PAGE ETV1 T H E 8 P R 1 N 0 F IE L I) NEW 8 T H U HHDAY, M AKU U li». 1P2S undersigned administrator at her resi­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE houae at Eugene. Lan« County, Ore- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That dence or at the law offices of Wil­ STATE OF ORSOON FOR LANE i«on. haa been fixed aa the time and the undersigned has been duly ap­ liams A Been. Eugene, Oregon, within ; place for hearing objection«. If any pointed by the County Court of the six months from thia date. COUNTY Alexander Lewie ami Maynla E. L ew ie.'to «aid final account and for final State of Oregon for the County of Dated thia l#th day of February, I d a ln t rr» settlem ent thereof. Executrix of the last Will 192». | All persona having objection« to Lane, •a ll whal y w w ent to aell. buy wbot you wont to buy thro on m » i JOSIE H »PORES, and Testam ent and estate of A. C. Frank Malin and---------Malin Me wife, «old final account ora haraby notified Barbour, deceased and all persons Administrator. eolumna. Writ« or phone TWO SMMiel C. Malin and Ida Malin, bit to file the earn« with the County Clerk baring claim s against said eetate are F-19-26 M-5-1J-19 wife Sarah J. Dutlon a n d -------- Dutton on or before the time fixed for final hereby notified to present the same Fl M RENT—Furntabed houae. In- FOR SALE Ford Coupe. 24, run lees hla w'-f«, her huaband. Anna Delle bearing thereon. properly verified to me at the office ANYBODT wishing milk at gallon H. L. BEROMAN, ,Judina piano and ««rage. Inquire «han year, extrae, corda A one ahape. Wllaon and Henry H. Wllaon, her rates cell Riverside Dairy, Phone Administrator of the Estate of Frank A. DePue. attorney for the huaband, Henry A. Malln and Flor- at 204 N Second 8L, or phone 10»W Enquire thia office. of Harrison B. Gray, de­ estate at Springfield, Oregoa. on or 34F3 ence C. Malln. hla wlfe. Annle Malln. before six months from the date of Mar l H # FCR SAI.E- HI km I h island Rod 'fiitch- Jame« Malln and-------- Malln hla wlfe. ceased. this notice. Williams A Bean 'T Ó TRADE. FOR »FRINQFIELD Ing egg« 1 1 .» P " aettlng. E. Wllllam Malln. Robert Malln and TEN’A BARBOUR. Malln h'a wife. John Malln. Fan­ Attorney« for the Estate. Executrix. PROPERTY Gormley. South C Street. F-tS-M-M-S-lS-1# nie Malln. Maude Malln and the un- Dated March 17th, 102». #4.000 equity in »«.000 atock ranch. . F‘1* , , i M^tí* Ä m T m Ä departm ent of t h e interior Frank A. DePue, Attorney for the 20o aeree with »4ork and aotne tool«: F fift ~AXÍj^ T turrough« Adding Ma- Ä I have opened an A uto Re­ estate. M 19 28A-2 9-18 known claiming any right title, «a-1 UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE chine, model 2117. Call Andereon good houae and barn, orchard, and pair Shop a t the A Street 14 «ate. lien or Intere«« In the real es- Roaeburg. Oregon, February Motor Company. NOTICE TO CREDITORS lota of outrange. 40 acre« plow land. Service 8 ta tio n and w ill do tate described In the complaint herein. 1925 N otice la hereby given that the Notice for Publication all kinds o f re p a ir w o rk a t SO of which la seeded to »mall grain h^R^SAf.F.