THE SPRIXOFIELD NEWS TIIUnSDAY. APRIL 9. 1928. 1 "■ ■ ........ ■■■» » ■ ■ PAGE SEVEN IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E tim ber on the BW«4 N ',. Sac 5 Tp. ¡along the north Una of Lot Eleven STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE |Z1 B Rango 3 East. V .»I.. «xcept IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E m , Ninety (90) feet, thence South COUNTY I p art included In H. E. 8. No. 78, with-1 HTATE OF OREGON FOR LANE ¡parallel with the w«wt line of Lota A lexander Lewis and Maynie E. Lewis, lin ’he Ca»ca«le N ational F orest. COUNTY 'E leven (11> and Twelve (12), Seventy- I'lnlnt ff» The purpose of this notice ;» to KT, Llcbty and J. T. Evans, and f*v* <75) feet, thence west parallel ••II w hat you w ant to Mil, buy w hat you w ant to buy thro ■ ? >>••• VH ¡allow all p-n o n i clalm 'ng the lands | will!» J. C ham berlain,------------plain- w <*» the N orth line of Lot Eleven aolumna. W rit* or phono TWO Frank Mullp an d — — --Malin hl» wife, »elect«-«l, or having hona fide o b jtt- , tffg , ¡111) N inety (90) fret, thence N orth Ha-muol C. Malin and Ida Malin, hla lion« to »uch application, an oppor ; VB parallel with the W ert line of Lots Dutton tunliy to file their protest» with t b ' Em m a H arding» Mary Locke and___ 'E lev en (11) and Twelve (12) S v en t/- Mnuav painting, pep>-t hanging, cat FOR HALE—C arbon p ap er In large wlf , H.irah J Dutton and - d ra in in g Huy Koch. Cull HprlngUabl «li«' la, Z6xJ9 Inch«», aultabla fur hla w fe. her husband, Anna Belle R egister and Receiver of the U n ited !-------------- Locke her husband Josiah Ilv® feet to the place of beginning, W ilson and llm r y H. Wll»on, h er S ta ’es la n d Offlee at Roseburg, Ore 8haw an4 __________«h»w hjB wlfc being a part of Lots Eleven (11) and 11.'. I M2I m akhi« tracing». The Newa Office, husband, H enry A. Malin and Flor- gon Any such protest» or o b jo c t'o n v LydlB Grow Bn(1 p BBtha i 'Orow> j,er Twelve 112), P atterson s Addition, all Ute (' Malin, bis wife, Annie Malin, m utt be’ filed In this office within husband, 8arBh B sh aw and ------------ m Eugen , Lane County, Oregn F o il HAJ.K B urroughs Adding Ma- TO TRADE, FOR SPRINGFIELD Janie» Malin aud Mulln hl» wife, th irty days from the date of ftr»t publl- 8bs«w, her husband. H annah V errlll *hat th e plaintiff, W illis J. chin«, modal 3117. Cull Atifluraoft PROPERTY W illiam Malin, R obert Malin ami cation of th » notice, which n r , t : and Joseph V errlll, her husband, Isaac C ham berlain, be declared to be th e Motor Com piny. 14.000 equity In 86.000 (lo ck ranch, —- ■ -■ Malin h 's wife. John Malin, Fan- publication Is March 25, 1925. It. E astm an and —--------- -E astm an. ‘;» tie r In fee, sim ple of the following HAMM1LL A. CANADAY, P o ll t*A(.R Milch d o a la ; tfeniin, 20q acres with »lock and »owe tools; rile Malin. Muude Malin and th e un- hts wife, B njam ln F. East-nan and describ d real properly, to-wit: known li 4r» of Ann M«tlln, d eceased; I Resglst»r. Beg nning a t a point on tb N orth —————— E astm an, his wife, Polly N ubian, Toggeiiberg«, Homo fre»h, I good hoti»« and barn, o rchard, and also all o th er persons o r p arties un- «Non-coal M-26-A-29 16. Shaw and —------------ Shaw, her hus­ line of Lot Eleven (11), P atterso n ’s Homo rotulng (r«-»li noon. Uxorgo 'Io ta of outruns» 40 acre» plow land, known clu'-nlng uny right title, c«- Addition to Eugene, Oregon. One l HO of which 1» • ooi I im I to »mull grain. 