S P R IN G F IE L D — THE WE Toe of fa c e CuT ÚFP NATRON PAGE SEVEN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, APHIL 2, 11*23 CUTOFF* ■.......... IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE limb r on the SW«4 N V1«. Sec 5 T p . | NOTICE STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE 141 H Rango I Eaal. V M.. except NOTICE, la hereby given that the COUNTY ¡part Included In H. E. S. No. 75. with- «lata Land Board of the State of Ore- Alexander Lewla and Maynle E. Lewis,!In the Cuacude National Forest. gon will receive « « a id b da at Ita I'lalnt It» The purpoae of this notlca Is to ¡office In the Capitol Building In Sal t a l l w hat you want to aall, buy w hat you want to buy thro in tnaaa VS (allow all p rvona claim ’ng the lands ¡t-afc Oregon, up to ll:0 o o'clock A. M„ oolumna. W rite or phono T W O Frank Mulin and-------- Malin hl» wife, salaried, or having hona fide objee- June 2. 1*25 for all the Htats’s In 'erea tl.,. . Bttnuel c . Mai n and Ida Malin, h lsitton s to such application, an oppor- in the rlv*r-b«d lands hereinafter d<- . tOaar Miss Flo. tunfty to file their froteeta with th- scribed. giving however to the ownei I have many time» read of thn wlfa tlnuao iwlnllna, papathanglng, riti FOU HALE—Carbon paper In large wlf . Surah J Dutton and-------- Dutton hl» w fe , Iter huahan.l, Anna Belle Register and R ectlvrr of the Unit' d or owners of any land» abutting or I who falls to keep pace with her bus- •b ests, 29x41* Inrhea, suitable (or Wllaon and Htnry II Wilson, her fttaiea Land Office at Roseburg, Orc- fronting thereon, the preferm c - right 1 b a n ,. rninlnlng Hay Koch, ('all Springfield t h . m a „ —a , . h a . io , _,_u M 21 I making (racings. The Nuwa Office. husband, llm ry A. Malin mid F lor-gon. Any auidi protests or objcct'ona to purchase »aid Ian la at the highest I 1135J. • . coca C. Malin, hla wife. Annie Malin, must be riled In Ibis office within trie offrred, provided such offer l » | wtt“ a progressive wire, nnt our case To TRADE, FOR SPRINGFIELD H ilt MALE llurrouglie Aihllng Mo­ Jam«** Mullr mid Malin hla wife, thirty days from the date of first puhll- made In good faith and that the board apparently is oae In which bo’h of ua PROPERTY ittine, m olai 3117, Cull Anderson William Mi'lln, llober* Malin and cation of th's nottue, which first reserves the right to reject any and J have lost Interest In everything, In- *4,000 equity in *0.000 stock ranch. --------Malin It a w fe. John Malin, Fan- publication I* March 2«. 1926 Motor Company. ullu b^ ‘ : . . . . . . . . , eluding each other. After the high HAMMILL A. CANADAY, ‘ Said lands are situated in Latte . . , u I i i: i tl.kz Mih h l i o i i i i i , Refton, 2Oo serf* with atack and some tool*; hie Malin. Maude Malin and the un- - - county, P regon. and '¡etctrlhcd ¡cost of potato,» is considered, nr how R'isglst T. I runit house and hum, orchard, and known h'lr* of Ann Malin, dneaaaed; (follows: to-wlt; .th e neighbors new car appeals, or yet Nubian, Tog««nbnrge, som e fresh, M26-A-2 9 16 also all other persons or partit a un- Non t ,»l eititti* coming fn.ah anon Georg** luta of outrange, 40 ucrea plow land, known claiming any right title. **•" 120 of which I* seeded to emull grain. tu ts . H en o r I n t e r e s t In the real es- Muiaulry, John Hravey’s ratuh. SITED STATES LAND OFFICE |h a - k of the M< Kenxi» Fork of th« i ,he h o n ' we have exhausted alt topic* About a million foot of lltnlcr. What lute -scribed in the complaint herein, I - ■ - " 14,; Willamette River, 17.50 north of