Yttl'IlHDAY, APRIL !■. 1926. THS SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOS POUR Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L GOOD LAMB CROP IOBNDIN m ~ ~ • P U B L IC A T IO N LANK COUNTY U N IT N O . 14 E N G L IS H W A L N U T S N E E D Local R e p o rte ra • CANARY LOCAL 189 MT. VERNON LOCAL O F F IC E R S OF la n e C O U N T Y F A V O R A B L E L O C A T IO N S F A R M E R 'S U N I O N • Canary ....... J. L North up • ... ........ Ray Bowar • . . I * Central "1‘liiutina« of Kiigllsh «uinui» In The regular monthly meeting was Th“ regular business me. ting of the .. Mr». L. J. Getchell • lii .-gon «huuli I m * O llille o l l l v In the Mrs. Geo. Kehelbeck » held April & and a profitable «■ >lcn Mt. Vernon l.o. «1 wa» held Wedne»- Will W hselsr, T r a n t , Viet P r a t i • m.Mt favorable locHltoits.*' replted (*. B r--h .( day. April I. at the usual m-otlna „„ Mrs M A. Horn • waa enjoyed by all present. danL • * E .»■ hust.r, nsaletant ltorllcullurl»t Mrs. Ada Jennings • ShoUrnberg gave a very able talk og place, with about fortv members and ' j • Koreaa ___ Betty Kappaò*, Cottage Qrove, • „ i m,, c-iltesv eX|»er'ui lii stntloit Mrs. B. Baker *; platform scales and Brother Morion several visitors praaeuL •■MX PI®H Smog s3uij»»w - Heceta tac.-Traaa. *iw lion oskid lit < rooiiiniciidnlloun for. Mr», M Gillespie »I. ltd the same on testing of dairy herds The building commute submitted a | • N. A. Horn, Cottagi Qrove, Door .1 Iho MSteiit of »uinui pbmllugs "Il I» Week in Various Communities*» Had» w fllw l Sister Ausl m 1» recovering now plan which se««ti>e.l to plea**' Keeper Mr». Grace Jones By County Agent; Flocks in • Jasper iik opinluii ilmi there wil| lie un ovrr from an attack of scarlet fever uudci every one and work will begin In Mrs. C M. Postar • Inorano H. C. Jaekeon. Waltervllle, Con tm luctbui of wiilnula In iti 1’n lliil Fair Condition. McKensie Mrs Lawrence Millcnla • the able care of Ur Edwards of PI r earnest In the very near tutor duetor, Hlatc» tn Iho futuro tl Ui-iV lie se v e i» | Mt. Vernon Mrs V. A Reynolds • .-neo We all Join with her fou lly We are huv'ng goo I m eetings and 0. L. Clement, Chaplain. The Lane County Bocks arc In fair y e i t r . lo it iti,- presonl plilitlnxs and Silk Cr-ek Bulah Stnilh • („ wishing her a speedy return to «out. | very n. liber i» urged to attend each -condition and there has been a good the i m i -* »f merta»« lnd‘ca>* undoubt* K B Tinker • pl> te health. time. lamb crop, according to County Agent. I Trent ___ •* II» n solin m ion pelin in ib« «uinut Vida ............ Mrs. W. K. Post • Brother Pester Is reporting ex Th l.o lies Auxiliary met the fourth O S. Fletcher who has this week been iiolu»trv ' DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 cellent result- from his new 60<> n t Wednesday In March and put in mos' conducting a series of sheep meetings Kltfur* » g iv e n b y 1*r»»ft»»nr Ht h u « i r r Incubator. Have you vlatted the of the day making blocks for a qUllt. ' In the county. With him are H. a . I »h»»» i'n l t f t 'r ii'f t h r » imi.OtMi Acr< » (’ fu- Bester poultry farm? It 1« literally «Igbt members were present L lngn n. of O. A. C., who lectures on i I* K ». who waa hurl lit RuJn d u r i l i K 3Ô »•••r rent C iip a tU y . T h o * "carved from th-- wild m e«»“ , »nd Is The Mt Vernon Thimble Club tret wool production. C. J. Hurd. O. A. C.. j i H»tl i«l I h r 1 t «*?