V S P R IN G F IE L D — THE W E S T E R N D E V O T E D TO I N T I R I I T O F S P R IN G F IE L D A N O TMB FA R M E R « OF T H E W IL L A M g T T I V A L L IY TWENTY-SECOND YE/ T E R M IN A L O F THE NATRON THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS of o. Library S. P. BRIDGE HEBE IW BE REPLACED HI'KINGKIKLD. LANE COUNTY, OKEUON.THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1925 LIGHT PARKING LIM IT8 ■BOOTH-KELLY MILL TO EXTENDED BY COUNCIL OPERATE 4-DAY WEEK I $150,000 Dry Cleaner j Overproduction and Low Demand on 29 Arrests on Naw Ordinance,* H a lf Block on Fourth and F ifth M arket for Lum ber Given aa Opened. aa Cauaa for Change Modification of the near city ordla- Heavy Now Structure Will Tako The Hprlnxfl Id Booth-Kelly sawmill to p parkin« P la c e o f L itrh t O n a O v e r W il- * II «•» «>" a f u r <'ay •• b"dul'- 'unce " “•» In regard *” a r a m g automobile* a u e ™ .— Piece of Light One Ove , ^ « y T!„. f„r the ‘«t“*» »' n'«h‘ *»’ D18d* la • lamette la Lataat Information. ()w dtmBB(1 of |h> motion passed by the city Council Replacing Track to ,robpr market, company irfflclula an Monday night. Care tnay be parked Next Week. noiitic». The mill at Wendllng and on Fourth and Fifth etreeta ia « l be­ the logging camp will alto be effected That Ilia Southam Pacific railroad It la hoped (hat the mlU may re­ bridge o f f the W illamette river at sume f'.ve or alx day operation In a Springfield will be replac'd by » few weeks when the Increas'd spring heavier atrucluro, which will poaalblv building begins, aaya O. II Jurrelt, accommodate a double track, la the superintendent of the local mill. It Information reaching people here la a ca»e now where the copntry Is clone to th» railroad alluatlon. The overstock'd with lumber utid m ust b* bridge I" "«Id to be part of the work of allowed to absorb the surplus, ho double tracking between Springfield points out. and Eugene am) the setting over of The four day week plan wlli mean the street car track on a wider grade. , , tbat Friday, Saturday and Sunday will Thera has been speculation for som e be daya , he w,„ be ciOMd. Many time .a to the location of the new , ba ,arg„ northwest bridge Engineers have figur'd a h>yg p(|t a gllul|ar operating schedule br’dgw north of Skinners butte and (n Bfject near the foot of Fifth street In Eugen» ; ____________________ hut th, .uoathm . sewn to have F E D E R A T | 0 N IS b«»»»n abandoned In favor of th© pro*- rut on». Railroad tn> n say that It Is JOINED BY CIVIC CLUB likely only a single track bridge will I —— be built of heavy structural steel and Th' Springfield Imdlex t lvlc club vot- the traffic over It d'raclad by a signal "d to accept the Invitation Of the Amerl man and tower, rather than a more «’•" Federation of Woman’s ( lubs to c s t l v double track bridge »»«-..me a member of the federation costly double track brldg , , R mrBtln< T,IeRI,ny ,,VBntnK R eo licln g Light R illt Replacing the light steel between Hana for beautifying the parks which Htrlngflel.l and Natron on the cutoff ‘he city now has and may acquire In will start next week. Material and 'he future were discussed The sug . . . .u .