4ale, lien or In terest In the real e«-' Drive to P o rtlan d --Jack Olive band. Tim othy Shaw and --------------- H undred Forty (14p) feet E ast of the Mucaulcy, John Heuvny’a ranch, Shaw, h 's wEiy. Dunlel Show and ta le described In Ihe com plaint herein, ’ About a m 'lllon feet of timber. W hat I !, A. Sw art» drove to Portland -----Shaw , bis wife, Sallie M. N orthw est corner of said Lot Eleven h r 8. H ulth l>lpp*l, l)<-ntlsl, Vitus d’ f tndanl». have you? W rite me at No4l, Ore. iy with a truck load of dressed» Shuw a n d ---------------Shaw, h er hus- (111, thence east along said I-.'orth build lug. 8prlngft*l1«r»tgnid| has been duly ate] of th« S uth- Ro» burg, Oregon, , F ebruary 14, Jem im a Eaxfman and ---------------Evrt- <22) feet N orth H enry H Wilson, h er hnsbnnd, H enry pointed by Ihe County Court of th--j EI- ven 411». man. her husband, Polly Locke a n i east corner of »aid SPECIAL I’liiCK on plulo work h r ¡S ta te of Oregon ^ir tho County of MaPn anil Florence C. Malin, h1s wife. 1925. n and T w o ---------------Locke, her huxband, Ji Notice for P u b n ratlo n A nnlr Mulln Ju tn -s Mnlln and N W. Emory, dantlst. 8 u tto u llldg. lui> H en rietta Flem ing and -------------- - eo u th east c o rn 'r of t h N orth o3e MaHn e n ! -------- Malin his wife. John Geneflsld Meat« Today T he Gene- 1 Harbour, dgceamr-l and all por»on» Malin. F annie Mnlm and Maude M-«iin. D eo rober 11, 1924, F. H. and A nin Flem ing, her husband, E. E. Shaw and Half of Lot Twelve (12), bi aid add having clnlm» again«! »aid » d a te a re ; field brldgi1 rluli m eets tlila aflvrnoon hereby notified to pri re n t the »«me »ml th e unknown h eirs of Anne Mnlln. ,M. Paul»«'n of G ardena, California, ---------------Shaw , his wife. E th a Belle thence west parallel to th* Î homo of Mrs lla rry Htowurt. properly verified Io tne at th«' office d eceased; also all o th e r person« or thu Act of .March 20, 1922. (42 Stat., da H. Robberson, H att e M. O rrison. is d) teet more or 1 aa to a po’nt f n e of Frank A. D el’ll*. atto rn ey for the p u r’lss unknown, clalm 'ng any right, 485) to exchange the SW14 NW«4, form erly H att! M. McCroskey, and H undred F orty (140i 'e e t e a t’ of the «-tit'e a t Springfield. Oregon, on or title, nu tate. I l ’ ti o r In l-re st In the i,n‘ r,t «a,d Lot T ’xelve f 12). NO TICE TO ItF G IH T E ItK D VOTERS | b -fo re »lx month» from th e d a te of real esta te deaerihed In th e com plaint H« <-. 29. ti lots 2 and 3, & c. 30. Tp. W. E. Orrlaon. her husban I. a lto th - herein. You utijl each of you a re h ere­ 15 S Range 10 W est W. M. with n unknown heir' of any of -aid defend- »hence N orth pa rail I to naM W est The C oiiiii y Clerk'» oifl« • force bu» 1 thia notice, of f-d>t Twelve (12). Savent;v-ffve by «untmoned to unaw er th e com tho Sluidaw National F orest, for the a n ts who tea he d e c a s e d . also all ■ om phlvil chi-rkliiK by procluria, the TKNA HARHOCR. or lei to ?la ce c f I ’ bitnt flp d ag ain st you In th “ ab«ive tim ber on tile S E 1« 8E*4. Sec •> Tp. e th e r persons or p arties unknow n, f*”'» n*i nuiiit-.'i of rexHterv-l vol»ra who b ar« Executrix. «-nt'tied case nml court w lth'n »lx 21 S Rang« 3 East, W. M. w ithin the claim ng any right, title, estate, lien n in * failed to f i t Ill th e pri i l t i " during Hated M arch 17th, 1925 or Int-roat In th e real property d e s-,aB* th a * non of th e d e fe n - ln ’ th«> year« 1923 an t 1924 P ostal la rd | F ra n k A D el’ue, A ttorney f ir the week from Ihe t'r s t publication of th is Casc.-.