*erit ( it l t r i» A|> da during January Is home from th . ■ ■ 'a splendid example of pure, unadult Thursday. April 2. at the home of cn cooperative marketing and G 11 ' 1 r«*' hit » loh SO m illi on l»<»tin«l** T h « » » Bugane hospital now The day was Thompson, of Marion county, agent of j William M. Jardine th, new Secretary , »rated grit, and while there he ure Mrs I N. Francis A. N. and It lomil wen* In Collar* rim .rv H • tl. »H ( \ t l l f t M n ia lo h u rt* in or»’ th e Pacific Cooperative Wool Growers of Agriculture recently made the fob to ask your kindly knstess to show sp nt In sew ing a n t conversation w M in iti ■ 1 ht n i n i Al I t i * p rt» *’ nt ihn<* Qrove Tuesday on hualuc»». A special feature was Hit» splendid association. lowing statement to the N ational'you her really fine collection of Ala» Ih a n ia In ! • u u p lv ili«* n n ilr n Elmer Ikiollttle from Star Is ipov- Meetings are being held this week Council of Partners Cooperative k» curios galh r> I during her servo-« dinner serv»d at noon by Mrs. Pratt Ing Into III*- bungalow by J II Kirk» t ’ htlswl blnlrW. els. with the ««»'stance of Mrs. 1,. In all parts of the county. Pair at- .Marketing Association: ] m lsson ary In that far off terri- >ry ’ T<» i »» «thir In w li b u lli m i Ih«’ r o t i ’ Dutton's sawmill at Wi ulako Duvl«. The n«Xt meeting of the club »lore at Itorenu tendance is reported. j '.\s ’As a npgtng meqants o f bringing about There was no endeavor al thl* pla. - «llUlsftn i»r h»w pr*n » » ih m « r o ih»* r * . burned to the ground Friday nicht Is at the home of Mrs el'. I. Gorrle While soroe o f the flocks have to t H ere orderly production :nd marl *'t- Slindai -venlng »« most veryon - at »ult of overproduction,** added Pro stood the winter as well as they (nt I ran not evereniph.uiso the need about 12 o ’clock. The origin ot the Tliursdae, May 1 K, Im « i r r . ‘ h ig h p r ia lm lo g tended the revival mooting« at W 1*1 f* « « . h Bre Is not known Th- ions, esilio ite I The Mt. Vernon t.-mal extends sin­ might in general the sheep are in for strong, efficiently managed, co- wood o r . lia n t» a t a low co»l per pound at about tdô.Ooo Is fully cover*-1 by cere sympathy to the fam ilies of John good condition and have borne a tro.»1 »ixra^ive (marketing a.-i ci-ilion» Norval Newel and Mr Wright and l«a»l» will I,, neceaaary In order lo Insurance. Nothing d e f in it e » v *t «¡,-1 Janie» Co dey for the loss of crop of lambs. The medium wool “Cooperation Is an effort io create son Everett of Cottage Grove vlalled obtain ib* ••• high producing orchard» breed of sheep found on most of the a better system of marketing, to pto- known about the r building of the thele father, William 11. Cooley, win- o lia i at the W A. I and hot»-* Stindav I« * • - » • • * oliai to plant only on , . w p assel away W*tt:ie»d«y. April 1. farms here are best adapted and show ¿,,ce -¡nd market products '.hat con milk l« l. I t t i o l i « ** M r s . D o v e Raker who lias l>e»n In The dance at Silicons Saturday - — ■ - 1 ■ the highest return to the farmer. b e - ! , umers demand, end to dlstributo Portland vl.ttlng her grandaon David 4 f a v o r a b le ! lo c a tio n h a s »
t lik ” h •I*«'*! niu«lc hv M as Bl)th the Oregon and California crops Mr nd«nce shows a steady u |Bntr p„rt of the H24 crop has b-en legged man In our town ______ ___. by the __ support of each M a l l e i and Phllln Moshv and Elmer Kidder: “That's nothing—a June member, is the Partners 1'nlon going *aln *>‘,rh Su®day. sold for export. Jobbers and retailers McClllh, ^ nt v(a|(i, , A f.-w ■>( the members of our local bride np In our town has a cedar to thrive and prosper and Its c o I Hruther (.rant Fisk I» getting a should enter the l»25 buying season » ,,ndBV at , he j II. Mmhy home of at- «ntrklng on a program io be given operative enterprise« succeed. One I*00*1 »mount of plowing done He with yractlcally «amply shelves. chest." . thl« place In the orar future way to give this individual support is "ay’ I*le n*’* ""Parator Is giving rotn- Belter economic conditions In Eu Mr M„ Vol«amore »n,l rhIM T u e K u u .liiy school and church are to atteod your local meetings and your P1 * * ’* »attsfgctlon. NOTICE rope and pr »pe. ts for continuous cm rpn Wildwood v ls lf d Mr« Volvs »»Ini i<> have a rally day next Hun Brother Khollenberg Is home from county m eetings, to give freely of your loyment of labor In the United States nv,r.