?AOK FOUR THE SPBINtítilttLD NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH U», 1925 Spanda Waak-Knd H«r«—Gladys Two Couples Divorced Msthodlat Brotherhood In Ih« Ima»- lulnlatrallon nt the University of Ore­ Oaken, a teacher In th * Cottage Urove On grounds of cruel and Inhuman meni of the church, Franklin K. Foils gon. spoke to I I » meeting on "Buper- school«, »pant the week-end with Mra. treatment Beatrice Lorraine Mann professor in the school of busines» ad L lltlo n in Bualnnea,“ Monday evening F. E. Lauhan har«. was given a divorce Tuesday In cir­ Vlaitinp w . A. McBee Horn«- Lloyd Cuta Finger— F M Delp, au noi cuit court from Jess Millard Mann Campbell of I'ortland 1« a vtaltor at ' plovee of the Anderson Motor com She was also given the custody of The couple wo re married the W. A. McBee home. pany, cut the middle finger of his tlv Ir child September I I . IMS. left hand badly Saturday Gata Car of Grain Morrison and B’ sale Vulenauelu waa granted de A Secretarial, Bookkeeping or Stenographic course In our Cllngan. grocers and fe d dealers, un Injures Elbow— M Uuyrk, an ent tree from Samuel Valensuelu on school will prepnn* you for a good position. loaded a carload of feed Friday. ployee at the Bobo Hollow mill, to grounds p, . CP of ped east. th tareet. Mr. Brown recently bulli Mrs. T. O. Thomas for a few days. a new house thore. located at 1S67 Making Paintings— A. E. Wood Is Down from McKenzie Bridge— H. G. E 17th Street. He wlll continue hta painting pictures In the window of Hayes, proprietor of the store at Me work In thè Insurance bualneas here. the Long and Cross Plumbing Shop Kenzle bridge, was a business visitor this week. Mr. Wood paints Oregon Tuesday Down from W e s tfir— Mrs Charles scenery in his picture«, which he . Pettljohn was In town from Westfir finishes very rapidly. Ill at Daughter’s Home— Mrs. Isaac over the week-end Mrs Pettljohn’a Stevens Is 111 at the home of her home Is here, but she Is staying In Buys Lumber Here—J. H. Single- daughter, Mrs. Carl Wyman, at 734 Westfir, where her husband Is em terry of Oakridge purchased a ship- D stre* (- ployed, for a time. ment of lumber from the Booth-Kelly Visiting Couein Here— Mies Gladys n»V.' re, which waa shipped there Mend of Rockville. Connectlcutt n r-! Installs New Stitcher—J H W ill, Tuesday proprietor of the Electric Shoe shop rived Monday to vlsft with her consln Installed a new shoe stitcher Satur­ Improving Yard— Thopwald Ny- Mrs. W. H. Pollard for some time. I day. The new machine Is one of the atrom is doing some landscape garden­ latest model, and will aid him to do ing on his yard on C Street between Returns from Portland— E. R. Wing, much more repair work, Mr. W lll •th and 10th streets this week. N e w .° t the Anderson Motor company re said. shrub.« are bring set out and the en- turned from a business trip to Port- land last Thursday evening. tlre yard rearranged. Visiting Here— Mis« Carrie Flanery of Corvallis la spending a few days Goes to Columbia— W. D. McLagan. Returns from California— Mrs. Mar- here with M r and Mrs. F. B. Flanery. superintendent of the Mountain States tha W hittaker has returned to her Here From pig rod. th— Mrs. Tom Power plant here made a business ilome in Springfield after spending Morse and daughter were business trip to Columbia Mondav. The Moun- ,ke seven months In Los Angeles visitors here Friday and Saturday tain Stab’ s company recently pur- an<* Oakland, California. from Meredith. chased a plant there. In Fe day— Visitors in Springfield Complain of Do j . —Several people of Plans Improvement«—Virgil Casteel Friday Included M. J. Wearln have complained to the ; ollce of Is planning to grade and gravel E W alterville, O. P. Smith of Camp vicious degs about tow», claiming to Mrs. Doth Potter of W alter have been bitten by them. street betw-en south 2nd and 3rd Creek Owners streets for about three quarters of a villle and Nels Coffee of Vida. of such dogs are warned by Chief of block to his new home on W illamette 1 «?•_ ’ 1 nca for Running Engine— A Police Charles Nolf to keep them con­ Heights. He w ill also repair th e!., John Doe’ ’ fine was collected at the fined. or they will be taken. Following a supper given by the Answer to last wsoh’n puzzle.' auaciú t t lU IP P E H M ana [Ana láO Hiaa araw u u „ s a n iï( ia ( w iän N E E D l.