PAGE S K TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS Are You Planning a Sturdy Seven-Room Home? It is such structures as that shown in the above photograph and plans, that carry within ist four walls the real spirit of home. I t Is « sturdy square house, still with enough intelligent arrangement to break all regular lin-’s— and withall THURSDAY, MARCH IV, 1»2S Springfield Methodiet Iplacopal .Kbbert Memorial MUNDAY N K IH T ••What th * church nivalin to thia I Community." will be the them« for a ntv'rt eernion following the Flre.lde ! Hour, at 7:30. at which a atudy w 'll Community News Mra. Jeaae I'hulpa to leach III« low,» grade s for the next year. Mra. Hays 1>;> given on the alldee of a program wilt be principal again for a rural church. Floyd John o f Pleasant H ill Is as Special aervtce for thia aervle» le The funeral of Mra. Winnie Davie •Istlng with the orchard work al Ilia provided, Including the Junior lloy i Friday afternoon. March 13 was very K. II. Tinker ranch. choir under Mra. Davla Hauling gravel on Ihe W illamette largely attended. Mra. Davla died a* SUNDAY MORNING the homo fo h r daughter Mrs C It Highway from the Coast Fork hrl Ige Chutch school at 9:48, A recently Mathews in (loahen Thursday, March to Hmlth h'll was twgun last week organized eta»» for young iu . i '.'. m I 18 She was 93 yeara nf age and had under tho supervision of Alhln Olao.i ' women meeta In the leagu« room. tired In the vicinity of I'lenaant Hill of Bdenvak . supervisor for road dial ¡Another recently organ 'aed <:»«» for more than 40 yeara. She croaa« U rie l No. 10. Thia etrvlch of road has , meeta In the par«« tinge parlors at U.n the plains by ox team In IM83. with been lu a very bad condition of late, same hour composed of college stud her grand parents, M r and Mra H»r- dun to the high waters last winter i enta, teacher« and older young peo­ roon Davis Sh,- was a member of the that rushed over the road for several ple. The ro u n' ti.ble plan of te taking Chrlnatlan church, and was burled In days near th«, llrahham ranch lor leaderahtn |> tarried out in their the Pleasant lllll cemetery. W. A. The Qoah n Grange held a very plan, In 'Hiding a »octal evening m e goad meeting Thursday afternoon, Rlklna officiating. a month In aotre home. A number of friends gathered at tbs March 13 (I. S. Fletcher, county - ug«-nl _ I*l»o theme '.»r ’ he i l o’clock V ' " home of Mr and Mrs Clarence p ' ’ •"k«d on the projects of the .„utity will bt "Kxrosii* m of the Ore»* :-cp Hyde Thursday night, and llatetwd to •«•»«'• for n «*«•«» Munday, •tV tul ¡birthday anniversary of her daughter. - ___ «ratin g _ the raldo. ____ _ _____ ! Ww Hsi.eve. and What Ws Teach" Th( ',.|PBMn, rhurvh rhotr mP, K.sryono - Invitad lo alien«:. B snlcta the very embodyment of home com-' lng room on the first floor brings Mauds U ra l..In , Mrs Paul Ilrattaln fort. It la the Ideal seven or eight thvm both to the front of the house enteetalns.1I . group of is fríen,1. of , he Mr (r floor It it Is a glass enclosed porch are toileta on both floors. ■ade an attractive dlnntw table oison ,baptl»ed Sunday. March IS. Services It can then be made into the fourth group of Junior ----- _ of the . _____ ------------ - ----- ------- — high school ¡ M Mrs rt K j Simmon, who t h ,b" ln< held in the SprlngfM I Christian One nicest features Is th. , where the broad stairway out of the living room lna,B* » •» seated Later games were ««. m .,. . T.,?, 7 * " " * rhur• . «, , 1 u M r’ ,lnu* h " parent», Mr and M „ JamM c # |w r , Mr ha. returned to . . . . . . her homo In Portland after ».pending several day. with her parent». Mr and M r.. W aller Rdmlatoo. Tlfe ra d ia l given at the church lait Friday evrn'ng by Mr and Mra Glen I RliMln of Springfield »»« well at­ tended. Part of the prmeed» went to the fh rlatlan Endeavor here. Mr and Mr». Barnrat Weat from llottage Grove »who .formerly lived here apent Tuesday night at Thuraton. Mra Felix Sparka who has been vldtlng l*>r eon Arch Hhongh while Mr Hparks w a. serving on the Jury has return'd Io her home In Ulna River. Mra, A. W. Weaver attended the funeral of M r. Mary P ltn'y In Junc­ tion City Sunday afternoon. Built-in Fixtures Shingles F IR S T B A P T IS T C H U R C H nd and C. Street. J. Carlton Weltnrhahn, Pastor Hlbln School 10:00. Morning «nr- vice 11:00. Sermon topic for morning "On the Devil*» Toboggan Slide." B. Y. P. tt. servlco 8:.10. General Planing Mill Work SPECIAL SALE RUUD DOUBLE COIL Tank W ater Heater THURSTON NOTES L .« on to Locate New Pavillion Final plana for a permanent onl- door Pavillion will bn mad« at Ihe American l-nglon mnctlng lonlgh* The pavllllon Will not bn on tbn old petition on the Smilhnrn Pacific pro- p 'rty, according Io I.nglon officer«, alth' ngh the location |» not given out The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Lumber By Spacial Corre apondanta Anderson Manufacturing Corp. Courtesy — Service — Evening aarvlce 7:30. evening aerrlce One Hal." "fo u r F a r m e r s U n io n Quality • M es.age of Ml n Under N ew s DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 • Phone 7 Cor. G and Third Sts. A very Intcre.tlng lecture wan glv March 10 at the Farmer« meeting b ¡Ml*'« Cowgill on »ewtng. Springfield, Oregon | A road nientlnk waa held at J. I K irk , «lore Friday evening to talk ovo ¡the width of th ' road. Whether I kbotild be a 40 or 80 foot road U] Before You Build- Get Our Prices On This is your ohance to get rid of the old make shift way of heating water and have n modern hot water supply. Call at our office and let us demonstrate this heater or a phone call will bring our salesman to your home. Builders Hardware, Nails, Paints, Hoofing, Linoleums and Rugs, Furniture, Window Shades, We will have a car of Mineral Surface Strip shingles in about April 1st at $6.50 a square. Mountain States Power Co. Wright & Son $1.00 Down, Balance $2.00 Monthly with your ga* bill in­ stalls a Ruud Double Coil Gas Tank Water Heater in your home. ---------- ** Telephone 58 6th and Main Paint Hardware Furniture I through Dorena, Tho majority In th community wanted only u forty foo ' road. George Pitcher returned to Ktigem for medical treatment Sunday, lb h«» been cp the nick Hat for ahou thr»e week». Ihe Lad ea Ml.alonary meeting wa held at th home cf Mt» Starkey o 'th l. place Monday evening. Mr. and Mr», charlea w illlana am: , children who have been vl.ltlng Mr» Wllllan*» parent», Mr. and Mra. C. H Jennlnga »Ince March J, expect It leave for their home In Montana j March 20. j Mr. and Mr». Perry Venevtiolack ,nnd Sarnh lllley vlalted Sunday after noon nt the home of Mr. and Mr» | W. A. Land. . Mr. and Mr» n»y Vnn»cholft