-« Pl. r, Mr a - t M r » t ’ li..« In elected chapter In 12?, general ■la». Kaatsr Sunday They wan’ law WHEREAS s of Oregon, 191»Mt 1« ,lm * *n<1 “ »ought >nd effort«. Our ’’’* ‘ ’ rhl,’‘ r ' " ‘n* sre other factors that argue well for Te-ler« of th'a place Hundav ». » e i it y - f lv e or more If poa»|bte. declared to be the duty of every per hext county meeting which will be at “ *” • work underway, the prune grower. Mr Hurd believes Florence I «nil and I onia IW m I v » eon. firm, copartnership, company and Cottage Grove Friday. April 17. pro- Brother Les Austen and his boys There wilt be a apee al aermon given Oregon and Wnahlngton have a near wfwiteM Tue«d«y at the Jim Hpahr , He» l*Mtler»on. an Inslrurlor at ** “ ^ i n t e r e s t i n g and In- ” th’ T u ' X gen’e S l lm ra0Ul>P<,ly H ie K. H I'. He has preached here m:nion over any land, place. bu«W- Mructlve one and member. i t n*r«1 lm- variety haa to compete with the prtltr — _ — * . le fore ami lb** people wnnl him hack hether a delegate or not should at* Prr>vements __ produc* d la California ing. stnjcture. wharf pier or lock prune f t « .I n g lo the exper m.-nt station r The Union unantaously . nd«ws.*d ,7a^ an advntMy the* po- inuab- Mr«. Master» will slug a solo, tlte in s ie with almost a monolopv predatory animals, or as soon as th e * . Dry llm esulfnr dissolved In watet a s l’lon of thistle inspector during the on 20'a, 30*» and 3S's. The stale agri­ Is a convenient «ubstliute for coni E»ei»lwelt is Invited. presenceof the same shall conte to ‘ , coming season Mr». Marv Sunder» is silli very sick, his. their or its konwledge. at once t.i,* H A D L E Y V IL L E L O C A L cultural economic conference and liquid lime-sulfur the Oregot The poison barley sale has met with later Will» netle »all.y .u il e r e m - merclal rap()r„ Mr and Mr». I'altnaleer of Eastern proceed and : > continue in goo.) iy lti < ,, |g , . N-Ighbor Scott's ne nungamw hMrV; , llnK wt„ (o fBr t(1WBr(I , upply. t)jn< Th„ , Xl |||ln |.,x end »on were Invited io a birthday flrfcs. copartnerships, corporations Pn,or thp ’too<1 ■>ro«ra"’ an(l ‘h<* r*“- show» up to good advantage from dinned ai the home of Mr and Mrs and companies owning or having dee. feeshments. All went home feeling as “p jig the Hlsea an I good quality nee.l *.| / „mp lh , drv ,|m , . „ ln,r „„ and down th« valley Ho»« Huiuidirey tu»I Sunday, given In minion over land in said La-r.e county, though the evening va« w p II spent. If beat prices are to be obtained.” mnrl, „ „„ |n(.r„n„.,, Remember our library at the hall Is rp ""****'"« ‘he «uh- says Mr. Hurd. "Owing to the ex of thl« muterlal am m g min mereiai n. Mi Humphrey. steps to exterm inât- said gray digger . . . „ . .... , open — — at 12 on Sunday. Round table T in - Ijt ir t m * » Io n l o f l l i i u r i c e H ill s cetdlngly dry season last year, some growers ground squirrels (Cltellus dotiglasii) for discussion will be. which Is (|UciIfI((lo|) of , . , ew, Irt . was In. reused Inal week l>y twin within thirty days from the date of *he most destructive, th“ gopher or «n(n. ‘ hgrol growers ad* reporting light blooming c a lv i.» p m Special song «er prospect», which should mean fewer the first pubVcat'i of this notice, the gray digger. H such steps are not taken a p en on „ „ hopf,d a , many M vice at 1:40. Snndsy Sc hool at 2 p prunes to the free and consequently Mr iitel .Mr» Vero R'ewnrl rrlorord Brown rot Infection at hlosannilng i w ; persons apopinted bv the countv " , , m. A cor Hal Invitation Is «xl tided to from t'allft.rnln hi«! weak Mr Slew- Km-, »fart« from the «pore eup stage larger alzes. eodrt of »aid Lan county will enter ran rom"' The amusem-mt committee all art I« imieh Improv - I, upon said lands and proceed to « .y .