THVTtPDAY. APHIL ». 1926. TH E RPRINGFTHLO N W M . F PAGE FTV» Down for Wsek gn d —D K Mitchell Baby Girt Born— Mr. and Mrs. Glen All building permit retnrda In the \ of Westfir spent the week-end here. Whittaker are the parent* of a baby history of Portland were Itrokcu dur gk' girl born Saturday. lng March, according to u report la Hare Fretn Rossburg—Oscar Kltnke *U«d by the building luspeclbr'* Of­ Register at Hotel— O. F. Minor of I of Roseburg was la town attending lo ­ fice. which »hewed that during the Lebanon and Clarence Canoll of Port* hia property here Tuesday. month a total of 159" building permit! land registered at the Bpong hotel Brief Resume of Happenings of were Issued for * total of 44,540,105. UPPER WILLAMETTE THURSTON NOTES Return From Portland Vleit—Miss Tuesday. I.. W Pear* and Arthur Covell were Edna 8warta returned from a two- the Week Collected for Hava Picnic Supper—Dr. and Mrs. sentenced at Marshfield to bang In week* visit In Portland Wednesday. Pollard and family, with Dr. and Mrs. (he stale penitentiary at Hulem May A ba,,.-ball gam» was played at ' m1m" V '4* Qray haa been engaged Our Readers. 22 hy Judge Kendal), who for the Pleusant Hill on the Woodman ball j •« ,B»ch the grade achool tor another Go to Dexter—W. F. M cK'lvey and Emery and Mr. and Mr*. V. D. Bain s ' ....... a>'- > cd two year* ago of first degree teams The Pleasant HUI girl* heat I visited at John Prlcetn’ last Sunday. Move Back to Apartment—Mr. and murder. Tin' Fir» I National bunk of linn Go«* to Hospital— Mrs. Frank Con- 1 lh.< Elmira girl* by a »cure cf 17 to 2,- Mine Dennks, from Dea burg (pent Mrs. Vernon Grimes have moved to an way went to the Pacific Christian 1 dun * « i cliieed (or voluntary liquids- Provisions of the »In lute revoking while tin* Pleaaant l l ’H boy* got 1 2 '¿Sunday in Tburaton. ¡apartment over Hall* Cash 8tore tluft hospital Wednesday for the perform­ the license of a person guilty of driv­ aa iignln«' Elmira 10. i which they occupied before they Thurston base ball team played Co­ ing an automobile while under the ance of a major operation. Th" »tale luml departm«ni In March The Pleasant HUI choir Is planning Mode i moved to the rear of the burg team at Coburg last Sunday. turli-d over to llio atatft treasurer Influence of liquor are clearly manda » veral special musical number* for Coburg won. Here from Albany—('. E. Davenport. M|l|lnerJ r shop. tory, and tha can only bu re Easier Hunday. They met Sunday Sltli.13ll.S4. Ivan Richard, from Wendllng apent j H Biakeiey g„d 8. L. Techenor, of Out o( Ihi* 70 terchvra employed In stored by laiiulng a pardon, Attorney afternoon at the church for practice the week md at John Edmieton a. Albany, were registered at the Bpong! M” Lynn L«n"ber,7- Mr’’ L W- General Van Winkle has i^lvlin-d Gov and will practice again Saturday even­ the acliool» <>( liund. nil hul 14 will Miss Ethel Harris from Brooks hote! Monday. Ic1’ rk an'1 Mr* Mary 11 *r*re **" cnor Pierce. ing al ». 30 ut the church. II. visit'd relatives and friends here the return n ett year. ¡elected delegates to the Rebekah as- Fifteen and a half million feet of Wheeler Is director and Mary Hardin paat week-end. Albany acliool children will undergo Visit Sister Here— Mr. and Mrs -s m b ly of Oregon to be held at Ash- Belmont Russell who 1« employed A p Foley of Portland a id O. J : land May 19 at th meeting of the ■ dally luspoctioii until dangur (rum government limber In Coo* county, organist. trlluiiury to Coon hay, was sold ut The memb-rs of 'he Christian En­ ¡at Silverton apent the week-end with Po,eF ot bostine visited several days local Rebeckah's Monday even'ng. diphtheria la (oat. Kiiseburg In four separate lota. The deavor are practicing tw ice a weak on his parent» Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rus- week with their sister Mrs. H. T Gladys Mead was a visitor from the The alnl« lax oft gasoline and dis­ four trr.cta. alt of which were (I. ft C. the play "f-lother M'.ie," which they Mitchell, returning to their home Jurisdiction of Connecticut at the tillate coll«* ted tin »al»-» made during sell grant land«, carried 4.000.000 feet of Intend to give soon. meeting. February uggreyuted *201,30936. Mr and Mrs. A. W. Weaver motored Wednesday afternoon, Port Orford cedar, which aold for Si Mrs. Laura Baughman of Trent to Corvallis last Sunday. | During the month of Manti Ja< k- per J uoo f«et. » went to Eugen Monday where she The Ladle* Aid m eets with Mrs. aim county ext« tided m ill for houn- Confident that the petition to th» will utulvrgo an operation this week Lawrence Gossler Thursday afternoon. ties in !