo, report« an avers«« Jim Snahr punhased n car Four Oaks 1<>wa 9J5 new attendance of 97« P»r r-nt for the attended th f* Vidit I*»-: il in il g h -hallow to nro11 bring,ng up mom from the Wood mr's ls«t we G. L. Prindel. Alpha Deadwood a iw ilb trs an(1 j « w«,o h , l la»« ftmr week«. w |’h an a v e r » » - The calf chit was t rganllrd. at w e n l » 'c d « P la n t 13 r o f red Mr, and Mrs Wl Ila“ and child'«« S. C. Hamden M. R. A.. Eugene Irving Quit paying dues and dropped out. 1 membership of 1ft the members ar very enthusiast!«' clover or als'ka clav-r an arm w re Cottage O .ote y!«»t'., from h-re J. S W«t Ja M. R. B.. Eugene Portland. nnf» Kansas hopes to have 40.000 member» <1 ’5 Put, »n, from the mid»,le o f Ar-'l Io Ihu Willakenxie owner of th-- »♦ \V«***lafc* Friday evening befere their next «tate convent‘on. Early Plowing Helps middle of May Drill I, In ‘f stlHshl» Mr and V •« Evert Wright and H. A. Stoneberg M. R A.. Eugene that burned recently. ’n RIMcoow children of Co’ u ife Gro. • visit’ d at Wl I lamatta valley iru 'l planll- . -rai'hln-ry I» ava*'aide. w h''h will Coburg • last week tnoktrir o r r t>»*» P P the home .»* Mm Wrtghi s parents that a n pica 4 and w icked down b) seed »bout I In ch Ip depth er broad- G. W. McFarland. Cottage Grove • Oo*d*w rroperty a« a p r o te c tiv e saw ­ C O AST FO R K LO C AL Mr and M s W ' lotnd Sunday Ihe middle of April will con.nrve more o t by hand Cover the ••<<, hv Cottage Grove • mill alte Clarence and Cbarlt I’et-pion nrd molature than th.-m Wfl un?l w .1 harrowing llghllv or using ih e cor- H. W. Wheeler. Goshen Goshen • • • * . * • • • fVanv Raubert of Cr \ C ex Bart Flanagan. M R. A.. Eugene session on April 9th with vlcmpre«' I T b o s w ith in e v e c n e e ' ,'•■> lo r For Ho'n»t|t«dilng »re Vena Sne<-d tension service Shade and protection Meadow View dent Powell In the chair. R-port of r»n< came h»d ■ fine egblM'.'on o' dr'eson of Cottage G“ »■' Rav Vanr-ch’lack and family h’D I'fo rd ed bv a cover cron doe« not be- at The Minie. L. J Getcbell Creswell Cloverdale the Delegate to the Agrictl tural coun- h,*h climb'"« Mondav Tuesday morning for Bujada w h«'- Jo conserve as much m olitura »« E. W. Powell. Cottage Grove. M onca c!l were given, followed by the ap- Brother Herringtons are bn«" mak Ray will «tt nd to the fire trail* In Is tost by the leave» through tran» Coast Fork Creswell C resw ct rolntment of committeemen on poison in« Imnrovements around Ihelr rew WHEREAS In chapter ,17. nt Cpun, v School Supero,. I Mr 1 ... „ „ . . . . . . . . th « ' i n i ’ ■ f ■ » r i t- i Th- sick comm ittee report Ih» 111-! T 'her -aren,« Mr. and Mr». John Mo. Daneba ■on firm, ■ ’pirtu rsblp. company «'id ness of Mr». Hugh Trunnell. members ; , ’*"',Pnt Arnold ( 1 er vfelteS hw , Thuri,tl>y whl|.. ¡ * corporation owning, |«*a»lng, occupy* Geo. A. Powell. M R. C.. Eugene T IM E A N D P L A C E OF HadleyvilU ar« ’orr? 10 know her h e ," h B e a n T h /.tl» »T-.b-r ihe Mr. Hand« w m t ,o Creaent City. < «1! • In, pnesmislng nr having chnrg« of or L O C A L M E E T IN G S «how» no Improvement. The delegate»' . . . . __.______, fom la to wrcatl- . dom'nlon over gny land, pi Jame» 9. Baugh. Springfield —— in« structure, wharf pier or lock ¡doctor’» care with a lame hand. In- Mt V ern on to th e County convention wero ap- Mr and Mr« I-ot Wagner and child . . CtnMrr M First Sunday and Third • Whl« h I» ..ifiwled with groan I anulr Mt vernon i » ! f»rted while dlging ditches. It cans«» ' I pointed. r n attended the church service» at , Rgturdiv, Farmers Halon Hall rebi and mb« r novluus roJtnta or E. B. Tinker. Route 1. Creswell Trent Albert Woodard is very 111 at h ls,* ’ mo‘ h P"1'’ ' '1'^ Brother Potter Is'ng no son,« 8l,,,dBy roorn.'n.