TIIUIIHDAY, APHIL Iti. I»25 T H E SPRIN GFIELD NEWS This Week’s Crossword Piwzle ¡8«. 3». 40. 41 42 44 ! 46. 47. 43. 49. 61. k 63. 64. 67. 6». 61. Mali's last name. U u tii|i 338 MAIN ST Follette. Co tl Salem S u n d a y — M r . and Mr» Go Fishing—Mr. and Mr«. Jack went up the M cK m zle N. A. Howe drove to Aflsany Sunday Henderer CARD OF T H A N K S to visit their aorta. During the after­ Wednesday on a Dahlng trip. They also »pent Friday fishing on the How many of a klotl In u We wish to express oar sincere noon they drove to Salem to see the Sluslaw with Mr. and Mra. Chauncey tulip garden/« there, Sunday ‘was pinochle deck? thanks to the many kind friend« who Crites. Whut the stunt flier loo;». u»«lstf her salary for. Jarnos Cooley, It's tisiislly shady und family. Whut l*u does when Mu yells ut him. If W. 'McK/nnoifc of W illam ette It's a gift Heights has successful}/ made bricks Kvcryone horse has one. Will be open Saturday, April 18. Come In and get our from the d a y thvre. "I have gone An Inert gaseous element found far enough to lx, satisfied that bricks prices on paints and oils. In the atmosphere— not hot air. can he made locally.’’ Mr. Mc.KJnnon We do itaindng^. Kaflswidning and decorating and can Whut fish do when they are out »aid, "and 1 believe that they could of w ater furnish you material for any job, large or small at the compete on the market with other Ku Kluckers can eat II on Friday. bricks as to quality and cost." right prlca. Most rrswhoats have one or morn How Ihe 13th amendment was supposed to make this country. Two Truck» Bought— Two Ford An abbreviation for a state truck» were purchased from the And- All Work Guaranteed named after a French king— not erson Motor company this week by Mlttnle-aoh tab. George Read and Fred Lindsay, both Initials of a progressive— not I .a of Kugene. Whut tho office boy seldom does t» bis suisry. Vasby Bros. Paint Store Vasby Bros. 36. fa r te r * maho •»in—but not the HO RIZO N TA L liver pill». wan on« before ho 63 ho onIi rmi college. What they usetf io lath aallora to (luring a »torni simplified »pollina for ihe ami of ih» .Mohnm.nedsn*. 11 What you have In the bacg of your coat. 13 What the I. b. iti »aid when the curtain w«nt up at lh« Folllea. 15. Whut every aariculiurallat ha»— not e Ford, 17. llrasalerea for men. la. Con Junction algnlfylnr a choice. I* What you ran go over In a barret If you want to. 13. Noah had one. but |t was spelbd differently. 34. The way you feel when your mother In law can't come to vlait « you. 3« Yea wo have no II In our banana today. 37. Congressmen and politicians have a plentiful supply of It. 811 Plenty of politician» find them­ selves up one »Inc* election. 30 Principal character In the Joke about the Swede 31, lie received the suitcase full of money. S3, latter than now 3 f Complete description of itioul high school girls. 3«. It wa« all gone the first of Sep (ember labrh.) 37 Nothing fill« thia place. A*. The guy that says "see you In 30 day*. e> 1 40. To praise highly. 43 What you find In your soak—not Christmas presents. 43. What Mrs. Hahn railed Mr Hahn . when the 40 thieves were asleep. 47. When you don't hope to die. 47. What a ahlek Uvea |n. 4H. Inventor nt a shorthand system I f0. Twelve hours h« fore midnight. 63 A third of Kipling' ■lefinitlon.i of a "Indy lair.'* *3 «1 T ja i- i. » second handmaiden's apron s v nude of It. 66. lie mnde the riven famous— not connected with Ited Haven Splits—atlv, 68 If you didn't g I IN horltontal MEN S LACE TO THE TOE MEDIUM WEIGHT II'« no use to tell yon thia ore. for they're Identical. SOLE CANVAS TOP 67. Id Iola. REGULAR PRICE ................................ 63. The way you wear that new neck-1 tie. SALEOGRAM PRICE ............................ «0. What Flrpo tried to give Demp. »ey. 61. What the Mohlclans atol« from JUST A FEW O. D. FLANNEL SHIRTS LEFT the shoemaker. REGULAR PRICE .............. 62. One of what the Jerk of Henri» atole from the Queen SALOGRAM PRICE ............................. 64. A kind of fl»h which the petplo of Ixw Angeles won't cat on the July Srtl. MENS BLUE SERGE DRESS TROUSERS 66. Sidon's Sister city. A ndy | PAGE T IIR E B FROM Hall’s Cash Store 338 MAIN ST Springfield, Oregon 3 Buying Days, April 17-18-20 After All the Best Place to Trade $ 2 .1 5 $ 1 .9 0 $ 3 .5 0 $ 2 .5 0 REGULAR PRICE ............................... , V E R TIC A L SALEOGRAM PRICE 2. Kgvptlnn sun god. 3. A*1 sprite— not the kind the soap la mimed for. 4. What you lay out and seldom follow. 6. Land formation found In Ihe country Zane Urey writes about 6 A regular attendant nt all pic Abbreviation of what ro 's by the front of the house—.not the cop. What you do with a atrnp In a at reel car— If you're lurky enough to get one. Something a grand opera Hat alngs. A girl's name— not Clndrolla. What moat lowna put tip when the hoy» co w ' home—not the drinks. What tho cop dnred the hrugntar to do. What the English gentry try to keep up. What you see on tho tops of lie buildings— not flags. The kind of nn oxnmlnntlon Hint's usually nicer than a written one. A kind of rubber. Grandpa courted one. Whnt France w M Io us during the war. Neglect of an obligation. The hoi air from the recent poli­ tical speeches would have filled 9763 of 'sm, A magazine for musicians— not Snappy Stories. Whnt a butterfly does In park. Tho hon cackles about It. tho ............... $ 5 .0 0 $ 4 .3 5 MEN'S BLUE AND GRAY DENUM WORK SHIRTS 85C ................................ 7 3 c REGULAR PRICE ...................................... SALEAGRAM PRICE CHILDRENS TAN OXFORDS, LIGHT UPPERS AND GOOD 6OLES REGULAR PRICE ............................... SALEOGRAM PRICE ........... .............. $ 1 .9 8 $ 1 .2 5 CHILDRENS TWO TONE OXFORDS. SPORT MODEL REGULAR PRICE ................................ SALEOGRAM PRICE $ 2 .5 0 $ 2 .1 5 25c 59 GRAB 50 BOXES 25c How Does Hall Help You? We Save You Money on Every­ thing you need? How is this Done? BOYS KHAKI TROUSERS, BEST GRADE REGULAR PRICE ........ SALEOGRAM PRICE .................. $ 2 .2 5 $ 1 .8 8 MEN'S BIB OVERALLS, 200 DENUM, FULL CUT REGULAR PRICE .............. SALEOGRAM PRICE ...... $ 1 .6 0 -$ 1 .3 9 MEN’S MOLE SKIN COATS, Belted and Pleated and Good Weight $ 5 .0 0 By Advertising and Cutting the REGULAR PRICE ......... SOLEOGRAM PRICE .............. $ 4 .3 5 Prices and Buying Direct from the Manufacturer Cutting the MEN'S GOOD GRADE WORK SHOES Middle M an’s Profit Out. Only ® REGULAR PRICE .................................. $ 4 .5 0 one handling—a big saving to SALEOGRAM PRICE .............................. $ 3 .9 0 you. BOYS’ WAIST O’ALLS 220 DENUM Remember, Please VOLUME of BUSINESS Keeps the Price Down and you pay one small profit above the manufacturers’ Price SAY! LISTEN Remember the quality has not changed because the prices are cut. Working on this plan to increase the volume will keep PRICES DOW N TO BED ROCK REGULAR PRICE ........................... SALEOGRAM PRICE ..................... $ 1 .5 0 $ 1 .3 5 CHILDS PLAY SUITS, HEAVY WEIGHT— BLUE DENUM. SIXES 4 to 8 REGULAR PRICE ................................ $ 1 .0 0 SALEOGRAM PRICE ................................. -88c MEN’S WORK PANTS REGULAR PRICE ......... SALEOGRAM PRICE ..... $ 2 .5 0 $ 2 .1 5 MEN’S LACE TO THE TOE CANVAS SHOE. EXTRA HEAVY CREPE RUBBER SOLES REGULAR PRICE ................................. $ 3 .0 0 SALEOGAM PRICE ............................... $ 2 .7 5 CHILDS BAREFOOT SANDALS REGULAR PRICE ...................... SALEOGRAM PRICE .................. $ 1 .2 5 $ 1 .0 5