conver»atlon, and complete n.leuca Roaehurg. Oregon, February lit, v J ('. Watturhahn. of the local ha youT Write ma at Noti, Ore. I the above nnm>-d defendants, I 1826. llupt-tet church, left (or Portland Ralph E. Yoder. tf. Notice for Publication corner on west line of 8 e c ’ **n 50. T I We have no common lnt« reaia. Crank Mal'n and-------- Malin, hlv wife ■ M' inlay to a tl ml the funeral of his Forest Exchanges 0-1 1,’ h n R. i t J - ™ ™ . M aHn Knowing t h a t ] detest rnu.ic unlesa ■n FICK TO CREDITORS Samuel C Malin and Ida Malin, b is' motbor ln law, Mra Mary lllabop. who re Is h e r e b y (f.ven that O‘* thence along in ander line down, l NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN. That wife. Borah Dutton and-------- Dgtton.] Dec mfcer 11, 1924. F. II. and Anna stream. S. 45 deg. W. 3 50 chains 8 ' R hapens to be Jazz—my husintud ln- illetl Utero recently. li la thought ho i th e u n d e r« ! « tie d has been duly np- her husband. Anna B**Hw Wilson an-l M I’aulacn of Gardena, California. | io deg E. 11.00 chains; 8. 45 deg. E variably suggests an opera—when f II . Wilsen, her husband, Henry! will return tomorrow. Ipointed by th« County Court of th* , . Henry , „ ,, ,, filed application No, 915839 under 117.20 chairs; 8. 13 deg. W. 5 10 rbrlns want to e0 to a movie. I refuse to 1 State of Oregon for the County o f.M |,''n B,|d I nr*in«t ( Malin, nl* wire, the Act of March 20. 1922, (42 Stat., (to left bank of a large slough; thence' NOTICE TO ItKGIgTKKBD VOTER« laine. Executrix of th*- lusl Will Aii*il* Mal’n. -lam s ' , l 44 8E>4, Sec. 6 rp deg. W 250 chains; N. 37’4 deg. W _________________________ th« >'« aril ltt.’.i and 1924 Po«(«l <’»r«l properly verlflod to me at the office ” . . e a c r c t a ) . a . n d unknown clalm 'na’ anv right 21 H Range 3 East. W M within the, 10.1« chains: N. 54 deg W. 375 chain». M ,y up *U hour» of ,he n lih t Jan "*• n*>Ui*ea hav« hern mulled to such of Frank A Delhi«», attorney for the tltU c e u ie IPn or lnt *resty |n th* C*«6* 1* National foreet N. 28 deg W. 8 10 chains; N. 18% deg He doesn’t like my fri-nds and I cen ’t voters inlhtig attention to th d r fall estate at Springfield, Oregon, on or The purpose of tbla notice Is to al E. 3 93 chains: N. 20 deg. E 2.20 chains like h*s. Consequently, we neither of urn to vote In the said period and before six months from the date of real estata described In the comnlalnt herein. You and each of you are here-1 ’<■» P«*«»» claiming tho left bank of the « * » * « * of Eugene, „„ haT(, many friendg. We be( „ine asking tht-tii to r*Instate their regis­ this notice. by summoned to answer the com ¡«elected, or having bona fide o b f c City Power Plant; -V 75 deg. E. 2.30 ,ntoIerant every da) and our tration If desired, and that otherwise TENA BARBOUR, I l a l n t ril'd nwalnst vou In the above tlons to such application, an oppor chains; N. 80 deg. W. 5 00 chains to, their registration will be cancelled In entitled case6 nn*I c-’tirt wlth'n » lx i,un,'y 10 f*le their protewta with the place of beginning,- containing 13.65, t-’arriage seem s to be nothing more Executrix. many raft** the person notified may Dated March 17th. 1925 and Receiver Receiver ot of tne the United tsgn endurance cent contest. DePné Me ,he week from the f rat publication of t h is , 'Register H*’ft«»<*r and unueu ;acres. screw. tia n an an ordinary orumary endurance be regularly voting In soni'* prvclnrt Frank a - - to A D elu e, A'l"rney for the , unirnfinH an(1 r a i„ yo„ fa„ HO tc States Land Office at Roseburg, Or* Application should be accompanied ......................... v,’,. live In a frirly good - slzol In (he county other than the one re­ estate M I» .6 A-.