PAGE SIX t i ir sptyMaaicLn news In From Vida— Mr and Mrs. Nalsoi: C o O n shoped In Springfield Frida- TOWN AND VICINITY S ta te In sp e cto ra Horo— Duncan and - —1 - 1 ' Applegala, state inspectora for the Drive« to Raseburg— MV»s Ike »si- III With Tonaolltla—Mrs. Josephine hairy and Food Commission Inspect Bench motored to Roseburg and t a c t Hucktns of Motor route | Is ill at her ed the Springfield »hop« and «tore» Sunday. hora« with tonsilitis. Tuesday. Return« from Band— Al Larso- nt Ih From :----- MSB. > ■ --------- Much Shipping Monday Hevrral cars of merchandise ware received and ahlped by Springfield firm« Monday. Morrison aud Cllngaa received a carload of cement, Wrlghl and Sun. hardware dealer«, received a car of roofing and building paper, and the Carbollneuai Wood Preserv­ ing company gol a carload of ties io be treated and rvshipped The Hprlng- flrl.i Lumber company received a car of lumber, and shipped a carload to low». _ _ If it looks like thb^T" Gootl-N bih t O ofter- George Godmsn Down From Wendling Camp—John King. ttmeke«p< r at Camp 24 near day from a business trip to Bond. dar on businesa. Wendling visited in Springrield S uit Visit* Son Here—J. A. Jackson of Has Infiuenxa—Miss Barnice Nehef day. Mr. King formerly worked In Myrtle Creek 1« spending the week is ill at her home east of town wiih the Booth Kelly office here. with his son, Tom Jackson. the flu. Improving at Hosuital W. A. Ore»» Spend W e e k -e n d In M a rs h fie ld — V isits M other Mrs. M M Peerv man, Springfield attorney, who ha» Oswald Olson and H. C. Jackson spent h ft for Scio Friday to visit her moth­ j been III for Severn) weeks at the Pacific Christian hosp'tal. Is reported the week-end in Marshfield. er there for-a few days. to he Improving slowly. New Truck at Mill—A new White From Douglas Gardens— Mrs. W. T. Go on Picnic— Dr. and Mrs W II 1-ton truck was added to the Booth- Thompson was in town shopping from Pollard and Miss Gladys Meade, a Kelly retail service Monday. Douglas Gardens Tuesday. house guest of the Pollards, enjoyed Goes to Ashland—Calvin Taylor i Goes to Cottage Grove— Mrs. Levi a Icnlc dinner at Dedmottds ferry last went to Ashland on a business trip Neet visited in Cottage Grove this Thursday evening. Friday. week from Saturday to Tuesday. Vlglt at Roberts Home—W. II. Ad­ In for Supliea—Glen Tyron of the In for Medical Treatment— Neis min. Jesse Seavey and Welby Stev­ Jasper district was In town for sup­ Peterson and A. O. Hayden, both of ens were visitors at the R. R. Robert plies Friday. Gardena Friday Marcóla, w ire in town Friday for home at Douglas evening. medical treatment. tha Creswell district. returned Satur­ a resldent of Dexter. « a s intown Tuca A tte n d s S ervice s H e re — M r Brick Machine Perfected A machine Io make bricks from Ihe d ay on Emerald Heights has been al most perfecled by 1». W McKinnon, and he report« that he may he seen in action preparing hrlcks every evening at h's home on the Itclghls. A few changea in 1.1» machine are contem­ plated by Mr McKinnon, who Intends to Innlall a kiln soon. Sweet corn may V«> had throughout the Oregon season by planting varln- tie» which mature at different times, the experiment station reports. Good ^gardeners In many sections are un'ng Portland .Market and Golden Ilanlatn. and w ry oflen a variety for all use called Howling Mob Much better yields are Io be had by having the sweet corn plot as nearly square as possible. This provides better polllnn tlon and consequent bett-r yields. and Mrs Frank Withers of Thurston at­ Returns From V isit—Mrs. A. B V isits from Portland—Miss Ruby tended church services here Sunday Shank of Portland was a visitor in Van Vaixah returned Friday front Port evening. Springfield Friday, with Miss Grace land whertle »he visited her son. Dr R. C. Van Vaixah. Visit at T r e n t— Mr and Mrs. J. C. Kirk of Harrisburg. Parker, and son. Roland, visited Mrs Back From School— Miss Lola The novic gardener will find a W E Holdwredge. sister of Mrs. Park­ Crabtree is here from Monmouth hav great many helpful points Tor the er. at Trent Sunday. ing finished her sc hoi work there for control of Insect pests in O. A. C. Ex j tension Bulletin 326. "insect Peat* R e tu rn s F -o m Coast— W C. Mc- this year. Lagan return’d Sunday front a bust : of Truck and Garden Crops.