S P R I N G F I E L D — THE W E S T E R N DI V O T I D TO IN TC R K tn OF »P R IN O F IB L D AN D T H t FARM ER« OF T H F W IL L A M E T T E VALLE V ‘ I o. T E R M IN A L O F HHUNOHIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, ABRIL 9, 1925. JETERS ' r ^ rG o v e m o n h ip 88 PEOPLE HELPED l i s t e to Get Up, Bu g g I IN CITY SCHOOLS BÏ RELIEF Csntrnl Committee Makes H o. port of Winter Showing $188 Spent end Many Donation* of Food and Clothing. Now Instructor* Replace Teach­ er* now Employed and In­ crease Staff; Principals Re­ tained for Year. Showing a (iilel nt MN ji . o | i | i - for. AN of whom wi ri' cfillili'o« with nil Nine new teachers will f«»;l«c I Ing souw i f thin years In.lriictorg. be- J I «Idem Increasing ibi staff. The • j election of the leach «rv took fla re aft of f l x s i n ih» NATRON SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWBNTY-8BCON1) YKAK •su im dlter* THE »'"turiti R elief ('m iiitiilte line ren ili reti t, «mio fu rili mid pompimeli ii« w in te r work Il-side» th« money exp-iitlvtl Ilio n W ile don't! loti» w II If II io “ i , , a le t 'lle d III« CB«||, un wall s s niff« Clirlalnitt« lim e , the school boaid n o e tln g Tuesday, j evening j The prlne pal« of the high seh otd j , lunlor high and the grade» will all be ' ^retained. Among ihe high »ehoot ■teaeber» who will be here next y»ar I lire Ml»» Virginia Tomlinson, roe I h a . mattes; Ml»« Anna Hill. E nglsh: Mrs. Pauline M Hain, dome«lle sr’-nee; 'und Alfred Morgan, manual training J The Centriti Relief e-ttninlff« ws» | CUTOFF* “The People's Peper" LIVE NEW SPAPER IN A LIVE TOW N NUMBER 12 EASTER SERVICES IN CITY CHURCHES STARKEY AND HUBBS Special Musical Program Being BUYS SCHOOL BONDS Prepared for Sunday; Canta* ta at Methodist Church; East­ fttaryey and Hubbs. Incorporated, o l ! ! Portland, bought the »12,500 school er Drama at Christian. I bonds Friday evening at a special I meeting of th school board at th. E asU r music In the form ot is le of »1002.«7 per »1,000 for 5% per 'lDth‘ <--antatas, and solos are bo- wne<1 Kln«'” • cantata by Fred B. d'tlonal In that It must first be placed Holton wl>* be «Hen at the Methodist und'r the «onsideration of a certain iclmrch at 7:30 Sunday evening by the law firm In Portland for validation. ‘churcb choir. Mrs. V. D. Bain is dl- Althourh thia bid raised ihe accepted rerlln< ,he <»ntata. lone, the school board redded that the I i ’h w sI anthems, and an Easter sol» expense Incident to the investigation by Mr*' W e,terhahn will be presented and tb" delay would go to make this at ,he BaPtlet church, and special offer not so desirable as that made by Ra,aer »elections by a double quar- fitarkey and Hubbs. j,ette wil* be offered at the Christian I The bonds are to be paid at the church. .rate of »1,000 on April 1. In each of th The Blble crho01 classes of tho years 1»31 to 1943. and »500 oo April c h r,*tlan eburch below high school 1. 1943, bearing 514 percent Intereat. * ,n F1’ * •" Easter program at — — __________ __ the Bible school hour, and the Christ- n rg ttnitrd «mil did «alo« iip|i»llll«d Io Il Ihrouiih the d ifferent fts le rn s l rollinoti« mid tlv lv o riu ulani Ion» o f ilio city early Inst w inter, A m i l i o i o Fowler McCormick, heir to the port w ill Indiente the i’i» iiiiiliii« t did Harvester milllotp, I* working for Its work well end In lh< « n i n wee - ’ b" h.gh seb..... w in M U l J u IU A I. M, n(ler( s *20 u weak in a Mllwuukeo mill planeed In Hi beginning rflite«,« , und living el a $4 per week board- lie Ml«« Huldn Hagmsn. comm’ retal and member of the North C » r « l ir , e ing and rooming house. A fellow futnilloN w ere n««l«i« ihe Duncan, will be her- next year Mm. tette is composed of Mr«. R. E. Mosh- Celrbratlng the 28th anniversary ot purl of Hi« officers of iho re lie f emit- DRAMATIC CLUB WILL Ella Iximhard will also teach In the NUT GROWER WILL TALK ier and Mrs. W. P. Tyson, sopranos. in lllr « For till» work Ut«> d«a«rv« PRESENT COMEDY AT H. J u n lir h lfti b iln g sd v sn .