Between 31500 and 32090 was stole« IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E tlmb r on the SW'A N 'V 1». S«c 9 Tp. from the Bank of Dayton when J. L . ’ STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE 11 H Rango 3 East. v - • “ •T* CO UN TY putt Included In H. E. H. No. 76. with- Sherman, president, alone In the In­ Alexander Lewi» and Maynle E. Lewis, In the Cascade National For»*,. stitution at the time, was held up by ... ------- ----------- ■ ■ 1 " ■■ ■ ■■■■» — I'lalnt ff» 1 The purpose of tb.a notice is to a robber, forced into the vault and • • l l what you want to M il. buy what you wan» to buy thro an * " • • • yg allow all p rsona clalm'ng the lands made to hand over a bundle of cur- Frank Mulln and--------- Malin hla wife, »elected, or having bona fide obj c columns. W rite or phono TWO Kamuel C. Malin and Ida Malin, hla tlon« to »uch apnllcatlon. an oppor 8 rief Resume of Happenings of renejt. wlf Harah J Outton and--------- Dutton (unity to flic their protests with th • The W illamette valley Is the best LOUT llntwn Ivathur pure*, with FOR KALB—-C»rl»on paper In largo his wife her husband. Anna Belle Register and Rse*lver of the United the Week Collected for I place In the United States to raise •berta, 26x39 Inches, suitable for Wilson and H rnry H. Wilson, her States Land Office at Roseburg, Ore- mon. y «ml No. C4 car key. Howard j flax, declared D. M. Sanson, linen Our Readers. making (racing«. The News Office. husband. Henry A. Malin »ml Flor- gon Any such protests or ohject'ons Inquire New» office. M 28. anee • ' Malin hla wife. Annie Malin, rnuat be filed In thia office within manufacturer of Canada and New TO T R A D Ì. FOR »PR IN Q FIELO James Malin and Malin hla wife, thirty days from the date of first publl F o il HAJ-K Burroughs Adding Ma­ York, In an address before tpe mem­ PROPERTY The work of extending the Umpqua W illiam Malin, Robert Mulln and cation of th'a notice, which first chine. modal 8117 ('all Anderson bers of the Eugene chamber of com­ _____ Malin h » wife, John Malin. Fan- publication Is .March 2«, 1926. 14.000 equity In 19.000 stock ranch. river Jetty a distance of 1300 feet has Motor Company. merce. nle Malin. Maude Malin and the un- HAM M 1LL A. CANAD-tY. begun. Henan Z,,u *“ r i * wl*** *,U I'< " nd 9om’ tools; known h>lrs of Ann Malin, deceased; „ C u ll ,..\I.F M ill II <¡'>.1.», Intervention has been denied the good house and barn, orchard, and also all other persona or parties un- Non-coal David R. Vandenberg, Portland at­ Nevada. California ft Oregon railroad, M ¿n-A-2-s-te. fresh, Nubian. Toggnnbergs. sota lot» of outrange. 90 arms plow land. known claiming any right title, cs-, ------------------ torney, was appointed deputy district a narrow guage line running out of «oui» coming frc»h soon, George (ate. lien Interest In the real ea 30 of Which Is seeded to small tra in !<»».-. Ren or Inter*»« ea- D E P A R T M E N T GF T H E IN T E R IO R alto rrcy of Kl -math county Nevada Into Lakeview In the eastern M.icauloy, John tiravoy's ranch. W h a t' late described In the complaint herein. U N IT E D STATES LAND O FFIC E j About a million fuat of limber 19,| June 5 and 8 are the date» for the Oregon railroad construction case now d'fm dants. I Roseburg. Oregon, February LOUT I ’earl beads. b»tweeu Christ ' have you! W rite me at Natl, Ore To the above named defendants. , ^ 5 32.1 annual picnic of the Umatilla up before the Interstate commerce tun church and home on Main and Ralph E. Yoder. If Frank M «l‘n and--------- Malin, h!« wife Notice for Publication County Pioneer»’ association. commission. N 'lT H 'E T o C Ilfc D IT iR S !Hnrnuel C. Mulln and Ida Malin, his 2nd street. Ftndi r return to Mrs. Forest Exchanges Oregon taxpayers w ill pay the It has been decided to transfer the NO TIC E |H HEREBY GIVEN. That wlf- Sarah Dutton and—------- Dutton. Ice 1« hereby tfiven that on Webb. Mur. 2ft •the um lrrelaiiid has been duly up-; her husband. Anna Belle Wilson and United States government 11.386.- her 11. 