-r g TI IVRFI)AV, APRIL 9. 1»2R. T im SPRINGFIELD NEWS , f AO» TWO ' ~ •F lip 1 H t« .1 c n n i M P P i n IA KTC’A l / C IT. •l*n>«‘8 Harris Rogers of Hyattsville. Md., «»p airin g B rid g . at M itt ih » O * K i l l v j r I r*-l -I -Z i i L W o announce« he ha« succeeded in sending a radio '»'»orsll bridga at ih» ti<’er m itting men to vote when they reach the age of; Th« Boy Was Right thirty. By and by they will learn that counting H erm an "See th at Utile »peck out is more im portant than voting. th ere on the horlsoti T hai'» a Scotch • • • ■hip." H ealey: "H rsv e n s mail -you Io n i I’rincessVIora foremrly Helen Kelly Gonhl m ean to tell me you know what flag announces that her daughter, Horouthy Gould. Is «he »all« under from thia distane« to m arrv a Swiss baron. As the Gould moneyi iW hv do you »ay II ta a Scotch Ship," dwindles the titles Increase. ' »hip." H erm an ' "W ell - th ere ar> no gull« .follow ing It? “THE WORST PIECE OF ROAD IN THE f COUNTRY” There are few jieople who have been away from E d ito r ia l C o m m en t hom e and never heard his expression, "the w orst| piece of road in the county is between the Paeit'i ?| EO P U R O E V 9 PHILOS THE MILWAt KEE TANGLE highway and Springfield.'' ‘ The question is. is Han Me kora hoy, Sam. wh > ha» Springfield going to rem ain the town noted for People in the W est reg ret exceedingly the nece- tty of he«n serving a five y ear »enlenee for “the worst piece of road in th e country" or t the appointm ent of a r .e lv e r tor the Chicago* Milwaukee pig stealing. got a y ear otf for good ore we goin to have a paved entrance to the city. A- St. l“»ul railw ay. C onatrueied into the Puc'fto North- h- havlor. and | w ss Just rem arking We have been talking about paving ami we know w est 16 years ago. the r.m i has furnished excellent * rvlee what a com fort it m ust he to raise how muoh it will cost, since the engineer's e sti­ and has become popular with the people. The receiver- a good boy like th a t." m ates have been given. Are we going to con­ ship la due Io financial difficulties. m ostly due to the ----------------------- -— tinue to talk and go through another summ er (allure of the Pacific Coast eglen s'o n to develop a puyn j Hr s Ralph n im e t, D entist, Vitus w ith this bad condition or are we going to act and y (h< c<>nHWU1>. lllr,H.„>rs had (l„ ir a building. S p rln g f- Id. Oregon p a \e these feu b lo ck s. * . Prior to the constru ctio n of thy line to Puget Bound. ,«he There’s a Difference Once you have slarled buying your groceries ami feeds here you will know why our ninny custoniers are satisfied anil more than that. Others are tinning In nntl telling us of their complete satisfaction with our plnce. Be one of Ihe thrifty people, liny here and you will he u regular custom er. Morrison ® Clingan Hay — Feed — Groceries — Flour — Shingles M ilwaukee had been a typical Middle WetK granger rai!\ CLEANUP ! road, stro n g financially and largely d pending on short Next week is cleanup week and the rubbish a r haul business, its stock» were at one tim e quoted as over cum ulated during the w inter will be hauled away $199 The extension to the Pacific Coast cost m any m illin'* from April 13 to IS by the city street d e tr i m e n t free of charge. Every old can. carton, paper, of dollar«. The electrification cost additional m lll'ons rags, old clothes and what not th at is cluterlng Then cam th e w ar and governm ent operation, ru ttin g up the back yard and alley should he placed in a down profits and run n in g up heavy replacem ent Charge- Loans m atured and th e railroad sees no way of nt- cling sack or box and put out where it canibe gotten them. R ankers' refuse to r- new th e loans and the re next Wednesday m orning by the teams. Cleanup week applies to every citizen. The celvershlp la necessary. The road Issued $116.3*4 .966 In health and sanitation as well as the beauty of ou r p referred stock and $ i n . 4 i l #6 in common stock ¡- »tin town repends on a thorough cleanup, We should o u tstan d in g In addition th ere 1» a funded d bt of $434.