« t fron th» AT LIONS CLUB LUNCH the Neighbors of Woodcraft, members of the organization gathered at the Iho thanks of Ih« i-nmtutinlly. grades. Mark Nagle and Elmer Hal ; --------- Murphy altos. E. E. Morrison and P. Follow ing I» the report of i|,e ,<.in "The Time of HI» Life.'* a ciani«:!)- «tead »HI each lie halftime t'm-hers George Dorris, Springfield filbert home of N !na McPherson for a party If. Murrhy, tenors, and B. O. Smith April 1. Members of the Neighbors m llle e : of m u tak in Identity, «HI be pre. at the Jttn'or high. grower whose reputaton has become and R. E. Moshler. bass. wide becauee of his success with the present were: Elsie Lambert, Flora Mrs. J. T. Moore, accompanied by Stearmer. Catherine Markee, Lily nut crop, » ill be the speaktr at the Mrs. S. 8. Potter will sing "Eastei- Kaiser, Florence Kaiser. Minnie Gir­ Lions club dinner Friday noon. He Dawn" at the morning services at the will talk on the nut industry in the ard. Surah Nelson, AHee Doane. Junta Methodist church The Epworth McPherson, a n l Mabie Peddlcord. . ... , . W illamette valley of which he haa Guests for the afternoon were Miss h ? 7 n 8 »unnse devottanal the work dipi«. The part of the old n-grd will be been a pioneer for the last 20 years, Doris Girard and Miss Lucile Ohlsen. " ^ ” ng a‘ k s, 7 i Funde R ece ived : Isken by Orvnl Eaton, and the lend» The department of agriculture haa who assisted her grandmother in serv- -™ ''W’'hip briakfast th® « * « « * Untane« Com. Cheat Fund son? will be « m d by John Howard nnd sent experts from Washington to vl«it jn- dining room. itreitnlr.it'Ion« fruttili V» ; m T hid m n Laysan. Ticket« for the pre- The n xt tneet’ng of the club will be L M’*mb<'r’,b‘P be held the Dorris orchards and has pro- Individiini d on ai,on« fra n ili ::u on ««nfailon will be 25 and 80c. proceeds nounct-d this the best adapted section April 16 at the home of Mrs Markee \ y b° ‘h ,he 1581,1181 and lbe T olsi IINN 10 to go 10 the high school student body ¡n the t olled States for filberts, I churches. on Main street. multare'ment« . . . ___ t » lb funds Nelson F. Macduff, superv’sor of Debit Jbt lance « I 7b The complete ennt of the piny Is: the CMCade National for- st, haa been F IR S T C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H No of fam ilies rnred for M Tom Carter John Howard d etid by the club for a talk on forest ACTION ON LEGION HALL Corner 4th and A. Average cost per fsmlly • I« Mm. firry D on n e Imrlmer preservation and tourist attraction for! • WILL BE TAKEN TUESDAY S. E. Childers. Pastor No of t-nses Investigated » h e r« in, Mm Wycombe. "• personage,** Eliza­ the meeting on May 1. Church services at 11 A. M. and 7:30 BATTERY STATION re lie f wan given ‘ A d tf'n its decision as to the loca­ P. M beth Walker. T -------------- h e _ Lions ----- chib instructed its Subject of morning sermon, PURCHASED BY REWEY ------------ — No. of rhllilrrn cured for ».« Pi ler Wycombe. "A Trini ' of Pm a M L. Rewey, formerly of Cists- Irust-irt to have official club signs tion of the American Legion pavillion i "The Risen Christ." Evening “Christ N o o f c h ild r e n i n a b le d t o c o n i In t t i mints." Paul N ice kanle ha» puri haseii the 8pr.ng(feld »TM>t»d on the Psclflc highway near will be made at the next meeting. Pre-eminent" Ih e l r s c h o o l w o rk r lo t h e d « m , I . - I 2 9 ,Dorothy Ixindm Tl.tdntn Lgynon llatttry and Electric c >mpany from ,h* 8rch and on the McKenzie hlgh- April 17, It was decided at the meet- Bible school at 9:45. Classes up ti> Total No