THURSDAY. MARCH 20. H«-T> TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L EXPEHTI« MEEI BAISERS DF SHEEPE; • Local Reportera • Canary __________ J. L. Northup • (• Central ........ — .— Roy Bower • Mrs. L. J Ovtchell • Cloverdale .. Coast Fork Mrs. Geo. Kebelbeck • Creswell — __ Mrs. M A. Horn Mrs. Ada Jennings • . • Dor.wia Caro of Flock. Wool Production. . Hec,.ta _____ Mrs. B. Baker • M rs M. Gillespie • Grading and Marketing to be • H a d le .w ille l .... Mrs, Grace Jones • Taken Up in Series of Meet- • Jasper __ Mrs. C. M. Foster • Lorane ings on Farms. • MrKentlo Mrs Lawrence M lllcaln • The care of the flock. «roll produc­ • Mt Vernon Mrs. V. A Reynolds • Bulah Smith • tion. gradin* and marketing w ill be • Silk Cr< ck the subject of discussion and demon­ stration at .a seriös of meetings on farms raising sheep during the ‘week of April « to 11. The sh .ep meetings h are been arranged by O. S Fletcher, county agricultural agent, who will have assisting him experts from O. A. C. a *. U m " , S.H Professor animal husbandman OI o . a . c.. ,m e m u n i a n d wool take up flock management and wool production, while C. J. Hurd, market- ing specialist, will discuss grading and marketing wool. A représenta. live of the Pacific Cooperative wool ■ f i . P U B L IC A T IO N LAN* C O U N T Y U N IT NO. H FRUIT TREES H IT BY POULTRY SPECIALIST AT LAST WINTER FREEZE PLEASANT HILL MEETING Many of the NO varieties of fruits 'n the variety block of the agrlcultur- al college and experiment station w ete ,, ,, [n. fr ,.u . Ua, w inter Most of the trees are in pairs and In some rases both trees of a variety have been killed. Usually the varie­ ties Injur d most are not of commer» (K h I Importance here, though they may be of value elsewitera. Thu trees were girdled by the free« . f j ...» E It T in k -r • Ing of the cambium layers- tits lively grown portions of the trunk« • v da Mrs W. E. Post • , * .. . ... In many cases where the girdling was 1----- • not complete, bridge graft ng will he ¡resorted to. Trees completely girdled MILK FED W ITH GRAIN 1 are ofti^i save»! by bridge grafting • a a e o a w e • O F F IC E R S O F L A N g C O U N T Y • F A R M E R 'S U N IO N • Prof H. K. Cosby, poultry specialist • Ralph Laird, Creswell, President. from the Oregon Agricultural »«ten- • W ill W h eeler, T ren t. Vice Presl department addraased the poultry • dent. ral#cra ,,t m il Wednesday • Hetty Kappaut. cottage Grove. afternoon. Matuvh IS, at Woodman . sec.-Treas. He sounded a warning to poultry • N. A. Hara, Cottage Grove, Door • Keeper raisers that Oregon Is now produi lug • H . C. Jackson, W a lterv llle , Con- more eggs than Oregon consumes and • ductor. that poultry raisers must strive for • O. L. Clem ent. Chaplain. „hll p'-ng qualities In raising chickens , or tgg prtuluctlon on a lo.nm errltl WALNUT SOIL REQUIRE . . . . , . . . __ scale, lie also warned the poultry • • MOD LBS.OF POISON * • A ct)v # C a m p a ig n in County Rd- M u ch Hrt)t B e jn g p u t • * * GOOD DEPTH DRAINAGE out for Rodents; Plncos Car­ rying Poison Listed. Fourteen humlr'd pounds of polaon barley has been pul oul ta Lane c o u il ly for Iho extermination I l f gray dig­ gers and lo o o pounds more has been mixed ready for the work, acrordln« to fou n ty Agent O. S Flatcb r The first poison mixed March 2. »»» put oul by the farmers promptly ami will no doubt do a great deal of good In Ih county, it Is Intended to m is all Ihal will be used and sell II to ihe farmers at coat, aaya