THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL », 1»25. ....................... . ■— Ladies’ Footwear Blnck Kid Pumps, put up by the Got- slaii Shoe Co., lattice front, m ilitary heel. Note thin low price. $ 4 .5 0 A beautiful Patent Leather Pump with tan counter, tie front, finest welt workmanship, Compares favorably with moat 18.00 shoes. Gur price $ 4 .9 5 »> > $ 5 .8 5 Light Tan Pumps, lattice front, medium heel. A new spring style $ 4 .9 5 Light Tnn Oxfords, low heel, short vamp. Suitable for dress and sport wear < 4 $ 4 .9 5 • *• - < A good line of Creighton pump«, In all latest styles and colors. Come to Brier's for your best buy In footwear. $ 4 .9 5 O-So-Snug Support ' s tra p Pum p ami O xford. The special­ ly constructed arch conform s to the n a tu ra l c o n to u r o f the foot, fittin g snug and tig h t, g iv in g the w earer the greatest am ount o f c o m fo rt und sup­ port. $5.9 5 Dr. Woodbury's Cushion Sole, 2 Strap Pumps and Oxfords, medium heal, steel arch support. Solid comfort $3.9 5 E. E. Taylor Comfort Oxfords, vicl kid True thread steel arch support, good wldu lust - $ 3 .4 5 Dr. Sterling's cushion sole, One Strap Pumps and Oxfords. Very comfortable and scrlvceabie « S2.85 $ 2 .9 5 Patent Leather one strap pumps, lattice front, low’ heel, good value $ 3 .4 5 $ 3 .8 5 Black Satin One Strap Pump, lattice front, low heel $ 3 .8 5 White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords. Breler bargain A $ 1 .9 5 Brown Canvas Oxfords, crepe rubber sole $ 1 .6 5 Blacx Tennis Oxfords, a real value 98c Ladies’ Dresses $ 6 .8 5 to $ 1 6 .5 0 Fancy Gingham Dresses, neatly trim ­ med. Exceptionally good values 9 5c i» 5 1 .2 5 Slip-over and coat styles, In assorted colors $ 2 .9 5 to $ 4 .5 0 A good assortment of bloomers, stepins, combination suits, night gowns and pajamas, assorted colors In silk voile, mercerised charmeuse, crepe de chine and nainsook, priced to save you money 19c Talcum powder, 25c value. Soap Sp« lals. Palmolive, Almond, Co- coanut and Rose Transparent, regular 10c values...........................2 for 15c hard water, Cocoanut Fairy Queen soap only and 04c Coats Crochet Cotton ........... 10c Coats six strand flo ss.........3 for 10c Bias tape, assorted colors .... 10c I.adles purses, good assortment. Best value In purses .... $ 1 .2 5 to $ 1 .6 5 Ladles silk hose, assorted colors, extra good value ............... ...... 98c Ladles Venetlon hose, good grade at ................ $ 1 .8 5 Mercerized hose in black, brown and white ....... ..................................... 4 5 c Ladles cotton hose, good values at ........................15c to 25c $ 7 .9 5 to $ 1 1 .5 0 The C. J. Breier Co. is the place to. buy your spring goods, as our every day prices ongoods of quality, can’t he beat at special sales. Trading with the C. J. Breier Co. gives you the privilege'of buying at the store where every day is a bargain day, where all prices are marked in plain figures, so a child can buy as well as you. Compare prices and quality and be convinced that this store saves you money on goods of quality E. E. Taylor Dress Shoes In black, brown, and light tan. Extra good wearing quality $ 7 .5 0 to $ 8 .5 0 Boys’ Shoes A good assortment of Misses Dress Pumps, In patent leather, grey suede and blue. One strap lattice front and two straps Red Center, Solid Leather Dress Shoes, wide soft toe $ 1 .9 8 $2.9 5 Childrens Sandals In brown or patent leather, good variety. Buy from Breier and save Misses Tan Sport Hose with cuff just below the knee Size 9 to 13 at................. $3.25 Size 2 to 5‘/2 at ................... $ 3 .9 5 A good assortment of Dress Shoes in black and brown, always better shoes for less money at Breier s Size IIV2 to 2 at $ 2 .2 5 “> $2.9 5 Size 2«4 to 5'/2 at $ 2 .4 5 to $3.4 5 $ 1 .2 5 t<> $1.9 5 fancy 65c Sister Sue Hose for Girls, black, brown and white ribbed hose, providing for that trim neat look that Mothers like and for serviceable wearing qualities which active children require, well made and fully reinforced __________29c__________ Dry Goods Special, Jemco L. L. unbleached muslin, good grade, special per yd ... 