-S 1«. unRW),r judgement will be taken *,,n Any such protests or objections , by check or draft of the amount of bid are ln moderate dreum stanc s but ferred to In the nolle«, and In eurh N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S n e c n a t ln th plaintiffs b* ,n ,i,ce thirty and anouia should be addressed to ti. G. U. O. I , .___ . . . , . . . . . . , n s i t yo v o u ii th a t r - l a l n t l f f « ar* a n - the t h e ! Bm«t “ 1» « 0 « ilIed t lle a 1,1 thl" l n '" o o «"«-'« De aaaresseu ras« will he cnntlnutMl In (he precinct Notice Is hereby given that J M owners of the following described days from the date of first publication Brown, Clerk 8tate Land Board. S al-1 unfortun®lely- we have n> children. where voting, but dropped in the old Roby was appolntiHl admlnlvtrator of rea| property- ' of th » notice, which first publication . em. Oregon, and marked “Appltca- ■ W e have thought of adopting a young- prarlnrt The addrees on the postal the ..In te of t| M Thompson, de Beginning at a p en t «655; chains 1» March 19, 1925. _________ _ tion and bid to purchase riverbed ster, but we both feel that we would card will usually Indicate the predncl HAMILL CANADAY, lands.’ ceased, by order of th« County Court north of a rolnt on the south line of be taking too much of a ch an ce--n et wher* cancellation Is to be made Register. Done at Salem, Oregon, March 20. for ldine County, Oregon, duly made Robert McCowan Donat'on Claim knowing how the child would turn Where any doubt exlsta In the mind on the 3tst dav of Novrrober. 1924 No Non-coal M-19-26-A-2-». 1925. Notification No. 7049. In town- of Ihe voter as to h'e nroner regtslrs All persons having claims against the ahlp 16 south, of Range 2 west of the b f c P A R f iiW t o r THE IN tiiftiffR io u t „ ° bon. It will be well Io check up at said estate are hereby notified to pre; W illamette meridian. Oregon. 15 85 United States Land Office I Clerk of State Land Board. What yould you advise? the clerka' office M-26-A>^ft-l(j)-23-30 M-7-14r21-2». sent the same, with proper vouchers, chains west of the southeast corner Ros-burr. Oregon February 14. 1925.1 . Nora. The dealre of the County Clerk s of­ to the said adm'nlstrator at the office Of M p, donation land claim, and run NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION j NOTICE TO CREDITORS fice Is to clear the files of duplica­ of Donald Young. 8«0 IVIItamcHe n*ny th*oc* nn-th 9 17 chains. th*nce Forest Exchanges | Notice la hereby given that Mary A. tions. which the law requires Io be Street. Eugene, Oregon, within six north 44 d«< 66 min. W 13 77 chains, Nora—you are selfi3t—and so !» Notice 1» hereby given that on No-1 Humphrey was appointed adniinistra- done, and we will gladly give atten­ months from the date of this notice , hP„re 8 33,4 w 4 43 chains, thence vember 13. 1924. Ellsworth Prlndel. o f . tr|a of the e s u t e of David H uniPhrf’Y- , oor huiband- Neither of you have tion to any corrections or relnalale- Dated at Eugene. Oregon, the l»th w 4 44 chains, to the west line of said Psrla. Oregon. fll‘ d application No. : deceased, by ord*r of 'he County learned the meaning of consideration, m.-nts wTiJrh may be) reifiested day of March. 1925 donation land claim, th-nce north on 015829 under the Act of March 20. Q ,urt for Lane county. Oregon, duly and until you do, you will never be Regdslrallon for voter* '• poeelble at ....................... made the 25th day of March. 