Ihe county agent, Places wh' re t>e poison can be ' r r ,.llr„ | hav» located 'n all par's , h . county, people donating thslr Bervlcee free for handling the grain Following Is a list of storws carrying ralsar not blal* hl* “wn ,raU ,B the chicken business but follow Ihs .Walnut piimiinsä In Oregon 'Ilei well marked trail laid out by others riots are determined by two things H A S T E N S C H IC K G R O W T H when thl, Importance of the tr - e w r- and profit by their alive ta and ml« 1 ,|„,,»hi drainage, and fertility of lb ’ elevation. They requlr« t _e in. ... . a , wants the expense, takes. He said 'Poultry Is a safe a«,|| #nd the ele That milk ' I . • lt at |„aa, ftve or a x (»„t deep, in a » the »n e add'tlon a u o n o n of n m o w to o> the | -» -i. „ „ I . » . h . . , . , » well managed . # w, — » w - m u» ,■ « S X Ä C Ä “~ ~ During the w(|h „„ wa»„r table of Impervious soil « -> •» • to, .lud.Bi. » t o ™ , -» » a n e a , e a r . . . war poultry thrnuKh which the roots cannot pens- «rowth is a conclusion reached o> • ____ __ __ . r i„ » n .-I. ’ . ' .oeeiallata w h o have become acquainted with. There are M l h“,d “b financial depressions traM U low s: Junction (Tty. Cooperative Ware- MT. VERNON LOCAL lleve any man can slay In ih s poultry m>kaa for rxH, dfa |nag». E| e»a Monday. April I— 10 a. m Dead- cu*,ure which promises to be of pracU- house. •-W . „ . ", , __cal importance Is on the relative ef- 1 _I___1 . . . . ’business If he raises his chicks on the ||(m a abo¥t( , 000 , J00 ar„ ,,f mond ranch, five miles w est of June . . . . . .. . . . Creswell. Arnhart Feed Hlore. . _ _ ____„ flclency of mash rations containing „ . , . «round year after year.- He d(mblful Talua a|,hough local condl tlon C ity I p. m.. C. P. Barnard farm. , / , . . , , Cottage Qrove- - Farmers Union Ttie Mt le m o n J,w al met last f Ur Walnut planting, in the coast dist­ Dorena. J II Kirk Store, year, the flock had been Increased Lonrcoy farm, on© m ile north of Co- . a a. J .. ricts are troubled with walnut blight tarrane. Cal lllteman farm burg; 2 p m . Arthur Quackenbuah work to the effert that th* ad,t’On Mra. Morgan wan chairman of th • the «oil contam inate!, the baby chick« This Is due to the prevalence of laf- Fall Creek. J O McKinney's store. farm. 3 m iles east of Springfield. Icer,ain mineral salts to vegetahl.v eata committee and had aaked the allowed to run over the same ground spring rain# or m ists wh'rh are con­ Polson Waek Anril g—10 a m V ns makes them compare favor- lad»»* »o bring lunch for tw o in plain and disease had caused failure He ducive Io the development and apread The week bebglnnlnc Monday. '■ v , i .. ably with animal proteins as a protein h n m ■>,» ...» »r i t , , >,»,„„i Grosbes-k farm, one and on« h a l f __ ________ , advises! thn us* o f the portable broo.1- of the disease. It Is mor* troMh,e»»m«> March Soth has been designated a . supplement for pouftrv. U nless the The m m bouhgt these boxes for *r house, station circular 63. which m iles south of Creswell; 1 p .m . Old In the moist season, and where ’he grey dlgrer poisoning week and It Alex Spare farm, south of Cottage , .. «« ? , 1 nftjr cents each and found their could be hauled to new ground each summers are much cooler than In boned tha farm er, and f a r w v . or«s- -Bnimal origin is more efficient. by wh'ch r«*r or the u .e of four yards for a .. . . . .. . w illam et’» v a l ........................... . ■ Grove. - partners . m atching — numbers — ______________ " ___ ___ _________ u___ x________ __,__ ___ ,_ the main pari of m e w u iam et’» vn, nlxatlons In all part, of Ijine county Thursday, April S—10 a. m , Gilles- The’ e experiments are conducted tho comm ittee apssed around After permanent brooder house, using only ley. A . yet the experiment station w„, n)ak, a„ eff»ctlve cam- pie Corners. Lorane Highway: 2 p. m . 