FAOB EIGHT THE 8PR IN O PUU) N KW 8 HIGH PLAYERS DEFEAT MARCOLA FIRST CAME D o You Believe in Easter Bunnies ? The Springfield high school nine woa first baseball game of the season Wednesday afternoon from Marcela by a score of 12 8 The game was played at Marcela, ¿»ml was the first game for »ach team The score «ras tied six-all In the sixth Innmg. hot Springfield gained a satisfactory lead In the eighth Inning, which guar­ anteed the game The playing was somewhat ragged on both sides. The only home run of the game was made by Johnson, of Marcela. McMullen captured a three- hacger for Springfield Hugh Cowart witched the first fonr Innings, with Merle McMullen catching At the end of that time, they traded posi­ tions. The next gsw » for Srrfwgfteld w'H be played at Marrtshure SatuMav. Fo’towtng are the line-ups of the two teams: Serin gfl eld Mice *nd base C o w a rt Cox McMnl’“n r»-. p 'trttrf TAW’d Hasting« THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1028. S ix Rooms, A Den and Other Features in This Home I---------- "I P Short c 3rd base e f 1 » r f substitute NEW PnSTAt RATES WH L CAUSE MANY CHANCES New postal rates affecting news­ papers. money orders, insurance, registry fees, and some first class matter will go into effect next Wed­ nesday. April 15. .All private post cards will take ll» c postage as will also posters and sale bills. Insured packages will be at the rate c f value of 5 cents for 15; 8 cents for 525; 10 cents for 550; 15c for 5100. New r-gistry fees for values up to 550. 15 cents. 5100. 2o cents, and re­ turn receipt 3 cents. New money order rates are as fol­ Endeavor to Give Play A three act comedy. “Kentucky So many plans ci homes are be ng catelully and you will readily Is also p ta cil iu a lonveiih nt pin e presented these days that II seem s that lin y have been arranged with a I On Iho second floor we have three that It would he an easy task to »elect area’ leu I of care. The large re»" p ! large bed rootna, em it with Ila cont­ one that would meet all reqttlr tttenis tlon ball la a beautiful feature, open ¡modloua cloaets with oulalde light. There la always a little "som ething" lug off of wh‘i-1» Is the living room. Nole die large bath room with 11« that can be a ided or changtd wlih separated by a latge grilled arch, lit" bull! In medicine rase, linen cabinet, most house plans However the plan beautiful fireplace with Ils built-in •!<■• The basement ot;< upfra tie- full shuwu above has a number of Ih iSeals, the large dining room with Ils site of (be main building, which la little conveniences lncorp,-t»*ed that built la buffel. The kitchen lias all ( 30x40. not Including the II foot porch really go to make an Meal hum ! ih ' odern ponven anciat possible. It Is arranged for furnace heat This is a beautiful b o n e built along I Inc'“ ne an alcove breakfast room. The home plan in be pream ied next the stairs hading from Ih» week la one that permits of a varloly I W ill V is it In Rlddla— Mrs. W . i the bungalow lines T hs extirlor of [N ote We. kitchen as well as from the front vast!- of small changes (hat may apepal to ' "'r'ght, with her daughters Margaret ,llt" bo“** •P'Wka for itself wb>n biile. also to the basement. The den you J<*»n and Edna Marie will go to Riddl _ would _ _ _ _ ask _ _ you _ _ _ to _ _ study _ _ _ _ the _ _ floor _ Sunday to visit Mr«. Jarnos Elder for B u ild in g B ein g P a in te d The . . . . front _____ “ • * * - Mr. Wright will drive them McCRACKEN TO BUILD Contracting and Building , . returning the same day GEO. W PERKINS FOUR ROOM HOUSE ""d " ¡ ¡ T * T ? ______ I being repainted gray Ill's week by Corner 5th and D Streets 1 A four mom house, with a breakfast | br,,nk Conwav Springfield, Ci esron Out After Hlnase—Sam Wright Is Plans end Estim ates Furnished Belle,“ will be presented by the Christian Endeavor of the Christian church at the Belle Theatre Thurs- day. April 23. The play is under the direction of Mrs. Ora Reed Hemenway, and the cast is made up of local talent. Proceeds from the play will » about after aa Illness or nr*1 corner of F and 9th streets ¡.Mr». Harry Whitney are moving Imlay lows : , Mr McCracken has bull! over * from the corner of 5th and A streets 1 I McKensie river. 52.50. 5c; 52 50 and not OTer $5. 7c; doicn houses In Springfield during t,, «o, Hnq e »tre t* Card of Thanks 55.00 and not over 510. 10c; 510 and his residence here He w'H build the! ■ not over 520. 12c; 520 and not over We desire to thank those who so t house himself, beginning in 'he near I 34". 15c; $4ii and not over 360. 18c; !kindly assisted us in our search for S l i r i l l O r f i p l H W o /V fl VESBY BROS. future The bull ling will be plastered 360 and and not over X80 Mr- ISO and baby. V V L /L /U 560 not over 580, 20c; 380 and and will have nil the mod rn coni Painting Contractors not over 3100. 22c. Mrs. R. C. Kesley. 