1925 . , ',h„ M ROBT. (he west line aforesaid 20 04 chains to .......................... all tlme-s except thirty days prior to Administrator of the estate of fhe northwest corner of said donation NWM SEM A NEM SWkt. 8ec. 33. All persons having claims against ,**“ 00- og ther. elections. G M Thompson, deceased. said estate are hereby pottf ed to pre-j Has it ever occur«d to yon that your land claim, th-nce east on the north‘Tp 21 8 . Range 3 E a st W M. with- H B BRYS3N. Clerk Donald Young. line of said donation claim 43.lt 'n the Sluslaw National Forest, for the sent the same, with proper voucher», husband is working to support you, A 2# Attorney for Estate cha'n* to the most northerly nerthoast I timber on the NEV. 8W H . Sec.. 5. to the said executrix, at the office ot and that no doubt he is tired when he M 12-19-26 A-2 9 corner thereof, thence south along Tp. 2 1£S., Range 3 East. W. M. with- Donald Young. 860 W illamette Street. '"'Bids will be r«cetved on Friday. Eugene, Crecon. within »lx months comes home 1“ 0,6 evening. Neither the donation land claim line 11 «7! in ’he Cascade National Forest April 3rd. 1925. al 7:30 I’ M . al the NOTICE TO CREDITORS do*8 h« realize that, because you are chains to the most northerly north The purpose of thia notice Is to al­ from the date of this notice. high school building In Springfield. Dat'd at Eugene, Oregon, ’.he 25th in the bouse all day, busy with the Notice Is hereby given that the west corner of the Charles Hardesty low all persons claiming the lands Oregon, for »13.500 par value bonds undersigned has b* en appoint' d ad j Donation Land Cla'm No. 42 ot the selected, or having bona fide objec , day of March .1925.. „„„„„ problems of a housewife, you want to MARY A. HUMPHREY, . . . of School District No 1». t-ane Coun­ mlnlstratrlx. with will annexed, nf «an: township, thence S 3# deg. 68 tton« to «uch application, an opnnr tnntty to f‘le their prote«ts with th** | Executrix of the eRtate of °ut in tne evening. ty, Oregon, to be due *(1.000 on April the estate of Kate A. Collier. ‘ ! William« A Benn. . 8TATLANE COUNTY FOR hearing thereon at or before which Discuss it with him------ p rhaps you Robert McCowan donation land j claim, th-nce W 10 45 chain» to the By It W Smith. DUtrldt ( lerx I Attorneys f. i Estate L. 8. Scott. Margaret M. Scott, vs. M 19 26 A Î. corner In angle on the east boundary M 26-A-2 9 15-23 ment. -Bailey, her hus- made. ¡of »aid McCowan donation Land Claim; Ella Bailey,- Dated and first published April 2nd The strongest bond, the Interest thence south on the east boundary of!band; Thomas Clemmens. said donatl n land claim 12 70’s j Clemmeos, hi* .wife; Alfred Ctecn- 1825. which alw ays Is greatest, la unfor­ JOSEPH F. SAFLEY". chalns. to a point 6 65% cha'ns north 1 ^ e n * --------- C lem m c-ns. h is w,fe; tunately denied you. Children would Administrator. I of the southeast corner of said Me- John Clcmm n*. Levoua Clemmens. W itten Swafford, Atty., WnquqptionaMy iurntsh |the mutual (Cowan donation land claim, thrnce his wife; Andrew Clemmena, Interest which you seem to lack. Be­ 'w est parallel with the south line of Clenunena. his wife, being the only Eugene, Oregon. A-2-9-16-23-30. I »aid doeatlcn land claim 16.85 chains surviving heirs at law ot Martha cause of th is very lack o? a great F. WALKER Call to 1he place of h-glnnlng, eicepting Clemmena anti Thomas Clemmons, h T t h e ciR C u rr court o f the bond, you both should make every STATE OF OREGON. FOR LANE from the above description 4 10 acres her husband, both