8t ,!,p ureau of Animal Industry farm, going all round the room not a man T**^ on,T onc* If f°Uf years, thorough has no exnet data on planting# in Ihe „„ »he.e pests at that tlm s. ac- Harry Layne farm, one and three- Jocated B eltsjllle. Md.. near^Wash- fOund a number to match, so a second *y working the other three. He also maat belt and Intermediate po!n* i. rorrtthg to the county agent. Ington. D. C. Last year the Govern- ,a#| waR passed around. This time ur«-'l not to use the brooder bouse fourths miles southeast of Crow. The various farm organisations, A. T T f1 p2 “1^ry ’ P’ Piallsl» hatched about , wo or ,b ree found matching numbers, and y « fl for «ny other purpose than Friday, April 10— 10 a. m . such as subord'nale Granges and farm. 7.500 chicks with good results. The Then at the third attempt al Mound for brooder chicks As soon as the McCutcheon f , 2” p m* S T V l d l mile t c r f° ’ '‘ are “ ’ U r “ T ,r'e” r ° f c o rrw o n d ïn g number, JASPER LOCAL «•rs* Union Incala can do much to­ rh'cka are old enough to leave the east of Veneta j p. m.. w ). r ln breeding, feeding and man About thirty-five people were pres- brood" * Th‘e pA>«mm g iv e s 'b y ‘ ^ m e of ihe * ar<’ »•■“ »« ” »• P " '-" '" « farm, three miles west of Eugene. agement. ent and all had a Jolly evening ,h * ” * "f th* • lr r,BW ho“’ * E. B. U. students at the church last '» " ’P«1«" • ff**'*'’ * by •P«*’1”" »« » The money for the b o x e /w lll be '• Friday evening was .-njoy«». by .11 romm lttee lo Us. order, and m ak eu p il poisoned grain pool Everyone Io us'd to buy utensils for th e. Mt. Ver- m*r*,T * •hed "d'1, w,re on »'des present. • fcANARY LOCAL 189 CRESWELL LOCAL non Local's kitchen f “od * roof 0T,r M ” n’'” r«h’* »"d Mrs Mary Banders Is still very the community, u both iti’ ttiher« and n o n M K .I s I i u u r a . , lessens the denser nf an il e o n . . . . . __ . . . « « . ». . ««••■.. non members, should be solicited SO Mrs Paul Scott of Spokane Spokane and or sou con- , . lck bu( wa, reported to be a little _____ ___ _______ ___ __ that all will purchase polsnnel grain taaninatlnn Prof Coabv did not Mrs. Randall Scott :t of Springfield *— •••— - ‘ ............. .. better yesterday. Sprtn Farmers Union met at Creswell Correction to last week's Items. ¡called on Mra RevnoMs Monday aft t - d * ’’1 1 ,l* , ’* dln« ®f h“bT chicks Mlaa i>,rothy Parvln. leacher of th and all work together in poison the Brothers Grant Fish and W ilkens March 17. at the Woodman . . Hall, '„oon oth*r thaB ,o ur«* ,h al mineral, pro- Erfenvale school, has had to give up ’ rpy 11>* P00' • hm‘ld b* A number of members from Clover- , te ln . m i n »r»»n -n . . . . . up at once and as soon as It Is com­ are Installing cream separators and Men and team» are bu»y ftiese Dae *Ta,B ” “ wer* al' her school on account of sickness brother Buss has returned to hi« dale were there. days getting In their crops. ¡«PPlIed In the rations He «d vi.