¡-.a a.., t i„ n f o r th e w n r k a r e n o w gestion was made that the other ciube a c tio n crews r»r m- worx are now s being assembled The light rails to " ’ " "" ' Natron were I.M many year, ago work, but no definite action wav tween Main street and the alley after night wlihnut either head or tail light burning Or In other words thee« two naif blocks will be regard'd under the tam e provisions aa Main street where no light» are required to be burning at night on parked cars. On all other »treats of the city «her* a car la parked between day­ light and dusk both a head light and tall light must be kept burning. This or),',nan<.e waa made for aafety'aake to prevBnt collisions at n'gbt with car» larked ln dark p|acea A car or truck may park In an alley I „ „ no, obatruct the passage. j Jimmy O'Connell, the outfielder, There has been 29 arrests for vlola- for whom the Giants paid »160,000 tlon of the new city ordinance In the i >>ut who was last fall kicked out -> ■ * ...............- • » ....... ■ ? . w j n ; ; i L s y r i r a S : CUTOFF “T h e A People's Rapar" L IV C NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 10 PAVING TO COST $15,000A N D $20,000 VALLIER AND SMITSON Estimates Made by Engineer Klovdahi on Second and Mill NEW TOWN OFFICERS Street Entrances to City; Mill George Vslller, street commissioner, Street Bridge Costs $7,000. was made town marshall, and Je-ts Smltson was appointed fire chief, by Estimated costs of paving Second M ayir O O. Bush-nan at Monday and D gtreetw at »16,262.3# and Mill nights meeting of the council. They Rtreet> including mill race bridge at succeeds Charles Nolf, resigned, who ,i» ^ 7 i.2 5 from Main street to rtrer I haa be< n m arshall, fire ch ief and brk]ge< were furnished the city coun- i traffic officer, ell Monday evening by Engineer j The appointments will come up for Simon Klovdahi. The estim ates were ratification at the next meeting of the given the com m ittees working for the council. Smltson served as fire ch ief, paving of one or th© other thorough- i last term and is considered well fareg ¡n order that they could be laid , qualified for the place. The appoint- bef Ore the property holders before menta mean returning to the former petitions for the Improvement were system which was changed when Mr. circuIated. The estim ates were made Nolf was given the combination post-1 on 30 »jot pavement, concrete or [Ho*. asphalt, with curbing. I ' The actual paving of Mill street DOG CONDUCT VEXES CITY will cost less than Second and D DADS: DOG TAX MAY 1ST. streets but a concrete bridge still have ______ to be erected over the m ill race which The city ordinance regulating the ‘he engineer estim ated will cost licensing of dogs will be rigidly en- oome »7.000. j forced after May 1, the time fixed for | The engineers estim ate cost of par- securing According d eci-! Second street from Main to South of licenses, councIhn •« esista» a s « I gna ..Lr-a,» _ I _ J _ _ _ J _« _ — » a . - - - *-- aa.* _ ** M a s 1 A 0 — I If u a a a a m T V 1 1 employed for short periods and who Thurston waa com pletely swamped . „ , , , r,cn t. „„a e —t-, . .. . .provided he is licensed ln accordance ,95® f‘- trench and laying dram 220.47 Is not known here is an idea of mem- by the Springfield team, which show- . __. A , , . „.»„v »120.00 her» of the police committee. They cd almost mid season form, despite A„ . .„ „ „ fn » i # D° * ”« ,2? ^ apM d;th# fa, R wag th# flrgt ^ 1 * » doge running at Urge moat be 1 muzzled during the "dog days” period ! Total ------------- ---------»12,223.77 when the first building on the east taken. . . . cop Is take advantage of the traffic ¡the men had played together. beginning July 15, however. The Engineer and supervision 6% 611.19 side line was done When the Natron j The city alr-ady owns e c X » i U w , by watching for him while If We plan to challenge any team i n ' „cense fee is »5 for fem ales and »2 i cutoff waa started from Natron In park. OB the bufle south of town, a n d d|d officer the W