“ This Ha* Cast Made on Leg—Wayne bulletin will he mailed free on ap- ness trip of several days to Marsh­ Paris decrees the painted ear so Guiiey. who broke his leg last Wed plication to the coll. go. field and North Bend. New Yorkers have taken it up. Un­ nesday was in Tuesday to have it j _- fortunately, r o u g e photographs ; . Returns Home After V/sIt—Ml’ « rut in a cast. Strategy Wack, and is not very beautifying Carrie Flannery return'd to-her home in picture form, do you think? Dismissed From Hospital—Mr». Joe H im an: "Mv wife bnjrs mor, glov In Corvallis Sunday after a visit of earth severs! days with Mr. and Mrs. F. B irin k a of this city was dismissed than any ether woman on fro futile Pacific Christian hospital It ally. she's go ng to break me yet," Flanery of this city. To Eugent for T r.atm -ñt i'harli-a Monday. Mrs. Trinka had been a Smartly: ‘ Why den't you buy her M M,1 of Lowell receive I medical Visiting From Tacoma—hr. and pätien» there for about ten days. a diamond ring?" tr atmen! at the Eugene tl.spltal Frl- Mrs. B. E. Lemley and dsnght»r ‘ I «* „„.i 3> »Ilmen's. ’ Below are the n'’.71P" o,. a « T ' of hl" leny satisfied « . " QT^ n" 1 Hedvrick .Wllsorf, . Oold Beach- Ore • xr'cosp n’cers. T, ,, Franv Koehler. Th* Da,,e*- Or<*- cm ach trouble. Mrs. j . n n.inHEock. Polnt- re . goitre. , , , n rp Mrs Jlbn McCue, Lakeside, j T p n ry W estfall, O ntario, Ore., id e e f ¡iij rMr’ 'r,F CC. Bates. Bnk'r. Ore., heart' “ Mrs. E. C. Bates. Baker, Ore.) o . M Richey. Boring. Ore., heart •p’lblp Louis S. Bfieber. 32fi E. Buchanan, or’iand. Ore., adno d« and tonsil«. Bemember above date, that consul "on on this trip will !be free and n» h's treatment. 1» different Married women m ust be gecom ps-, led bv their hn»bandi ! Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg.. Los ( Calffornia. A Oregon at the McMORRAN and WASHBURNE $29.75 er-B uiton 7 Wes 7th., Eugene Oregon Every piece 1 b new—In perfect condition—pure alum inum —good weight highly nollshcd with sun-ray finish inside. UsefulnBM conaidered you could not get more real servk« out of EVERYTHING FOTOGRAPHIC pieces costing twice as much! Supply your future kitchen needs now for It Is doubtful if we will be able to offer such superior quality alum inum a t tills low price again! No mall or phone orders on sale alum inum please! MANY MEN MAKE IT A PRACTICE to take a box of our sup« rlor confectionery with them on their week-end visits to wlfo and kiddles or to Her father :i house. And nothing better or more acceptable could be Imagined. Put a good big box in your grip or bag this week Believe us. Its contents will be highly appreciated. EGGIMANN’S nre inllopH fo r those dealring 500 Pcs. Sparkling Brand New A’uminum Kitchen Utensils on sale this week only Smart Style« ' SPECIALIST In Internal Medicine for the past tw elve years Will be at OSBORN HOTEL, TUE3DAY, APRIL 7, Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p m. Dr 8 Ralph Dipp.l. Dentist. Vilu» building. Sprlngf Id. Oregon From Thurston—Charles Taylor and J. J. Cabo were In from Thurston Kaiurtlay on business«, and to buy suppiloa. , * T T Dr. Mellenthin DOES NOT OPERATE The black goo- harry borer, oc­ curring ns a largo white grub In the i roots and crown of the plants, appears !to bo rather wldlv distributed In Ore­ gon nnd .• seriously Injurious on many of the , i clings, the Mpcrfnient sis t on has I irned. Growers about tv plant go«», -berries should examine carefully their stock and take .vnry precaution to avoid Inflated hushes. TIII'ItSDAY, APRIL 2, 102S • Following Items on Sale... Some Lots Limited. Diahpan»— double boilers- sets of 3 bread pans— Sets of 3 sauce pans— w ater p itc h e r» - cafeteria (rays (excellent for cooky »beet»)—long handled colanders— covered sauce pans— mixing howls—drip pang______ FOR STYLE Q U A LITY £ E C O N O M Y - THE SATISFACTORY STORE