THE THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 192B N. 10% d»g W 170 chain«: N. 20 ther dlaadvantage la that W prttvonto <)«g W. 2 60 chain»; N. 37% deg. W. effective »praying to kill mow« lnfea- By tpaoiai 10 1« chain«; N «4 dag W 2 76 chain». lltxti«, Tb» spray kills the clover N. 28 <| ¡chain»; N. 80 u»g. W 0.00 chain« to In lawn» may be haB by writing to the place of baglnnlug. containing 13X6 THURSTON NOTES UPPER WILLAMETTE experiment »tatfun. • • • • • • • • • • acr*«. »■■■■ i A.pplteat Ion should bo accompanied NOTICE TO CREDITORS M r. K»r vl»lt«d bar »>» C, r| ! by < he. |, or drall of the amount of hid mr» n r au, r jh w ||4 |,a addr«»»«:! to (1. O. Notlhe 1» hereby given that Mary A Mr». Ralph I ’. Laird ami two child­ ren Myrna J-nn and Junior who hate in the hoapltal In Sul-iu last Wwtno»- ; Bfown c k r k H u ,„ i,an,| Uoar l. Sal- Humphrey wa» appointed adnilntatra- „ w..... ...... .. trlx of the estate of David J-Jumphrey ilay. Hha report» him greatly lm• ; ,.n, _ Oregon, and .............. marked “Appllca b«»u visiting al the home of Mr». lion and’ bid to purehsao rlver-bol I tpc-aw-d, by ord r of 'he County proved Lalrtl'a alatar. Mra. O. C. Jacoby near _ ' . . ... „ ' land» " ICourt for Lene County, Oregon, duly Fern Crowe underwent en operation ; Hule.n. O r, March 20. made the 25th day of March. -.926 Portland for the pa»t two week» were I All peraonn 'having claim» ngatiun unable to return to their home nt l»»‘ Tliuraday. 1826. raid ,-state are her-by notlfed to pre- O. (1 BROWN, Edritvalr Bunday a» eapeete»1, due to Mr», Martha .\p Klnney who ha» J amt ihe «an», with proper voucher». Clerk of Blatt- Land Boird. the children being »Ick and »carlatlfln : been In Wu»lilngt- »eed oata. or »eed barley to get rid of Lee from Danvar, Colorado and Mr. I vacation with hl» parent» Mr. and , p«»rance right after A ur and Mr». W II. Davla of Central Ore Mr». John Price. I gon were dinner guaata at the home of I Ml»» Margaret Hu»»ell who attend» M r and Mr». It J Engllah Sunday. , Normal School at Monmouth returned. March IB. home Wednesday for a few day» va -1 In honor of the birthday» of M r cation. Engllah of Ptaasant lllll and Mr« Mr». Margaret Campbell who »pent Mnlnea, who ha» recently moved to the paat two week» at Youcolla i f - , Eugene from Denver, which are on the ¡turned home laat Saturday. «ante day a number of friend» andI The High School la giving a pi t y ; relative« went Io the apartment« of at the hall next Thunday evening. 1 M r and Mr» Maine» In Eugene March March 28. 21. with weR filled batketa and had a ' Stanley Baugh and fam ily front | ■urprlae h'rth'lay dinner Tho«e pre»- Donna and Mr. and Mr». W llllan Ron- ent were Mr. and Mra. R J Engllah nle »pent Sunday at W alter Platt*» and daughter. Margaret of Pleaaant M> ad Mr». L. <1 Yarnell and lllll. Mr. and Mr» W. If. Davl» and daughter Edna June vlalted Mr. Yar-I Margaret. Mr and Mr» Victor Storey nell'a brother at Vida |a»t Sunday. I and »on Donald of Crow, Mr. and Lon Mick who haa been preaching Mr» Thoma» Matnea, Mr». Alice M here for »everal Hun laya went to Dean and »on» of Denver. Mr« Hood River laat Sunday and Rev. Maine» and Mr Engtluh are brother Strain from Eugene took hl» place and »liter and had not »een each other here. for 17 years. 1 —------— ■ At a meeting of the Dexter T h im b le! NO TIC E club held recently Mr« D Holdrldga) NO TICE 1» hereby given that the «■«« rbnaen preeldent, Mr». W. F K<-l- State Land Board of the State of Ore-, ..v .1,.« . . I t r- U .th , ff1ce wH1 receive «eabd b'd» ,n at ¡^ It i « . •ay vice pre» dent. u Mr« H ( Math |n , h|> Car)to, n u|1(llng ew« »ee.