THURSDAY, APRIL 2, TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS OUT SEARCHING POH BEAR TRAPS Our profewional patriotic pleader* lor All shriveled fruit and dead (wig* and apur* left In lb* lop of Orenon STANDARD GAS AND ELECTi prune, apricot and cberry trees should ____ c. M Brewer rloe-prcsldent and Oe!i be removed at pruning time, say* Ih» ,.«1 Manager of the Mountain Mint**) e v w lm u nt elation, a* they may lie p(>wer Company with headquarter* at a ae, «olire» of hlo*s03 at the : wants jH’ace of course—th at Is the people do; her of the Board of Directors of ¡but why follow t-he ostrich hack home. Of course standard tie* and Electric Company. poatofflca. SpringtleU. Oregon ITesIdcnt Coolidge’s suggestion that land a n n a - parent company or the Mountain M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E luents be reduced Is welcomed by the British. atntee Powvr company, in Chicago. Ona Year tn Advance---- »1.25 Three Month* — 50c Why not? Britain’s safety depends upon the s e a W ednesday. March iBth. according io Six Month* ___________ “5c Single C o p y ---------- 5c 'and In the uir. not on the land. Having Juegle«* announorannt ju»i received fro H. M the American navy to a point where It Is all hut Bylleaby and compnn> Mi lirew» Law m akers of Oregon have in the past been organisation In Auguat, is m at Mu»- CHANGE THE RURAL MAIL SERVICE subjected to criticism because of so-called freak kogee, okinhoma. anil the following A readjustm ent In rural mall delivery service 'legislation. y’ *r W(W transferred Io IMankaia. In the com m unities surrounding Springfield Is Grim faced college instructors in distant lands Minn. About thia time the Uytlestiy needed. It would both benefit this city and the i (mint solemnly to paragraphs in text-books on people pun-ha« d their rtr»i bolding* farm ers served. Eugene m otor route B. running 'political economy and declare th at in semi-clvil« 1,1 ,h<’ northwest and Mr Brew r w»» past our door is sixty miles long while routes ued districts like Oregon and New Zealand the **® « i n u ir tw l; this lim e to Ever- running out of this city are but 30 miles. There natives cast their ballots in an Initiate and re- •’“ • Washington After a r w month« Berry bush»» ar* much In** drag. | ng»>| |f all pruning and Irelllelti» I* complete before young hurt» aru largo enough tn he bmkrn off In Iho work. It will eoon he loo late lit Or-gon Io ' prevent euch hrrakl'ig, ao all scum- plated Irellteiilg ahould he ruelu d Ithlnke the experiment elation. There’s a Difference Once you have started buying your groceries and feeds here you will know why our many customers are satisfied and more than that. Others ar» < l ining In anti telll of th eir «omplete satisfaction with our place. tg ti< Be one of the thrifty people, buy lu re and you will he a regular custom er. the Crowing of F ru it; W o rk fo r B etter M a rk e t* T ell the W orld About O regon'* Scenic W onder­ land. is no question but th at people get better mall service on a shorter route than on a long one. Both territorily and rightfully people living near this city should be served from the Springfield postoffice. When th e N atron cutoff becomes the Main line the last objection, that of train service, which m ight be raised against a change will be removed and we should get action. • • • ACTION—WE WANT SENATE ACTION It is hoped by the tim e the Senate reconvenes, it m ay have recovered control of its official goat and get down to attending to the business of the United States. Justification of the attack on the eacred institution of the Senate’s sanctified pre­ rogatives, a t the hands of General Dawes, so far a s its political wisdom is concerned, m ay be a debatable question. Right or wrong, however, the public has no will to see the nation's business set aside while the Senate and its presiding o f­ ficer settle their differences. Legislative activi­ ties In W ashington seem to have developed into a wild struggle for personal and political ad­ vantage. «*» »- e ® ferendum. h* ,ook over ,h* The inference being th at in later years the ad- ra’ n* ,,f ,h ’' Sandpoint Idaho. division vent of C hristianity and the spread of the radio ot Mountain state« Power Company may educate the natives to a higher point of In- »"*’ remained ih e r . until appointed telliKence m anagT of the Rylleeby Company's The prim ary law. statem ent Number One. u *«eb»»*» «"*' remained until were also under the eye of scorn, but today the n l •• *►>-" h. w a. appointed state stands purged of any stigm a. ' lc* *"•«•«» «<» Q «*«l Manager By com parison with the (activities of other of Mountain