PAOB E IG H T Ian hoapltal Tuaaday O r g a n lt. Mem harahlp Cam jalgn Naw Awning Put Up—A n .w awn­ ing waa aractvd In front of Qraya Mentbera of the Methndlat church mat Tuaaday night to organlaa for an Contracting and Building t'aah and Carry »torn Wadnaaday. Kaater Mnuberahlp drive. They will G tO . W. PERKINS In F ro m Vida lira. Ilurlay Wll- peraonally Interview proapecta In the Corner 5th and D Streets llama ami aon w a r a SprlnafteW vlall- city. Spring 1ield. Opuaon ora from Vltla Tuaaday. F orm er Raaldant Operated On Plana and la tim a te a Furnlahed George Wllllama of Portland, an I Free. W ill Help You Finance |p for Medical Treatm ent J A. Your Building. Hyman of W w m llln g waa In town fortu-rly <>f Spr'ngtteld underwent a major operation at the Pacific Chrlat- Sunday for medical treatment This Home Has M any Features You W ill Like Convalatc-ng From tllnaaa W II ! j Cooley of Route two la convnleactna from a recent Utnaaa. Little Boy III- The Infant aon of I* T. Rouah of aouth Ind at reel la I Get our price on shingles Frames, Sash and Doors »uttering with the grippe H a t Tonsils Removed Mr« Ivan Myers of Kiedsporl had her tonsils removed by a local physician Friday Down F ro m M s rc o la M rs Built-in Fixtures B yron General Pinning Mill Work Craig waa In from Marcola Wwltie. day ANDERSON Sp) nd W e e k E n d Hare- Ms Bnd Mrs Robert Hayes and son of Wen I- I ling spent the w eekend here visiting friends. V is itin g Daughter Hers Large roomy houses are becoming | the large windows and the French This style at living room is more popular as people realize the doom csfeciallv desirable to those who like benefits to be derived therefrom. The ready access to other parts of the borne picture above has all of the heme. desirable features of the home shown last week but with the added beauty o f the larg porch. The small stoop at the side of the house breaks up the severe lines and lends a distinctive touch to the home. The living room although set back from the front of the house receives ample light from Former Residents Hava Baby Mr und Mrs. Howard liibson of Eugene, and formerly of Sprlntfleld are |he parents of a baby daughter, born second floor and a sleeping porch of Sunday. ample room. The bathroom is con­ vent«® tly placed between the two bed room s The up stairs hall gives easy entrance to all of the rooms. The alcove, ten by tw elve feet leads to the upper porch. Lois of closet room Is provided for In the hall or the bed rooms. Several deviations from the plan above may ta sty be made. A break­ fast room may be added by adding a few feet to the length of the kitenen Homes of this type are especially and placing the porch at the center of popular'in rural districts and the m a t t the house. In town who want* plenty of room There are three bed rooms on the will appreciate the above plan. Legion Cup Here Rents House— Mrs Frank Smith find Mrs. Eastman, and it is rumored has rented the house belonging to E. that they recently moved to Reeds­ The silver loving vup purchased by Moore on Mil land E streets. port. the American Legion for presentation Building Garage—George Perkins Is Moves to New Location— Ben Skin­ to the high school arrived this week building a garage at h's home on E, ner moved from the Luther McVeigh ; and Is on display at R oofs Jewelery and 5th streets. house on 7th and G streets to an shop. The cup Is to be awarded at the end of each year to the high school In F r o m C r e s w e ll on Business— J apartment in the Stevens building I class making the highest number of this week. The McVeigh house has M Hyatt of C risw ell was in Wednes­ interclass competition, been rented by J. W. Wilcix of Wend- points in day on business. i Grades, attendance records, class llng, who will move down Monday. athletic competition, and other high Back From Bandon— Mrs. Ralph Return From Oakridge— John And­ ¡school activities give the classes Dippel and daughter, Patty, returned erson and E R. W ng returned Wed­ points toward winning the cup. Monday from B aodoi\ where they nesday from a two days business trip Goes to Home in Marshfield— Mrs. to Oakridge. They report all cars Returns Home After Visit— H. JJ C. E. Brattain left Thursday for her but Fords stuck in runntndtboard- I Anderson returned to his home In La- home in Marshfield after visiting here. deep mud along the road. IGrande. Wednesday after visiting his | ' Rents