The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 02, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    ToP OF W Æ
O ü T öFp
C ham ber of Com m erce h a s passed
judgem ent upon a su b ject It knows
An artlcl* ap -arad In th e M orning nothing about, yet It stan d s ready to
R egister. Sunday, M arch !9ih under rem edy.
(h a "Sprlngflvld News llom s," In
w*th*h th e S p ringtteld C hM nixr of C hairm an, C entral R elief C om m ittee,
Com m erce goee on record as con­
Springfield. Oregon
dem ning th e m ethods of th e 'V a a tra l
R elief C om m ittee.'
claim ing m is­
m anagem ent and unwise use of funds.
C E. Childers, Pnator
1 feel th at It may in terest th e public
to know th a t the Springfield C ham ber
S erv ices a t It a. m. and 7:30 p, to.
o f Com m erce w as the only o rg an isa­
Topic for m orning serm on, "T he
tio n in Springfield having no rep ­
re se n ta tiv e
on th e C entral
R elief B irthday of th e C hurch “
C om m ittee, did not co n trib u te one
E vening Topic, "T he Value of L ead­
cen t tow ards Its support, as an o rg an i­ ersh ip ."
sation d-d not cooperate with It and
Bible school at 9:45. C lasses for all
h av e not asked th e S ecretary of th e
ages w ith com petent teach ers. Special
R elief Com m ittee for any data.
o th er words th e Springflel I m usic at each service.
Here's an Ideal Home Plan That Will Interest You,
TYSO N M A K K S » T A T X M t N T
“The Enemy Sex”
Also two reel comedy "Hold Everything”
floiigtas Fairbanks
James Simpson, who started as
a cashier’s clerk, and is now presi­
dent ot Marsha'I Field .4 Co..
Chicago, is financing the Theodora
and Kermit Roosevelt expedition
into the Pamir region of Turkon-
stan, for the Field Musuem o f
which he is trustee.
Buys Lots
T hom as Jack so n of th is city has
purchased tw o lots on 5th and B road­
way from Hubert C arr
Mr. Jackson
has made no d e fn ite plans, but may
build th ere th is sum m er. T he tra n s­
actio n was handled by th e Flow er
R ealty company.
May Build Houses
F ran k Coglll of th is city has pur­
chased an a cr on 5th s t r it from
th e P ettijo h n esta te , and may build
sev eral houses th ere th ’s sum m er, al­
though he has m ade no definite plana
In th is direction. T he plot of land Is
opposite the hom e of F rank l i e P u e.
Springfield V -sthodlst E p’acopal
“T he Book of R evelations,” in a
eerie« o ' Sun-lay evening studies will
be given by th pastor. F. L. Moore,
anti next S unday will be the racor.d
In th e rtrle s . The serm on will be
proceed^1 by special m usic and In
form al ding of th e old songs
At th e 11 o'clock hour being Palm
Sunday, the them e will he “The T ri­
um phal E n try ” o r "T h e Knocking of
O pportunity.” Special music.
C hruch School m eets a t 9:45 w ith
classes for all ages and w ith some
special m usic by th e school choir
every Sunday.
T h e Epw orth League g a th e rs at
6:30 In th eir room, and Is th e young
peoples own m eans of expression 'n
language and Christian service. T ry
“The C hurch of a C ordial W elcome.”
Have you ever seen a Magic Rug soar
above the city bearing a Thief and a
Have you ever seen a white horse with
| wings fly through the clouds?
Have you ever seen Magic ropes, live
dragons and bats as big as elephants?
Have you ever seen an “invisible"
TH,M h >tf"KprtiL T m s
wc flees
A»»» FkCO*
O ne of the m ost a ttra c tiv e home.) like the convenience of Ihe room ar-
y et presented In th is series of home run«- iiirut of both the first and the
Tills Is »he first plan
plans Is th a t show n above. Some of s. m nd floor
our anetetors m ight have « to p p 'd I r e r a n '- I w hich Includes a library.
« do not b a re lib raries but
looking for a honue as soon as they Must h
found one of the large trees, how ever wllh the m pulu-lty of the Radio nod
strait e J. com fort uml a ttra c t I »<' .«*'■> ihe increasing d r - 'r e t o r « " • b n ' this
must alt be co m b in 'd to m ake a r- a l feature Is r< reiving more cenalilra-
T he large overhanging roof, tlon than ever before,
the purtly Inclosed porch and the a t-
T he first floor plan perm its c u y
tractiv e lines of the borne m»k.» this ece»»s to each of the other room*. a
fk tch ono to be studied with much featu re which home efficiency is d«-
m e re st by the prospective
borne m andlng
Tlo sm all vestibule and
bu ild er
'h e wide atalrw ay l ading to th« so.