4 venlences except a furnace, Estim ates Given Free Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller. j- Another house may be built by Mr 1 Load throw n In __________ Painting. Kalsomiuing and De- Seniors Lead in Rivalry 7 ^ MeCracktn on an adjoining lot, far 1 Load throw n In and pilad rating. Pa)>erhanglng. The Senior class is leading the other 31 SO ln* 9,t> "•i’*“1 later In the y.ar lie Something new la personal station -! L°*d M rH,d UP ------ classes in the interclass rivalry for will either rent or sell the houses. Mr Corner V anti 5th S\. Springfield ery. See our cabinets of letterheads i 1 ®ord ,pUt up 31.SO the honor of having the class numerals Guaranteed w ork. O ur motto Is M' 1 r '" k“ n All work guaranteed envelopes. Suited for Individual engrave! on the American Legion c u p : and us« or club stationery At the News ,'Servle••" Leave orders at News Of with seveteen points won. The Juniors floe. Office. are a close second with thirteen I points, and the sophomores and frtsh-1 We m ake a specialty of men have seven and six respectfully. The poetry contest and the boys and girls baseball games are the remain­ ing activities which will give points. Free. W ill Help You Finance Your pudding Boys Beavers Bent Rlnkydinks Inter-roll room baseball gam‘s are being played off at noon hours at the high school. Two games have been played this week, and another will be played today. Monday, the Beavsrs i won frem the Rlnkydinks. 5.2, and on Wednesday, the Eagles walloped the Paramount! by an 8-2 score. The Eutoplans and the Eurekas play to­ day. Injured in Baseball Chart«» Thompson, a student at the high school had his left shoulder part­ ly d'slocated In an indoor baseball game Tuesday. Baptist M eeting Held The annual business meeting of the Baptist church was held Tuesday even­ ing at the church, following a dinner in the church basement. A program was to hav- been presented, but owing to the length of the business meeting, it was omitted. ANNUAL Clean-up Week April 15 to 18 The town council has set aside these days for the FREE COLLECTION of all kinds of rubbish that has accumulated druing the winter. Citizens are requested to place their rubbish in boxes or sacks and leave it where the wagonB ran make collection the quickest. CLEANUP NOW AS THERE WILL BE BUT ONE COLLECTION Buys New Car—Mr and Mrs. P. A. Johnson have purchased a new Chevrolet Sedan from the Goodpas­ ture agency. Undergoes Operation—Mrs. B Con­ way underwent a major operation at the Pacific Christian hospital this morning. Ill at Hom e— Mrs Ray Glass I» 111 at her home In west Springfield. In From Douglas Gardens—Mrs. Glen Anderson Is »hopping In Spring- field today from Dougfas Gardens. of all kinds. Breakfast Nook*, Buffet», Linen Closets. Ironing Boards. Medicine Cabinets. Showcases. ANDERSON Courtesy — Service — W hether It Is reulring an old roof or putting a roof on a new building see us for the material. For tem porary work we ta rry the cheapest and for perm anent buildings wo carry the beat grades of prepared roofing. Quackanljiisti s Quality 160 Ninth Ave. East Phone 7 Cor. G and Third Sts. ROOF We also stock red ami green slab? surfaced shingles and roof puints. Manufacturing Corp. Eugene. - Oregon Springfield, Oregon T : r TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD G. G. Bushman, Mayor. There’s Only One Way To Start Building a H o m e- Addressee Aawtmbly Professor G. R. Schlaucvh, head of the history d«rartroe&‘. of Linfield ¿ollcge spok to 'he assembled high school students Thursday morning on ‘‘Never Say Quit.’’ Professor Schlaucb urged the students to finish their schooling, giving statistics showing the number of students who quit be­ fore they progress far. Out of 1000 students entering the first grade, only 600 finish the eighth grade, he said, and of that ntimb«r, only .100 enter college, and only 14 of the 1000 ever finish college. I Built-in Fixtures DON'T ENDURE A LEAKY That’s to START Spring will be here soon. Travel Planning —for vacation journeys D e p e n d u p o n y o u r lo c a l S o u th e rn P a c ific agent fo r aid in com pleting your vacation plans. I t ’s high tim e to be th in k in g about them . A n d he is th o to n g h ly In fo rm e d . H e can advise you in te llig e n tly about vacation spots o f especial c h a tm and ho w best to reach th em . H e ’ll gladly aupply you w ith «11 booklet« and com plete,accurate In fo rm a tio n regarding Fares Schedules Routes Reseruations, etc. Y o u r local agent is eager to serve you. Southern Pacific C. OLSON, L m w I Its time to begin aotlve work on the big things you have in mind for the year. There is no more im portant m utter than th a t home you have hoped for, wished for and talked about for so long. I’ut the hopes, the wishes and the talk Into notion this m onth and realize in the new home the happiest year of your life. There is one very easy way to start- call at o u r retail office and tell us you are interested In home building. The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Springfield, So. 7th St,, Phone 55 Lumber Eugene, 807 W illamette St., Phone 452 Lath Shingles