9 THI’RSDAY. APRIL THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ■■■' f i i PAGE FOUR 11*25 Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N LANI C O U N T Y U N IT NO. 1« • • Local CANARY LOCAL 189 R eporter* COAST FORK LOCAL e e • e e e O F F IC E R S O F L A N E C O U N T Y • F A R M E R 'S U N IO N • • C a n a ry _______ ___ J. L Nor,hup • I Ray Bower '„Central — The n> tt ln f of the loca, was held • Ralph L aird, Creswell, Preeldent. Rev. J Wlllan. a traveling evang Mrs. L. J Getchell ' . Cloverdale Saturday night. March 25 Instead of • Will WhMltr, Trent. Vlca Praal- • ’ Coast Fork Mr*. Geo. Kebelheck ' list, held service* at Silicons and * tho regular meeting »l«M , as ,h«> • dan,. Westlake Sunday, which were great,v __ Mrs. M. A. Horn j • Creswell • Betty Kappauf, College Orova. • Spring Mooting to bg Hold in meeting place Is being us, d forrhur, h appreciate, by (hose who attende,,. Mr*. Ada J nttlngs — —— >• Oorena ... • a ,« .T r e a t. C. E Drugan of the tunnel ga.K serv ices at th e rp »elit. _____ Mrs. B. Baker Cottnge Grove: State Presi­ Many Delegates Hear C o u n ty ). Heeeta There was a go, si attendance and • N. A. Horn. Cottage Grove. Door • , No S leaves with hls family f?r theli dent and S ec'dtary on Pro­ Agent Leader Ballard and • Hadleyvllle __ Mr* M. Gillespie * former home In Missouri today to quite a bit of business transacted. • Keeper __ Mr* Grace Jones gram fo r Day's Session. • H. C. Jackio n, W a lte rv llle . Con- • Other Speakers in Tuesday • J»»P*r visit their people who live there. They Refreshment* were served after th" ..... Mrs. C. M. Foster • ductor. * meeting. Session. Held in Eugene. have no, y e, settled on their future • McKenzie Mrs Jjiwrence Millca'n Th, spring quarterly lim iting of tho Mr and Mrs L. J. Green met with I * O. L. Clem en,. Chaplain location. They have been stationed • Mt. Vernon Mrs. V A. Reynolds Lane r,unity Fa runos Unlou will he The Lane County Agricultural Coun­ • Silk Creek t e a at Canary for the last two vaars what might hare be, n a «erlous ae- * Bulah Smith cil met at the Eugene Chamber of. . . ^ 1 cident as they were r« turning home h'dd Friday. A*rl, ,7. In Cot-tag- The r many friends here regret to E. B Tinker Objecta to Pheasants Commerce Tuesday morning at 10:30 . v da front the meeting Saturday evening Grove. Call line been issued for ih« see them leave and wish thi-n a pl,u Mrs. W K Post apriti* sesnlctt by IT esl delti Huípil After a reading of the constitution In some manner untxpl.einnhlc Mr an, trip to their former home. There Is a saying that goes soni* and by laws the roll was taken C. W. Laird, who has com menead arrange­ T he dan ce a, the G range hall «, Green was on th, wrong side of lh„ Allen of Vida was reelected pres! NOTES FROM COUNTY CLUB Cnnttrv Saturday night. M ardi 28. w as road and ran Into the Lincoln T aylor thing like this, “eonalatancy Is a pearl ments for the aoaslon. dent, H. C. Wheeler elected vlce-presl-' of great price." Il Is a pearl that the Everyone reports a '*al1 •"•’» »“ >h a force as to Ihr, Stale t’r-ald* nt Egbert and wife of wel lat tended, LEADER dent. Howard Merresin secretary The him and Mr*. Green from Ihe buggy majorlly of Ihe people In Oregon ap The Halle, and Mr» Jones, stai» ¡good time. executive committee consists of Tom have lost or conditions would i l'ers Jury, of Monmouth. aro ,1 sure Io make use of the free a,"l bruise them up pretty badly, but | By Arnold Collier Green. Mr. Maxwell and C D. Rorer. . „ . . State llhrarv at the Union hall. There neither were seriously hurt. not be ns they are. What brought to np|H#r on Ih«» program a« well at ,n todays mornings mall there u . was pre*- i n w w . .................• - .......... .... , antendld assortm ent of books foe Mrs G eorge Kappauf who has been F. L. Ballard of o O. . A. C. pres­ oihrr outiM t »p*akors. Th« Coti«*«» Interesting talk on two enrollment blanks from .