1929, F H. and Anna state prohibition department head "'••Bids will be r eeked on Friday. p'1',|nlZd by” ui<> ‘ C ountyC ourt of tb? j Henry H Wilson, her husband. Henry M P lulsen of Gardena, C alifo rn ia,, quarters from Portland to Salem. 993.97 In tax upon 1929 incomes h r April 3rd. 1926. ut 7:30 P M., at the R(B(a of Oregon for the Countv of .M alin and Florence C. Malin, l:ls wife, filed a| plication No, (JI5839 tinder j individuals and corporations, accord­ W ill Annl Malin lam « Malin a i d ---------t'h<. A c t'o f M 20.' 1922. <92 H ta l.I Trustees of the Columbia Basin Ir- high school building In Springfield. Lane. Executrix of (lie laa A. (' Mnlin his.wife. WPI'am^Mul n, Itn --rt ( , () i.anx - the SW t* N V»j4.. rigatlon league will meet In Portland ing to the audit of the Portland cifica value bond» »»d Testament and of internal revenue, which, however, Oregon, for 312.50" pai vani, non i y arb<^ j d r«-eaM4 RE1», Sec 8 Tp Thirty-four fires caused a loss of * 1st in . a. 11 It . y A BtI<) for the,,, „ unknown, clalm'ng any right, R Range 3 K , w M. wlthln lh e . . f Porttand iast Navigation company has ac ; a Inclusive and 3600 on April 1st. H»« „ Oregon, , „„ or or tit!». tit!«, estate. fkit’ite. 1 h it1 rm t In In the the Cascade National «’„*<«^«3 forest of thg Weg{ CoBgt Lumbermen’s and all bids. answer. you‘” ,h T r nn!.rnTlff.b’ area th" ‘ i There I . more Influenza In the . U te I aM0Ciatlon con. ldf;rably more Ily order of the School Board. School NO TIC E TO CREDITORS against Notice Is hereby given that J. M IR atrlrt No. 19. lain» County. Oregon. fr<>m , he date of flrat publication "<>» than at any time all winter. Dr. lumber than they produced. The re- owners ,,f ,h« following described d Roby was appointed administrator of By R W. Smith. District Clerk. , « ««« h i of th s notice, which first publication i Frederick D. Stricker, secretary of port for the week e„ding March 14 the estate of G, M Thompson. dc r* " ’ Lr<’pf r , y : , M-19-36-A-2. ceased, by order of the County Court south Bn‘ of '« M arih ” ’ ¿ » f t . , . CAVADAY the ’ tate bo* r t ° f he“ th- report* > 9h° ’ * d “ lc8 ° f 1^.391.608 feet, com- ,°“a J ’ « 7 - 5 7 ? ; Ta“» ; of 1 Range « , ? n‘r «5 b E P A . R T M E N T OF T H E IN T E R IO R cotlege and president of the First Na- | H H Corey and Edward Ostrander, Ray I t McMurray. sent the «ame, with proper vouchers. rha|n(| weat of (h# B'oalheaat' corner United State» lun d Office tional bank of Corvallis, died at Cor- membe„ ot the Oregon public service i> said adm'nlstrator . . . . Rosehurr. commission, left Friday for Washing- to Ih*I .d m 'n t.tra lo r at the th*1 office o( __ia d dona„ on ,Bnd rla)m . Bnd ruB. Roseburg. Oregon February 19. 1925. ’ ’ 25 vam B Mae McMurray. Defendant 2 „ h rnn 7 t ï " ’ng ths-nre north 9 17 chalm., th-nce NO TIC E F ' R Pl BL1CATION TO Mae McMurray, the above de- c Swan Martin, transient, was killed ton, D. C . to attend hearings of the Street. y-“»««’ Eugene. - Oregon, within « l x n„ __ rth 44 . . dec. 58 ra m ln w 1377 chains, Forest Exchanges coree,, ^' i N^' t IIK NAM E OF T H E STATE ,,l'^.'.'ï’ . f.r 7"è...'Ü.O. - " 'A . r L ' . h l,s7 V w l 'hen. .. 8 „ 33«w w .. 9 93 . chains. thence Notice Is hereby given that on No- in the Southern Pacific railroad yards interstate commerce commission with Dated st Eugene. Oregon, ; Htsta. » « e w . ■ ’ «. I from all parts of the state t Constitutionality of the law enact- the expiration of the time prescribed I'te of «aid donation claim 93 19 Tp 21 _8.. R»ng_e 3 Ease W. with- attended the three-day annual con- ed at the recent sessicn of the leg­ It, the order of Publication. lo " l • Donald Young. icha'ns to the most northerly northeast •» »•>« Sluslaw National Forset. for the t, t Agtorta of the state organ : ¡ai On or before the .s p ira l on, of a lt Attorne y for M islature providing for drastic Increase» M I2 I9-26 A . » POrnar th,.reof thence aouth along tlm b -r on the N E 'i SW L . S°c.. 5. nauahters of the Amer- ' m week« fro*« the oC 5 - publication 'h e r e f. and If you fall «0 Estate of of P P M D ec used' the the donation iend" claim claim line Hne ' l 1107 l 07 Tp. Tr 2 2 1R.. 3 East M with- w ith -: »«.