T hose who an ticip ate building w ill‘m u d floor break th e otherw ise square
nt sa of the large living room
Ihe fireplace is so pdat « I th a t a
second fireplace may be constructed
in th e front bedroom on ibo second
For compact u«»» Ihe second floot
wllh <)•« tour lealrisnii» could hardly
be b ettered. T his type of floor a r ­
ra ngem nt for s l e e p i n g room s la just
idu of th e | resent day tendencies lor
confort and convenience. T he plan
tte will p resent next we, k has a uum-
b>r of featu res th a t a re not found
In many bom«» bin all of which ar*
practical and Inexpensive
C II P rltatsk y , of Hprlngfleld left
T uesday for W orden. M ontana, w here
Two lots on Main street, betw een
he Intends lo uiaks his home.
S’h and 9th stre e ts w ere purchased
Two five room bungalow s, som e­ recently by Dr. M G Evans of Port
C o n tra c tin g and B u ild in g
w hat sim ilar In design will be built land from Welby Rtevon» it has I o e l l
on the south side of C a tre rt BCgo»s an n o u n c'd . The lots are in the m id ­
C orner 5th and D Street«
from the F ■tract Intersection by M dle of the block on ihe south side ot
S p rin g lie ld , Ccogon
Murfihy, co n stru ctio n to begin im ­ th e street. T h« tu rc h a se p r'ce w a s
P lans and E s tim â t*» Furnl»h*d
¡not given out Dr Evans Is a form er
m ediately.
Free. W ill Help You Finance
Mr. Murphy recen tly bought the plot resident of Springfield and ow ns other
Your Building.
of land from Jltn C openhaver of G osh­ properly h -re
en. and will move th e first of the w> - k
to a stnal Item porary shed he Is build­
ing th ere from his form er home In
W ork on th e concrete foundation»
of th e houses will be sta rte d 1m
m ediately by Mr. M urphy, who is i
ca rp e n te r by trad e.
D efinite plans
for the rest of the building has nut
yet been made, he says, but they will
be en tirely up-to-dale, and will h i v
Mr. M urphy says h will prib ab ly
General Planing Mill Work
live In one house for th e retnalnd- r
of th e sum m er, but ho Intend- to sell
or re n t them both Ister. ” 1 m iv build
some m ore houses here, too,” he aid
Or. Evans .Buys
Get our price on shingles
Frame3, Sash and Doors
______ •
At la st! T he real rom ance of Ihe
w inning of th e west has rt« c h “d the
screen. Zane G rey’s great epic of
A m erica’s g re a te st epoch, “The Thun 1-
erin g H erd," h a- b e1 n produced as a
Paramour»’ p icture and will be shown
n«xt week, s t a r tl e r Monday. A pr'l 8.
for four days at th e Rex in Eugene.
review ing "T he T hundering
H erd " at Its p rem ier show ing one of
A trtrlc a ’s
m ost c r ’tlcal review er»
p ro claim ed :
Buy* House
“Once again P araT o n n t c -me« to
th e fro n t with an o utstanding and
A house and lot on K stre e t, be
tru ly sp ectacu lar production telling tw een 6th and 7th s tre e ts was p u r­
an o th e r absorbing tale of -th we»t In chased F riday by F ran k Coglll front
Q uality
i th e m aking, and se ttin g forth th e J. E. S o le m of Redmond, C alifornia.
sp irit of p io n eer A m erica in a series Mr. Coglll intends to m ake extensive
Phone 7
of th rillin g sequence* m oving ag ain st Im provem ents on th e house and r nt
a n atu ral hackgroun I of m ajestic and IL T he consideration for which Ihe
Cor. G and Thlrd Sta.
»prlngfleld, Uregoii
1 -w eeping g ran d eu r "T he T hundering property changed hands was
H erd," Is Ih e equal If not b e tte r than given.
649 t8j
i "N orth of 36." It has been produced
on th e sam e gigantic scale as “T h e i
Covered W agon,’’ and like th a t epic
deals wllh an Im p ortant period In
A m erican h isto ry —th e days of 1S76
In th e te rrito ry which today 1» Mon­
tan a and W yoming, when trem endous
herds of Ruffola roam ed th e Indian- ’
infested plains.
