c t>f •'6j S P R IN G F IE L D — O R V O T K O TO IN T E R E S T O F 6 F R IN O F I1 L D A N O , T H E F A R M E R * OF THE f W IL L A M E T T E VALLEY «A , > T» W ESTERN T E R M IN A L OF THE NATRON THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W B N T Y-tì EC( )N I ) Y EA11 CUTOFF "Th« People'« Paper" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N 8PRINQOTBLD. LANE COUNTY. ORBOON, THt llSDAY. MARCH 1«, 1925 N U M B ER 9 SPR IN G FIELD BAND BLOCK NEW SCHOOL SHE CONCERT IN ENJOYED Good Attendance H ears Band, Or- c h o ir s , Instrum ental and Vocal Selections Last N ight j Legion Adjutant A udit Shows T o w n $120,517 in Debt Board to Pay $1,000 for Piece of Property Valued at $5,600 on Condition that New School Be Nnmed "Brattain School.' The Springfield band concert held Liabilities Placed at $209,694 and Assets at $89,177; $38,718 Over- last night In the Christian church due from Property Assessments as is also $30.000 in Interest; j was well attended and the varied pro­ If Property Owners Should Meet Obligations City Would be gram given wa* much enjoyed. The hand concert wa* Interaperced with in Fair Condition. ¡»election« by the orchestra as well as M r>tn tv re nt the Ural (ulu I .a ml Co. ‘Instrumental and vocal solo«. The Showing the net indebtedness of the town of Springfield to be m et with the d iy school board Friday character of the program showed that $120,517.37 and that there is now overdu® principal and Interest tii|h ( , o ffe rin g , a« it eight (or the new the Spr ngflrld hand le becoming an grade school building, a block Iwlween amounting to nearly $69,000 and the audit of the municipal books accomplished musical organisation. C and 1» el rente, Just vast at loth has been practically completed by Gilbert Tyson and C. A. Horton, Following Is the program: ■treat. certified public accountants. While the auditors have not com­ March. Majestic. ....... ....... Orchestra I The block contain» twenty-eight ¡Vocal Solo .....................Walter Goaeler pleted their work of untangling years of bad bookkeeping a lot», which, at the prevailing market Selection, Kiss me. Caress me of 12««, apiece, would amount io statement as of December 31 has been rendered before the work Orchestra $5,600 The lira t tain J Jimi Co, offers of analyzing the different funds was started. The hardest part Song, Murphy, Mosbler quartette James Barton of Fort Dodge and the plot for 12.000. donating the rant of the auditing is to reconsile funds which have borrowed from U»vea Telephone ----- „--- --- Orchestra; Dea Moines, la., has been made providing the school la called "Ilrat- adjutant of the National American other funds, one item carried for years as $23,000 in “bills re­ Violin Duet Arthur and Paul Potter] tain Hchool." The board accepted the Selection, In After Years, Orchestra Legion. An effort is being made ceivable” has been completly wiped off the books and must be offer. to make the appointment for his Vocal Solo .... — Eunice Parker i lifetime. accounted for. The work of surveying the properly, Walt». Indiana Moon__ ___ Orchestra and draining It will be started very The audit show total bonds outstanding as $186,400 and w ar­ !.March. Victory or a Nation....... Band soon. according lo It. W. Smith, clerk rants $2,836.30. PROGRAM GRADE SCHOOL Cbareetlc, Trombonlum. .... . Band of the m-hool board. ! Violin Solo, w, D King O PPERETTA ANNOUNCED Not In Bad Condition OPPERETTA office whose training is entirely in­ Releetlon, Heart» and Flowers Hand —— ■ i The city would not be in bad flnan- adequate in the keeping up efficiently KENSINGTON CLUB M EETS ttmr Spangled Banner Band' An open tta . 