« .n d .td ll|d Tht< ,thrnry „ „pen sick the past week Is Improving at ,hU ,’1'1 ’*“ *”’* tiroir« local «ill have chargs* of th«, ent and gave an an organization as clubs. One eras from R ooaavtN publ|c Sun ln(.uba(or T h .c k r . snd Mr» Geo Kehelbet-k - t s t . Game farm w s, discussed a lew A( of |||# market. Farmers Vnlon. Granges and bers have enrollled where club, were • (wq ,ncMb-, or, ,p .n t Monday afternoon with Mr. *«” *ntl ««»'d erab le objection F(|rm. ri, „ w„ , Commnnlyt clubs. Impossible ,o organize on account of |g re|wrtln)r George K appauf I ratoad .«u ln a, It. the farm er, were |o (h(, n|,.,llber, tl|p O. 8 Fletcher, county agent gave lack of five Interested In the same exce,)ent Miss Anna Jepson was In Cottage | orgaqlxsd and man) of us new (| rjrr unt)| H»»tur»l«y. April 7. at which the e outline g Remember th wl|( gn oyB, er aupper th outline of oz hls m s tentative i r u io u .e program ----- project. . ----- KtmentDer tn all an day owy Easter ser Oro,r» Wednesday having dental work *rr vuls did noi realise what a men. ace th p h easan ts wouud be Now (be for this year which he has given to fn the county are two c o r f Cubs, a >nd b„ , ket dinner at the Union 'Ion*. for ull inrrtnber«. nrw candidate« and ih e different farm organisations the potato club, three home making clubs. Apr„ 1# Miss Hasel Führer returned to ,H’ "tt! l,l> 1 ” •’ lM,P “ >rn H ** |nK n„w members, while Ihe men are program was adopted as a permanent the interest manifested by parents y h e logging camp on Stltcoos lake evening at the Oeorge Kebelbecli j*n' r~ * n ** ,l1* ' n_... */_* ?.*,**? overtim e so they wou't have It secma to me that our farmer* union The logs are borne program. and adults who are eager to give up runntng full time Ihe oyatera to buy. Mr. sn d Mrs Charlie W hite and Ughi to sta ll a movement ’o pro­ The subject of rodent control was their time In leading these boys and being rafted ,o Weathzke and placed A, our last m aetlng County Ag,-nt discussed for sometime and as It is girls in their club work. Many teach- booms. The sawmill expects to Mr an I Mrs M Jepson motored to hlblt ihe liberating of the Ciiln,,«» G H Fletcher spoke to an Interested Pheasant« in uny funning dl Uriel tim e now for the poison to be sent era ask that they might act as lead- begin operation* In June Goshen Sunday afternoon ........... crowd on rodent control snd e.perlal- out a motion was made and carried ers and boys and girls who have been Mr. and Mrs. Roushlaw and Mrs Mrs. Victor K rr of the Grove spent *\ .2' ly e iip h a .lie il the fact that If »very, state ha* the timber reservation Ihe that the county agricultural councils in club work before are organizing »avenport. all of Portland. "P'"t ,he Monday afternoon at Camp B one would put out poison much h -i,n r state owns (lie pheasant farm an,, the results would he „bln’„«d H-v.’-nl yepreaenutives from the rarious dlat cluba of their own. - ( week-end with the G. O. Erhart . - - - - - - p h 'ssan ls. Why ahouldn* Ire state dozen sacks of ihe oplson were dis­ ricts be appointed deputlea with th e 1 Th* County Fair. Stato Fair and family. . . . i s literate Ila own btrila on '»« own pro- CLOVERDALE LOCAL • tributed among the membership. power to appoint sub-deputies to carry r a d fic Internat onal Live Stock Ex Our community Sunday school at l> fiy ? W"ild th e. officiai; Ukq u» on the poisoning campaign, see'ng position are offering excellent prize the Un on bail is Increasing In int 4 to bring our chickens, no matter haw tha, all land is covered. No slacker money to club members who exhibit e s, and membership meet C loverdale Local met Fridnv. Mn-cli beautiful they might h<> down end shall go without poisoning hls squlr- their club work. Several live stock Sunday at 2 p. m. You are cordially 27 with the usual crowd «rosen, The turn thorn In their garden* or flower rets Frank E- B Tinker clubs have signlfleld their intention invited to attend. beila? There woul I be Ju«t as much and G. W McFarland were appointed to have a 100 per cent exhibit at the Walter Beard, who has been under only representative,, of the C r a .y l, Justice In It. Farming In Oregon Is as a central committee to work with County Fair and at leas, ten clubs the Doctor's care with blood poison- loc 1 were Mr and Mrs. A. R l-and. unusually difficult The soil Is bard “ v e a a w —s z . . . . . a______ a « « S S la a a a K o l l o r I T il S e C T ^ ta rV W »« I « M » s-tae-1 easf Mr Fletcher on the rodent control members are planning to attend the Ing In on- hand Is getting Is , "r_ „ „ r ta ln " th e ' c.'ndHIonM1"",'?" 