T h is Is w ithout a doubt th e best !
Zane Grey p ictu re P aram ont h a s con­
tr ib u t e d to screen lite ra tu re . In fact
I It •» not to be pfimeared with '«V
filch featu res th a t have gone before,
T h'-re 1» a real sto ry here and rom ­
ance, too, and th rills which will keep
Spring will be here aoon.
you close to th e edge of your »eat«,
especially when th e climax Is reached
It« time to begin active work on the big things you have in mind for the
and »cores of covered wagons draw n
by team s of four horses dash m adly
over a frozen lake fo the rescue of a
There is no more Im portant m atter than th a t home you have hoped for,
little tbnruli su rrounded by l/ndlnns.
W e’ve never seen a m ore re a listic
wished for and talked about for so long.
clim ax than th is and while a note a t
th e close d eclares no anim als su f­
P u t the hopes, the wishes and the talk Into action tills month and realize
fered any Injury, they m ust have been i
in the new home the happiest year of your life.
shaken up aplenty.
Built-in Fixtures
n r i 50c
N et- vtre*
-ran g Sunday at 5 P. M. running con-
tinucusly r r t i l 11 P. M.
Manufacturing Corp,
Coming sc?n— See them in Sringfleld
Hoot Gibson
“ Let ’er Buck”
Zone P re y ’s “Thundering H erd.”
There’s Only One Way To
Start Building a Home—
than Telephone^
No Garden should be
without this variety.
I t I* th e m oat fx< p illa r Lar»m podded It
f»«r m a r k e t g a r d e n « ^ T h e pod» are
ore d a rk rrrwzi
anil o n e -th ird la r g iy U ia n TmAophon*. T h e h a m
a r - e x tr a larg e and o f f la e q u a il t j .
I t zlaide
t - r y h ea vy rro p e on vino» I U R fo o l ta il.
m a ta rin K »boot t m day» la te r
T h e m « m I m a re very h a a d M flM In
uiauU lj co n ta in W to 11
F l kt.
it . 10c ; Mi lb. fO e: lb . V * ; noetpaid. E. e r F-.
lb. . 30c; 10 H a. & 23c; tS Ilia. & ! U ; M Oa.
© t i c ; 100 Ib». 6 XOe.
Send $1
K~<oJar V a la »
F o r T h l» V o r U iw m t
io iU s rtW n
» L 5 5 — O ne
Falk™ In«
B ra n . n u rp e *'» B trln g le »», B r a n . 0111*9 D e il-
clou» O lx n t; lic e t. E x tr a E a r ly FC«7I'G<P Apo­
d a l , h a c e t C v m , G U I’ » Im p ro v e d G olden b a n ­
t a m . C a rr o t. T a b le Q u een, C n co m b er. D a r la
P e rfe c t; l^ rtto c r. N ew T o rtr; F a re n lp .
T e n d e r H e a r t,
M u a k m -lo n . G olden
C ream
Fca», Q u ite C o n te n t ( la t a ) }
I ' m m . W o rld '» R ecord: Hptnaeb. M a m -
W ln te r ; K a d la h . B a z ly fic a rle t
That’s to START
Civic Club M eets T uesday
T h e reg u ln r m eeting of the C iv ic :
club will m eet April 7. A full a tten d
ance Is requested by Mrs. Paul Brat-
taln , p resid en t of the club.
•World’» Record”
A n Im p ro v e d G ra d a»,
li <1 a g e a r lie r and
m ore
d w a rf I
» lig h tly la r g e r , ro n
ta i nl ng 7 to 9 p*a»
o f h f f b q u a lity .
P a r lie r grreri poda.
H e ig h t t feet. O ne
o f th e beat e a rly
aorta. Ham e price a»
Q n lte C o n te n t.*'
T rack Supplies A rrive
F o u r carload« of track suplle». In­
cluding rails, and spikes arriv ed at
the S outhern Pacific depot, ypsterday
T h ey will be used to renew the track
betw een Springfield and N atron.
Goes to C anada—Jack H ynes and
son left y esterd ay for S m ithers,
B ritish Columbia.
There Is one very easy way to s ta rt—call at our retail office and tell us
you are interested In home building.
Tfie Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.
Springfield, So. 7th St., Phone 55
Eugene, 507 W illamette St., Phone 452