« PAGE S IX T U R S F íU N U K U a jl NEWS T H VH SD A Y. A PR IL 9, 1938. Down From L sa b u r g - W. H. Craft 1 Vialt Haro Sunday— Mr. and Mrw. CALL A^fD SMB Or N. W Einer) was down from l.oaburg Monday. Robvrt Haya aud aon of Wendllng on ort.'oa on plate and other work • »len t Sunday visiting at »»varai Vlaita Hera Sunday—Grace Fam Springfield homes. ham of Eugene spent Sunday hers Ill with Influonaa—Mrs. J. W. Mark III With Influama—Roland Parker vtatting with Mae Craft Spends W eek End H ere Miss Gert bam i* ill al her home with influenza is III at hla home here with Influent» Hara From M arcels- Mr. and Mr ru,‘* • »««‘«.nt al the Agri- TOWN AND VICINITY Hero From ¡Thuratoi»—Jack Har- Hat Tonaila Rsmovad—The small bert was |n from Thurston Friday. »on of W. R. N>aton had h|s tonsils removed by a local physician Sundax Spends Week-End Hare—Gladys Oaks of Cottage Grove spent the Down From W endllng—II. J, Carl w eek.end here at the F. E. Lenhart er of Wendllng spent the w eekend home. here. Gets Car of Corn— The Springfield Service Station P a i n t « wn from Walkerville— Mr. and Springfield Friday evening. Mrs. T. W. Carney were In Saturday from W alterville shopping. J W McDowell were down from Mar- coU*«’ »P*«“ ">• weekend cola Monday h"r». * r Farm— A group from the M<*thodtat church visited the Baptist Children to Have Party- 1 county poor farm Sunday afternoon, The primary children of the Baptist where they held a religious meeting Sunday School will he entertained at a and song service. Presents of food party Saturday on the church lawn were taken by the visitors. Yours For Better Service At Spong Hotel Friday— Mr. and Mrs. W. E Marks registered at the Spong Hotel Friday from Dallas. Takes Position in Eugene— Orson Vaughn has accepted a position In Eugene with the Eugene Concrete Pipe company. Lions Have Music— Charles Nadvor- nik and Mrs« Lesrt Need provided musical selections at the Liens club luncheon Friday. Ill at Home of Mother—Mrs. Clar enee Bradley has been seriously 111 with Influenza at the home of her mother. Mrs. William Leonard for several days. Visits Friends Here—Mrs. Neil Holla’d, form rly Miss E ls‘e Weddle of Spr ngfi H is visiting friends here. Mrs* Pollard lives in Portland. Celebrates Birthday— Ethel Ruth Fulop relebrat d her first birthday Sunday at the home of her parents at ♦07 C street. Oil Man Here— Kelly Owens, special agent for the Union Oil company was a Spr'ngfi-ld visitor Friday from Portland. O ffic e C losed Because o f Illness— The N. A. Rowe realty office was closed for a few days this week owing to the illness with influenza of Mr. Rowe. Springfield’s Greatest Savings ■w nHw m H BBHHm am NM ni Prunevillel Club Meets—The Coun­ try Sunshine club of Pruneville met at the home of Mrs. H. E. W yles T hursiay afternoon for a social meet­ ing. 338 MAIN ST. Baby Boy Bog)—Mr. and Mrs Ph III'- Saul are the parents of a 9*4 pound son. born Friday morning. They live severs' miles east of Springfield ing at the Mercey Hospital in Eugene. 25c White Handkerchiefs, 6 Return From Portland— Mrs. Harrv Anthcny and daughter Marjorie re­ turned from a vis't of several days in Portland Fridav, Mr. Anthony went to Bay City where he will be em­ ploy ed. Return From Marshfield—Mr. and Mrs. A! Perkins returned from Marsh­ field Friday, where they have been for some time. Mr. Perkins has Just recovered from a severe attack of in­ fluenza. ng N ’ w Street—Residents of Emerald Heights are working remov­ ing brush and making about one third of a block of street on south 3rd be­ tween E and F streets. They expect to finish It th's week-end. Many P-opir in Friday— A largf number of out of town people were in Springfield Friday shopping, and on other business. Among them were Mrs. N. N. Kaldor of W alterville, J. F ish of Pruneville, Georg“ Platt and C. F. Grant of Thurston. John Hart of Cedar Flats, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wear- in of W alterville. Mr. and Mrs. N. M ier of fa m p Creek, Everette Har- veil of Marcola, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. J alrd of Pleasant Hill, and Sam Vln son of Jasper. BANKER’S WIFE ADVISES SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE “I had stom ach trouble so bad everything I ate soured and form ed gas.W as miserable until I tried Adlepika. This helped I th e first day.” Adierika helps a n y ease gas on stom ach unless due to deep-seated causes. The QUICK action will surpiise you. B ecause Adierika is such an ex­ cellent intestinal évacuant It is w onderful fo r ^constipation—it often w orks in one hour and re v e r gripes. F lanery’s Drug Store. J 0 0 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $100 $1.00 75c K nit Ties, 2 fo r $1.25 Silk Ties ....................... $1.25 Work Gloves $1.25 Boys Hats ... Childs Barefoot Sandals, sizes 0 4 5’/ 2 to 11 ...........................