PAGE TH REW THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TIHHWDAY. MARCH 1», 1025 Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L PUB LICA TIO N LANE CANARY LOCAL 189 • • » » » » O FFICERS OF LANE CO UNTY FA R M ER ’S UNION COUNTY U N IT NO. »4 ‘ WITH OUR EXCHANGES * COAST FORK LOCAL Local Raportar» * From the Kun*a* Union Farmer we [• Canary _ ....... ........... J . L. Nortbup • _________ ' Ray Bower • reprint a part of President Jardine'* • Central farewell uddreea to the K»naua State . Cloverdale __ Mrs. L. J. Oetchell • • Coast Fork ..Mrs. Geo. Kebelbeck * Agricultural College. “My experience In the agricultural • Creswell ______ Mrs. M. A. Horn • College ha* fixed me more firmly than • Dorena ....___ Mr». Ada Jennings • ever In my conviction that In co­ • H e c e ta _....___Mrs B. Baker • operation Ilea the eolutlon of most • Hadleyvlllel __ Mrs. M. Gillespie * • nt our national problem» and conse­ • Jasper _______ Mr». Grace Jones Mrs. C. M. Foster • quently the permanent betterment of • L o r a n e ... ......... the American nation as a whole,’’ be • McKenzie Mrs Lawrence Millcaln * • Mt. Vernon... Mrs. V. A. Reynolds • stated. “We m ust remember that here In • 8llk Creek ............... Bulah Smith • the United fitat/x we are moet of us • T r e n t __________ .. E. B. Tinker • business folk. If we are not, we at • V id a __________ Mrs. W. E. Post • Coant Fork lx>cal uint In regular Wo »re glad to be »bio to report • Ralph Laird, Creawell, President. • that llrolber HaatAr who has boon • W ill Wheeler, Trent, Vice Prtel- • ««aalon on March 12 wMh Vlce-I’reel- • d«nt Powell In the chair. bothered hr a atruko of paralysis 1» • deijt. One »plication for nr mberxhlp ac­ well onougb to roounio hl» plane In • Betty Kappauf, Cottage Orove, • • cepted. Hum,ay school. Welcome back, brolh- • ecc.-Treae. F. C. Furher reported on the good • N. A. Horn, Cottage Orove, Door • or Iteeter. • r»«da committee. Thl* body will hold Mrnthera Fink »nd Wllllan* are In • K»»p»r alalllng new cream «operator», pre­ • H. C. Jackson, W altervllle, Con- * a Joint aesalon with (he grange and • county court on the last Saturday In paratory to the heavy milking » « « in . • ductor. > * March. Brother» hT»k and Wllllan* »re In- • 0 . L. Clement, Chaplain. Report of the market comm ittee. a hen nt from hla raneh for the laat RUb-coinmltbr« appointed to meet with year and a half working In » log­ Dorena on Tuesday night to Invite co- ging camp 1» back on the farm again operation. | least are closely connected with busl- cheering tie all with bis genial »mile, K W. Powell appointed to act on the nesa. We do not have a »Ruatlon In lie *«y* the farm la the beet after »1? i agricultural council temporarily. which there 1« buslne»» In the towns Our Kqiulay achool attendance la Wonder how many of our readers Aa the regular meeting place will and cities and something else on the picking up »Ince the weether and ihe noticed the bit of praise (list J. L. used by Its owners on March 26 farms. We have buslne»» and busl- road* commence to Improve. Hunday Nortbup of Canary gave our paper In j be ' . . l - i >ki. x . . - a . « ifo a a t Fork local will meet on Satnr- nesa men on the farms. Each of these school at 2 P m.. every pleasant Hun­ las, w e - k . le te r n h l. day w hen. U y n iB h t t hB2gth . neBd u lmpro„ h„ day. Everybody cordially Invlled to , r i ! i . i » | ti m i in i' "T ln W. T. OsrouUe. appointed to art business methods. The town man fee atiend. " ix I l k " * II In l a r k n e M M • committee to Interview members had Ibnger experience, more help In Qomtlonv anggeeted by the varlou» his business method» than Ihe farmer member* to be dl»cn»»ed and voted ' "i H«hi' it . wav tn aroater nroeress ®o ,h * ablpment of car load of limy». “ j The McGowan family are moving It has been oor purpose in the agri- n a at the lineal'* regultr monthly i g i. r a ms 'to Cottage Orove from the May place cultural college and It will be m y m eetln Come and take your part In , Th; . O,” ,Wr T , u , ‘t , « » creek. purpose in any field of work that I aettllng the«» Important question»: n i i “* r ,u 'lru 11 ' ‘ " Judd Doolittle purchased a house enter, to help the farmer In thl» dl- “Khali the name of our ,'nlon be operallon. The Farmer« Union of Lane A g Ngw, ^ changed to Maple Creek Parmer» Un­ county have two cooperative enter­ Mrs. Msry Doolittle of Cottage “If we are going to make a fair ion.“ "Hhntl our Union Inetnll a radio prises. The Ix»m< County Farmers Grove spent the week-end with her Interest return on the land we have aet In Ihe hall I Union Warehouse and the Lane Couli- got to do one of three things,—low- "Hhall we appoint e representative |y p^rnKra Union News. The success , brother E. F Carllle. 