- <*arbon paper Tn*Targe defendants. undersigned Josie H Spores has been Forest Exchange« To the above named defendants. About a m'lllon feet of timber. What reasonable prices. sheet«. 28x3# Inch««, suitable for Notice Is hereby t/lven that on by th<- Probate Court of Lane County. Frank Mal'n and-------- Malln. hla wife hare you? Write me at Notl. Or«. making tracing«. The N ews Office. Samuel “ Service is o u r M o tto ” Dec mber 11, 1924, F H. and Anna Oregon, appointed administrator of C. Malln and Ida Malln. hla Ralph E. Yoder. tf. the estate of George W. Spores, de­ M Paulsen of — Gardena. California wir», nnran in iu m «#«’#--------- uunu.. .» » . — - ---- -j - J. J. W H EELER Dutton wife, Sarah Dutton and--------- SALESMAN WANTED her husband. Anna Rolle Wilson and filed application No, (J15t39 under ceased. All persona are hereby no- tilled to present the claim«, If any! '1 need a auleotnan for Springfield Henry H Wllaon. her husband. Henry the Act of March 20. 1922. (42 Stal I ••Hida will be reca'ved on Friday, Florence C. Malln. hla wife. 4«f ) to exchange the SU 'i N U ‘4 ,, v ,,.. h a v e n e a t e s t s a id estate to th e 1 rlc'nlty to sell Maytag Waahlng M"l'n and it 7 7: SO I*. Hprlngfleld M at the and __ ___ _ - .a CI. .. 29. «-»k A a *°ta 2 «» and «nrt *, O fcr<\ iw. /• 30, All Tp AH I April 3rd. l#2f>, ht 3rd, 19.5. Marhlne» Unless you are wilting to Annie Mal'n. Jam 's Malln and---------Sec high school building In Hi « . ,, , .. Malln his wife. William Mai n Roberti 15 8. Range 10 U e st W M. with n Oregon, for #U.»00 par value bonds work from 9 A M to 5 I M f!v MBI>n Mi)(n w m ---- — _ m Ma||n w)fe (hp 31uh1bw National Forest, for the; a u n n h)(| n w i.c , j Jobn «»«««« tu n « —- Hchool in District C «m , -------- ¡dhyu a w -ek. d o n i bother of school str.c. No c „ 1». - - l-ane --------------- , me. If y w MbH|1 Malln. Fannie Malm and Maude Malln. | timber on the 8E% SE^t. Sec. « Tp ____ a ___ aa I. — - . 5 . . . ». ^ lm « > a z r .ti o u n ■ » io be due ##1.000 on Aorll will put In a the above l time you can Bn(, » . th» unknown heirs of Anne Malln. 21 8 Range 3 Last. W. M. within the _ _____ »d: also all o’her persons or Cascade National foreat. y‘ in c».' ■ , f tb. yean »•» "> 1942 from -2*™ 1st. In .-»i ll nf the y a r s ,1*’1 position Partita unknown, clnlm ng sny right. The purpose of this notice la to al- ,„elusive and »500 on April l i t . I»«3 month, thia la a pern, nent poeino title, estate. Ren or interest Interest In th« t h e ; low all persons claiming the lands hearing 5M, fer cent Inter-at. The with a chance for .advancement If real nutate described ............................................... In the complaint ! selected, or having bona fide obj-c bidder must be prepared io pay fot you make good. IfCleae X HAMILL CANADAT, , ....« 1 , by order of .he County Court BtHrtanlng at a no'nt «55% chains : m , 9 ’ «^A 2 5‘ M 19 28 A 2 for L . . . County. Oregon, duly made " " fh » "f - w the a o « h line no ..«.«»as »* « » ro "« w.a aav ................ .. o f, Non-coa.--------------------- M T 9,« A 2 9. ,N THE CIRCUIT COVBT OF THE n I,«« mt «.we *1 Hnh*rt MeCowan Donation Claim i the ’ 1st dev Of N ............... o v m b e- STATE OF OREGON. FOR LANE All persons having claim« against the No «3 N'Cflcaflon No 7049. In town *t)Ep ARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR COUNTY ■aid estate are hereby notified to pre- ' h o 1« south, of Range 2 west of the- Vn,tw, g „ teg Land office senl the same with proper vouchers. W illam ette meridian. Oregon. 