-ie N ational forest. The p trp o ae of this notice Is to al- «-rlbed In the com; lalnt herein,_ any right, title, or I n - r e s ' th "- summon», and In r a r e you fall »o fc notices have U«-«'ii m ailt >1 («» such e s ta te M I9 2C 4-2 9 IS " ' thereto w hatsoever, a n ! th a t th answ er. Judgem ent will he ta k e n low all persons claim ing tho lands defendants. voter» railing iiltsntlon to tip lr fall NOTICE TO CREDIT! HS selected, vins bona fido ob) c- or fendane», and each of th*m. be fo r- ver cgnltist you (h at nlnlntlffs nre Ihe RUMMON8 lire to Volo In Ihe »aid period and Notice 1» hereby given 4ba4 J M owner» of tho following described tlon» to auch appi cation, an oppor- To Emma H ardings. Mary Locke, and harr»d and enjoined from assertin g unking Hum to r Inn,am th eir regis­ lioby wu» appointed ad n tin lH rato r ofl tunliy to file th eir prot with th —Locke, her husband. Josiah »iV ‘ la'rti thereto. tration If ileshred, and th at otherw ise th e --»tut» o f o . M Thom pson. dc- real p ro n erty : Ii'-:lnuln< st a po nt 8 55»4 chains R egister and Receiver of the United Shaw and ---------------Shaw, his wife.! T his sum m ons is »erved on von by th eir rt-glMtrulion will I«- (¡unrellod. In rea»«-d, by o rd er of the Counfv Court north n P a ro in t on the south line of 8 ta ,e » Land Office at Roseburg. Or Lydia Grow anil Paschal Grow, h r I*’“ ouhllcatlon th ereo f In th* Soring- nianv cases the portion notified m ar for lam e County, Oregon, duly made bo r«-gulurly v i l t i g In « t i m e precinct on Ihe 21»t day of November, 1924 the R obert M ct'owan Donation Claim f° n- An’’ "Ueh pro tests or objection« btishand. S arah B. Shaw and ------------ field News. In accordance with an In Iho county o th er th an tho one r e ­ All perHon» having claim« ag ain st the No 43 N rtiflcatlo n No. 7049, In town- n’.ust be filed In this office th irty Shaw, her husband, H annah V errlll t O rder m ade by the Hon. O. F. Skip- Joseph Verr'III, h er husband w orth. Judge of the above entitled ferred to In th>- notice, and In «uch »aid e»tate are hereby notified Io pre- »hlo 18 south, of Range 2 w rit of the days from the date of first publication an4 ra s e will bo continued In the precinct »ent th e »ante, with proper voucher»’ W lPam efta m eridian. Oregon. 15.85 " f •*• » notice, which first publication IgBac R E astm an a n d ---------------E a sti Court, on the 3rd. day of April 1925; 'm an . his wife, Benjam in F. E a s tm a n ! of first publlcat'on. April 9th, w here voting, but dropp«-d In the old in the »aid a d m 'n ld ra to r at th» office ch a 'n s we-t of the southeast co rn e r.l» March 19, 1925. HAMILL CAN ADA i . !an(j ------------ E astm an, hts wife Polly ¡1925 p rec'nct The add re«» on the pout ul I of Donald Young. KUO W Illam .M cl of said donation land claim, and run- . R egister 1— DONALD YOUNG. I Sbaw and -Shaw , her hus­ card will usually Indicate th e precinct S treet. Eugene. Oregon, w ithin «lx n 'n r thence n orth 9 17 chains. th*'nce' M-19-26-A-2 9. north 44 deg 58 min W 13 77 ch ain » ., Non-coal A ttorney for Plaintiffs. band. Tim othy Shaw and whore cancellation 1» to be made. m onth« from the d ate of thl» n o tic e .’ th en ce 8 3354 W. 4.43 chalna, thence ' P. O. Aridrf vs. 860 Wil­ Shaw, hie .wife, Daniel Shaw and W here any doubt oxl»t« In the mind Dated at Eugene. Oregon, th e 12th i W 4 44 chains, to the west line of said I NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING lam ette St., Eugene, Ore­ Shaw, his wife. Salile M. of th ' voter a» to his prm«or reg latra day of March, 1925. donation land claim, th ’ tice north on! The undersigned A dm inistrator o fts h a w and gon. Shaw, h er hus- tlon. It will bo well Io check up at J. M RORY, the wert line afore»ald 20.04 chains to ! th e e sta te of William D. Safley has band, W illiam Shaw and A-9-10-23-20-M 7-14-21. the clerk»' office. A dm inistrator of th e e a ta t? of th e n o rth w est co rn er of said donation (filed his final report and account In i Sbaw, h ls wwife, E phriam Shaw and T he d rs 'r e of tho County Clerk'» o f­ G M Thom pson, deceased. land claim , th 'n c e e a st on the north the County Court of Lane County, _ -Shaw , h