ndultn and children NN Uncle Tom .........Or*«! Eaton 4. H. Wooldridge and H. M. Llchty. ac- waV near ‘bn d v lltmlts. Also the I ing Friday evening. high schol age will give Easter pro- The following articles of f . u . l , . i. j Bra„ i^ndon. 8r. John ('ox cvordlng to an ànnounceroent made Dions club will Investigate s sign to Two locations are being considered. high School age will give Easter pro­ dlslrlbiiletl were ilniinted hr k'ml ,|„ t> (Jr»y Merle M -Mulina ..Saturday. MF. Rewey has already ban* 'bn arch »Ign'f-lng that One, on the northwest corner of south gram at Bible school hour. The high friend», mene of them from rural allst, officer llognn E l ll'i. tak n charge of the buniness. B 1« *be "Gateway to the McKenzie Mill and south D street, jg owned by school class will give a dramatization riet«. wllHnv to helo those in dlslr---« ( M. B. Huntley, the other Is on the of the Easter story st the e v n in < Mr. Wooldrfdgi and Mr. Lirhty are RI’ **-* Potator« o «alku: Curran. .1 »ark«: ~ corner of 7th and B streets. service. Mr«. H. E. Knott of Eugene as yet undlclded abojy their next Cnbbng*- I U sacks; turnio« I «nck; SOPHS BEAT JUNIORS Work on the pavillion, which wil! directing. The double quartette will bu slm ss moves. Mr Rewwy, with his SPRINGFIELD BASEBALL Applen ? box«»: w |lk «5 vallons; IN INTERCLASS BASEBALL w fe nnd little girl expects to settle TEAM TO PLAY RESORTS be build on a plan of developing it sing "The Stone is Rolled Away,” Hna’on M lh« ; (’mined fruii MS <|lu.: Into an auditorium, will begin as soon “Christ Being Raised,” and “Unfold ■■■ 1 ■■ The sophomore« wslloyed Ihe Jun-! In Stringfteld as soon as they can ? cook stoves: 2 hesfln» »tov.-«. • as the land is chosen. Legion officers ye Portals" from the "Redemption” find a suitable house. Springfield will play the Cascade lorn In the first of the boys Inlerclms | 1>ed spring» Comfort» 15; l>i«'ik,-i- by ftourod. —— ■ resort team at the resort, up the Mr- announce. baseball games, play'd nt the high ' 3; Lavgtfes for h ab les -4; Commander C. A. Swarts urges a Missionary Society Meets Kenz'e river Sunday at 1:30. Many «rhool Monday afternoon, by a score I vls'ts 2: m«dlcal »tipplle« 3 < full attendance of Leglonalres to de­ The Missionary Aux iliary society local people are Expected to attend, F IR S T B A P T IT S C H U R C H Christmas bw ket »n th'iro iivlib Mosknp were Ihe Junior pitcher anil , were served by Mrs. Valllere. I Albany. here. B. Wilson and "Christ Now Is Risen,” Hastings fanned out several Investigateli, and re lie f furnished csXcher, by E. S. Lorens. without delay, where dee»i>«il d . — t v players. Sermon topic, “Central Doctrine of th« Ing The Executive ( ‘ontntlit- ,- was In The next of these gt^ues will be Christian Faith." cooslant touch with those « hip loving played Monday afternoon between tho By SATTERFIELD Intermediate, Senior B. Y. P. U. .0:0® tabor, and was the means >>f s'tilti« seniors anti the freshmen. The win- Evening Service ................. ... ......... 7:3® «evirai odd Jobs, hut fititnl steady iters will Ih«n play the sophomores for Baptismal s Tvice. Easter music by- work nt n premium tho championship, anil the losers will the choir, "Great King of Glory dom e” /''111 m a n y ctiaea, a d ttlls , us w e ll as have a consolation game with thn by Charles H. Gabriel, and E aster- children needed clothes especially Juniors. The points won In thia solo by Mrs. WettPrhahn. «luring the colil spell last Ih .....toiler Interclssa rivalry helps the winners to Sermon Topic, “The Risen Life.” nnd Ihelr wants filled. win the loving t up given by the Amerl- We wish to thank the peopl «•I can Legion to Ihe class with the meat Springfield Methodist Episcopal ' Hprlngfleltl for their splen-lltl co- activities. An Easter