.S P R I N G F I E L D .- T H E O K VO TC O TO IN T E R E S T O F S P R IN G F IE L D A N O T H E FARM ERS OF THU f W ltL A M tT T B V A L L IV W ESTERN T E R M IN A L O F THE NATRON THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W EN TY-SEC O N D Y EAU c. «.: l.iln u r y C. E. CONVENTION TOBE HELD IN CITI ..3FIB LD , LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL KJ, 1925 BOOTH-KELLY RESUMES RU N N IN G 5 DAYS WEEK Htnrilng tomorrow lb« Booth Kelly sawm ill at both HpringfHId a n d 1 I Wendllng will operate on a five day * j ilay shift 'nateuil of four, according to . the announcement of A. C. Dixon, ( ; general manager. The change la a n -' ■ioun>-i-f1 bcesuae of future proeptete ' j of the strengthening of the lum ber' ¡m urk't and net becauee there I* any ' I pr<-s«nt Improvemtnt. 't 1» announced i For the last month the mill has | I operated on four days here Th» re­ sumption In the former schedule 1« received with satisfaction. ♦ The annual convention of lite Lati» County Christian Bndeevot Hoditly will he held In Springfield Friday and Saturday, A$rll 24 and 26. The meet lu< beglnnliig nt 7 «»<•! k Friday t u n in g will last all day Saturday and t> attended by hundreds or young people from all (be churrht* of life rouniy, Jeannette English, II yenre „1,1, of Nan Antonio, Tex., who has IJv- Th- largo»! attendant* In the hint c l for four year» with a blade of ory of the Christian Endeavor move- i grass on her lung. Cltlxenr sub- tneut at a county ronventlon la ex- I bribed a thouanml dollars for an p r ie d In Hprlngfltld Many km let1*« vptraUoiv . All’Ik 4 . have already pledged loo per cent at ; tendance, according to word reaching F ILB E R TS OFFER GREAT the local society Arrangement» of a program for the j R ETU R N S TO GROWERS event la now underway. The growing of filberts In the Wll- lamirtte rafh»y insures tlv< Sir mar SPRING PROGRAM AT HIGH S f H f i n i H r i w r . i D D i k i r r o mure profit per aero than any othrr W- O O L BEING ARRANGED , rop Oe®rg. DorrH. who ha. a grove "TM A People'« Paper* L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUM BER 13 Delinquent Property Must Pay Says Council I Sawmill and Planer Both Here and Wendllng Will Run An­ other Day Annual County Meeting Attend, ed by Hundred* Will Meet in Springfield Friday and Satur. day, April 24-25. CUTOFF SPRINGFIELD BALL TEAM WINS ANOTHER VICTORY HOP GROWER RENEW S H IS Council M o v i T Collect <70.- OPTION ON T R A C T HERE Tom Llvcsly, Salem hop grower, I ! who own* a considerable amount of I 000 in Delinquent Assess­ ments and Back Interest on ments; McKlin Acting Mayor, property In or n a r Springfield, hae * Step» toward collection of all de- renewed an option on the »5 a c r e ! ,ln<|uent «ewer and sidewalk i ranch of Earl Stewart, located near aaiewinlent«, amounting to nearly ¡the railroad add Don. Report» a e t j ’ 70'0®0 wer® taken at the meeting of the amount of the option at *350 a n / * 1® clty council Monday night. Action : acre 'cam e on recommendation of the Judl- i The land lie . just east of the S tew -' committee and a motion was art adltlon on the McKenzH h'ghway at !hc lim its Of the city Mr. Llvesly “Ot * ¡h a . held an option on It before and a , . „__ _ th* recOTdCT “ 11<“ '4lnqUe° ‘ P™P®«y ow ner. within «0 days, and ordering the city attorney few day» ago came to Springfield to . ... „ z due w«— pro- renew It. Plans are to op'n this as a | i to proceed with collection by z »»«= ces* of law HprlngflcIJ'a baseball team won a new adltlon to the city once the rail­ According to the audit of the city well ptayod and fa.-t game from the road development expected materll- books there are 138,718.78 outstand­ Cascade resort nine Sunday by a Ixed. ing In delinquent payments, nearly score of IOC. Th playing was f«»t all of which 1» on street Improve­ Dr. Jacob U. Schurman, former throughout, and the fielding was good. president of Cornell university and MRS. SANDERS, ACE 76 ment». Most of It hae run for several Mulligan of Springfield and Kopp of minister to China under Harding, years and there is interest estimated PASSES AWAY A T JASPER the Cascade team m ade homeruns is the new U. S. ambassador to against It amounting to over *30.000. Germany. In the eighth *•» ntng The locals Mrs. Mary Louise Sanders, ag-d S in ce the audit of the books and the loosen' d up a bit toward th« end of , ! 