-trea». Thoee enrolled f o r , , » . Oregon, up Io 11 00 o'clock A M . memberahlp are Meadamea Holdrldve. June 2, 1926 for alt the State's Interest Mathew«. Kel»ay, Logon. Parvln. In ,h " rlv.-rb«d land» hereinafter d, Smith w u iL m . ah ..M t» •crllw-d. giving however to the ownoi Smith. W illiam». Shoffl r. la rk » . or ownera of «ny iand» »butting or Mauney, Parker, Baxter, Rriatow | fronting thereon, the prefer»™» right Cook. Fenton. The next meeting will to purchase »aid Ian 1» at the highest he held at M r. W F Maun.y'« March ' rl<7 offered, provided .uch offer Is made In good faith and that the board 28 reserve» the right to reject any and ■ II bid«: Said land* are s'tuated In I^ n e - P. T. W ill Meet ,, . _ . , t'enitnv, |'regon. and 1 !e»rtrlb»d a» Th« Parent Teacher« «»»oclallon po|,owa. Io wit: will meet Friday afternoon nt 3 Beginning at a point '.n the U. 8. ojtdock at the IJtncola achool All novernm 'nt meander line nf the rl»ht bank of the McKensle Fork of the members are urged to be present. W illam ette River. 17 50 chain« north and 8 50 chains east of quarter section Rsturn» From Convention— Mr«. John corner on west line of Scct'on 30. T Ketela returned to her home here 17 ft. R 1 W of W M. and running thence along meander >ln» down Tuesday evening from Astoria, where stream. 8. 46 deg. W. 8.60 chains 8 she attended a convention of the )n K n 00 chain»; 8. 45 deg. E Daughter« of the Revolution Mra. 117.20 chaîna; 8. 13 deg. W. B 10 chains i r . t . i . . ! ■ « « K e n t » f e w d a v a In Port- 1° large »lough »hence Ketel» al.o ap.nt a few day* in port (.roM)n|f b,nk , h„ of oM a rhannel. N 7n de(r R PAGE FIVE NSifc'S wild oat» and other weed »eed gives a cleaner and better Oregon crop more bnsbela to the acre and l-ae dockago when th« gra'n la aoM, tba experiment station points out. are about right for individual mating^ but If a large flock 1» to be mated, the number of bene to one male bird may be Increased 20 per cent. That g neral uprpose Oregon hen» should b mated one male to IB hen» and leghorn» or egg type» mat’ d one male to 20 bens 1» recommended by tho experiment station. These figure» the ground Is »till cold, the planting of whole »eed 1» the beet, re­ port» the experiment station. Such seed does not rot if the germination Is alow. For early Oregon Friday, Saturday, Monday White Front Grocery Introducing SO MISSION BELL COM- : PLEXION SOAP • ‘‘For every personal use” With each purchase of MX I 571 DEPARTMENT STORES English Broadcloth Shirts Two Large Packages of White King DEAL ND.I Bell Complexion Soap DEAL Young Men’s Oxfords $6.45 ¡8 00 chains; thence along I). 8. Me- ~ ................... - 1 snder l»ne on left hank u" stree-m O R DINA NCE NO. 481 W’A8 AM EN D­ ED AT A SPECIAL M EET1N0 H E L D MARCH 33rd.. 1936 TO HEAD A8 FOLLOW S: O R DINA NCE NO. 481. SECTION ONE AMRNDC1) TO JBKAD AS FOL», iZ IW S : • 1 "R|l SECTIO N 1: T hat I» »hall be un­ lawful for any person or persona, to Park any Motor Vehicle or Motot Truck, on any street within the town of Springfield, unie»« »aid Motor Ve­ hicle or Motor Truck keep» burning both Its head light and Its tall P fht, during the period of such parking Provided, However, that thia reatrlc- tlou »hall apply only to the period Intervening between dusk and day­ break. Provided. Further, that this «hall nog apply to parking on Main Street, nor the Intersection» on each •Ide of Main 8treet at Fourth Street and Fifth street to the center of the block. I*asaed by Ihe Common Connell this 23rd day of March. 1926, by the follow Ing vote: Yeas; Cox, Yes; McKlIn, Ye«: May. Ye»; Moahler, Yea. Nays; None. A j proved by the Mayor thia 23rd