AdANY VYOMfcH ItA V E UNOOHC TOKAY WMAT S SUO LO HAVE' . B»O» WELL COOKfcO X13TÍKUAV1 A Drive and Curtis speaks His Mind It's **“ that * ----- way -------------------- about wom — en. 1 B«» ......“ tw een loving and p ossessin g. there la a gulch before they m erge into "P lease, Curtiss, don't talk Ilk . that. I w ant you to go for u drive on«." Ilia unw avering g a se m<*' m ine. L eave everyth in g and «<» *«•» me "I could never bring m yself to cross I'm desp eral« for a talk.'* that gulch." l ie sp oke slow ly, h alt­ "I'd better not," w as h l . «aim re ingly. with •ntphaala on every word. piy. Incongruously enough, my usual "You can le a v e If you want to." I iauw d flashed Into my next word«, declared with a frown '■'And does Mr H igh on the-HIII really "Yea. I know I ran. hut— * h- heal- condescend to love som e m aiden and tatw l. "I think perhaps It would yet not dar< to tMkc her?" better If I stayed ." To bo Continued. • What do you m eant" "Oh. Hallie, what'» the use? Thin«» can't go on. L et’s «U»P now w h ile we can before w e wr«ck both our live« ' "Get In.pica»". We'll run down to Mandarin for tea- th ere1, an adorable place Ju«l o ff the road and It» a ’ beautiful drive " Attain he h e s it a t 'd - - ; looked at me for several m inute» and then »lipped under the w heel. It w o a »liver ribboned road and we passed m any beautiful o r a n g e , g r o v e , on t h . way. T h . w axy green of ih e .yen m rtrlcal tree» vied w ith the brilliant fruit In colorful allure. Wo turned Into th e Mandarin road. T h ere w>re the m oss drapad tree« on th e picturesque «slat»« by the «tde id ; th e HI John«, with the old wrought Iron lantern» at tha high gate« and th e fence« lin ’ d with poin settia» In "A n.l why . h l , v «.y t la .I .i ln S ,1 .« . lim y I a s k ? " > » « vivid bloom. "The T a n g e r l» ' T ea 1» Ju«t ho . yond ihe curve," I warned. "I'm not going there.' h e wild. I'm gidng to talk« you wher» we w ill he undisturbed. I had not m eant to »ay anyth in g hut you've attired the dev Ila in m . and now I mu»t latk. talk, PAGE THREW THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. MARCH 26. 1925 dig op one tor m yself. They Went Anyhow I am going to tho Jungles of Africa to study wild men." H e (over phone) "Say B eatrice how Truthful Shopper Second Student: “ Will I’m gonna would you like to take a little spin Clerk: "W ouldn't you lik e on e o f sta y right here In the U. H A. and w ith m e In my new car.” study the wild women." She: "Fine. D rive right over Ox- th e se cross-word puxxle books? t h ( y are great to Improve your vocabulary.'* w ald.’’ W oman Shopper: "W e haven’t any That’s Figuring H e: "This Isn’t O swald sp eak in g.” to Improve. Only a din in g room and "Looks like b u siness will be Just S h e: "This isn't B eatrice, either." parlor." fair to middlin' for soap m akers up until May. There are five Saturday» An H onest B ootlegger EO PURDY'S PHILOS In May. If you get Just what we R eform er: "You have no con sci­ m ean.’’ "Our modern school system must ba en ce a t all. You ab solu tely ignore piling more and more work onto the the law .” ED PURDY’S PHILOS B ootlegger: "You’re wrong m ister. pupils. I notice many of the poor "There'» m any an agricultural mis All my bu sin ess a c tiv ities are children are too tired to walk to or statem en t In popular saying» of the governed by the law o f supply and de­ ¡from school and have to use dad’s duy. F rln sta n c e: How ran a mail auto.” m and." sow wild oats and ralae caln?” Old Fashioned F irst ANYBODY wishing milk Milk and Honey at gallon rates call Riverside Dairy, Phon« O ldtlm er: "Can your w ife live on B le»ks. "My w ife 1« Ju»t like the 34 F3 rest o f them. She will have the last your Income?" N ew lyw ed: "Oh y e s— y e s Indeed. word." SPECIAL PRICE on plat« w o r t. Dr. Sp ltfy: "Man. sh e's outta date. It’s T hat’s no course of worry at all. Now N W Emery, d -n tlst Sutton Bldg- all I have to do Is to get out and I graduate th e last shot th ese day»." Fair Enough Student: "When THE UNEXPECTED BLOW! talk." t ie headed the car Into a narrow tan», under an avenue of tree», their moaa trailing tn dainty g a rla n d , of |a co to tho very top of lh< car Ahfad wn» a lovely HUle wood. T he red o f th« m ap k » again»! ih e clum p of . B autncollag b e i n g I h e only touch o f Fall Tho car caino to a holt. It wa» an unrivalled day. T h * a t. wa» Pprtngllko In Ha lim pid purity and warmth ‘•You’ve forced thia, S allle I had m eant never In »peak l ” Y01* of I"'r aonalllloa again. » u l now III tell you all I would »pare you but I c a n not It's too la t e , Y