«.on or w e d w - uv « . o . » « = ,n the fees e °f •« » M McPherson. McPherson. Decfnael donation land lp „ Range Range 3 East, W M. • I . __ fnsw er tor want thereof. Plaintiff »11} I NO TIC E GF F IN A L S E T T L E M E :N'T N T I î chains most northerly t” ” the asesde National National Forest For st lean Revolution. Revolution. mobile busses and truck., between fix chain« to to the the most northerly north north :•«* »e f Cascade lean leth • went corner of the Charles H ardeM a rd trtv r- The purpose npiily to to the Durpote of this thia notice is to al- j Frank jrrank E. Lynn of Perrydale, Polk ed terminals, w ill be attacked in the apply I------ court for the relief praytxl l Nolle** | r hereby given that Seth Me- rknutlon Land Clalnl No. 42 of the l ° w persons clam ing the ’*nds ; untv waa reaDoointed a member of courts as soon as the necessary legal lor in the complaint, to-wtt. late ¡»am townahln. thence 8 89 deg. 58 «elected, or having bona fide objec- county, was reappointeft am em oer o For » decree of the court dlssolv avs m'p F. t l (in chain« to « fl- «take set t,on" 10 '," rh •P ’’Hcatlon. an Oppor the Oregon state fair board for~a papers can be prepared. Ing the bonds of matrimony now cx- M artin Christensen. C’ackaina» ounty Survey No. 1589, thence ’ «"*<' I ” f’l * t,,e'r prot «ts with the term ot four years. iRtlng between plaintiff and defend I»g 12 min. W. 2.97 chains. Register and R celver of the 1 n*,e expired on March 19 county game warden, re -eived a ship­ ant and for such other and *“rtM»r 8 92 deg 32 rain W 6 186 S’ "«es I-and Office at Roseburg. Ore- relief a« to the court may seem Just ment of 190 China pheasants from the to a point 83 link« S 89 deg •«’" ‘ "Y «•«’’ "roteRts ce o h je e fo y Three thousand me state game farm at Eugene. These ‘' nTh?«rT um m o n. I . published pursu ... ... «......... .. — ............. £ of a yew «take m ark-d T . 8 ’ be filed In this office w ith -. On the Southern Pt , day of March. 1925, at the Court room thence S 89 deg 58 m ’n W 3 83 chains »h'rty days from th ’ date of first pub- new lfce over the ium m it of the Caa- were hens and were dls.ribu.ed nto ant «<> an '"Mer of the ,<,,no™ ada thereof, h ive been, by the Court, fixed to n fir stake marked ”C 8 . ” thence ° f fnls oofice. «m lth ..rat ca(j eg 5etween Eugene and Klamath three different secticna of Clackamas • - deg • » * mln W 9 36 chains, . r*r-n * 1 Q ', ” . _ . ... _ _ » fiu T n a r'F e b ru a ry 1 *7. I ’ - 5- aod ,h,‘ 9D»2RBrown, u * Brooks. HETH M M. PHERSGN most easterly southeast corner of the f N TH e C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E most of the mohair buyers are now out crushers to be electrically driven, i» W A L TE R W. M cI’HERSGN. Robert McCowan donation land with offers of 65 cents for mature being installed on a gravel bar on STA TE OF OREGON FOR Administrators. claim, th'nce W. 10.95 chains to the Attorneys for plaintiff L A N E CO U N TY hair and 75 cents for kid hair. I the upper W illam ette river at the E Wheeler, Attorney. corner In angle on the ea«t boundary Residence: Eugene _°ar* l‘ on j L. S Scott, Margaret M. Scott, vs. | mouth of the north fork, four miles be­ M -M 2 19 24A 2 9 36. F-26-M-6-T2-19-24 of ««id McCowan donation Land Claim BRa Ra'ley._______ Bailey, her hus- T. A. Rinehart, for the last two low Oakridge, to prepare ballasting thence south on the cast boundary of band- Thomas Clemmens. years secretary of the state tax coni- ; «aid donatl n land claim 12.70>i ciemnteas. hi» wife; Alfred Ctem- mission, has submitted his résigna material for the Klamath FaHs.Eugenn ' chains, to a point 8 55% cha'ns north nleng --------- Clemmens. his « lie ; line of the Southern Pacific between f of the southeast corner of said Me- John ’ Clemmens. Levona Clemmlns, tlon. to become effective April 1. He ’ Springfield ■* Co wan