* * «’lo v .r d .i— Iteetmd and Fourth • "I? ft S J e ffr ie » M R C F u ren -“ .home at camo B with the fin. n r o .n r « n r ie ie n a u» i and Mr« Elmos Dooltlf ' were r-iAwwMtwlw H rhixg lla u n e • Prv*et»ceuf th e aattie »ball c on»» to R. S. JeffTies. M K. C., Eugen „na „ ._ en, . m,»A, fancy cream records with his three Mr r'‘ * Frldsye t lov«w dale S ch .sU H o u se h u , h|>lr o(. k<,n W|ad g„ , t our,» ' » W illam ette CaT^ E*f**nr nn .erwent a m a ^ r ______*_________ called to Eugene Friday '»n «mount of e rrtwiwell- Elrwt and Thlnl Tu ___ pioreed and I I continue In goad 'xllh. year old Jerseys. Wm Moore Lorane Lorane operation at the Eugene hospital on j !th- Illtie»« of Ihelr MB. Alb.wt .. Crorwell M W. of A Hall. • to »Storm,MM «1 I ■. b . Mr« Sroyer and eons. Fioyd and . , nd g .mr, h » deal« bv t I . o r trapping nr other Rov Bower. Crow Stage. Eugen« Saturday. Central W. WFThaekreh who has been * ^ rnn^ 'h • “*’ "Vr,'r Ztur"key" anil ’ Tt,ur",lajr" Itebfs.n Church llo u a o • '«-¡'lEU K A H " < r « i ‘ digger' ' 'grou n d H A O L F Y V IL l E I 0 ^ 4 1 v«-ry 111 1» slowly recovering. . j Lester Millican. W aterville, • day Sunday with Mrs. S a v . nanebo—First Tu«wday, Uanetm • squirrels (Cltnllna d ou llasll, a r e box • • • • • e ( e Mr sed Mrs T, D. Huff and fatn'lv McKeoxie Rlv>r children. » School Hoqse. * lone rodents la Ion»« County. Oregon. Dorena «oent Farter Sunday at the Robt J. L. Smith Dorena Dorena--Saeoad and Fouth Tuna- “ Now, ibc-.-f'e««, all a t c h p-raons. firms. copartner« hips, corporations H. H. Smith has been on the sick J a sp er, Powell home G rim m A lfa lfa H a rd y Fred Wallace Jasper • day«. Dorena I’buroh • r b. , h, „ the common variety. • v sm . . Pa • *° exterm inate said fray digger | Born, to Mr snd Mrs Howard Cox. j Henderson of Lorane according to a survey made receat,ljt ground squirrel» (C ltellw douglasID shooth Heenta (hrhool H ou se • w | ( b | n th ir t y days fro m Ih e d a te of • a son on April 2nd. Mrs. H. Nlghewander visited her by R w ¡unr, e. county agent. He • Jaapar—Second and Fourth Wed- * the flrat pubUrattn of thia notice. Norman Ream visited pver Sundav father. H. H. Smith. Easter. , , ay, th„ Grimm sowed by I. Skovbo CENTRAL LOCAL ■u<'h Bnl taken, a person with her parents. Mr. a"d Mrs. E F. jgrs Geo. Powell Is »taring with Boardman a year ago waa not • aswdaya W O W Hall Jasper • • lowano—A aa«d so* Foerth • ** Pe’'*,’na »>9 ’ he Ixwano -Serond sod Fourth e((Urt of Ml(J ljtn „ r(Wnly w,„ county , nlpf. Ream of McKeqx'e River. Llnvd niece Mr.». Cox. at Lotylon damaged while common alfalfa all m em bers i Hubbard from Camp B. accompanied j ¡tjr Manley of Eugene spent Friday • Wednesdays I. O. O. F. Hall. • upon ««Id lands and proceed to aster- around It was nipped Garnet Baratt The contest for new local, eemnd snd * mtnate said gray dtgrer ground sqnlr- night with the Seals family of Hepner reports tha, Grimm he se-d • • fo MBKnnil* closed Saturday evening April 4th him u rth W ed n esd a y , g p m I G O •¡» •I « " 'It-llua dotiglasll) and Ihe cost Andrew 8 ,monsen'» brother and ed two years sgo 1« the only