-d Jonea and Sanders are loading nut plet«! a member of the pool should ranch. E. E. Morrison of Eugene was pres- Mr. and Mrs. R. W Jack, son Roh-Ith* u’ e,<>f *our milk the first four Hu-», cara o f cedar telephone poles be sent to this office to get ’he poisoned barley for Ihs community. Easter services at theUnion Hall ont and gave an Interesting talk a n l ert and Miss Rhoda Jack «pent B un-' * 7 * * a" *!*•* ° ’1,y ',rtnlt' Rul,*,ln .this week, the last of lh«lr poles If no on* from the community la com­ April 1». Brother Large of Eugene, much Information regarding farmer* 370 rive» the »urr©«tlve point« on V ’ern Stewart, our «©rtlon foreman. day at th ' E I. Reynolds home. will reach at 11 a m.. community din- union bus ness. Mrs Jack, who was so 111 during fc,,ch “* ,n 4 of > by chJcka an dwlf-f le f t 1 .« week for Han ing to Eugene, Ihe ord-y could he sent In by mall and th* pn'son could ner at noon. Easter exercises lnclu-1- , Plan* were made to have a basket the winter 1» slowlv rerwtonr her County Agent. O. S. Fletcher who Francisco, where he »11 enter the 3 in address by Rev Large In the a fter social and program some time In the bfia|th „ „ J>ck an(, Mr< R,.yno|(1, was with Prof Cosby said he was well PJ H ospital for triatm eot for his be sent out by train or stage. noon. Eyerybody bring a basket of near future, but no date has been set. pleased with the crowd that turned stomach are staterà The farmers here are all tak'ng ad G O O D R O A D S C O M M I T T E E Innch and come prepared to take pait The Farmers Union dance-srf Thurs- ', ° t 1° "P«* of ,b - 'ba‘ “ * o s an in the program. ton Saturday night was well attended, i !d<‘al daT to d<> farm w w k- He "a,d - vantage of the fine weather, and are WILL MEET SATURDAY The Mt. Vernon Local people expect ,,BJ, of th* Bb"T* h“11»11“» coal« be hurrying to get their crops In. DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 Brother L est:r Austin is creating a * The good roads committee of the to build a hall In the near future. i gotten a t his office. springlike atmosphere around his Chem leal K ills Weeds lame County Farm-rs Union will goodly acres srlth stretehea of new Tne conference nt iae -our locals ...... ‘ 4 • meet Saturday. March 23. In the roun- fence, a new well house and other of Southern Lane County was held at , I A formula for killing weeds, es- j ty agent rooms at the court house In COAST FORK LOCAL Dorena Thursday evening, with rood HAOLEYVILLE LOCAL things of a like nature. . peelally dandelion» and other fleshy- Th“- general busfriess Brother Bester reports a net profit attendance^ | rooted plants In lawn» Is «iplalned In Eugene. The meeting will be at Id o'clock In the morning. All members of over $63.00 on eggs from hla flock meeting was held, and election of of- ’ ' mimeograph a» fol Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Robinson are a new _ experiment „ _ „ Ihe committee _ are urged to ha o f 300 fine white Leghorns, which Is a 'd e e r s for the next quarterly meeting The Hadleygilie fztcsl met Thur« lows: Boll well, one fourth onnee of 1 remarkable showing considering the followed by a short program and then night for their business m eeting, j o y i n g to the 8chlender sawm'lL present by F. C. Führer, secretary of -„ I Mr and Mrs. Oeo Powell of Had-1w h ,,e • " • “ •e ln °ne-b«H gallon N the committee. high cost of feed. Brother B e ste r . installation of the new officers. | Brother Norman Hemenway leyvllla Tlalted with the Robert Powell "of' Add of trapnests all his hens and receives i Mr. Wheeler as president and Mr elected vice-president, water and one-third nt. caustic sods. Sunday. above market price for hla eggs. He Farman of Lorane vice-president were Several of the member» were unable family Oeo' Kebelbeck attended a meeting > nd bo,> •«*'" J>,P ,h * t o,n‘ of « has som e original Ideas on the sub- among the new officers elected i ,0 h* present on n*onnt of »Ickne.