is wife, Samuel fice 1« to d e a r Ihe filo» of duplica­ Donald Young. line of said donation claim 43.14 Oregon, and said court has set 8atur-1 Shaw and Man A rrested for no Light«—A man tion». which tho law require« to ba A ttorney for E state -his wife, Je- « ba ns to the m o r n ortherly n o rth east ¡day. May 2nd a 10 o'clock A. M. at the mlma E astm an a n d _______ -E astm an who did not give his name was a r ­ done, aud wo will gladly give a tte n ­ M I2 1928 A 2 9 corner thereof, thenc» south along County Court room. Eugene, for final her husband. Pollv Locke and tion to anv correction» or re in sta te ­ rested Sunday evening for parking the donation land claim line 11.07 bearing thereon at or before which _____ Locke m en ts w ti|rh >mav be, retfo«r of the R obert Me i T his sum m ons Is published puren-! GEO.. N, McLEAN C Donation 1 ind Claim No 4? *n nnt Io an order of the H onorable G F d r . n . w . EMERY Tp 18 S. of Rg. 2 W. of th ? W llam slt Sklpm orth. C lrcu't Judge, m ade and | Automobile, Fire and Life •; erldiun lit ' ‘r riiti. b -a rs 8. 19 d»q. if ntered F ebruary 27. 1925. and th-’ IN S U R A N C E d e n t is t 13 m 'n. E 14.89 chains a id «-urn’nE i ftrat publication hereof la made the Surety Bonds,. Phone 617 Sutton Bldfl. Phone 20-J th en ca N .?• deg. 20 min E 33 2' 5th day of March. 1925. and the last i My b uilne « Is p ro tect your chalna along the n orth rly line of sn'd publication thereof Is on ihe 16th day R etldeneo Phone 153 M business right of way. th en ce S. 56 deg.. F of April. 1925. 1 Cfi,t W il'a m rttr St. Eugene Oregon 1.5-1 chains, m ore or less to an anchor Brown 11 Brooke. Springfield, Oregon fence por-4 cn th e southerly I nn of antd A ttorneys for plaintiff. , ! lig h t of wav. th m-’ 8 56 d«’g E 10.23 R esidence: E ugen°, Ore-jon. (h a ln s along n certain fenc? to an M-5-12-19 2U A 2-9 16. | angl«> point, th nee 8. 30 deg 24 m ’n. NEW RAZOR * SHOE REPAIRING E. 5.29 chains to an a n g 'e point, thence NOTICE For Saia Work Promptly and south 7 deg 5r min. W. 22.77 ehaln« NOTICE Is hereby given that the Guaranteed. Price $2. to the north bank of the Mohawk Carefully Done river, th en ce S 7 deg 55 min W. 1 25 S tate Land Beard of the S tate of O re -; A. A. ANDERSON ehalnn to tho c en te r of th e stream gon will receive s e a l'd b ds a t Its j JOHN A. NELSON in th e Caolto' Rulldlng in 8al- them-e down stream F -ibstantinllr a» rffice m, Oregon, up to 11 :0 l o'clock A. M .l 509 Main Street BARBER SHOP follow s: 8. 25 deg. 30 min.. W. 4.24 • June 2. 1925 for all the S ta te ’s in te r e s t' SIAK DA R O OIL COMPANY --------------------------------------------------------, « halns, 8. 45 deg. 30 min. W. 6 96 ‘n the r!yer-bf d lands h erein after de- tcsu vu s-xia) chains. S. 17 deg. SO min W. scrlbe-1. glv'ng however to the ewnei ! 4.11 ch a'n s. to th e nortbeanterlv or owners of any lands ab u ttin g o r, line cf property heretofore con fronting thereon, the preference right • ^t«»- DR. S. RAL>H DIPPEL veyed to A lexander Lewis, thenc» to purchase said lands a t the highest | along »aid prooertv lino N. 65 price offered, provided such offer Is i DENTIST Bay it any» here you «ce the red, dr<. 4() min. \M. 2 05 chains. nn-J ade In good faith and that the board Your Home When In white aad blue pum p or th e ” Red thence N 52 deg. u niln. W. 27.10 m ’•escrv is th e right to re je c t any and Phone 43 chain» more or leas to th e place of all bids: Crown” sign— Standard O d Ser­ Springfield vice Stations and st dealers. Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. 