'ITho Gifiet br t h e ' clal condition If the overdue aseess- of coordinated control records de­ FRIDAY AT W H IT N E Y HOME D. W. King and Glenn Veeder of Fairlee." will be staged by the Lin- ment8 were met by Pr°PertY owners. signed to furnish reliable statem ents Eugene assisted the local band in . v . .. u There Is now everdue som e $38,453 of the financial and operating results «h lr entertainm ent .ast even ln * I*0*“ ’Ch° ° l W “ ’ 8ChO°' ’ hlch b8" — mulAtM estimated The Kensington Club was enter- to the Council and Finance Commit­ auditorium Friday evening at 7:30 Interest of $30,000. If th ese tw o tee. The auditors, with this in mind, talnad »Friday at the been* of Mrs. Harry Whitney, with Mrs Whitney T W E N T Y PLAYERS O U T FOR o'clock. About 200 children will take 'amounts were taken care of the city's have outlined the following, which anti Mr». Alfred Morgan as point ) part. Mra. Ora Reed H-men w ay,: ^ e b te d n e s s would be materially re­ will be set up in simple form and Gutzon Burglum, American F IR S T BASEBALL PRACTICE principal of the grade school, arrang- / ' uce*l- boateeeee. furnish such detailed information as sculptor, rmploved to carve a great Daffodils and Rt Patrick's day de i Confederate Memorial on Stone ed the Opp* retta and composed the! Following is the financial state­ might be desired, vix. Budgetary Com About twenty boys turned put for coration» w* re used about the house ■ Mountain, Atlanta, Ga., ha» been ment of the Town of Springfield., on parlsons of Actual Revenues with tho first baseball practice of the sea­ speaking parts. December 31, X924: A luncheon was served by the boa- discharged by the committee. He The program is as follows: Estimated Budget Receipts, A nalysis Is charged with destroying rnudeis son at the high school Monday. Ar tease«. Mrs Donald Young of Eu­ Financial Statement of Budget Income and Expense to Irungements are being made to have Opening chorus and grand review, after being discharged. gene and Mrs. W. H Pollard of Town of Springfield, Oregon Actual Income for the purpose of Ex-, the first gam#* against Marcola on (C u rta in ) Springfield were m eats of the club j Dec. 31, 194. pendlture Control within the pre­ March 27. « ; « Love Song to the Flowers Third Grade for the afternoon LIABILITIES: scribed limitations. Six letter men reported to practice. iT etty Gold, n Sunbeams Second Grade Bonds Outstanding Members »'tending the meeting NEEDLECRAFT E N TE R TA IN S “Thd abovg installation together All the basemen are back, with Paul The Kain Chorus-------------F.fth Grade were: Mrs. O It Keeaey, Mrs 8am ON ST. P A T R IC K S DAY Nice at first, John Cox at second, and 8on<—Queen of Fairies..Fourth Grade G enl. Impr. 1st issue ............$50,000.00 with modern ledger necessary sub­ Wright. Mrs. C. E. Swarla. Mre, Her­ Gen'l Impr. 2nd issu e______ 50,000.00 sidiary books and records kept In ac­ Tb« Needlecrnft entertained the Ray Casteel, third. Merl M cM ulln. O la lo g u e ................. ........................ Fairies Oen'l R efd. due Feb L1932.. 35.000.00 cordance with standard instructions. bert Moore, Mre. Korf, Mrs W C. a a r « de e a. --------- t u a u U V IIU U 3 . Ilebhan. Mia* Edna Hwarta. Mrs. Whit­ husbands of the members with a pitcher, and l o l l c e Cole and Howard Song—Come Dance with Me. ..Fairies A-4-5-«-7 St. imp. "refunding" 50.000.00! under the d r e c t supervision of th e Hughes. outfield letter men also re- Bro’ rn‘« Chorus...... ........ Second Orade ney and Mrs Morgan. house party Tuesday evening at the Sewer Bonds of July 15 1924 1.400.00 Council and Finance Committee will . . • ■ » , ~ W E ,s “nbonnet Babies are We Third Grade The neat meeting of the club will be home of Dr. R. P. Mortensen. A din­ ported. elim in a te the confusion and eonglom- * •• 'Overall Boys are W e _____ Third Orade with Mra. C. E Swart». Friday, March ner was held a t « 30 o'clock after Totol bonds outstandlng..$186,400.ug, eration of town a«airs as have been (Curtain) 243 A T C H R IS T IA N (0. which a radio concert was enjoyed. Fund B aian e«: 1 evidenced by the necessity to check v* - The decorations were 8t. Patrick’s SUNDAY SCHOL HERE Appearance of Flowers....... First Grade A-4-5-6-7 St. Paving____ 22,996.43 the past ten years or more in many ...------Fairies and Flowers ’ Bond sinking fund day color». -<«»«» .¿I Have St, Patrick*» Party 7.630.96 ' instances to reconcile accounts, The Chrlst'an church Runday school i0 ““0’ ot Bee" ,n<1 Buttarflie« |F irst SL I m p r .________ Those present were Messrs and t 50 35 “However within the next few days. Mre Lee W Clark and Mr« T. C. First Grade General F u n d __________ 80.38 the Town of Springfield will have a Barker, entertained the P. N. G. club Mesdomes f . O. Wilson, A. C. Wilson. had an attendance of 243 last Sunday ’ Blossoms F a i r -------------- Third Grade , Gen l Impr. sinking fund ___________ ________________ 4.698.64 first class and up to date accounting Tuesday evening. March 17, at the John Ketels, Carl Olson, A. E. May. Those prea,'nt committed to memory The n ^ L t P P ear------------------- F‘r ,t Orade Oe“ ‘ rmPr Intere8t fund........ 4,266.71 system and set o’f books and rerordi former's home, at Third and Broad­ O. H. Jarrett. Alex Mt-Keney, W. D !>'( v.-rses of the new Testament Scott, W. H. . . Pollard. way. way. The spirit of 8L Patrick's day 1 Crites. , W. ” J, ...... ................. . . . . . . i. .. H Sunday school has enjoyed a steadv 30.14 comparing favorably with those neces- (Curtain) j Library Fund reigned In the decorations and » • i , "wart. M, A, Long, W. H. Adraln, growth-and Increased Interest accord­ 52.40 sary in the successful conduct of any freshmenta. At the close of the bust- D ru ry 1* " d R p - Mortensen, ing to the teacbere. • Pianologue — Sunbonnet Babies and Sewer No .2 « 307.61. private business and from which tne Overall Boys. ! Street Impr. Fund noss meeting, n <1 lirlnus two course i“ ” *>r’ 8 ' R8lpb Dlppel. The primary department under the 307.61 Towm officers should be enabled to luncheon was served on smalt tables, l next mel. I.,mk, ’ ' Finance Committee. K*>rf, F eiw ,-k, Brunirti», Lanshcry, IN C R E A S E IN P O S T A L of Dallas Murphy. D. J Beals and Dialogue, King and Queen, Maxine , Main 8t. sinking, overdrawn.. 1.057.93 Hetncnway, Milton Loam. Main St. Int. overdrawn....... 377.77 Barker Clark, Miss Mary Roberts — . . . EFFECT SOON Oliver and Donald Wilder. RATES IN Flowers ----------- ------------------- Return i Sew er fund overdrawn ___ 3.832.26 FATHER OF LOCAL DOCTOR Knox. B a rn « , D n ty i Putnam and PASSES A T BRO W N VILLE Total overdraft ............ $20,454.33 Increased postal rates provided PR ESID EN T STA TE WOMAN S Finale ---- ---------------------------- Chorus ■ Little Mlaa Bobby Putnam, ----- ------------------------ i Net Fund Balance Credit.. 