15.#« [tosoburg. Oregon February It. 1925. Ray I t McMurray. to the «aid ad n nhlrator at the office chains west of the southeast corner NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Mae McMurray. Defendant of Donetd Young. M0 W lln m .w e I of said ----- ------------ donation land cln'm. —---------, and run Forest Exchanges Answer# Y our Qestions TO Mac McMurray, the abovo de Street. Eugene. Oregon, re iron, within w lth’n »lx n'ng thence north 9 17 chain«, thence' Node 1« hereby given that on N’o- lat- of this n olle’ north 4t d e f 56 min W 13 77 chains. vt,mnrr ,3 1924. Ellsworth Prlndel. of r’ "N# THE NAME OF THE STATE months from the dal Oregon, the lX b ith e n c e 8 33% W. 4 43 chains. thBn<:; p RP,s Oregon filed application No Dated at E u g e n « \V 4 4» chains, to the west lino of aald 0If.g29 und<,r ,hp Ac, of March 20. am hereby r day of March, 1925. , tiF ’u u e ORIX,ON. d ‘io a p p -.r you ya«.l .» ew er the conn 7 J M ROBV. Idcnntlon land claim, th m ee north on j - , 42 Stat. 465) to exchange the j in Administrator of the estât • of the west line aforerald 20 04 chains R» NW% SE% A NE% 8W%. 80c. 33, “ W HERE IS T H IS W EST” i»hF north’vent corner of «aid ..., northwest said donation Tp. 21 8 . Range 3 East. W. M. with­ O. M Thompson, deceased. ; F , b - = oi land claim, th 'n ce e sst on the north in the Stuslaw N’attonul F’ rest. for the' Donald Young. Comedy. “ Pain as You E n te r” ■ tin« of antd donation claim «3 It timber on the NR% SWt'i. S c.. 5. ( Attorney for Estate fore the «Xplraton Of BIX ....... Admission 15c and 35c....... herlv northeast north’ ««! Tr . , p n an ge 3 Erst. W. M. with-; .... , v l.-f'ir » x v ir s 'v » '" „ " T l M 12192« 12 1928 A - 2 » 9 ;'h a'n s to t h e mo ’ nor,herlv °C the the first i , rlh. < treu t •> ju«-a . „ « „ o ti.t.-d ns place „ g M j* * j , mJ|) w t 3« chains, to I 7 1925 and the! nod appointed as ill«- th’ time time and nmi place Sklpt-------- R-.elst°r entered February ...rv'of Is m ate the for hearing objections to said report n stake , uk(1 marked „lSrhed “C. S..'’ S t h thvnce « n c e S. S 89 Noea-oal F ‘ 9 26-81-5-12 . i . . . — . — » . -------------- -- , b e D r - ' ," > '-" ‘ “ '., t , n fah *',r: ’ X an ml the . Insti and for the final settlem ent ! 'eg 58 min. W. 3.8O chain«, thence day o, Marc’». ,926. « __t u p pgbll’V«."; t h e r - f «• »» ,h " 16lh Of I N. 0 30 chains s more or less to t h e ; ................. most . easterly southeast corner of th e llN THE CIRCUIT COI R • reth m ............... M c P herson WALTER W .M C PH ER SO N . R()b(.r, MvCowiin donation land! STATA S F o , A ir,,. >»2&nrow n, „ a Brooke. Admlnlstrators- rla|„, th, nc„ W 1045 chains to th e' LAN^ COUNTY AMon“ ‘) k i e rnePtoÄ corner in angle on the east boundary L S S e tt. Margaret M. Scott, vs A. E Wkeeler. Attorney. -Bailey, her hus- Residen F 26 M M12-19 2« Ella Bailey, 'of•said MeCowan donation Land Claim Mg. 12 19 2«1 A .’ 9 1«. Clotuxens. ■ - - ,h.