1» ginning, co ntaining 86.86 ncrea. ex­ Said lands are s'tu a te d In Lane clusive of rnlltxiad right of wav County, O regon, and hiesetribed as through th e sam e, all of th e land follows: to-wlt: j n b o « -? men'Ionx-J |v ‘ng and being In ) Beginning at n point on the IT. 8 JO HN M. WILLIAMS section» 26 and 27 In tow ushln 1* q Overnm nt m eander line of the rieh t A ttorney for Vet. S tate Aid Com., ’ m V " v” ° f W,I1»m- bank of the McKenzie Fork of the WM. G. HUGHES „t Î ' ' "n' ” Co ° r **on W illam ette River. 17 50 ch ai’ « north Soldiers Bonus Loans. FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE X T . . . J ° u " " I . - 8 you ','X * n? ; and 6.50 chains cast of q u art?- section L. E. BRAN right, title, estate, lien or Interest cornor on west line of Sect nn 20. T. NOTARY PUBLIC herein, and o u le'ln g plaintiffs title 17 S. R. 1 W. of W. M. and running A ttorney S tate Land Board, , Office at -*4 from anv claim to snld land held or thence along m eander lin-’ down R a te School Fund Loana. asserted by you or any of vou. stream . S. 46 deg. W. 3.50 chains S. i FIRST NATIONAL BANK T his sum m ons Is served upon you in deg. E 11 00 chains: 8. d 'g . E WILLIAMS & BEAN Springfield, Oregon bv nuhl cat'o n p u rsu an t to nn order ATTORNEYS | of Hon O. F Sklow orth mn-le In this 17.30 chains: S. 13 dog. W. 6.10 chains to left hank of a large sloug’- thence 860 W llllam ette 8 t. Eugene, Ore. 1 suit aud d a t'd M arch 11, 1925 providing crossing the o’d channel. N. r ' leg. E. ’hat yon be s -rv-d with this summonn 6 co chains; thepep along U. 8 Me­ Licensed to practice In all C ourts hv ouhllcatlon th ereo f once in each ander line on left hank u - stream , S P R IN G F IE L D GRAVEL CO. of tho S tate, and United Staten. week for six successive in the Snrlng- N. 10»-6, deg. W. 1.70 chains: N. 20 field News and reo u 'rln g you tf > 4og W. 2 50 chains: N. 3794 deg. W. All kinds of gravel for con­ nnsw er the sam e w ithin six weeks , io. 16 c h a in s : N. 64 deg W. 3.73 chains, Com the first publication th ereo f ' n . 28 deg-W . 8.10 ch ain s; N. 189i deg. crete or road work. Wo T his «uuimons Is first so published, E 3.93 c h a in s : N. 20 deg. E 2.30 chains make a specialty of crushed March 12. 1925 Io left bank of the tail-race of Eugene rock and rock sand. Bunk­ 8 D. Mien. A ttorney for Plaintiffs. City Pow er P lan t; N. 75 deg. E. 2.30 JEWELER ers at foot of Main on Mill Office. Hovey Block. Eugene. r>r"gon ch ain s; N. 80 deg. W. 6.00 chains Io Repairing a Specialty Mar. 12-19 26 A-2 9-16 23 place of beginning, containing 13.66 street. Springfield, Oregon Dn o « h J e En rL ? r | S< Application should be accom panied HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. lit seburg, Oregon, March 4. 19.5. * by check or d raft of the am ount of bid NOTICE PGR PUBLICATION innd ahould bp addressed to Q. G. F orest E xchanges Brown, Clerk S late Land Boar J. Sal- CLEANING, PRESSING N otice Is hereby given th a t on cm, Oregon, and m arked "Applk-a- FRANK A. DEPUE N ovem brr li 1924 W llham M Faulk tlon and bid to purchase river-bed ATTORNEY AT LAW AND REPAIRING n e r of Corvallis, Oregon, Hied n r lands.” plication No. C15833 unuor ihe act of Done a t Salem. Oregon, March 20, NOTARY PUBLIC We Call For and Deliver March 20, M22. (42 S ia: . 465) to ex- 1925. m a n g e the N94 SW '.i 80c. 12. Tn. O. O. BROWN. S utton SprlngSeld G. M. PLUMMER JR. B.. Range 19 \Vr«t. W M w ithin Clerk of S tale Lend Board Buldllng Oregon. M-26-A)2-9-7‘i( 23-30 M-7-14 21-29. in : S iu r’aw X a '!onal F orest J-.r the Classified Advertisements j I Auto Repairing SUMMONS. 'B U S I N E S S !l I R E C T O R Y j J J experienced ju d g e o f gasoline values gets his ntoneys-werth because he buys gasoline £jr its performance on the road. Hence the w id e­ spread preference for “Red Crown-?/?f be3buy in Town "The Loop” ai 2Säi D. W. Roof The best buy inTbwn II " ■