14c Boys Outing Shoes, bicycle toe, good value Size 111/, to 2 at ................... $1.4 9 Size 21/2 to 51/2 at .............. $1.85 Canvas Shoes, reinforced with leather, Parocord sole, light and a real service giver $ 1 .9 5 to $2.4 5 Tennis Shoes, suction sole Ryon Cloth—35-inch, silk and linen for dresses and sport skirts, per yd. $ 1 .2 5 49c Gilbrae Drawn Cloth—32-lnch, in as­ sorted colors, per vd. 55c 24c Kalburnie Gingham—-in the seasons latest colors and plaids, per yd. 2 9c Kringle Crepe—In blue, tan, lavander and gray, 32 inch, per yd. 32c Poplin—Figured silk poplin, 40 inch, per yd. $ 2 .4 5 Darbrook Prints—Figured 39-lnch, per yd. $ 3 .2 5 Satin Face Crepe—In rose, tan, black and Navy blue, per yd. $ 2 .8 5 Satin Charmeuse— 39-lnch, at per yd. $1.85 and $ t .9 5 Crepe de (Riine—39-lnch, in w’liite only Cretonne—32-lnch, assorted colors, at only, per yd. 20c to 35c Outing Flannel—3R-lnch white heavy weight, special at only per yd. 25c Outing Flannel— 27-lncli, dark colors, per yd. 19c 75c Blue Chambray work shirts, quality, size 12 to 14 light and $ 2 .9 5 Black and Brown Dress Shoes, good as­ sortment in wide or medium toe. Shoes of quality at only $ 4 .9 5 E. E. Taylor Dress Oxfords, square eye­ lets. In the new light tan, a good value at only Tan Oxfords in Crepe Rubber Sole. Very- flexible and servicable $ 4 .5 0 Brown and Tan Oxfords, all styles, at these low prices only latest $ 3 .9 8 to $4.9 5 Men’s Work Shoes Brown Mule Skin Shoes, bicycle toe, just the kind for summer wear. Only $1.9 5 Black and Brown Outing Shoes, bicycle toe. Very comfortable and serviceable $ 2 .2 5 to $ 2 .9 5 Black and Brown Work Shoes, heavy upper, plain toe, good wearing sole. A Breier special. $ 4 .5 0 Heavy Work Shoes, made to stand the hardest wear $ 3 .9 5 to $ 4 .9 5 good 16-inch Reliance Pacs, a good value at only $ 8 .5 0 Chippewa Loggers, pegged and calked sole, your best buy in loggers, 12 and 16-inch top $ 1 0 .9 0 to $ 1 3 .7 5 _________ 65c__________ CANVAS FOOTWEAR Boys’ Suits Brown or White Canvas Shoes, leather reinforced paracord sole, a real service giver We carry a special line of suits for the active, fun loving boy. Materials that w ill not show soil easily. Excellent sendee giving qualities of materials and the careful tailoring which provides for longer wear, as well as good appear­ ance. These prices offer a definite saving. $ 7 .5 0 $ 1 1 .5 0 $ 2 .8 5 Men’s Canvas Shoes, suction sole. Buy at Breier’s at lowest prices » 1 .5 0 to # 2 .9 8 Men’s Shirts Mens Trousers $ 6 .5 0 to $ 7 .5 0 $ 1 .2 5 to $ 2 .9 5 Four-in-hand and Bow Ties', new pat­ terns, new colorings and In such variety that choosing is easy. Every preference in pattern and coloring Is met In these displays 50c to 98c Blue Chambray work shirts, extra good grade, a real value 89c Golf Knickers in gray and brow-n $ 4 .8 5 to $ 5 .8 5 Wool Dress Pants, assorted patterns $ 4 .9 5 to $ 7 .5 0 Medium weight, Khaki Work Pants, a Breier bargain $ 1 .6 5 Heavy weight Khaki Pants, good value at our price # 1 .9 5 Suit Cases A complete line of suitcases In fibre and leather. Come get our pries) and note the saving you w ill make here Hickory Work Shirts, never before could you buy a shirt of such wearing quality at the low’ price of only $ 1 .5 0 to $ 1 6 .5 0 98c Caps Black Beauty Sateen work - White Flannel Dress Trousers, and blue aud brown stripe A fine selection of dress shirts with col­ lar attached or with neckband for men *4 to 11 a t ......................... 29C Good variety of bleached and un­ bleach muslin per yd. 17 to 25c 69c $ 6 .5 0 to $7.5 0 $ 6 .8 5 Misses’ Pumps Jap Crepe—32-lnch , a wide range of muoh wanted colors, er yd. only Ladies’ Ready-to- Wear Copeland and Ryder Dress Shoes, made wltn the famous Copeg-arch. Your feet will know the difference the Copeg- arch makes, freeing as it does the arch from even the tiniest strain. It keeps the arch always In its natural position, assuring it the utmost comfort and re­ laxation EUGENE, OREGON Voiles— Figured Voiles jn a wide range of colors, per yd. Ladies’ Sweaters Men’s Dress Shoes Copeland and Ryder Dress Oxfords, in black, brown and tan, latest styles 49c # 1 .9 5 <» # 2 .4 5 House Aprons, assorted colors, fancy trimmed Chrystnl C. J. Brush .......................... 6 5 New smart spring dresses in silk, wool, crepe and flannel, new spring colors PAGE TITRER shirts, _________ 98c__________ Men’s Suits Men's Dress Caps In assorfbd color and styles $ 1 .8 5 to $ 2 .4 5 Men's work hats in dark gray $1.9 5 New spring suits for men and young men in the latest colors and styles. Breler’s prices are always lowest. Mens felt dress hats in light and dark color $ 2 8 .5 0 to $ 3 2 .5 0 $ 2 .8 5 to $ 4 .5 0 ■M.