deceased; Dellla f u n e r a l DIRECTOR effort to replace It with other common COUNTY 1 'nrludt d wlth'n the right c f wav of Jaa» Cottsworth. William Coatsworth SUTTON TRANSFER Interest«. F ull Auto Equip’ *'«” » the Southern Pacific railroad through MT husband; 8. R. Copeland. --------- Ray H McMurray, Pla'ntiff. vs. SUMMONS: Neither of you are companionable »aid property, containing »xcluaive of Copeland, his w ife; the unknown Phone 57 W. O. W. block »aid right of way 117 61 acre*; also hetrs of John H. Edmunsoh and Eu Mae McMurray, Defendant. enough. You need new contacta. TO Mae McMurray, the above de­ beginning at an anchor post on the phema Edmunson. both deceased; al­ Office P h on . «M* R«« IT»»"« « « j Every one needs a variety of Interest« northerly line of Ihe South*, rn I*na!flc so all other persons or parties un- fendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE —and especially is this true of child- Railroad right of wav from wb'ch the known claiming any right, title, es­ northeast corner of Ihe Robert Mc­ tate, lien or Interest In the real es­ OF OREGON, you are hereby re- less couple». GEO,. N, M c u EA N Gowan Donation Lend Claim No 4J in tate described in the complaint here­ quired to appear and answer the com- Friends are necessary—not a great DR, N. w . EMERY Tp 1« 8. of Rg. 2 W. of the Willamette in. plaint filed agalnat you In the above number but thoge who are sUmnlat. Automob’ le, F(ro and L ife To Ella Bailey. --------- Bailey, her meridian In Oregon bears S. 19 deg. entitled court and cause, on *r before . d e n t is t IN S U R A N C E the expiration of the time prescribed l”«t ‘heir Ideas, active m entally and 13 min E 14 83 chains and running huabend; Thomas Clemmens. Surety Bond*.. Phon* 9J7 . Sutton m aa Phon* tO-J thenc« N .35 deg 20 min E 33 2z (Clemmens. his wife; Andrew Cl’ m in the Order of Publication, to-wlt: what Is even more Important, Intelll- Bldfl. . - My buolnan« la'kto pret*«t you« chains along the northerly line of »aid ' ’»«»■• -- ------ Clemmens. hla w ife. On or before the expiration of six gent R tild s n c o Phono 1M " bush* ess right of way. thence 8. 6« deg., E ¡Dellla Jane Coatsworth. William w eeks from the date of the first A p(xxi ghow nQW gnd BOm(? 860 WHlametta Sy Eugono Oregon '1.64 ehalna. more or less to an anchor Coatsworth. her husband; S. R. ( ope publication hereof, and if you fall to in Sprlnpflold- Or«B«” Copeland, his wife; the land. answer for want thereof, plaintiff will m uslc- a lecture thrown in. good fence poet on Ihe southerly I ne of said ¡right of wav, thrnce 8. 56 deg E. 10.23 unknown heirs of John H. Edmonson apply to the court for the relief prayed,books, movies, radio, activity in cora- ¡chains along a certain fence to an and Euphama EdmunFon4 both de­ for in the complaint, to-wlt: “ - - - the - husband - munlty affairs afford and NEW RAZOR angle point, th nee S. 30 deg. 24 min. ceased; also all other person or parties For a decree of the court dlssolv w){e mutual interests. SHOE REPAIRING For Sale K. 5.29 chains to an angle rolnt, thence unknown claiming any right. tlUe. es­ Ing the bonds m your case a child would sa t . Work Promptly and Guaranteed. Price >2. south 7 *leg. 55 m1” . W. 22.77 chains tate, lien or Interest In the real estate isting between plaintiff and defend- - to the north hank of (he Mohawk described In the complaint herein, de­ nnt and for such other and further everything. In living to make the Carefully Done fendants: river, thence 8. 