20,458.59 „ .... . _ in the act passed by congress Febru­ CLUBS TO ADDRESS CLUB ary 28 has reached the local post- Fined for aPrklng at H ydrant — ( PROGRAM ROF 4L’S “" » '•« •V "«a“ , " , Post cnrrls be >"<* two v-ouis cents T w o men w ere arrested Sunday for o fflc- ------------- - will "" Every member of the Civic club I» j parking too close to afire hydrant, i ,n",p"'’ »»« •» heretofore after the urged by their president. Mrs. Paul mus ca a ou c ca Both declined to give their natnes. A !*' ! F<>cs into effect April 16. Ooveru Ooveru. Bratta'n to attend a meeting Tueolny ! A tentative program for the the 4L 4 L ILeln Dccket V id ....... ------ ...... --- 38,718.78 ' He hJ .p 1 7 ----- — '»-niniive program ror u u u p p a a m ■ $2 fine was paid by one Monday morn­ ment postal cards will not be in­ ev».n(f,v u . . 1 K . , n ,h v o e given .... .. .Iasi- nad bt en bothered by heart e * !wmb',r mualcale. to be Monday night at 1'eln Docket due and payable r . ------------------ .« .-m t« ir , it» g iv e n j creased. ing. while the other forfeited hall. trouble for several years. ( local om m cluh'wTtlfth rrcc when the n affH a f f i l i a ,,» t i o ° n n *f i f 'he ih « i f i 0 n n ° $ - ____. . . . ln 'he woodm*n h«l> has been, (Estim ated) ----------------- 30.000.00 The classification of third and Mr. Rebhan was born in Quincy, of W o n e m '7 e U m T " . e‘,era,,on n,art'“ ou'- “'though it is not yet co m -|To'“ ' A ssets ---------------------- $89,177.37 fourth class mail will be changed of U o n e m s clubs will be discussed. Speaks on Scouts Illinois 73 years ago. He came to plete. It Is expected .that there will Net Indebtedness Town of M r« H I E I- /a va. X .................. v * Hcv tt-u .444EM. LUere W ill u p o k iv k s Oregon with an ox team in 1862. and Delhert Oberstenffer, physical In­ under the new act. The third class Mr», i^ ld ie Orr Dunbar. president be »everal additions made yet this Springfield settled on a homestead near Browns structor at the University of Oregon, mall will be packages under tight f the state federation, is much inter- week. » Total ................... Tllle. He married Miss Rosanna in the «tubs local which group belong as are lo nth#»r i tv was the speaker at the Lions Club ounc«W white fourth class will 1«, c»ted neighboring L « n i t*. X T ™ 8POn’ Ored by ,h e ! Herring, who died In 1919. and was luncheon Friday. Mr. Ohersteuffer those In excess of eight ounces. The Chairman Cox of the Finance Com the father of five children, four of , °' everyons. The Eugene spoke on the Boy Scout movement, rate will be m cents for each two Mate organisation. Members M «he n ,« Springfield group feel that It wW be a c l m n . ? ^ ¿ ’ B° Oth Ke,ly lumb*r mitte makes the following statem ent whom survive him. They are: Dr. hdvlfig hnrt several years experience ounces In third class and by sone in fourth class. distinct advantage ,o them ha" ,n’ 1,ed l ° ‘ l,en d ’ in regard to the auditors figures: W. C. Rebhan of this city, Mrs. W. C. In that line. “The above Financial Statement Templeton of Albany, Miss Mellie Several other rale changes will be «he-maelwves with the Oregon federa­ The Springfield band has promised Fined for Parking Without Lights made including the coat of money tion. according to their preaident. to give a selection, as will also an covers the condition of the Town of'R ehhan of Seattle, and Mrs. A. L. orders. Also money orders will no Membership In the state federation orchestra under the direction of J. C. Springfield as at December 31. 