78, died at her home In Jasper early Installation of a new system each ac- the game, letting the opposing team -------------— ¡Monday morning after a prolonged count has been brought down to date make their alx pointers In the last BEAT HARRISB U R C H IG H Mra- Sanders came to Oregon and on payment It is only necessary 4 Th» spring social program leading “ "'ll‘ ,h" c" ' ,old ,w o ,nn,n*" ______ with her parents when she was only to figure the Interest to date. up to commencement at the high ‘h* Krday n',on I « " ll.p le and E Black w re McKlin la Mayor In a slow and ragged game played ,hr * ’rf'ara "t of her ,lf® PttneraI I s*vera| ,-v .... may I... # natlonw1(U p,„ was tkM r.-ll.-v-d by D It» who in « • Springfield high school nine won he,d T™ 'day »ft*™"«» president of the council to act as I .. -r, according to V D Italo, priori #tl(, „ by m, ny ,„ rn bv from Harrisburg hlKh H 9 Th(. •» 2.M under the direction of the mayor In the absence of Mayor G. G. Innlnr ««me was postponed from Saturday " a,ker ch»Pf'l «”d Internnent was at Bushmen who has ’eft for a two I i. of the high school ^ n d o(hera Interest'd In the Industry , beginning om the s-venth w eeks visit to California. Au art exh hit. showing photo- «very year. (Kepp and Swlnt composed the battery because of bad w tather. A rough the Mt. Vernon cemetery. Mrs. Sanders ’s survived by three graphic reproduction» of the works of 1 There are 32 non.POO poenda of III- Petition t o Pave Mill diamond and a brilliant eun com- iaecad e, the old masters will be sponsored hy bert» Used In the t ’n’tcd S ’nte» m eh ________ players were blned to mak» the fe ld 'n g dlfflc-gt. Bon"- Harvey. William and Frank! A petition for the paving of Mill D th-r Springfold the high school May «, 7. and 8 The Hyron Cowart was h it In the mouth Sanders, all of Fall Creek, and two Street 18 feet wide from Main street year, nearly all of which are Im­ Merle McMullen, «kort: Merle C aste* exhibit will be held at th* Woodman with a fly btcause of the glare in his daughter», Mrs. X 'tie Vinson of Jas- to the river bridge was presented to ported fret» Italy. Mr. Dorris said in first base: Coraid Bn'der third hase: b ill and will be open the evening of yes which prevent'd h is seeing the r T and Mrs Haiti» Logan of Fall the council. It was signed by all pro- pointing out the market for these "Ding” Mu'llgrn. rlsht field: J ese Mcals. center fid«». Dougfas G lllltrl» ball. Creek. jperty owners except the Booth-Kelly th« last day. and perhaps one other nuts. He has sold hl» filbert* for evening. Ticket» for the exhibit will Harrisburg us . - .______ a_______ i_—* < Th play Is under the direction of E ast-r with Mr and Mr» Waggner W1H «**• W eather per­ Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Neet and Mr. and Mrs. muting nil Junior high hoys are asked John Ketels. to meet at the high school nt eleven Others atendlng tihe party were: o'clock Snturday morning and to hrlna Mr, nnd Mrs. J. A. Scavey. Mr. nnd qendwtehes for them selves, lemonade Mrs. W. H. Adraln, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mark Peery. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Larimer, will be provided. W d b y Stevens. William Dawson, and Ara Diner Guetta—MtJ nnd Mrs. Dr. and Mr». Dippel. Harry Anthony were dinner guests of Mr«. Leland EubBnks Sundny even­ Leave» for Extensive Trip— C. A. ing. ____ _ Brndy left this morning for Calgnry, Chips Pol«» to Albany—The Car Canada. Mr. Brady expects to visit t^llnetim wood preserving eompnnv friends In McCloud. Ponorn and other shipped a car of treated poles to Al­ Canadian cities. Ho exp-nets to be gone about six months. bany Thursday. •AV sold ae lots, provided that buyers could be found. The etreet has never been Improved. The ordinance vacating that part of B street lying w est of the w est line of Mill street was read for the last tim e and passed. On motion of Chairman Cox the council ordered the treasurer to sub­ mit a monthB' trial balance, and state­ ment of the condition of the funds to the finance committee. Another mo­ tion by Cox was that no city money be paid except on warrants signed by Mayor and Recorder and passed by the counlcl. Heretofore when bonds fell due the treasurer has taken them up out of fund» provided by budget without warrants being drawn. The new system of bookkeeping requires the information asked for In the two motions.