T pr ÌN G F IÉ L D -T H E O I V O T I O TO I N T I R I I T O F » P R IN O F IIL D A N O , T H I F A R M tR » OF T H E f W IL L A M E T T E VALLEV W E S T E R N ' T E R M I N"A L O F THE NATKON THR SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRUtarUBIaD. DANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1025 tw enty - second year 2 3 ,0 6 R M M IE IN H.S. CLHSS’25 AFraa Collection of Rubbish to Made; Citizen's Cooperation Urged by Council C U T OFF “T M Paopte'e Paper" A L IV I NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E TO W N N U M B E R 11 d u ll CHANGE ADVOCATED Chamber Wants Communities Annual cleanup week will be held Adjacent to This City Served J thia year from April 15 to 18 accord­ from Local Postoffice; Plans ing to proclam ation of Mayor G. (1. School; Class Piny June 5 and ' iluahuinn, wha haa Issued a call for Made for Meeting of Farmers Graduation June 10 at H. S. all cMJzens to m ake a thorough cPan- Here. ; up of th eir properly. Aa haa been Auditorium . C hanges in ru ral m ail service so the custom heretofore ruhblah will ba j Tw enty nine stu d en ts will receive th a t com m unities ad jac en t to th e i collected free of chare« provided th« , diploma» »1 gruduallon thl» year a t I citizens have It In co n tain ers and j Springfield postoffice will be served tli« high »fhiKil ir th» m tlr* » « "'o r I 1 placed on the parking» or alleys where from th is office w ere advocated and i tuutt graduates. Thia I* to more th an | It ,u n he gotten easily plans for educational and social g ath ­ graduated tast y ear and «III I»« one | erings betw een the farm ers and ita The wagon» will m ake hut one trip j through the city aod rubbish »hould j of the largest classes the school nas m em bers were m ade by the C ham ber be collected and ready In every p ert j ev. r had C ow n jw iren i'n t ex erc’ses | of Cam m ere« a t the reg u lar m eting will lie held In th« high school audl- ' of town when colieftlon »tarts. April held last F riday night. C ham ber m em ­ I IB. A thorough cleanup of yards and bers feel th a t th ere should be a closer torhtm on Ju n e 10. Plan» to r firtttm rnrenient week pro I hackalleys Is desired by th e coue_'l relatio n sh ip betw een farm ers and gram are now b» Ing made The ha* I business men in this section of L ane both from th e standpoint o f health : | county. calu u reat service will I»«^held Sunday , and san itatio n and up, parane«. T he I Prof. M. R. Herrington (arrow) of New York, at scene of un­ James E. Fechet, who become« 'c ity officials req u est th e fullest co­ before the graduation. T he m inister Mail now going to m otor route B, earthed city that he discovered in sandhills of southern Nevada, for the occasion haa not yet hi- n | a o latan t Chief of th e U. S. A rm y operation In th is annual rleanup. Goshen. P leasan t H ill and W endling which is believed to be lO.OtK) years old and the habitation the oldest chosen. T he - final »' lection of teac h ers hospital wounded in the leg and back three metphera of the d ebate team* C ham ber of Comtnerc roi its In M orri­ will tak e place at th e reg u lar m eet­ as the result of a raid n e a r Vida on th e party w ere C. W. Hogden and Pos*te<* *n th e C oburg postoffice. Mail a n d m any o rch estra. and glee club son hall. A decision to change the ing of th e board April 7. the McKenzie riv er T uesday m orning, (laughter, M. A. N ickerson of S tayton, raarked W est Springfield is now se n t n t’ tnherai a re «enter» thia year. m eeting placo to th e C ham ber was Eight o r ten vacancies and addi­ The wounded man refuses to give his Mrs. G race R oberts, Mr. and Mrs. L. t0 tbia offlce and m ust be rem arked r u c h e ,I at a m eeting of the legion tions to the teaching sta ff will be nam e or th at of his p a rtn er who fled A. R oberts, Mr. G rant R oberts, Mrs. “ nd aen t to Eu*ene ,o r distribution in Glenwood, a few N E E D L E C R A F T CLUB H O L D S executive com m ittee W< dneaday even* made, R W. Sm ith, clerk of th