THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1926 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FREE M E TH O D IS T There will be a special meeting at the Frt-e Methodist church, one block W*et of Glenwood Service Station, Weal Springfield, beginning Friday night at 7:13, on Saturday night at 7: IB and Sunday morning, the meet- Inga will be aa follows,Sunday school I nt 9:46, aong service at 10:46, and ! preaching at 11 A. M Young people's i tn< «ting at 7 P, M., led by Burton only wny I could keep tny control. "Y et, I ’ve been to aee your father Wntao, there will be a testimony and he la returning horn»» tomorrow. meeting after the Y. P. meeting and I have made arrangexnonts to go to preaching at 8 P. M. The»« meetings j will be In hcarge of Rev. W. K.Goode, thn Club.” Sallie Sings—To Hide the Tears l ’ p to that Uniu. at the thought <>( having thrown away hl» lova, 1 had tat my ««ntlmeut got the upper hand. But whan I real'anl that he hud »«nn the tear I hadn't meant to »hod, (he know­ I started to go toward tho bouse. I ledge p«rke<| ma up and my prldv, Inherited from a long lino of hot- cigtld not have utt re »ad. they better suited the throbbing timbre of my voice. And then—It wss a daring thing to do, hut I sang Cyril Scott's ’’Lullaby.’’ When I was half wnv through. I noticed the sound of gritting teeth Kt niy aide, I »topped. "WhaCa the matter, 1» It all that painful?? I've known my »Inglng to drive men to drink but I didn’t real lie — "For God's sake. Salllo, when you have your heel on a worm, aren't you aatlafhsl without turning anil grinding your heel?" “ You know your voice la lovely but why torment me with picture* of things that might hnvn been?" he •Ighevl. "Sometime. J thlnjt you urc absolutely without a heart.” We drove under the porte cachere. Lights gleamed from every window of »he house. E llie had returned nnd there was a sound of music. Out front were aeyernl cars, A cocktail party war. on. "Good bye," he »aid. I »wallowed hard. Ignoring th,” ex­ tended hand. "Going off a piece?" I returned In the Jargon of tho crowd. I t was tho ANYBO DY wishing milk at gnllon rates call Rlveralde Dairy, Phone 34F3 SPEC IA L PRICE on p l a t / work. Dr. N W. Emory, dentist. Sutton Bldg PLANT CRAFTED FRAN­ Q U E TTE W ALNUTS They will m ake you money One of the ltest blocks of Vroonian F ranquette In State, select type, well grown. All other stocks, filberts, apple, pear, cherry, prune, plum, peach, apri­ cots, etc- Small fruits etc Right stock a t right prices. Submit your want list, send for prices- 35 years In buslenss, CARLTON NURSERY CO. C a r lto n ,O r e g o n District Elder over all Southern Ore­ gon, and an able speaker. There will eb ap rt'sl »Inglng by Mr». Doctor lllchonond, end the Blair Male Quar- tettv. I l* | These talented alngera ought to b« heard by a large congregation. There will he the n-gular prayer »»rvlce at PAGE THREW l7:46 at the Church on Thursday night, led by Mrs. Sumners, The puWlc 1» cordially Invited to all these service«. Bring your babies here, we like them. Jeaua aald. "Suffer little child, ren to some unto Mo and forbid them not, for such la the Kingdom of Hea­ ven." The pastor dealr-s to aaslxt all who would like to have her, and will call on the tick night or day, In any place or time. She extends a a hearty welcome to all. to worship at the "Little Church In West Spring- field." the d rill team to the National Grand Grand Ixxlge at Grants Pas« M ay 14. Lodge In Portland, June 23. Richmond, Mr«. Lottie Bowman. Mr». Mrs. C. E. Swart a. Mrs. M ary C. Ma- Alice Doane, Mr». Edith Cox, M n . gill, Mr«. C. F. Egglman, Mr«. Mona L lu ie Oray and Mr«. Sarah Nelson. Htearmer, Mr«. Katberyn Mark«*- and Mrs. Florence Grimes, bare been Dr. 8. Ralph Dipped, Dentist, Vitus elected as delegate« to the state building, Springfield, Oregon. For Juicy Steaks Tender Chop« and Choice Meats of all Kinde Have Benefit Sale The first of a aeries of food sales waa held by the Neigh bora of the Woodcraft at the Long and Cross Plumbing shop Saturday. Proceed» from the sales will be used to send Holverson Bros, Props. Springfield Springfield ¡¿ave Only of My Raised 1/2 Indebtedness and must have $1,200 more! The Last 1 lalf is Harder to Get Than the First So Here Goes For Some More Cuts! NOW WILL YOU COME? STOP! THINK! A NEW PAIR TROUSERS $1.98 ONE LOT Men’s Hats Boys’ Clothing Good Styles but broken sizes. First come first served $5.00 Hats for « 3 .5 0 Now Mother don't miss this. 2-Pants Suits for $ 5 .0 0 Each’ Ae es 8. 11, 12, 13„ J4. 79c From $1.50 to $3.50, the latest patterns, with or without collars. Men’s Athletic Men’s Dress Shirts Union Suits Full Cut with Web Back. $1.00 Suits for Men’s Suits O. D. Shirts» Just the thing for outings. Must go at 5 2 .7 5 Men s Good Durable Regular 20c values 2 pr. for ...................... 25c Men's $5 and $6 Value Wool Dress and Corduro lu r o v Trousers must go a t ......... ................. $4 Sport Sweaters $ 2 .6 9 Regular $4.00 values must go at $ 2 .5 0 Men’s Overcoats Corduroy Trousers $30 and $3’j values, just a few left and we will Close them out at ................................ $18 75 Regular $5 value must go at ... ............. ’$ 3 .1 9 Men’s Solid Leather Just Three Pair Solid Leather Puttees Work Shoes Regular $5.00 values, must go at $5.00 Values must go at...... ............... Broken lots of Men's Two Piece Mole Skin Suits Sells for $12, Must go a t.......... ................. $ 7 .8 5 Leather Vests Tricycles and Kiddie Kars J_— 3 ° t f Men’s Hats Felt and Wool F e lt ............ $ 1 .5 0 *"