cantata, entitled “The operation In this work, also >- »ry | ' organization represented. Thorn-Crowned King," by Fred B. NINE RECEIVE AWARDS t v P Tyson t ' li o I r n 11, it. Holton, will be given at the church Mrs. Giintx. vice-chairman at 7:30 P. M.. by the church ehlor, IN H. S. BASKETBALL I O. Olson, flee..T o s». under the direction of Mrs. Vera Bain, Nine basketball men received a O. II Jarrett, Adv ini-tiiticr with Mrs. Ivan Male at the piano. T h » ( wards at an assembly at the high rendition will take the entire even­ Buys Mode Millinery ¡school Ttlestlay afternoon. John Cox ing and will be a real treat to th e Mrs. Verne Sneed hae iniri liased *011 him second stripe, signifying three conzmulty. Paul Nice re­ the Mode hpillncry shop, having taken years on the team. The morning hour of 11 o'clock wllf OVI r Ihe establishment Tuesday. Mrs. ceived his first stripe, this hnving be the regular annual Easter church' Florence Grimes, former owner of the been his second year on the high service, combined w'th membership shop w ill continuo to assist Mrs. school team day. Mrs. J. T. Moore will singf Smini (here. | Those receiving lettres were Merle "Easter Dawn.” accomnanied by Mr». A c o m p le te l i n e ,o f n e ed lew o rk , as McMullen, Lotlce Cole, Ethmer Grlf- 8. S. Potter. There will be baptism s well ns millinery will he handled. Mrs. fis, Etl Hates, Hugh Cownrt, Frank both of children nnd adults, with re­ Lewis anil Austin McPherson. Sneed reports. ception of new member», both hjr letter and on confession of faith. T he Many Have Mumps Forem an of Shop np.sfors theme will be "The Power ot About seven high achoot students the Resnrectlon." are absent with mumps, aienrdiiig to W. R. Dawson, a former employee The Epworth League will have • tin estim ate of V. D Hnln. high »rhool of Iho Springfield garage, will ugaln sunrise devotional meeting at 6:30 Ini principal. Five who have been III have charge of the garage shop, an­ the morning on the east steps of the with the deseaso have returned Io nounces W. H. Adraln, owner. Mr. church followed by a Good Fellow­ school. Diiiwson has heen for the last several ship breakfast in the church dinlnff years with tho Alhnny Garage. 11» room. nnd Mrs. Dnwson were visitors at the Judgement Give-’ The church school a» usual at 9:45 Margaret J. Marshall lias been given Adraln home the latter part of last A. M. Epworth League at 6:3o P. M. n Judgement In circuit eoi"-, agnlasi week. V. E. Way for »304. Th - W lllamelte C ivic Club to Meet Collection and Credit flervlt ■ lets f it - | All civic club members are urged t® U nd ergoes M a jo r O p e ra tio n — Alice suit against C. W. Todd an I I' V. Mortensen underwent a major opera­ attend the regular meeting of the 1’hllllps seeking to colei t 1121.20 nl tion at the Pacific Christian hospital club next. Thursday evening by Mrs. legetl due on a promissory Hot' Wednesday. Paul Brattaln, president of the club. R e p o rt o f C e n t r a l C o m n O t t r r ««tiled by the Drnmattr flub of the T he work nf ih» ('« n in i ((••Hef Springfield high school Friday even I'o tn in llte -- I» « m i l l w ith ilo turning Io* Muy x nt (he high school Mine of spring. mol wish Io pin. lu'ur« Virginia Tomlinson In coaching the Ih« people nf Kprltiefli'til « r- um« of play. Six new Instructors were added to J h e grade school staff. Mrs. V 'rn s Luther will teach th' first grad«. Miss AIM» Manning the second. Virgil Mr- Pherson the sixth. Miss Mary Torts the third nnd fourth, and .\Jiss Anne Gorr'e ib - fifth. Miss Marjorie Trarv and Mrs. Eliza- bnh Page will continue the primary children. as will Mrs. Opal Rnhe-ts the sicond grade, Mrs Crystal Male the third. Miss Edns Platt the fourth. Miss Eula Montgomery the fifth, and Miss Nina Bt>«»«n the sixth EASTER CHICKS