e _____ school as the deputies cam e on them at the B. A. W ashburne. Mrs. T ruerm an Gay, on the board announced. Th*re will probab- m il about half a mile off the m ain Mrs. C larence Blcknel and son Paul, blockH from tbe city lim its. , A P R IL FO O LS' P A R T / tng. The move Is made in ord er *o Iv be two more teach ers for th e Junior 1 tlJ-'hway. The alley d Im onnshiner Mr. and Mrs. R. R. R oberts and daugh- Farm ers M eeting to be Held obtain low er rent. A P*an ^or bringing closer relatio n s Th, Krlugfleld post Is still looking h 'g h school, and p erhaps one gd- Mas shot a fte r he had been command- ters C atherine and Josephine and son The N ee 'lc c ra ft club held an April fool r a r tv W ednesday nt the home of for po» -lbl< sites to erect the open air dltlon will he m ade to the high school pd to “Put UP his hands,” and had Randall and Mias Mary R oberts. O ther b”tw een farm ers and people of Spring- Offers of Instructor». In the grades, th ere will tu rn ed a rifle on the party, deputy ro o sts w ere Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Sm ith field wag advaneed by Ju liu s Fulop Mr» Robert D rurv. who with Mrs E dance pavilion this year and son. Kyle and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. a t the m eetinK and a com m ittee ap E May acted ns h ostess Much m er­ u sk a n ear the riv er bridge, one on ’’b flv<’ nr »1» additional teac h ers b1> riffs report. It s tr ic t ami two |n Iti. , t p a rt of needed. T he still was located Sunday by Thom pson and sons C harles, W a lte r' con!ilfi’!ng ° f M r- Fulop. F. B. rim ent was caused hv practical Jokes H am lin and H. E. Maxey. A series Deputy S heriff Van S v arv fru d who and Jim . th e city have been received. On ac­ played on the m em bers __________________ _ •* of social m eetings, lectures and dln- returned a t daylight T uesday morn- count of th e slxe of th e stru ctu re a H A LF D O ZEN D IV O R C E S The first Jok> was a puree nailed large 1« la needed. IN C I R C U I T C O U R T l ° rnak’ cap t° re wh" e U WaS H IG H SC H O O L W IL L to the sidewalk In front of th e D rury IP, U IK U U I I L U U K . ,n opf.ra il„ n More , han 2600 g a n o n , Phma ar* to lay th e floor on a -. hom e and m any m em bers tried to PLA Y M A R C O LA F R ID A Y ! Tbe establishm ent of a pnbl'c m ar­ concrete foundation and as th e oat Alleging h, accused her of Intimacy of mash w ere taken along w ith th e P’ek It ,»o Mrs V ictoria A m eaberrv, k et in Springfield, advocated -y some still. raises funds to erect u large audl- with o th er men, Effie R ust w as given from abroad, gave a talk and request, The first gam e of the season for th e farm ers la s t year, will be considered torlura and com m unity hall over th e a divorce d ecree from John A Bus, cd th e member« to gtteas h er age. Springfield high school nine will be and It Is likely this will be done dur- flobr. It Is expected by holding th, in C lrc tft C ourt Tuesday. The couple RO LL ROOM 1 W IN S helghth. walat m easure and weight. I played ag ain st M arcola high th ere Fri- In th e spring. , open a ir dance« again th is year th at I were m arried July 14. 1906. Prigs« were aw arded th e best guess, S C H O L A R S H IP W IT H 8 4 % day afternoon, providing it does not ------------------------------ th e legion will be able to have a roof L eontlne Lusk s e c u r'd a decree era. • Members p re a m t at the party MEAT MARKET MOVES over th - stru ctu re by th e tim e the from Dale E. Lusk and th e custody Roll Room 1, self-named Jellyrolls Inctudd: Mesdameq n W. C rites, A. high school lineup Is badlv ■ all rain s se* In. ,„f th e ir 19 m onth's old child TO NEW LOCATION C. Wilson. John K etela. O H J a rra tt. She al- won the scholarshln pennant a t the handicapped by th - illness w ith ' ! leged he enlisted In the navy to escape h g * school for th e h ig h e s t grade of Co,„ onffi6Wer and , W M Pollard Alex M cKenney an I responsibility of supporting his family, nverag. for the p ast six weeks. The ca lrh f.r o!hpr ratchpT i The -B w arts and W ashburne m eat W II Rcott G uests were Mr« W. C. W IL L IA M C O O LEY. ACE 78. Th y w ere m arried In Eugene No- room is in charge of Miss Anna Hill, ,R also out of the gam e w), h n u n k ln c m ark et moved into its new q u a rters Rdbhnn. Mr« John P ark er. Mia* PASSES A W A Y A T H O M E vem her 29. 