House Here—E. H. Jayne of mother. Mrs. I. E Stevens for a few Resumes W ork Aften Illness— M . M . W estfir has rented the house belong- days. Male has rsmmed h is work at the ' ing to Mrs. Richard Frost on K street Booth-Kelly mill after a two weeks and will move in at once. illness with the influenza. Goes to Marshfield—Mrs. Helen R e s h in g lin g House— M. J. McKlin Robson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H e lp in g with Sale— J. M. Swenson, have been for some time. W. Newland of Newland’s drygoods of Eugene is helping William Hall, of Is reshingling the home of Jack Hin- s store here, is spending vacation In Halls Cash Store with his sale this on 5th and E streets with asbestos Marsfield. She is a student at the week. shingles. University. Visits Parents Here— Mrs. Howard Go to Cottage Grove—Mrs. Clara Merrill and small daughter June, of Fawv-r, Mrs. F. W Strubin and Mr. Eugene, visited W edn-sday with Mr. Melford Allen drove to Cottage Grove and Mrs. Leonard Lepley, Mrs. Mcr- and back Sunday. ril's parents. Mrs. Joel Cowden of Monroe spent the Seeks Victims Mother—A telegram week-end here visiting frldnds. for Mrs. Ed E astran was received at the tel graph office here several days Ill with Influenza— Ivan Male is ill ago. telling her of the instant death at his home with the influenza. of her son. E. Eastman at Longview H e re fro m C a n y o n v ille — W . L. Car­ Wash'ngton when ha stepped In front of a passenger train after alighting den reg'stered at the S-pong Hotel from n fre'eht. They wer= unable to Sunday from Canyonville. Manufacturing Corp. Mrs. C. F , W illies of Oakland arrived Sunday t o visit h r daughter. Mrs. I. N Bndl- cotl here. Service Courtesy — Quality Phone 7 Cor. G anil Third Sta. Springfield. Oregon ■BOW There’s Only One Way To Start Building a Home— That’s to START Spring will be here soon. Its time to begin a/Jtlve work on the big things you have In niintl for the year. There is no more imporiunt m ntter than th a t home you have hoped for, wished for and talked about for ho long. Put the hopes, the wishes and the talk into action this m onth nnd realize in the new home the happiest year of your life. There is one very easy way to s ta rt—call at our retail office and tell us you are interested in home building. The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Springfield, So. 7th St., Phone 55 Lumber Eugene, 807 Willamette St., Phone 452 Lath Shingles — SPECIAL SALE RUUD DOUBLE COIL Tank W ater Heater Send $1 The Extra Early Egyptian Special has had our personal selection and produces extra early bi-eta with small leaves and small tap roots. The root* are of rather fattened shape and the flesh Is dark red and of finest quality. PkL, 10c; OX, 15c; •4 lb., 40c; !h , $1.25, postpaid. E. or F . 5 lbs. ® $1.10. Many o f our feeds are extra selected strains, originated and developed by us through many years of careful study and experimentation and are the unquestioned le a d e r s among seeds as the rapid increase in our trade with market gardeners all over the northw est shows. F o r T h l» M o rth w ro t OttF'len C o llw tln n H > g u la r t a i . 11.55 O » f P a c krt K arh of th« F o llo w ln c I. M u r p « • ’ • . f rt ft 1 ‘-M . □ Ill’ » D aBefeu« G ia n t, » « •t. E x tr a E a r ly E g y p tia n S p e c i a l ; &weet Com. a u ra Im p ro v e d G o l d e n B an tam , ( arrot. T a ­ ble G e in; C u c u m ­ ber, D a v U P e rfe c t; I .^ t u c e , Naw Y o rk . P it r m n 1 p . T o n d a r H- trf; .If»allm elo n , G olden Crtvam . Pea«. Q u ite C o n te n t (1 s t « ). PetM. W o rld ’» H ec- H p lnacb. M a m - wi m tar; ------ — ___ E a rly T u r n ip “ S carlet J h I t • • T a r » Ip . ThvteiebF RUBBING ALCOHOL The great rub-down th a t tones i you up. | I Makes new life leap through ¡tired aching muscles. ¡Prescribed by physician« and ! used in homes, athletic clubs, Turkish baths and hospitals everywhere. 75c O r e g o n . $1.00 Down, Balance $2.00 Monthly with your ga. bill in­ stall» a Ruud Double Coil Ga» Tank Water Heater in your home. Sold only at FLANERY’S DRUG STORE rx* r/h/w IJEI’T. 82 i 1 " . , »— * This is your chance to get rid of the old make shift way of heating w ater and have » modern hot w ater supply. Call a t our office and let us dem onstrate this heater or a phono call will bring our salesm an to your home. Mountain States Power Co. Telephone 58 6th and Main