1,. D. Huff sold a load of hogs last or our standard of living, deflate th« to the Ixine County Agricultural t oun- jb(> „nterprlse* depends In part up- value of the land or make the land week. ell." ion the manager of the first and the | Haze, and Helen Huff -Kathlrtt produce a larger Income. There Is no "Khali we change back now to semi ¡,,d „ or nf |aHt. neither will auc- and Madellle Kuppanf and Oeorgle farmer but will see that the last monthlv me«»Inge." iceed without the coop« ration of the K c b e lh e c k spent Sunday at the ,,f these Is the practical, common- "Khali we authorise our secret ary ' me,nberw o f Farmer« Union Especial- Schneider homo. Celebrat'ng W*l- sense thing to do. By producing the tresHUrer to act as purchasing sgent. )y (a ,h ,a (rue (b(< papi,r> a , . right kind, the right quantity, the secure wholeeat- prices, and pool *’”r and cotwmunlty news stand» ’V * * r ' 'right quality of farm products, we order» once a weak or at definite , f()IMWOg, > notes of live Interest and Editorial fixed times." ¡farm helps stand next In line of Itn- "Khall we appoint a comm ittee ,o j portance» If our reporter» fall ua repair the Unton LoeaVe mot, nr *“ l , hen our paper will fall. There are front of our hall or arrange for t Lom e points that Ihe editor would painting to be a new oio | Ifka |o bring go the attention of Mr. and Mrs Rodgers ore harpy ;our ra„niberg First the paper Is now ov- r the arrival of an eight poun go)ng ,a(jj neurly »00 home» xnd place» Every boy who arrived March«). Every ,of buslne»» in Lane county and body Is doing fine. going Into tw elve different Rtoke. ranch, which Include. „f -a o bfc o U u N n tie OR E G o O n N c LO I I t s o r en " b acre ,“ ln of a ,an(, '8 r ’' er M(Jat net , of nco me f TO ra pr,.ry th(g HAVE COUNTY AGENTS be done by the individual farmer on j -------— his own farm. All Oregun counties with agrtcul- "The farmer also has a serious mar- tural agents last year have contlued ketlng problem, however. There must for this year and three adltlonal coun- cooperation to discover the de­ ll.» have Joined the grvup Lane, n)an(] fnr produots from *ea»on to sea­ Coos and Grant. The first two are re- son anlg H e cannot afford to pay much m .d-t and trust they willI be * ^ „„,1 » r e r ly .ll.r, . me«.e„g,-r of c . m ¡policy -¡^ „ r v with lc e and federal It simply -means a reduction phvuUMl with their new location in«y (n< and ab„ V(J aj| „ splendid - - — are bringing a number of llv> stock for advertl»1ng Lane County department of agriculture. The ex- ,n thp aprea(1 between the amount re- with them. Ia nd Its Farmers Union. As far as tenslon service Includes 30 of tNc 3« ceived by the farmer and the amount Brother Ilolesnpple I» Installing ■ ,be editor has been able to ascertain counties of the state In Its coopera- pa,d by , he consumer." We take a personal interest tire work, which is now closely orga- doctor Jardine stated, In closing, new radio at his home. i Ixine county Is the only county In in every p atron’s progress be enters thx’department of »gri­ Everyb>|,y renugnber th>- ¡,ha united Slates that has its weekly nixed In four fifths of the counties. ,j " h e th e r his account be ns follow«; 'culture anxious "that everyth n g that «• x t c I s »» at the Farmer» Volon Hall. _ rlMra u n)<)n pap,.r and the read- large or small. In fact, we Union, Lincoln. Umatilla. Malheur j Kha„ do ghan contribute to the (D efinite date to be nnnounre«l later) ' p#e by # perHOna, laUer pub. strive to be just the kind of CLOVERDALE LOCAL Under the auspices of the local « o0' | „ ahe<| „igcwhAre In this lesu. that the Benton. Jackson. Baker. Douglas. Wa- farroer«s betterment and hence. I be- bank you really need. sco Multnomuh. Klamath, Clackamas. )(eve , o tp p permanent betterment of day echool, and everybody 1« < or )(, ea )jt ,Mdng urged In other statee. dially Invited to come prepare, to Bn( |f> re|#te every enterprise Jnsephene, Lake, Deschutes, Clatsop. (be u n|t/>d States. Cloverdale 'Local met In retJular take on active part In t h e program. n)U »ubscrlptlon. us- ate of the state college and form er' fi)rced to Hell drugs th a t are em ­ started work on (ho Hill Creek road. New membors and other Farm ers Union Members who phatic in their purpose of curing Some trees have been cut down and are not subscribers to the Farm Union News are requested a number of stumps blown out. Ills. to cut this blank and mail it to the Springfield News, Painters have begun repainting Fresh, pure tlurgs never carry the steel bridge that crossos the W il­ Springfield, Oregon. Your local Southern Pacific agent is an expert n Buperfielal dem eanor, they lamette here. in transportation matters. Let him help you. act true and In tlila fact alone Charlie Mont.dl has rented I.«w there I k houndless Hatiftfactlon rence Walkers ranch on tin h"ad of THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Ask him regarding: (F anners Union Subscription) nntl a senae of security. lltlls creek. F a re s I hlrley, pabv din.ghte,- of Mr. and Buy (your drug-stoiM goods Date. hen- an,I let us fill your pre­ Mrs, L. R. Hack Is quite sick. P. S. Hills has been hnsy for the scriptions. Name ........ past few days laying nnd oiling the Thus benefit by his experience and training floor In his new house. P. O. Address We Enjoy the Confidence —he is eager to serve you. H. R. Conrad had the nil» foriunc to Union Local .. lose one of his hounds. It was run of Our Customers over by a car. T h e First National Bank Confidence IsTThe Main-Spring of Established Trade Subscribe For the Farmers Union News Travel Planning- «ci helpjiil advice ' S c h e d u le s R o u te s R e se rv a tio n s, etc. From A Wise Boy Dullard: "Why do you work night and day to get an education?’’ Scholar: “Ko I will learn Just how little 1 know.” .............................192... to .............. .192. Member F. E. C. U. of A. For services rendered by the Farmers Union and $....................... , this receipt entitles the holder to subscription to the Springfield News Southern Pacific CARL OLSON, Agent