alfalfa arith the radies winning by a large • F hall. W.IUwvtlle « ’ « ' ' ' ’"In.Hon will be levied ch lek s Want Free Range wlf» and sons from Portland spent left on his place. Many other grow , arviinwt »aid land majority. The same evening at the Brooding chicks on clean soil snd the week-end with him and fil» family ere report similar comparisons, ac­ • M l. V^rnoo -Firat and Third •( Tha county agricultural affnnt h<*ra- home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Petsold • Wndneaday HraeGeld Htoce • by designate« Monday. April 13th. as Jessie Slmnnsen from Eugene spent cording to Morse. the new and old members and their giving them free range following the « (T at* Meets Fleet and Third • • ,o ** • • " « lu ln -e l pols- brooding period Is a wiee practice, ac ¡her Ea«ter vacation with her parents Orfmm 1» the variety recommended • . Silk fam lllee were entertained. ___ . ___ „ . ____ . . . . . onlng dav- throughout the «aid Lane Th ireday at Cedar Schoo, House nouaiy. and It fs h""eby recommended by the state and county agricultural Five members were Initiated and cording to H. E. Cosby, poultry Mr. and Mrs M. Slmonsen. eighteen more who had promised to j specialist for the n. A. C. extension — ---------------------- — economic conference because as com­ • Spencer Creek—Third Friday. • that poisoned barley, as prepared by • the undersigned snd representatives Join and planned to be there, because service. A two. three or four yard Marriage Licenses Issued pared with other varieties It live« • Fine Grove School House. • Tcmt -rtecoo.1 and Fourth Wed • "f ,h *‘ h,,rr*u Biological Survey of the alm ost Impassable condition . system with the permanent brooder During the past week the county long’ T, resists cold belter, starts • u . . ■>.» ... . nf ,h e United Rtat'» Depertojcnt of aw daye I4e««ant 1,1,1 High • Arrl(11,lllr,. bp ltHPI, for (b„ p„rp„ ,n of the roads, were unable to attend. 1 will permit ranging chicks on clean clerk has lr»ued marriage llc-n ses to earlier In the spring and y h ’ds more • WMM Bldg. • . t i e r , n l o i i l In n 8tl '" 'I The men being the loners, were as gronnd each y°ar and will go far to- the following couples: Robert D. hay per acre. • Vida—Becond snd Fourth Ratur- • Parley may he secured from th« und^M»h a f the V a lu e Sl.ftO— O ne I 'a f k F o lio w in * i Ito a n , Tlurpoo'» I l* a n . „pl**’ * D b II c H uk O la r it. Ile o t. B » tr a tta r ly E g n » - t ia n B pnclai, I w w l C o rn . O4IV« Im p ro ved On I den B antaxn; C a rro t. TaW o < l* m . i'n co m b e» , ifa»^»* P «rf*< jt. b a ttu e * . N « * - T o r - » , - P a rs n • ip . T m d e r I H l x u n km el- a o r r t ti i M u«krn«i tont Io n , Ö aM o a ( la t o ) . P"O0, W o rfd ’o R e o o rd . Swinaeh Jfc M a m m o th W la t k f . Radiato. E y I / T u r n ip WMJta T im e d ; T u m i» . O r e a r JoUr. .192 Mamber F. E. C. U. of A. For aervlces rendered by the Farmers Union and | ...................., this receipt entitle« the holder to subscription to the Springfield News Spring Style*— Fine Values f G ill B ros SE ed C o . D EIT. 82 Fine in every line «▼ery inch a stylish Coat I Batch of these twill Coat* («aeasures up to that. The Coats most in vogue have .the rippling fur border j around the bottom. , W ell Tailored Made of material* of quality, well lined, the product of expert work- manahip I You buy wisely 1 when you buy one of , these, at $ 1 7 . 7 5 T0 $ 3 9 . 7 5