>ti coyote*, s i wtldcuia and one Interstate commerce cumtniauion for An April fool parly was given at w- If Mrs. John Endicott’s father paused permission to build a road from the home of Mias Bertha Manning Fourteen teachers and 84 pupils Sprague river east io l.akevlew will Friday April 3 by the members of the away at his home In Springfield. The have been reported out of achool *1 he granted, the Oregon-California ft Christ an Enleavorr society of Pleas­ funeral services were held Sunday B etid h e ttiu a e t.f more or It aa mild Eastern Railroad company ha» order ant Hill. Games a id refreshments afternoon. M*re. E ndicott haa the caeea of Influclira i ed a survey und location of thia pro­ were In keeping with April fools day. j sympathy of her many friends In her bereavement. George 8. McCord of linker w s | jected extension. The freshman class at the P lea sa n t. Mr and Mrs. Ray Edmlston and appointed a member of the atnto Illll high school will give a recept'oc-: Governor Pierce, at the request of boartl of dental esanUftera to aucceod a large number or water users In the to the upper classes Friday night. faintly visited Mrs. Rhodes In Spring- field last Sunday. F W. Ilolllater of Portland. • Hood Ittver district, ordered the ut March 10. In the high school building. The Appraiser tor the Government The aim« livestock sanitary board torney-general to Intervene In a cult The Endeavor young folks will have haa refused to modify the quarantine involving certain water rights which an Easter plcn'c next Sunday, April farm loan was in Thurston Tuesday against the Importation of Culifurniu la to he appealed to the United States 12. If the w eathir will permit they I looking over some land. tattle, sheep and awlne Into Oregon. supreme court by Hie Pacifie Power ( win e charch n eÄ » “ <>»* morn held In Corvallis Saturday. Band» from Albany. Medford. Ashland and sot this fact the Union Hall farmers - week. D este. J(>hn ’’’«o* Arcb At the meeting of the Halein have served notice that they have organised a "coyote club” with a view to exterminating the posts. Thimble club at the home of Mrs. W. «»“»“«h motored to Noti Wedneaday expect to attend. A. N. Mosh berger, the station agent T. Mauney. March 28 a mi« linn -ou* ,in> the Gilmore & Pittsburg and the Pa i were received »luring the 30-day period dreams — the kind you’-»' ending March 30 by the Lund Settle­ rifle A Idaho Northern were made ’ always wanted— are here I ment Department of the Portland defendants th a proessillng brought j Remember you can get them at this store. We pride our­ before the Interstate cotumeruo com Chamber of Common-«. selves on being able to furnish you with the highest quality The Coos county court has set the mission by the Cattle and Horse Rais The colors and fabrics o t 2770.000 road bond election for Muy era’ nsHocintlnn of Oregon, the North and the best service. this Apparel are charming 12. The election has three measures. I w-eetern Livestock Shippers league ami the Portland Livestock exchange i beyond description. They one for slate mulch money, one for luierals and a tlilrtl for construction Certain rates charged hy the carrier» j a r e 11 u 1 y worthy of the on livestock art* declared to have been of u bridge across the hay In Marsh wonderful Springtime. 1 Peets* Granulated Soap ..........................40c unfair and reparation Is asked. Held. And with all this loveli-- Oregon received 31,490.800 for Im 7 bars Crystal White Soap..........................35c Tho Coos county court has voted ncss, prices are sensible, rea­ an appropriation of 22000 for adver­ provement and maintenance of lit j 3 bars Creme Oil so a p ............................... SSc sonable— they tising the county, which will be used rivers und harbors during the fiscal - please yon! year beginning July 1. according lo al 1 Peet’s Granulated 4 0 c ............................ 40c In the construction of a proposed We invite you to Bee otn] archway at the Interaecllon of tha loeatlona of funda made by the bourn j Spring Apparel, Coos Douglas stale highway anil the of army engineers. Allotments art i Total ............... - ..................................—.$1.40 sa follows: Columbia anil Wllluineltt ' Pacific highway Junction. rirars between Portland and Van ' ALL FOR ...................... - ..............- ............ S100 The Marlon county boundary board i i -.tver, 4893.00(1; Columbia river ant ! authorised an election lo detertn.n* Phone phone trlbutarios above Celllo falls, $8000 ! whether the Gervais union high ichoo' Coquille river, 418.000; Coos hay ' district should hi* dissolved. Petition14 1 750,000; Coos river, 23000; Clatskanl» asking for the election wore ihtneii i ver. 4720"; Willamette river, abort I by six of the seven dlslrlCts comprls 1 irtlund nnd Yamhill river, 417,400. j lng the union high school unit. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST REXALL One Cent Sale Now On! Thursday, Friday and Saturday Flanerys Drug Store Auto Service Springfield Garage ííackoat Easter A Greetings from the White Front Grocery When You want Quality Groceries Winning Style» Friday and Saturdry Specials 3 • WHITE FHDNT GROCERY - 3