illamette valley." said manager for roaIea not llcenged may be Total ..........................»12,834.98 1910 the heavier rails were used a n \ pi««" kp*P “ « reen w,‘re t ,,h ‘ c , i was these violators would likely be ar- T H. Hulbert, after the game, "I impounded by the police and des- Paving of D. street from west line will not have to b© replaced. Oood Mr«. Maud© T. Bryan, retlrlnr pre© • of Second street to the bridge fol­ progres In clearnlng the right of way dent of the club was presented with a Twenty-three drivers paid fines at belleve we can win from any of them.’’ troyed. A return game with Thurston will lows: from Oakridge to Springfield Is re- flowering geranium as a token of hAr : , he clty ha„ th|g week for parklng be played Sunday. In case the 8prlng- CEDAR FLATS FARMER 307.3 cu. yd. excavation. »1 — »307.30 port c l. The cutoff will be In fine services during the past year ie w ,lbout ngbta Springfield fl'ld diamond on north 5th street la »2959.00 PASSED AWAY SUNDAY j 7rnto condition for heavy travel aa soon as club voted to give »6 toward eas ng RtreMa &eVerai m(>re were tagged, In shape, the game will be here, but _ 4.50 the connecting links are laid In the ' h«> deficiency from the commun '» b(j{ gg hgTg fa||ed t0 pay tbe|r otherwise will be at Thurston. C. Lee B a k e r ' l T ? 58. died at his TrenCh a“ d U y i" K -------- 21.00 mountains this summer. cheat work this I winter. Seventeen . . . . . fines. Those arrested this we«a Only home boys played on the local 15.00 dollar. Instead Jt the quota of »10 w, rf>. R#y G#orfe W m, home In Cedar Flats, near the Hen 1 catch basin was also voted by the club to be give» John IMn)elaon v „rn Bm|th Gr>nt team. Manager Hulburt states that drlcks bridge Sunday. Mr. Baker's 20 ATTEND CORVALLIS he w ill stick to thia practice all dur- $3.302.30 Total .......... toward tbe l-an© County cottage «' weath was a result of heart disease. LIONS CLUB CEREMONIES « . H o - » O «~l,u. W lS L . ? : . ^ Z r L i a " ^ 8hort funeral service« were held at ‘ w L , . . : P“ ch« collect data concerning 60.00 a iR3 to he used for W ' ZumwaIt of Eugene, and one bro 4 catch h“ 81“8 -------------- A banquet was served In the Cor- Th<< TO waR rot „hort by ,he » for ,h e American Legion pa­ Approximately »53. to be used ' y ther. J. D. Baker of Lakeview. ¡«W «• c iea r n in g ......... 130.00 vallia llia Woman’s club building at 7 30 fg|lun< ()( (hp gprtn, „ , . ld ban<|, or the ,',1,,on ,h e L««,on meeting at the playrf*ound eqt)pra«nt wnr cicareu bu( Woodman hall Friday evening. Jack Those attending from hern Juvenile orchestra to appear, o’clock Mr. Baker was a member of the ! Larson. Walter Gossler. Oswald Olson from th® ran U U *,ven by 200 L,n° O1" T o t a l..... ..............2... ____12.354.52 Included Dr. and Mrs Ralph Dippel, nevertheless went smoothly. Christian church nd Elmer Maxey are the committee, ^ h o o l children at the high school «17.7» Engineerin and sup. 5% Mr and Mrs G O Bushman Mr. and Mrs. C A. Swarts and Mrs. D W The leg io n Wishes to buy or get B |•w »««*“» * Friday night. The cantata --C Mrs John Ketels, Mr and Mrs Dallas M,.K.nnt)J1 opened the program with In fa n t Dies Total _________ __ .... »12,971.25 Murnhv. Mr. and Mrs Floyd W ester-^ v()fgI du<„ ..x b a en t" This was long lease on property large en ou gh !was ,n two Part8' The 4 °'^?nS1 George Fr'drick Banbridge. infant Spr'ng" and Grle* y yg,h o 1^ î Rgaa 8on to accommodate a building approxl- Sp7 ng ,n d "The r _**°r!5i Mr and Mrs. J. J. Banbrid?e Hr|d«e over race ..................... »7.000.00 ¡ followed by a piano solo by Mrs. R. R. Mr. and Mrs. O. JJ. Jarrett. Mr. anil 'Herbert. D. W. McKinnon sang ' mntely 100x100 feet. It will be used an,! wa" arranKe<1 by of W endllng died at the home of his 1 Whl!