-nce south on th«, part boundary o' band; Tl-omu. w ife: Alfred CUm- said donatl n land klalrn 12.70% Clcmtneos. h'.s Cleinntens, hla wife; — cha'ns. to a point 6 55% chn'ns north mens, ______ m . Levona CJetnmtns, o , the southeast corner of said Me- John Ckm m ens, ----- " — ------- - — '(o w a n donation land claim, thence his wife: Andrew je s t rarnllel with the south line of 1 lemmen» his wife, being the only surviving heirs at law of Martha ’eld donn'lcn land cln'ni 15.85 chaina Clemmons and Thomas Clemmcns, ^ t o t h ’ of bfg'rnlng excepting her nuBl)nnc, w um v; — yy. p. W ALKER Call husband, [>oln both n deceased: Dellla .Tom the above description «10 aero. coaisw orth William Coatawortb ■nclud -1 1 with n the right of way o f l Jatl . 1 _____ FUNERAL DIRECTOR 'nclud aer huabnnd: S. R. Copeland. SUTTON TR AN SFER the SotMhorn Pacific railroad through Copeland, his wife; tha unknown Full Aute Equip -'«”1 «aid property, con'alnlng exclusive of hrirs of John H. Ddmunsou and Eu- Phonn 57 said right o , way 117 61 acres; also phema Edmunson. both deceased; al­ W O. W■ k10®*1 beg'nn'Rg at nn Anchor post on the so all other persons or parties un- northerly Pacific a s XI l i e s Phone 62 „ ,, i line , h. of . the . South ("Ìm rn »"i,rtf |h i¡k n o w n claiming any right, title, es-', Office Phon« «2 M Ko* ----- R. Ilrocd rlgh- c , wrv ' ' ’ < •• th’ . , leu ()J. m in i, th nee S. 30 deg 24 min unknown claiming any right title, es- ‘ H. 5 29 chains to an angle m int, thence tnte. lien or Interest In the real «state •south 7 deg. 65 n-.'n. W. 22.77 chains described in the complaint herein, d e-, ! to the north bank o , the Mohawk fendants: river, «henee S. 7 deg. 55 tnln. W. 1.25 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE j A. A. ANDERSON •bates to the renter of the stream OF OREGON;— You end nch of you. thence dov-n stream nnhatantlally ns are hereby required to appear and ; BARBER SHOP " 25 deg 3ft m in . W. « 24 Itia'WVI follow s: S. answ er aaaw the xvs..^— compaint against i ......... filed .. - — chains, S 45 dnt- 30 min. W. 6 96 vou In the above entitle«’ suit, on of t chain». S. 17 deg. 30 min OT.„ ,„ April 11th. ___ _ 1925. m id date be- w 'before 4.11 c h a n s, to the northeast-, rlv j tnK more than six works from the date lire ef pro-ertv h'reteforo eon-1 „f the order nrovidtng for pnhlicat!cn DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL 'eyed to Alexander fx-wls, thonc«!0f summons herein, and If you fall to D E N T IS T along said prnnerty line answer, »»-. for w-ant - ......... thereof, ............ ........ the . ____ plaintiff niiHib, n an n 1 j | ivfji n p lv to o cotttt v relief r- 'i#?i , d»«. 40 m'n. WÌ .. 2 0 5 , chains, wr ] a «p'piv to tn the coi*t to for r tn the Phone 43 thence N as "* deg. ' " 1, min. W 27.1« j therein demanded, towlt. for a decree! lie n e e N. more or l’ ss to tho place o f | f()rev„r nuieting title In nlaiijtlffs and V itus Bldg., Springfield. Ore. | ¡chain-, b ginning, containing 86 96 acres, ex « rn| n«f defendnnts In end to follow- ci-sivp of railroad rich, of w-nv | nK |and, low lt; Rpglnnlng it a through the same, nil of the land p„|nt» 20 ,3 chains south 0» the -orth nte- ' m-'-Mon'-’. ’-tr-- r"-’ enst enrn-r of section 33. to-'ui;hln