donation land claim, thence hlg w ife. Andrew Clemmens. --------- will be succeeded by Ralph W irth. Oakridge p g west parallel with the south line of Clemmens. hie wife, being the only ' u te traffic of«- I x - « « 000,000 con- Activities of the a As ---------- a part of . the ' -aid donation la id claim 16 85 chains Bur,iv ln g heirs at law of Martha resulted in 175 arrests during «ruction program to be undertaken trt 9 Ea M v , I s « ^ a , , F Bv«-ne*aas»4M«v « « s ,4 1 m at _x era * _ avs ~ — w . F. WALKER ( to 'he place of b ginning, excepting r t eranier.s and Thomas Clemmens. ^ ra — “• ~ in Oregon by the Pacific Telephone Call from the abote descrlntton 9 10 acres her husband, both deceased; Dellla February, according to a report pre- , * J . f u n e r a l dir ec to r included wlth'n the right of way of Jan. Coataworth. W illiam Coauworth pared by T. A. Raffety. chief Inspector * Telegraph company this year o SUTTON TRANSFER on the installation of two additional lhe Southern Pacific railroad through her husband; S. R. Copeland. for the state motor vehicle depart- Full Aute Equip'.'«” * i »Eld property, containing exclusive of Copeland, hla wife; the unknown long distance circuits between Port­ Phone 57 , «aid right of way 117 61 acres; also heirs of John H. Edtnunson and Eu- ment- ouu and _________ land Salem w ill ________________ be started short- w. O. w. block- , beginning at an anchor post on the pheraa Edtnunson. both deceased; al Salem business and professional it was announced Office Phone <2 M R M _PhoM <2J_ northerly line of the South rn Pacific all other persons or parties un- men approximately 3820 toward * / by 7 J?“ » ,7 ^ “ Railroad right of way from wh’ch the known claiming any right, title, ee- ge" “ J . hl_h gchooI bJ C. E. Hickman, division superin- northeaat corner of the Robert Me. tate. lien or interest in the real ea- * fund t0, *end “ *• S“ * m hl<, ‘ “ “ V 1 tendent. basketball parti­ I Cowan Donntion Land Claim No 93 In tate described In the complaint here-' *" *"“* * ' • team “* “ to Chicago **•“ to " *“ geo ., n . M o LEAN Rhea Luper, state engineer, has re­ cipate in the national tournament Tp. 16 S. of Rg. 2 W. of the W illamette In. dr n w emery ceived a request from the director» Automobils, Fir» and Life meridian In Oregon, bears 8. 19 deg To Ella Bailey. Bailey, her there. d e n t is t IN S U R A N C E of the Warm Springs Irrigation dis­ 13 mln. E. 19 81 chains and running husband; Thomas Clemmens. Governor Pierce, upon recommenda­ thcnca N. S r deg. 3ft mln E 33.22 Clemmens. hts wife; Andrew CPm- Surety Bonds.. Phons 6,17 trict to conduct an investigation to Sutton Bldg. PM"» c-halna along the northerly line of said mens, --------- Clemmens. hla wife; tion of*Thomas B. Ksy. state treas­ determine the amount of water avail­ My businsca .sVto protect y o u ' Retidtncs Fhona 16* M right of way. thence S. 56 deg.. E Dellla Jane Coataworth. W illiam urer, appointed the National City bank business able for use by the project. The W ann 1.59 chains, more or less to an anchor Coataworth. her husband: S. R. Core- . N York city fiscal agent for the •60 W illamette 8y Eugene Oregon Springfield. Orsg«” Springs district proposes to sell half fence poet on the southerly I nc of said land. --------- Copeland, his wife; the right of wav. thence 8. 56 deg. E 10.23 unknown heir» of John H. Edtnunson state of Oregon at the eastern finan­ ■ its water supply to the United States 'chains slonr a certain fence to an and Euphams Bdniuirtiont both de- cial center. : reclamation service for use on the angle point, th ne-e S.-30 deg. 29 mln. ceased; also all other person or parties NEW RAZOR The West Coast Power company Vale project. \ E. 6.29 chains to an angle point, thence unknown claiming any right, title, es- which lately purchased the electric SHOE REPAIRING For Sale The Columbian ground squirrel. ' «outh 7 deg. 56 mln. W 22.77 chains tate, lien or Interest In the real estate Work Promptly and Guaranteed. Price $2. bIg by to the north hank of the Mohawk described In the complaint herein, de- plant at Reedsport, has announced a Carefully Done 17‘k per cent reduction in power rates rlver. thence 9. 