7 d**g 55 min. W. 1.25 relief as to the court may seem Just ch'ld happy, you would both forget A. A. ANDERSON THE NAME OF THE STATE rhalmi to the center of the stream, OF IN OREGON:— JOHN A. NELSON You and each of you. (and proper. yourself. - * thence down stream substantially as are hereby required to appear and , This summons is published P“r8“ BARBER SHOP a rhance when 509 Main Street follows: 8. 26 deg. .30 min., W. 4.24 answer the compa'nt filed against ant to an order of th* Honorable G 9 .' Perhasp vou do take However It Is al- 1 chains, 8. 45 deg 30 min. W. 6 9« vou in the above entitled suit, on of Sklpmorth. Clrcu't Judge, mado and You adopt a child. However. It Is al I chains. 8. 17 deg. 30 min. W. before April 11th, ’.925. said date be- i entered February 27, 1925. and the ways possible to secure all the fact». 14.11 chRlns. to the northeasterly Ing more than six wer-ka from the date ¡first publicat'on hereof is m ate the surrounding th* child’s birth. For DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL line of property h-retofore con­ of the order providing for publication 15lh day of March. 1926. and the last jbg), niai,^y> -Brents are never quite I» veyed to Alexander I, cw I r , thenc*» of summons herein “"d If you fail to |publication thereof Is on the 16th day ch n , reB w)„ furn DENTIST nlong said pmeorty line N. «5 *tng 40 min. Wi. 2 0^ chains, and answer, for want thereof, the rlalntiff of April, 1925. Brown *11 * Brooke. out. and It Is a chance every one with Phone 43 Your Home When In thence N. 52 deg. 11 min. W 27.10 ” 111 spplv to the court for the relief Attorneys for plaintiff. children must take. i therein demanded, towlt. for a decree chains more or less to the plnce of Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. Springfield Residence: Eugene, Oregon.| yvith proper training, proper en­ b-Rinnlng. containing 86 86 acres, ex- forever cuicting title in plnlntif’s and M-5* 12-19-2«l-A-2 9-16. chtslvp of railroad right of wav ; sn tln st defend-nts in nn-> to follow- vironment and love, the average child P«'glin’nv at a | through the same, all of Ihe land 'ng Inn I to v ’t: will In most cases revelop into Just .points 20.13 chains south of the north! B L O N D B E S S O U IN E S -»hove m e n t i o n t ' - ’n* rn ’ twin*? in p - - * p p f u - r of pn-tipu 33. townrhip i the sort of a person you want It to be. JOHN M. WILLIAMS “ T b e boss w o u ld f in d a ll o f sections 26 and 27 'n townah’n If. WM. G. HUGHES ■ 17 south, range 4 » v -.i* W . M.. nnd -run-1 busily at work more often when he ,n spI‘" of »"Y unfavorable qualities Attorney for Vet. Stub* Aid Com.. o*:;h. *'f range 2 west cf the WlPnm- FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE ;nlr*g th-nce north S8 degrees 57 min.. s : ; s s * 5 « i™ « ,* » . Soldiers Bonus Loans. NOTARY PUBLIC I ' nnd that yon end each of you hnvc n o 1 parents and long line of ancestors: , ,ehi*f. driven In th - group L thence lt wearinfl those ruber heels." L. E. BEAN , right, title, »state, lien o r In te r*-« , Office at 'south 29.15 chains to th e south-vest ¡ j’herein, and quieting plaln’tffs bltle Attorney Stato Land Board, FIRST NATIONAL BANK Orchards of Oregon stone fruits ¡from snv claim to said lan-1 held or I corner of tho southeast fon--»h of the: The Unansw erel Ad. State School Fund Loans. f ip r ln flfle ld , Oregon " d t V r V ^ ' n m r k n ' / h y a Ford ’-.xi'- ''haft j Wanted: Able-bodied folks to *hat arp 8UbJ«c‘ to brown rot soould asserted hy you or any of von. This summons 1» served uuon yon driven In th ground on th - northern' demonstrate that hard work is g o od ," e protected against early (n fct'-in WILLIAMS & BEAN hy publ’cailon pursuant to an order of county road No. 323. originating form the spore cups de- ATTO RNEYS of lion G. F Fkloworth. made in this boundary thence nlong the northeir boundary lor unB- veloped by the old mummies in the 860 WHIlnmett* St. Eugene. Or«. suit and da ltd March 11. 