[ E B 0 R [W SaBfelsis nanna city hall last Thursday afternoon from a man who left his engine running 8PJ C,h1L , PÎUCE ° " ’ la,e work' nr N W. Emehy. dentist. Sutton Bldg Returns to Home— Lloyd Aubrey while he left his ear. returned to his home In Creswell Saturday. He has been here for a few days at the home of Ben Skinn-r, following dismissal from the Pacific Chrlst’an hospital after an operation there ANNOUNCEMENT We take pleasure In announcing that we are now distribut­ Before you buy come and listen to the Famoun Croa- ley. Demonstrations any evening A. F. NEAT 758 B St. Quaker State Oil Refinery Products loO Per Cent Pure Pennsylvania Motor Olla 100 per cent Is the starting placr, NOT the ending place. It Is the base, not the finished product. , refined from this base are of varying qualities, high and low. PLANT GRAFTED FRAN- QUETTE WALNUTS They will make you money One of the best blocks of Vrooman Franquette In State, select type, well grown. All other stocks, filberts, apple, pear, cherry, prune, plum, peach, aprl cots, etc- Small fruits etc Right stock at right nrices. Submit your want Hat. send for prices 35 years In husienss. of the non-vlscous qualities left In other grades of motor oils. An excedlngly high grade oil at 35c a quart. JOLLIFF SCAIEFE MOTOR CO. Fifth Avenue CARLTON NURSERY CO. Carlton. Oregon If It Doesn’t SELL ITSELF don’t Keep It! A phone «sill will bring the Maytag Oyrufoatn to your home. There Is no cost—no obligation. Tencter Chops and Choice Meats of aH Kinde r WASH WITH IT. EUGENE Dr. Mellenthin Holverson Bros, Props. SPECIALIST In Internal Medioina for the past twelve years DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at OSBORN HOTEL, TUESDAY. APRIL 7, Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY No Charges for Consultation Dr. MullentL.„ U a regular gradu­ ate in medicine and surgerv and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He Hloes not operate for chronic appendi­ citis, gall «tones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adnoids. He has to his credit wonderful re­ sult« In din ases of the stomach, lirer. bowels, blood, «kin, nerves heart, kidney bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg Ulcers and rectal aliments. Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients In Oregon. Hedwlck Wilson, Gold Beach, Ore., warlcoee ulcers. F ran k Koehler, The Dalles, Ore., stom ach trouble. Mrs. E. C. Hammock, M yrtle Point, Ore., goitre. Mrs. Jlhn McCue, lakeside, Ore., appendicitis. Henry W estfall, Ontario. Ore., ulcer of stomach. Mrs E. C. Bates, Baker. Ore., heart Mrs' E. C, Bates. Baker, Ore.| eczema. O. M. Richey, Boring. Ore., heart trouble. Louis 8. Stleber, 32« E. Buchanan. Portland. Ore., adnoids and tonsils Renum ber above date, that consul- tatlon on this trip w ill be free and that his treatment Is different. Married women must be accompa­ nied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg, Los Angeles. California. The various oils The Quaker state super-reflnlng takes out 2S per cent more For Juicy Steaks COMING TO A. E. Roberts, President. Eugene. Oregon «»92 Willamette 8». ors for A home without a Radio is like a home without a Friend |h b o a rl walk Phone 666 T 't D B M E a aaartsi aaci am (¿inu emuiw sen aiaaiaa MORI rw -S T * Eugene Business College You don’t need to buy a license Comb your hair or change your clothes to Join the "picture takers club"—just go to— Baker-Button 7 West 7th. and buy a Kodak--------- Everybody Fotographs FOR YOUR WEEK- END HOLIDAY don’t fall to Include a good big box of our /delicious candles. Else you’ll miss much of the pleasure of your outing. Our chocolates, bon-bons, etc., aild Irnnv-nsely as Joy makers. Un­ der no circumstances go away without some. • OUT8TANDINO MAYTAG FBATURKB 1— Wash«» fiwiOr. The Gyrafoam principle create» a more highly energized, turbulent und conllnuoualy effective water action. No Idle water. 2— Washes cleaner. The Gyrafoam principle mixes the aoap evenly through the water, and force# the auper-cleanilng. aoagder washing solution through the mealies of the clothes. No idle suds. 3— Largest hourly capacity In world— 60 lbs. ordin­ ary family wash per hour. 4— Most compact wanher made—takes floor apace only 25 Inches spuarn. 6— Cast aluminum tub— can’t warp, rust, rot, «well, split nor corrode. fl— Easily adjusted to your height and height of tubs. 7— Clothes can he put In or taken out while waeher Is running. 8— Tub cleans Itself in 30 seconds. 9— Metal «winging ringer. Ixiw, Swings Into poaltlons. Adjusts Itself automatically for handker chiefs or blankets. Automatic Ilralnboard. Instant tenslon-releaiv. All parts enclosed. If It doesn't »ell Itself on its super­ speed performance—don't keep It. If It doesn’t sell Itself on Its unsur­ passed nlcetly In washing chiffons, georgette, and all other dainty things —don't keep It! If It doesn't sell Itself on Its highly energized turhulnnt water actlon-^- don't keep It. If It doesn’t sell Itself on the way It cleans grimy, greasy overalls—don't keep It! If It doesn’t sell Itself on Its complete elimination of hand rubbing—even of waistbands, cuffs and dollars— don't keep It! If It doesn't sell Itself on Its self cleaning. seamless corrodeless, scumlesB, satln-siiuxith, cast alumi­ num tu b - don't keep It! If It doesn't sell Itself on Its j hi ten ted self-adjuslng, Instantaneous tension- release wringer—don't keep it! — BUT If It does tell Itself, you won't go another day without It! Don t Delay— Call Now Sold on Easy Payments ’ Gyrafoam 'asher C.WÍTH CAST A1JJMINUM TUB 9 REA8ON8 FOR WORLD LEADERSHIP THE MAYTAG SHOP EGGIMANN’S Headquarter« with D eny Plano & Furniture Co. 740 Willamette St. W. F. GRAFF, Manager, Phone 1470