sections 26 and 27 tn township 1« 47 south, rang 4 wns! W. M„ an 1 run- WM. G. HUGHES voc'h. cf range 2 wes-t of the Wlllam- n| nR thence north 88 degrees 57 min., FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE ette Meridian, In Lane Co. Oregon West 2P «9 eha.lns to a For t axle NOTARY PUBLIC ?” •• that you and cnch of you have no shaft driven In th’ ground 'h m ee! right, title, estate, lien or in t e r « ! ! south 2ft. 15 chains to the southw est, , Office at th’ reln. and quieting plaintiffs title corner of the southeast fourth of the F IR S T N A T IO N A L BAN K from any claim to said Inn 1 held or porthenst quarter of said aee'ton 33. asserted by you or any of you. j which is marked by a Ford axle shaft S p r lr q f le ld , Oreqon Th's snmnions ts served ir o n yen „riven In th “ ground nn the northern H«» nubl'catlnn '»•« ♦ t»xr» pursuant rxii«»aitnn* to Izx an nn order ofi I b Y * boundary a. — — j « COUTl*V 323 hv 01 w m i .» TOilll »•■■■ 99*1 of Hon G. F Fktnwor'h ma-’p In 'hl- thence along the northern h '"-d., a : y ¡ I «n’t nnd dpt- t March 13,. ,9 ? r> providing „f county road No 223. south 83 de- •h a t y o u h e s -rv'd with this sum m o-s gapes 57 . c-vt 42 68 cha’" *0 a hv -uhl'cutlon thereof once in each p-ord axle shaft driven In the ground | week for six suerosstve in the Snrlnu- j„ county read No. 496. thence along' All kinds of gravel fo r con­ i'l dd News ant requ'rtng you tep center of county road No. 49--. north! 'answer the same within six week’ 20 15 chains to a Fori nxle shaft | crete or road w ork. We from the first publication thereof, „riven tn the ground, thenc? north | m ake a specialty of crushed This summons is first so published 89 degrees 67 min., west 22.58 chains' rock and rock sand. B u n k­ March 12. 1925. , • , to IO l the ’io p place lflv t* I of ’l beginning, » ’ K I >1 t t U l » . 144 in Lane l/n ilt ers at fo o t of M ain on M ill ■V for Plnlntiffs. county, Oregon, nnd for other relief Office, Hovey Rloek. Eugene o r --.'- -» . n ftn^' (,'st„ an,t nnd C costs nnd disbursements of the street. Mar. ,2-19 26-A-2 9 16 23 su|t. This summers Is publish’ d nur- H EN R Y W. CHASE, Prop. — — w— sunnt to an order of Hon G. F. Sklp- NOTICK worth. Circuit Jtldg' In said county. NOTICE is hereby given that the dated February 26th. 192o, requiring undersign:-1 Administrator of the es- publication hereoi once a week^ for tule of Harrison B Gray, deceased, six weeks in Spring;!.«1, News, a filed his final account with the Conn- newspanor Printed and published In FRANK A. DE PUE M S u ~ " - S i S i a ATTORNEY AT LAW SPRIIIGFIE13 GRAVEL CO. NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Buldllng Sprlngftoid x Oregon. « n w p u b lic.»™ Mammoth W IN T E R One of the Best Vitamine Producing Foods P’a r t »Hnnch. rat « p l w h »»nd you’ll save many • bill. iFortora ami dlrtlrlnn’« ryerywbrrr nx-om mend thia lep rtab lr f«r It* bra!p»-givui< ' aardm rr Tliir new «Innt drrrlvpod u» for tnr n*‘\ rkf J,, trmle In vur> popular tor spring, »uinnicr and fa.I rutting. i ’h i’ b f v ' k ' i m S x t i i . ’ i A e . w r y I - « '.’ , ■"“ «•‘'h hrt.tlv d .r k ' - ¿ n ?n” X « 4 « vwl».htP •« :’ nutriUou, f-Hrt, flit. 10c; lie : I . »Or. C n n rl