1922. end th e grade average was 84 per grades, and V. D. Bain, coach of the on Main stre e t betw een 4th and 5th Gladys Mend Mr« S T nous», of stre e ts Monday m o rn ’ng. The build­ O ther decrees granted w ere Mary cent. Eugene and Mr» Pr«d El»her of Mar. W illiam H arrison Cooley aged 78. team la w orking B8U P ollard and« ing is no yet refinlshed, but it w as Room VI. th e ‘'P aram ount»’’ were H ngt Cowart a t th at position. cola. Ml»» Florence Mnv, Miss Victoria and a resident of Dougina G ar lens E. M cA llister from A rthur McAllister. z found necessary by th e p roprietors Mny Ja n e Cln«s from Alvin Class. second with 83.3 percent, and the Ame»berrv and little Jean C rites A for the past fig h t years passed aw ay Eraymond W ullace from Faye M c th ir s follow In this o rder: Room II . ThP l,nt”u P as glvpn out to move because the cooler w as in the delicious luncheon was served. Th» at his hottie W ednesdav afternoon at ------- . . . . . . ’ bv coach Bain Is: M erle McMullen. ^ ew location. W allac ‘E utoplans." 82.6 p ercen t; room V. next m eeting will be April 18 with 2:00. u ltch er; Pollard or Cowar,, c a td re r; , The n , w counters for the ship have Lonnie Loucks from John E. Loucks “EngteA" 82 6 p ercen t; room 111, Mrs. C arl Flaher. and Mrs. Harry Mr. Cooley Is survived hy his wife, "R lnkeydinks.'' 81.7; room IV, "Em T.>le H ashtlngs. first base, Paul Nice, not yet arrived. As soon as several Htewnrt as hostesses. M embers are K erin, and three sons, Joseph. John second b ase; John Cox. sh o rtsto p ; j m ore sm all p artitio n s betw een the rake E xcelsior,” 80.5; room VII, requ «tod to m eet at Mr». S tew art’« end Jan ies Cooley, and n daughter, B E N JA M IN G R E E N , 89. H arry Sasteel. third base and Ber- m ajn room and th e w orkroom s a re “B eavers." 80.5. ___ __________ ____ ____ ____________ ____ home a, 2 o'clock shnrp, to go In ear.» Mrs. Josephine M. Httcklns all of T he pennant will be reaw arded a t 3 '. ' ,r<>ward H bgbes and com pleted, the w alls will be repapered D IE S A T H O M E T O D A Y on a paper chase. ' Hprlngf'eld. A ustin M cPherson, outfielders. and th e woodwork painted. The win- th e end of each six w eeks to th e room j ___________________ The funeral services will be held to­ U tn jam lu G reen, 89, nown to fo lding the h'ghes* grade average. * ,,, dows will also be rearran g ed in o rd er S P R IN G F IE L D W IN S 2nd morrow afternoon at 2:00 from the hpriiwrfleid, resid en ts ar i.ran d p a E ighteen students a t the high S U N D A Y SC H O O L CLASS ! th a t they may be enclosed and cooled. th is m orning a t t h e '. a ™ , „ j C A M E W IT H T H U R S T O N W alk' r ehapel In te rm e n t will be at G reen died at 4:00 X school m ade honor roll grad es the G IV E S C H IN E S E P A R T Y ¡th e Laurel Hill cem etery. 'home a t h is d a u g h ttf- iyluwl Mrs. . . . . v „ . . » P riscillas E n tertain H usbands .„ i.- * r a *t slx u e k’ ' F ourteen of these S rlngfl' ld again won from T hurston i,r e '>n' ¡stu d en ts w ere girls, only four boys I A Chinese .party e n tertain ed th e Music, radio and ''500'' e n tertain ed Genefield Meets W ith Mes. W hitney' In th e baseball gnmo on the T hurston Mr. G reen is survived by four child b e,n(r |1stp<, • , m em bers of the B ethanv class of the th e m em bers of th e P riscilla club and diam ond Sunday, hy a score of 14.8. ............................ Emm a Rogers made the highest church at the home of Mrs. th e ir husbands a* the hom e of Mr. M em bers of th e Oenefteld bridge , t ren’ lF,oyd a “ d F ra“ 't iG raen' of Wla- The gam e was w itnessed hy many rv lu h met nt the home of Mr«. H arry