1925 providing of county road No. 323. south 88 de­ ‘hat von he s*rv*d with this munTuons grees 67 min., eost 42 58 chains to a ground, says the experiment station. Many of Them Now Llcenied Io practice In all Court« hr publication thereof once in each Ford axle shaft driven In the ground Bethwn: ’’Jack Billings Is a corker. ”¡Continuously harrowing the orchard of Ihe Stai *, and United States. week for six successive In the Spring i( g h , Smythe: “I don’t know—but from !8«'! throughout the blossom period All kinds of gravel for con­ field News and reott’rlng you »*> center " J rnnl, No 49g_ Ilorth of county road No. 496. north crete or road work. We answer the same within six weeks 20.15 chains to a Ford nxle shaft wbat I have observed recently—I when these cups are developing will from Ihe first publication thereof. driven In the ground, thence north think he is a better uncorker.’’ destroy them and thus prevent spore make a specialty of crushed This summons Is first so published 89 degrees 57 min., west 22.58 chains dischargee. This stirring of the soil rock and rock sand. Bunk­ March 12, 1925. the place of beginning, in Lane ers at foot of Main on Mill European canker Is wide spread In should be repeated every two or three 8 D. Allen, Attorney for Plaintiffs, to County, Oregon, and tor other relief jeweler street. Office, Hovey Block. Eugene. Orfgnn and costs and disbursements of the western Oregon occasionally causing days. Mar. 12-19-26 A-2 9 16 2.2 Repairing a Specialty HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. suit. This summors Is published pur­ a severe damage to certain pear varie­ A Real Druggist Springfield, Oregon DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR suant to an order of Hon. O. F. Sklp- ties. Specimens of pear canker may worth. Circuit Judge In said county, be referred to the experiment station Roseburg. Oregon, March 4. 1925. . dnfed February 25th. 1925, requiring Youth: “I go to work Monday as NOTICE FOR P l ULICATION ¡publication hereof once a week for at Corvallis for free diagnosis. These Fore’t Exchange» cankers increase from year to year. manager of the Crown Drug Store.’* Notice Is hereby given that on ! "lx w eeks Inn .«pr," ^ e'duMIJlah'^,' FRANK A. DEPUE AND REPAIRING Skept: “Why I didn’t know you had November li 1924 IV l’tam M. Faulk- ?ew*pp’,' r published Control conslets In the thorough cut­ ever studied pharmacy." atto rn ey a t law ner of Corvallisi Oregon, «led ap-.L*»« Coqnty, ( ' • ^ rjT H ting out and disinfection c f the ex­ CLEANING, PRESSING Youth: “I haven’t—but I’ve had Plication No. 016833 unuer Ihe act of j Attoreev for Plaint»«» isting cankers, followed by a summer N O T A R Y P U B L IC ¡March 20. 1Î22 ' « ’’' 5 * J»5' , o « - ' nf Flr»t” ruhÜcàtïon ’ FVbruary i d é a u x "spray as employed for nn-J»lx month* experience In the 5 and We Call For and Deliver I S T f i r ’ i l î S i f ’x î a i » » « i” « “ • w » ' Sutton Bpringflald G. M. PLUMMER buldllng Oregon. ¡the Sllts'sw Na'tonal r ”rt:s».. ♦” ■.r the* F-2» K 3- ■ Classified Advertisements ¡B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y ^ “The Loop SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W . Ro t i Cfk «nel M ain. In Confidence By Flo