Stai»« Power compatì» legislatures we are Immaculately white and pure. with headquarter* at Albany. Oregon, Our path has been along the roau of righteous­ where he ha* lin ee resided. ness from a political standpoint. Oregon has never declared th at a donkey shall Dr. 8. Ralph XMppel. Dentist. Vile* not bedriven past a cem etery at any rate of speed ( building. Hprinrf id. Oregon th a t can be forced from the beast. Never have we declared th a t a hatpin shall be less th an a certain length and diam eter, as Mas­ sachussetts has done. Texas insist a th at a prescription for liquor will be granted only if the nam e of the sick (icrson ; I have opened an Auto Re­ pair Shop a t the A S treet has been published tt> the world for a given num ­ Service Station and will do ber of days. , all kinds of repair work at Oregon is a state of hide bound political doct­ reasonable prices. rines by comparison. We are a free state. It is “Service it our M otto" our tu rn to ask "W ho’s <»azy n ew ?”—S o u th -1 J. J. WHEELER western Oregon Daily News. “ To pave or not to pave is the question confront­ ing Second street property owners. • • • L E T F A R M E R S AJLONE Vice President Dawes is now a firm advocate The vice-president of the National Council of the of the alarm clock. • • • . • - w ' Farmer*' Cooperative Marketing Association »aid. “All Now we are told the Prince of Wales m ay go on ' the fanner a»k* congress Is to he allow 'd to settle his own problems him self.' The organlxatlon unanimously a cruise. W onder if he’ll fall off the boat. • • • endorsed him. Price fixing wa* an utter failure from I he farmer»' The farm er would rath e r have an increase in inoome than a decrease in Income tax, but who standoJnt, as absurd as fixing a uniform leg or waist m asure for farmers' pant*. Preferential farm loans In a th in k s about the farm er. • • • country professing equality, are doubtful blessings. The The w earing of pajam as on the Atlantic City theory that “He who «teals for you will also steal from beach is to be forbidden. The girls promise to you.” boh* up every time any man get* a special favor. What the farmer m ost want* Is Industrial peace, there I* obey w ithout protest. no war In his own field—the war* are carried on som e­ • • • Experts say the safest place in New York dur­ where else, and he '* the goat Political nostrum» with ing an earthquake Is the subway. N aturally when out count have been proposed for farm relief by a lf ap- one oosses into a subway jam a little thing like ! pointed expert Mosses without any real farm mandnnt; mostly they were mere clever tries for public notoriety or an earthquake has no terrors. • • • public Jobs. Suprem e Court Justice Cropsey, trying a Sun­ That doe* not say the farmer la not Interested In day selling case has ruled th at ham and eggs are good legislation, on the contrary, no one Is more viaily n o t drugs. The defendant should have contended affected. He needs better dlstrlbnt'on. but so. too. do his eggs were fertilizer. Any city jury would he people who eat farm products He needs to know more about the advantage* of diversified fanning. Also he have agreed to that. needs to apply more business like methods to many farm • • • Mrs. Mary Schultz of Long Island celebrates operations. He la learning all the time. He la about the gameat sportsman there Is In any In­ -her hundredth birthday but aw akens the follow­ ing m orning with a headache. W ltout boasting we dustry. Just give him a chance, let him alone without a lot have done th a t m uch ourselves and we are no of foolish volunteer uplifting and he will come through and feed the world.—Industrial News. century plant. Morrison ® Clingan Hay — Feed — Groceries — Flour — shingles W anted Eggs and Poultry Auto Repairing ! Sher Khan «62 Oak Street Y O U 'L L Eugene, Oregon B E S U R P R IS E D ” ARE YO U C O R N C R IP P L E D ? H ere is w h y w e recommend Nyal C om Remover ( i ) D ie handy gLus «pp lxitn e fitted in the cork makes N y s l Coen Remover esiy to ir c ly . ( i ) T h e liquid forms * film ovrr the corn, protecting the latter from rubbing against the sock or stocking. ( j ) A fte r a fe w applications, «he corn can be Id teJ out w ith the 7hrru: l&.<2ÀÂ/nû finger». Guaranteed to astUfy ot your money back Good for w ans and buntoos, too. Twenty-five Cents h/Tl j OI à / ì T ò O Ve jlsù ó» o f ¡7¡ The Domestic Science T eacher is unquestionably right as to the basic, essentials of home baking. But this, dear houRewife, leaves the im portant part up to you—know ­ ing quality m aterials and how to properly use them , us suggest as your highest quality flour — last