- 1 show our civic spirit and cooperate with the city 343.060. The« value of the common stock on the New Yora and the preferred autorities to m ake this the cleanest town In the stock exchange has dropped to stock to 10Lj. The receivership probably mean* the county. wiplngout o t th e value of th e atork alto g eth er and perhaps a loss to th e bondholders. All th ia Is most reg rettab le as It seem s to be the g- n eral opinion th a t given tim e for The News dispatches tells us th at “Fowler Mc­ Cormick, in soiled overalls, and with calloused . , , . „„ . .. , . ., . .. _ hands develoi>ment the M ilw aukee railroad m ight be able to pu nanas. Is is working working as as a a laborer laoorer in in the t n c . Milwaukee u i a s u i i » . iiiii( Ite lln>w ln lh- w „,iHrn state» «re nood out. Its lines in the middle western states are good plant of the International H arvester Co. Isn t it money makers. Ita coast extension Is one of the best sad? built railroad tinew In the entire country and with the • • • Sm ooth seas favor the Prince of Wales on his tfip. so there is little danger of him falling off the ship. Also President Coolidge has not had a single throw from his m echanical horse. They’re getting to be accomplished sportsm en in high Places these days. ' A New York woman kicked In a show window — m ust have seen a hat like hers. • • • Women who m arry to become pets usually lead a dog’s life. • • • • • Con«’~ “ than McNary and Standfield. <* th M* ‘"<> men ,r,e’ rerJr hard ,o rpPrp“’n; .every section and every Interest of the »tat»- and. a» the *Dempsey’s fight now is with the Income tax CgBector. ★ It contains well known vegetable drugs that am valuable ut the treatment o f certain blood and Pnce— Ont DuíLtr KETELS OREGON W ELL HOOKED V P A summary of work done In the last session of Congress fh o w j Oregon received a total of f 3.706.066 for reclamation 1 projects during the coming year. Oregon was also treated with great liberality In the ap­ propriations for thje state’s rivers and harbors, and, In fact. 1 got more In the end than they had expected. no state has a better worlrinf team today in the upper •* (B ran d ) M EDICINE e s s Congress has adjourned and left a lot Of bills— hou,e ot Wish we were congress. I e .<* ** NYAL HOT SPRINGS development of thia great Pacific Northwest there should be sufficient busines« for the Milwaukee as well as (ho other railroad« which have ao long e v id e n tly served this part of the nation. £Once they kissed and made up. Now they kiss There ‘ re w‘M,,ern »h° m«ke » d' al m ake up more nolse Bnd are more conBtAOtJ>r ln the *pot•*<&*. but r depend» U rgriv on the condition o f your blond l \ « x blood is of­ ten indicated bv »kin etuptsms I and blemishes A t the h u t »p- iwarince of choc indwstiunt t'egm t ilin g . record shows, they have been remarkably succ-ssful.— In- dtwtrtal News MOORE £ MOORE are tuilofs ft>r those desiring to bg correctly groomed in every detail. New seasons fabrics and styles are ready for your selection. You will ap­ preciate the variety of new fabrics shown. We m aintain a dep art­ ment for garm ent rem odel­ ing w here past season gar­ m ents can be made over Into late season styles. ■ -X - The 1925 Star Sport Touring with the Million Dollar Motor. Tailors for Iaidiea and Gentlemen Established 14 years 36 kill Ave. West. Phone 250 Oregon ftitgene, Every Day There is no question as to the food qualities of gocsl bread You Drive a Star and milk. Both are builders of physical and m ental strength. You Sure Money Beginning with the low pur­ chase price, every day you drive a Star you save money. The 1925 Star is the best car buy in the low priced field because it delivers the great­ est number o f high grade features ever built in a low cost car. Every feature contributes to your com fort, econom y and safety. B u ilt in ad van ce o f Ita com ­ petitors, it leads the field by its superior service which it delivers at the minimum of expense—beginning with its low cost,clear through every day o f its long life, you save money. {See the 1925 Star Car w ith its M illian Dollar Motor J A t the N e w Low Prices 3 Really there A Home Cost System no food for rl At or poor that will equal them. If you want the best bread be sure It's made w ith--------- A Budget System is noth­ ing other than a cost sys­ tem applied to home finan­ ces. With It you are able to logulare your outgo with your income so that your s. ’ i'ihs can be Increased considerably. For. by Its aid, every member of the family can w e where the money goes and help stop the leaks when they appear May we, at the First. Na­ tional, explain to you how you can benefit by It? “(¡Makes Bread Light as a Feather/ ' The great care we use in the selection of the choicest of wheats and In their blending, milling and testing is reflect­ ed directly an the quality of FEATHERFLAKE flours—the 41 Years Of Helpful Service Springfield Garage I h T he First TRY A SACK TODAY National Bank OF EUGENE f-w- 8lnc« 18*3 flora of dignity. You’ll be surprised how good It Is. • '