OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. Mnlalla will celebrate July 3 and 4 by buhl In« a round up. Bemral of lho rurul achoola of Kin in ulli county have boon hard hit by a "flu" epidemic. Tha (bird annual Oregon slate high school typing contest will be held April 13 at ttuloiu. Work of wldonlna (lie McKenxt» pa an road In the Deschutes national forrat la under way. The Corvallis Elks have voted to erect a new tempt« loo by loo and three stories In height. Const ruction operation» on a now atate flab hatchery on Roaring river near Lebanon have boon started. Approximately 10& Initiates of the atato training school for boy» at Habui are III with la grlppo or Influents. A now »tag« aorvlce was started between llakur and Halfway April 1. which gives these places dally stages. F. I. Marshall of Portland was re appointed a member of the state board of barbers' examiner» by Governor Pierce. Albany merchant» are eonaldorlng a boycott of wholesale firms thst re­ fuse to ship merchandise to local customers by railroad. Construction work on a bridge from the Albany bank of Ihe Calapoota to Bryant park will be started soon, the city council ha» decided. A special election at Milton to vole on the purcha»« of property for the city auto park was completely »now ed under. S3 for and 149 against. Dewey Spencer, a SI-year-old boil­ er maker of ll«nd, died following an automobile accident 12 ntilst from town on the lleud Uurus highway. Major Byron A. Sharp, auperlntend ent of the Um atilla Indian r«»«rva Hon, has been promoted to the super- Intendency of the Yuma Indian agency In California, *’ *Aaron H McDonald, theater man PAOS FTV» THE a a t f X i W J J ) S9W S THVKHDAY, ATRIL 2, 1925 sending a week at the ranch at Pleas­ ant H ill r»turh«d to their home at Jefferson Bunday, 1 THURSTON NOTES Miss Verna Phetteplaoe who la at­ tending Normal at Monmouth arrived home last Wednesday evening and spent the remainder of the week with home folks. Mrs. Fred llussel! motored to Mon­ mouth Monday taking her daughter, Margaret, back to school. Perry Price motored to Corvallis Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hud McPherson and fam ily from Springfield spent Sunday at Roy Baugh's. Mrs. Parrel from. Landax arrivo ! Baturlay for a few days visit with her daughter Mrs. Ruth. [ Friday afternoon the base ball team .from the grad school went to Mt. Vernon and layed the team there. The I score was 29 to 4 In favor of Thurs­ ton. Next Saturday evening the base ball team Is giving an old tim e dance at the hall, the proceeds will go for buy­ ing new suits for the team. Mr«. Weaver's niece from Portland spent Friday nlgbt with her. Mias Wells from Bunnysld». Wash- »Dotiff" «nd H'« Flvintr Horae. O "“ of the ,Mo? , Ington Is visiting at the Renn'e home. Features of Hia Photoplay. "The Thief of Bagdad Miss Mande Edmlston who Is teach­ Everybody has heard of the Flying »wdng Doug astride this prodlry. dash- ing at Llnslaw spent Friday night with [ i.< frlen »,!..« Id id Pe. Horse, otherwise our old 1 c *n«t athwart the aky. The Introduction home folks. I Miss Margaret Russel has been en­ gssus, of Greek Mythology; but few. u , however, only one of gaged to teach the Leaburg school It appear» are acquainted wilt» the par-1 flabbergasting feature« of this for another yesir. She Is Piling the llculars of Its amaxlng story. This, moat astonishing of photoplays,—aur- vacancy caused by Miss Mildred Price Miss Price expects to at­ thrrefore Is a good time to brush up passing even In wonder Its Magic resigning on your Greek Mythology for Douglas Olobe, which unveils the past and Ihe tend the U. of O. Law Sunday th 're was a base ball Fairbank» Is coming In "The Thief future; the Enchanted Apple, which of Bagdad." to b" presented at the restores life to the dead; and the game between Springfield and Thurs llell Theatre. Bunday. Monday and Magic Carpel, on which you can fly ton. played on the Thurston diamond, Tuesday .over the