« the Mill street paving will be parents Saturday. leas on the adjoining property hold- Mrs. Elmer Maxey. Mr and Mrs. Paul "Smilin' Through." and for an encore, for open air dances th's summer, and , Hemeawejr. principal of the school, will be covered and equipped with The children were attired in various flnsford. Mr. and Mrs Roland Moshler. Funeral services were held Sunday er8 ,f tbe cttY bu“ ds the bridge by k . ."Adoration." Margaret Skavlan, a at 2:30 at the Walker bonding, which it will undoubtedly T he NV.rohy Mr' thp »"<’ 96.1; fourth grade, under Clara Moore, P. E. O. Meets ««aghed. Miss Johnsonson The winning f a m of the member­ 95; first grade, under Elizabeth Page, Clark, Mrs. Paul Basford. Mrs. Harry ' “ ’P Jersey Jubilee May 28 A business and social meeting was drove on, hut was overtaken by a ship contest held by the Young Mar­ 94; Juniors, high school, 93; second Whitney, Mrs. M. C. McMurray, Mrs. The annual Lane County Jersey enjoyed by the P. E. O. sisterhood ried Peoples class of the Baptist grade under Marjorie Tracy, 91.6. William Wright, nnd the hostesses. pursuing car. Jubilee will be held this year on the Monday evening at the home of Mrs. church will be guests of the losing Special guests for the afternoon were L. D. Griggs farm ln the \V lllaken:,le W. H. Pollard, with Mrs. D. W. Crites team for a party at the home of Mrs. Ton Fords Sold Entertain Priscilla Club Mrs. C. A. Swarts, Mrs. Jack Hend- district north of Springfield May 28. and Mrs. McGowan as Joint hostesses. Ten Fords were sold by the Ander­ E. W. McKinnon at her home on Arrangements for the Jubilee are be­ Mrs. ttlley Snodgrass, assisted by erer, and Mrs. William Long. After the regular meeting, “Tulip son Motor company thts week. Irl Emerald heights tomorrow night. Mrs. Alfred Morgan will entertain ing made by Horace Addis, field Time," a short Holland skit, was pre­ The nature of the party Is being Paint Shop to Open Stewart purchased a truck, us did the Priscilla club members and their edttor of the Oregon Farmer. A meet­ sented by Mrs. Donald Young and A paint and paper hanging shop will Harley Furman of E^igenel Other kept secret, and is in charge of Mrs. ing of the program comm ittee has Mrs. Rose Stacks. husbands at her home Saturday even McKinnon, Mr. Shack, Mrs. Thelma Ink. The club will hold a 500 party. be started April 1 In the Kepner build­ cars were sold to L. T .' H arr's been called for Saturday at the county ing nenr A. by William nnd P. Vosby. Eugene, E. S. LaDuke of Eugene, W. Chase and Mrs. A. J. Cowart. R. W. agent's office at the courthouse. Go to California—Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carlton tenches the class, which num ------------- Chamber of Commerce Meets Friday The men nre brothers nnd hnve had T. Mattison, I. R. M cl’iturfY, Drm Shaffer, R. F. Vitus of W estfir, Dick hers 35 members Twelve new mem- To Portland for Week-End—-Miss Clark Ie»ft |or 9«Juthern Catlf'irnia The regular meeting of the Chamber long experience In their work. They Bulk of Oakridge and Roy C. Brown of i hers were added during the contest, i Grace Whitely spent the week-end ln Friday, where they will remain In­ <|IJ Commerce wtlt ho held Friday come her from being employed In W eslflr. definitely. I ¡which which closed last Sunday, (Portland, Sunday. Salem. evening at the chamber room«. A co n m iltter was sppo'nted by M rs W a ,ker J a rk O orrle 0 R