« TIME AND PLACE OF sharp wooden stick In the anlutlon, Ject of feed that are certainly bring The county agent. O. 8 Fletcher Mr and Mra W ’ Rpato- Mra' B*’" "f ,h * bT nl d,r’* tor" ° / ,h " baBP LOCAL MEETINGS shake off the surplus, and prick til- Ine r e s u lt rave a verv Ktere.M nr tallr «n » s- R,e Hoolrer and Mr and M r« M Pr*»t County Cooperative Warehou«e com • / mg resuji gavw a very ratere«tfng talk on tne ' t T hpmj I av a v a n in » v crown r w w u «1 $«n t. w -m cn » should n o u ra aiw of the p plant, which .lie M r « n d M r« Thoma« of Canary war« «nrf «h«» the local m ^ l n g Friday Pan X at SprlngTleid Tu« »day evening Mr. ana mr». r n o m u oi t a n a r y ways ana what polaon to uae in rid- * ' ira.H a.iK *w a. .haam fmm ,n two o or thr* In tw thre days. If desired, the • Canary—First Sunday and Third • have receiv’d the sad pews of their ding the county of grey diggers, m ole, " “ Low*T 8 ’* " « " ' Cr«’ k Tb*’r Oeorgle Kebelbeck was absent f r o m ....... ..................,---------------- ( _ • school the fore part of the week with m«V b" reduced by dividing • Saturday. Farmers Unkin Hall. son John's death at Reedsport. Sunday and gophers. He also left several rerort a good H™®- • Cloverdale—Second and Fourth • each quantity by three or four. This Mra. J. Henderson and daughter. a very bad cold March 22. They have the sympathy bags of poison. Grandma Powell la visiting with her | »oHitlon will Injure the (hands or • Fridays. (Uoverdale School lleu se. • of the community In their sad bereave-i After the meeting closed ev“yyone Ixila. Henderson of Lornn“ and M r« clothing If allowed to come In contact • Creswell—First and Third Tues- • enjoyed a good lunch of coffee, calfe, i n r" DnTt«' of CotUge Orovs. visited .son Robert and family. ............................. . .................... . D ent with them. It Is dangerously poison • days. Creswell. M. W. of A. Hall. • Brother S ylv'eter is «»ftlng his sandwiches and pickles, while visit- ° Ter ’? * , t? TAT T A i m ‘V 'lE D r N W Fmerr “nd »hould be kept under lock and • Coast Fork—Second and Fourth • 'rawberry fields In shape for the ing ter a ld ",aU r Mr* * ’ Reals and her CAM. A5f> 8 ™ / » . M W. Emery • Thursdays. Hebron Church House. • »n o».--» »m als»* »nd o'h—V wwk coming crop. He has some excellent I At the meeting of the Farmers T’n- family. • Doneho—F irst Tuesday. Danebo • herry land. ,lon members Tuesday, March 24, War- ~ • School House. • 32 DEMONSTRATIONS ON The dance at Fiddle Creek Saturday ren Kelly was put 'on the "good • Dorena—Second and Fouth Tues- • ALFALFA STATED IN LANE • days. Dorena Churnli. night was w“ll attended and a good roads" committee, and Johnny Kirk • tim e Is reported by all. was voted In as a member of th Thlrty-lwo alfalfa demonstrations • ltadleyvllle — First and Third • Mrs. Sylvester, the librarian an- union. • covering 2« acres In 27 rotnmunltle» • Thursdays, Hadleyvllle School flounces that our library has arrived Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mosby mov?d In Lane county will be carried on this • llec„ta—First Sunday of each • and will be open to the public every up Monday from near Cottage Grove summer, according Io County Agent.!* nion,b- Hccnla School House. Sunday from 1:30 to 3 p. m., at the to their ranch here. Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- • O. 8. Fle-tcher, who Is supervls'ng the Union Hall Thi« Is a good selection! Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cooms and little' work. The demonstrations will show • nesdays, W O. W. Hall. Jasper. • Now tpemFerx and other Farm «m Union Members who of books and w“!l worth your con- daughter of Eugene visited Sunday Ftourth * the effects of treating soli with lime • Ixjrano—Seeoud and are not BubBerlbers to the Kami Union News are requested slderatlon. , with Mrs. Coombs' parents, Mr. an l | • In the growing nf alfalfa. Thirteen • Wednesdays. I O. O. F Hall, 25 pound hoveB of smelt are being Mrs. Chas. Teeters. to cut thia '. lank and Rial! It to the Springfield News, Ions of lime or a fen to the aerr will • MrKenxIe local, second nnd • laid down at Slltcoos for $1. or less.! Kmlt Kirk and Mr. and Mrs Springfield, Oregon. he placed on the soil of hnlf Ihe dem- • fourth Wodneoday, 8 p. m. I. O. O. * At that price no one needs to go Glenn Jennings accompanied Mr. and J • onslrat'on tracts while tho other half • F. hall, W altervllle. sm elt hungry. ( Mrs. Cbas. Willlan as far as Eugene • Mt. Vernon—First and Third • will be plnnted without lime. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS If. P. Fulton's towboat brought a Monday, where they left for their • A carload of lime has been received • Wednesday. Ilrasfleld Store. (Farm ers Union Subscription) large scrow to move the donkey en- home in Montana. by the Eugen Termers Creamery • Silk Crook Meeta First and Third • gine from th’ O. O Erhart timber i Revival meetings are being held at which Is donating half the cost of the • Thursday at Cedar School House • Date tract bo the W P. Erhart t'mber tract Wildwood this week by Rev. Good, lime and seed for tho purpose of • Spencer Creek—Third Friday, • on Sdltcoos lake where logging opera- Memorial services were held at Star demonstration. Th« limn wns dis­ • Pine Orovo School House. • Name ............. lio n s will be continued with a double Tuesday evening for Rev. Harrington tributed Wednesday nmnng the farm­ • Trent—Boeond and Fourth Wed- • crew. who died at Cottage Grove November P. O. Address .... ers who will conduct the experiment • nesdaya. Heaaant IIIII High * 24, 1924. Ha was pastor at Star. k on their places. • School Bldg. • Union Local ... Agricultural Council to Meet Wildwood and Dorena at the time of • Vida—Second and Fourth Satur- • The I-an<- County Agricultural coun­ his death. Teachers Institute to be Held • days at Mlnney Hall. • .192. From ............................ 1 9 2 .............. . Ruth England was down from Culp cil. composed of a member from each A local teachers Institute will be • Recretarlns will please send In • Member F. E. C. U. of A. grange and farm ers union local In the Creek and visited with home folks of meeting and • held In Cottage Grove Saturday. • tim e and place countyv will m eet In Eugene. Tuea Sunday afternoon. Teachers from the sonth end of the • changes date as (they may oc- • For services rendered by the Farmers Union and $ ....................... this day. March 31. C. W. Allen, of Vida, • county as well as oth’ rs Instituted • cur. receipt e n tltl's the holder to subscription to the Springfield New* president of the council, has called i Hr. S. Rnjph IMjgtM. rksnMst. Virus «will be In attendance. Subscribe For the Farmers Union News th e meeting. .building. Bprtngfteld, Oregon. '