'h ,o work- *h,> ,o n i raln,f "p*'11 mak**' campaign. «— . V boys and girls two w eek , summer, The Fldd.e Creek road worker* ..certa in *h' “nd* / «•>’ - a . farming .eaeon abort We .. C _ Wheeler __ . ____ . . the . . tuber- school Col- completed u ll obta.n a traveling kasaa»* a k* * eaaxwiBsai l b « awasalsaia It s * » I z i i a r u H. explained «chool at at the the Oregon Oregon Agricultural Agricultural Col- co m p lied their contract, and roov,-4 have the crows, the motes, the bug* ■ out last Friday. library. | und worms that nature for some re t eul'n testing law as passed by the le*e ln June- Remember the date ot our next Arrangements were made for ob- i son has provided why «houht we per­ recent legislature. A committee of g * • regular monthly m eeting, next Sun- talnlng the squirrel poisoning' mit any more to he ihruat upon us? • three were appointed to confer with • • • • • day. April 5- Business session called Letters were read from O. 8 Fie, Mrs. L. J. Getchell. , the county court in regard to tuber- * JASPER LOCAL .' f o r 11 a. m.. picnic dinner at 12. «'her and C. E. Spence. cnllne testing and the tagging of ani- • • • • _•___• • ' Everybody come and bring a new A short program by the children mala thus tested. Cal Young. Mr. Me , i At the last meeting Jasper Local member. « wa" ren<,er® htttlhH ty Agent; Ballard. O. A. C. Extension; r e se n ta tlv from our Iocs’ to the Alfli- Agri . hgg .___ »Ko««* abo(|f «1 <115 pPT t>u sh d rtlir- dur Wilfred Keyburg, both of Eugene. are expected the first week In April. Eugene, - Oregon Ing October, November and Decem­ Maxwell, Irving Grange; Allen, Vide cultural committee ln Eugene. Dismissed From H ospital—'Mrs. C. ber; an average of 81.36 from Janu­ F. U. Dr. 8. Ralph Dlppel, Dentist, Vitus Hss LaGrippe— Mrs. 8. E. McN tt ary to April; and an a v -rig e of 21 80 W Foster was dlsmlsed from the Pa­ building, Springfield. Oregon. cific Chrltlan hospital Tuesday. during April and May. according to CALL, At^) R’58 Dr. K W Bmer» Is ill at her home at 2nd and O streets O. A. C. extension aervlc*. V, nr> ■ -• e s -dsSe sn d o«h»C work -» 1 with the la grippe. MEET ON APRIL IT Quackinbush's Subscribe For the Farmers Union News N ew members and o ther Farm ers U nion M embers who are not subscriber« to the Farm Union New« aro requfeBted to c u t thia blank and m all It to the S pringfield News, S prin g fie ld , Oregon. T H E S PR IN G FIELD NEWS ’ Farm ers U nion S ubscription) I^rge seal» poultry keeping on one, two, and three tracts 1« a hazardous and generally short lived enterprise, according to . E. Cosby, poultry sr -clallrt for Or zon extension ser- v'ce. Soil contamination w'lh Its at­ tendant i -atructlve diseases f» al­ most sure to follow such system, of m anse meut Confruct poultry range and laying h oe-tv after the pattern of tvpea the? hnv» proved th“lr worth, advises H. I E Coshy, poultry specialist for the rtenglon servie'1. ’’Isns for success­ ful housds can he had from any county a g'n t or liv writing the Oregon Agri­ cultural college. Corvallis. Date... Name ........ P. O. Address Union Local .. From ..........192..... to ............... .192 Member F. E. C. U. ot A. For services rendered by the Fanners Union and I , , this receipt entitles the holder to subscription to the Springfield News Experimental wer’«' nt t). A C. wl'h potatoes has «.hewn th‘- hot formalde­ hyde and the corrosive sublimate treatm«ns to be about tq tn lly effec­ tive. The corroalve sublimale treat­ ment Is best, suited to small lots of potatoes, while where t,-nre are to be largv plantings, nnd where facilities are available »or providing plenty of hot wafer, the hot. forme,dehyde treat­ ment Is most economical. t REXALL One Cent Sale Remember the dates April 9th. 10th. 11th. Flanery’s Drug Store I >