housetops and Into the sky. Springfield won 14 to 8. It will not. of course, require a Doug built this am axng teory: Wti»n About | eral weeks at the hom- of Mrs Laird» lowing officers. Presidi nt. Miss Bister Mra. C. C. Jacoby at Vernonia. Bertha Manning; vlec presld nt. M. MS. Miss Berlha Manning motored to Hayes; Secrelary-treaaored. Mary Albany Bunday to visit her aunt, Mrs tlon. Harden; Chorister. Lawrence Wheel­ [John Houchet. for a few days. e r; organist. Cora John. Mr. Maltxan of Trent has the dis­ III at Home— Mrs. Carl Olson has Miss Bertha Manntng was In Spring- tinction of having taken to th» public been III at her home for several days field Friday night to be present at barket at Eugene the first home the dinner given In honor of the 53rd grow nasparagus. birthday of her brother. Clinton Man­ I The Christian Endeavor society of ning Those present at the dinner Pleasant H ill will give an April fool were Blanche Manning of Wugene, i party Friday n'ght at the home of Alta Manning, who Is att-ndlng Nor­ M's» Manning. The commltttee In mal at Monmouth. Verna. Jesssle end charge are Mrs. Haya. Leta Wheeler Bernice Manning of Springfield. and Taylor Circle are planning some Bertha Manning of Pleasant H ill and very Interesting features Robe« Jakeway» of Wendllng AU of Mr. and Mrs. S Ov«rhol»er" after those presenti formgrly resided art and heavy owner of Eugene downtown property, died at the Pacific Christian hospital In Eugene after a brief Illness of pneumonia. A meeting of national forest off I rials, rangers snd other employe» of the service and of state forest fire patrol workers Is being held In Eu gene this week. J. L. Kranreu of Portland has been appointed city manager for Oregon City by the city commission follow­ ing the resignation of Louis D. Kel sey of Milwaukie. The paving of the thraa entrances to Crater lake national park will »tart Just as soon as the weather permits, according to Colonel C. O- Thompson, park superintendent. Members of the Multnomah Anglers' and Hunters' club at their annual meeting went on record as favoring the closing of the W illamette river forever to all commercial fishing. Governor Pierre appointed Mrs. W. 8 Kinney, stale senator from Clatsop county, sa a member of the board of regents of Oregon Agricultural college to succeed the late M 8 Woodcock. The Otter Rock-Rocky Creek sec­ tion af the Roosevelt highway will be completed 30 days earlier than wa» anticipated, according to C. B Sheik, superintendent on the Hampshire con tract. ■^The Broota-Bcanloo Lumber com­ pany has deeded 1T2.3 aorta of land with water rights a little more than a mile south of the Bend city limits to the Bend Oolf club for golf club pur­ poses. The Booth-Kelly sawmills at Spring- field and Wendllng. which have been operating for the last six or seven weeks on a five-day week schedule, have been placed on a four-day week schedule. No time will be lost by the bureau of reclamation In getting ready to •tart development of the Owyhee Ir r i­ gation project In Melheur county. 8en- »tor McNary was assured by the de­ partment of the Interior. Average family expenditures for food In Portland decreased 4 per cent luring the month front January 15. 1935, to February 15. 1925. according to a report Just Issued by the United States department of labor. Estimated by Income tax figures, the population of Oregon gained 8 per cont during the past year. There wore 72.337 Income tax returns filed this year ns compared with 8«,«85 last year, an Incronse of 6832. In lieu of the verbal contract an Id to have been entered Into between the Klamath county court and the Cen­ tral Oregon Htoge oouipany pern, ttln ; that firm to,charge tolls on the Band Klamath highway, the Klen.nth court has agreed to pay the s iige concern 3600 for keeping the Highway o| ‘n for the next two nlon 1.1. according ,o an­ nouncement. ANNUAL Clean-up Week April 15 to 18 Genuine Pongee Teddy Combinations priced at $L.98 BEARD’S Eugene