- will try and have something that is T h e rccontnieoilatlon of the atat.« cn the « r iit in I Plowing • iirlv w th P irly rarden« sr n«. and t io l- • minate »aid gray digger ground squir- wt-rthw-hile. »conoailc confercnce that no moi a r it o .'e d hiirrowlnr: throughout th*- w it. considering th- condition o f th" rely adheriul to, hui ev.-ry efforf ahould Llihilng the carlv Infections i*.- our cabinets of letterheads ■^pga’n«. said land -* It dees one good to note so m aiv he mad» to nialulaln the present P,'r l»>l,'at fMlon I'lrinlnr S3 on «brown im -l ........ « Unite I fur Individiini *<"uc comity rg r ic iliu ra l agent h r* * C R F S '/V E L L L O ^ A L • • m n m v sm T ts nn the farms up and • ot w i ll be i « • » . . • • • ■nt free upon request t, orchurd** at maximum production.' ila ! , la t lo p c r v A l Ilo* New» down the val’sy ; new fene », n*sw o. a . r . a day to bo known as “squirrel pois-j - »»If. hulldt"g*i eld buildings r paired, 1 . X»ing day“ throughout the said I-an“ ! „ , , . ,. , , county, and It Is hereby recommended T 1 f re.-vell Local Id a basket bre- ' stretch»« cf plow- I lm I or- , ,4hat poisoned barley, as prepared by J social on their usual m etlng n ght in chnrd i prun'd, all bear vlinr«« ’o the , F A R M R E M IN D E R S The nndprrigned and representatives ; *he Woodman hall. fact t^at we have the rlne»l valley In f «rf Sl,prf'j; The ‘Country Kids" orchestra from *h world, •'••• bar ••»»••»3, none; «n-t and n n «m rlass of o f f o p I n lte d S la t p !)• n artT<**n * o f * ■» « Agriculture, fc used for “ e pur^ Walker played a number of selection. •• ” •'••«». JtJH, „ „ |h. vaIb v s s or i z\ Oregon pouliry houses can . be . kent o f «tich extermination Such pol«oneand «an* a i»on$ ‘ c r r ,r v frorn ln" ect bv liberal ap- plication of whitewaah on the walls, t)arley may be »stared from th- p-ider very much appreciated by all. The Dutton logging camo brought ni^nwl at hH office in Euren*. I^ane r \f n r ? a n K a th c r ^ n p W r i e h t a n d < «. report» the experiment slatlon Spray- County. Orearon. at approximately t h e / * Morgan. Katneftne w rign j n anoth ‘r donkey engine from co st of preparation Franc!» Horn gave reading». aero»» S :ftcoon Lake. Monday» to !ng Is better than brush ng It on, a» | force of the sprayer geta the liquid Date of first nubHcation of thl» no-1 T h < basket» Fold well, and to avol I »p< ed. un the logging work in the crack» and crevices that are <,<7ciAl>riJ. 7,h' A92o tsvweecu k'hp "Wee Sma11 hours" about one _________________ __ (Signed) O. 8 FLETCHER. I . , , » , j v . ■> not usually reached by the brush. County Agricultural Agent. Riondved people hurried home, feellnc f»u-T"t'i'ng new t i nersonal -tatlon- ( A 9-16 23 >>t had been an evening well «neat Bry fleq our cabinet» of letu ',b«4 the EVERYTHING FOTQGRAPHIC -an o th er'w eek —and oh hoy—you should ift treat eing or Stenographic course in our school wiJJ prepare you for a gopd jmsitlon. • 1 < ■’! '■ It’s A Good School The Rates Reasonable Nam e ........ O. Address Union Local From We Can Train You .....................- ......192 to .............. Member F. E. C. U. of A. 192 For service» rendered by the Farmers Union and | ............. ....... this receipt e n tltl « the holder to subscription to the Springfield News Our school will continue In session all th ru the sum m er m onths. Ask for our free talalogue. Eugene Business College Phone 666 .. A. E. Roberts, President. 992 W illamette Kt. .. Eugene, Oregon D iiip In wllli a frlcml and enjoy a plat.* or two of our delicious I* •• i-K-nin. Whtithnr Hie ?luy lie wiirin nr cool you are sure I» Ilk.- our len errum; It lias that " d l f f ' - i cnt|' flavor, you know. I’osltlvwly the best, c ream In town. EG G IM A N N ’S