7 deg 56 mln. W. 1.25. fendant«: farmers in the wheat belt, is being A. A. ANDERSON .-halls to the center of the stream. IN T H E NA M E C F T H E S TA TE and promlses Its patrons a cheaper JOHN A. NELSON attacked by the method of using cal­ thence down stream stihRtantlnlly »« OF OREGON;— Yon and each of you. lighting BARBER SHOP cium cyanide, according to Fred Ben- follows; 8. 25 deg 30 mln.. W. 9.29 *re hereby required to appear and ra 9 9' 509 Main Street Twenty-eight local land offices have nion, Um atilla county agent. Demon­ ¡chains. 8. 95 deg 30 min W. 6 96 answer the compalnt filed against chains, 8. 17 deg. 30 min. W. vou tn the above p-t't!ed suit, on of been abolished in an executive order strations were conducted last fall and ■LU cha'ns. to the northeaster!», before April 11th, 1925. said date be- signed by President Coolidge. The the results then were sufficiently en­ ’ llie of property heretofore con-! Ing more than six weeks from the dat» DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL II 'veved to Alexander Lewis, thence of the order providing for publication order Is effective April 30. The of­ couraging to cause the campaign to along said property line N. 65 of summons herein, and If von fall to fices to be closed include those at be continued this spring. DENTIST dog 90 mln. W1. 2 05 chains, an I answrr. for want thereof, the plaintiff Lot Grande and Bums. W ithin four years smelt may be ’ thenre N 62 deg. 11 mln. W 27.1ft w ill anplv to the court for tho relief _ ... ,.Ui_x x .» Phone 43 Your Home When In running in the Clackamas river as 'chains more or lens to the place of therein 'jvninutivu. demanded, ivwn. towlt. i for n decree Opposition . P v i n hcli - v - - > »-. « 1 Springfield nu’^Mne title titl* In in plaintiff* Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. ¡beginning, containing 86 86 acres, ex- forever nuletlng plaintiffs and and, . defeat the confirmation of Colonel well ü b in the Sandy, if the united I elusive of rnilrond right of wav «ra'nst dpfendents 'n and to follow­ Creed C. Hammond of Oregon for efforts of the state game commission, -through the «time, nil of the land InF ,n” ,l- 'ow lt: Beginning at a chief of the bureau of m ilitia affairs, state fish commission and the United 1 a bom ntrn’ ionv-t i.-’ne «n-t 1,-*«- .« nc*nt« ?ft.l3 cb«!” » «otith of the north was withdrawn and the senate ap­ States bureau of fisheries are suc­ sections 26 and 27 In township 16 c->rn«-r of Bect'on 37 township JOHN M. W IL L IA M S proved the appointment. cessful. A transference of 100,000 WM. C. HUGHES routh. of range 2 went of the W i'lnm 17 south, range 9 west W. M.. and run- Attorney for Vet. Stale Aid Cora.. FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE elte Meridian. In Lan» Co. Preion if l" * thenre north 88 degree« 57 rain., j The city of Gearhart has filed with smelt from the run in the Sandy was Soldiers Bonus Loans. erd that you and .neh of you have no w".«» 20 00 chains to a Ford axle thapublk. NO TARY PUBLIC 7a public service service commission commission applies- applica­ made under the superintendence of , right, title, estate, lien or lnt'>r''«t' driven In the ground thene-» 1 L. E. nEAN tion for permission to construct an Hugh Mitchell, director of commer­ . Office at 'herein, and quieting nla’r.-tlff« title south 2".15 chains to the «mthwest Attorn -y State Land Hoard. undergrade crossing involving the cial fish hatcheries. The transfer­ i from nnv claim to said land held or corner of the southeast foutth of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUte School Fund Loans. northeast quarter of said section 33. tra its of the Spokane, Portland ft ence w ill be repeated each year until, Springfield, Oregon -asserted by you or nny of von. as it is hoped, an annual run in tha Thia rumroons is served unon y e ti which is mark- d by a Ford :. .’o shaft | c^n'tqe eattle Railroad Railroad company, company. WILLIAMS & BEAN jbv ptibl ration pursuant to an order driven In th- ground on the northern Clackamas will be established. Coos bay's estimated dredging for I of Hon O F Rhleworth mad» in this boundary of county road ''o . 323. ATTO R NEYS Many curtailments of expenses are I suit and dated March 11,1935 providing thence along the northern boundary 1925, set at 900,000 yards before in­ 860 W llll»metto 8t. Eugene, Ore. | »bat you be serv'd with this summons of county road No. 323. sou’ h 88 de- vestigation of shoals was made, is recommended by Game Warden Burgh- Licensed to practice in all Court» liv publication thereof once in each Frees 67 m ln, east 92.58 chain« to a found to be only a small project, and duff in a report which w ill be sub­ ( week for six successive In the Snrlng Ford axle shaft driven in tho ground of tho State, and United States. mitted to the state game commission field News and renu'ring you to. In county road No. 996. thence along 40.000 yards probably w ill be the ex- at its next meeting. The total con­ All kinds of gravel for con­ ¡answer the same within six weeks center of county rood No. 996. north! tent of work done this summer. crete or road work. We the first publication thereof 20.16 chains to a Ford ax'e shaft' Approximately 100 students in the templated reduction is 356,797. Re­ make a specialty of crushed ¡from This summons Is first so published driven In the ground, thene» north | 1 „„a i > IN ,nn« ductions recommended follows; W ar­ March 12. 1925. . 89 degrees 67 ntln.. west 22.68 ehnlns fraternities, sororities and Lausanne den service expense. 319,000; preda­ rock and rock sand. Bunk­ 8 I). Allen, Attorney for P laintiffs.' 'be place of beginning. In Lane hall, thq girl’s dormitory, are con- tory animal control work, 35000; fish­ ers at foot of Main on Mill JEWELER office, Hovey Bloch Euvep» oxACon County, Oregon, and for other relief p)ned to their beds with the flu epi- street. way and ditch screening. 36000; game Mar. 12-19-26-A-2-9-16-23 «ud costs and disbursements of the demlc which has invaded the W illam ­ Repairing a Specialty farms, 33000; fish distribution, 32800; HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. suit. This summers Is published nur- Springfield, Oregon education department, 332.000; and D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E IN T E R IO R suant to an order of Hon G. F. Sklp- ette university campus at Salem. Ilosebtirg, Oregon. March 4. 1925. worth, Circuit Judg» In said county, W ith a pack worth almost 380.000 : batcbery operation, 317.000. To offset dated February 26th. 1926. requiring I Jn 1924 nm, wRh pro8pects for B pack these curtailments It Is estimated that NOTM’ E FOR PI BL1CAT1ON pnhllrat’on hereof once a week fo r, . . . . . ,, ..x ..-» Fore’t Fxcltang s 316O.CUO In 1926. the Ashland can there w ill be an Increase of 313,30» CLEANING AND Notice Is hereby giveii that on six weeks In Springfield News, a , FRANK A. DE PUE Nove- tibcr 1 . 1924 W'i»iam M Faulk- newana-w-r nrlnt»d and published In aery Is now planning on the construe- in bounties. 323,000 in construction of PRESSINC A TTO R N E Y AT LAW ner of CorvalMs» OregoR, filed ap- Lane County, Oregon tlon of another building to enable the eastern Oregon game farm and Phone 73-J plication No. (>16833 uiiunr the net of FRED E. S M IT H . them to handle the larger output this 33400 in operation of additional hatch- NO TARY PUBLIC March 20, 1922, (42 Si lt., 465) to ex- Attorney for Plaintiffs . We Call For and Deliver «al^a. .. . _____ etinn’ c tho Ntfc SW '.i S"c. 12, To. n«t« of First pnhlleatloi F»hruary yeAT Sprlnnfle'd Sutton C. M. PLUMMER 28, 1923. L., KuitJ. 10 W Oregon. F-26-M '-22-19^6-A 2. e#on’ Jthe Sluslaw National Forest, tor the I 5 U i i n d M a t:.. _ _ _ _ _ OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Classified Advertisements i-ch b u s in e s s . . d ir e c t o r y ; . “The Loop SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W . Roof