1924, l Wendon, also of Seattle. The funeral Among those paying fines for park |()n Juvenile Is a,’ also ° before the new bookkeeping system was held- In Brownsville Sunday. longer be Issued In amounts exceed- la held by all the larger and more Parker. ‘ ? A T * " ' ! ° orchestra rCbeRtra ** Ing without lights (luring tho p a s t,, )|)(t Important club groups in all of th e 1 P , to p,ay Several vocal solos was installed and before an auditing week were B«n Davidson. Mrs. Frank 1 _ __ cities of Oregon * nd ,- will M arriag e Licenses Issued St. Patrick's day emblems recorated The viola-tors were caught under the ——. a .. duet, and auu Walter n a o e r Qossler, uossier, harl- hari- inK procedure recommended by the: the m e home no me of or Mrs. Mrs. Sam Sam Wright, Wright, who who la'ng Marr an* licenses have been Issued En tertain s Genefleld new ordinance rcgplat'ng light on tom . Miss Eunice Parker, Mrs. R. R. i Auditors has been accepted by the entertained a new social club Tuesday, parked cars at night on Fifth street. Id,,rl“ K th" I»»« w< ¡'k to (he following Mrs. Carl Olson entertained the HnrberL and D. W. McKinnon, tenor, S ° Uncil' after caretu' "‘udy, as an ef- As yet the club has no name. Green ____________________ l»y the county clerk: Frank G. Ed­ Genefleld bride club a t her home will each sing solos. Naomi and Iowa !ie<:t,ve means of establishing stand- shamrocks decorated the luncheon wards and Dora Gentry, both of Mar Inst Thursday nfternnnn. Three Many O ut of Town People Here— Mrs. cola; F. W. Hnuk and Ruby Gaster. guests were present, and the after- Carlton, and Mrs. D. W. McKinnon ards, which will contribute to perman­ served during the afternoon. Many from out of town wore hualneaa ently stabilizing the economic control W right was assisted by Mrs. W. C. both of Springfield; Dale B. McCoy noon wns »pent at card gamejk. The an drMs. C. E. Swnrta will sing duets vls^tora In Springfield Saturday. Wright. Several more instrumental of the Town. and Myrtle Prlece. both of Cottage hostess served a luncheon late In the also. Among them were Mra. Hurley Wll- "An important feature upon which numbers are being planned but the Members of the club at the m eeting Grove; Clarence M. Lowe and Lily afternoon. llama of Vldh. W. H. 8andera of committee In charge Is not yet sure any municipality should gauge their were Mrs. M. J. McKlln, Mrs. C E. both of of Noti; Buel W' W Jasp* r. Mra. Sam F .w v .r .tad .laugh- Fayi» ™ y^ Pruett, ri"’ ”0,b Guests for the afternoon were: Mrs. of th/>m. • xpi resouroee tan»! liability _ .problem is „ Swa.rts, Mrs. George Katchlng, Mrs. ter from Harrisburg. Harry Powers of n "yer''"' L*»burg. and Bessie Inox John Honderer, Mrs. D. W. Crites, The regular 4L meeting will be held largely rePr< s«nted ln the lein docket IN. W. Emery. Mrs. F. L. Moore. Mrs. Winter, of Vida; Harry Alqulst nnd and Mrs. Alfred Morgan. Members of Mabel. T. W. Carney of Wattervllls, nfte rthe program. The semi-annual anti rr° per kBeP'nK ^ l s record W. N Williams. Mrs. Benjamin, and Mrs. C. E. Mrs. Martha Vining of Camp Creek, Mary E. Klrtloy, both of Eugene; nnd the club present were: election of officers will take place nt eons,ltute8 a d«««lte resp on sib ility. the hostesses. Guests for the after- Owen Spurlock and Genevieve Mc­ Fisher, Mrs. John F, Ketels, Mrs. and Phillip Gossler of Marcola. jupon the council and officers, it has noon were Mrs. Anna Knox and Mr3. Pherson. both of Eugene. A. I’. McKenzie. Mrs. Harry Whitney, the next meeting. been a difficult matter to check the O. B. Kesscy. Mrs. Paul Basford. Mrs. L. Neet, Mrs Rents Houses In City present leln docket, which however, Parent-Teacher to Meet W. C. Rehhnn, Mrs. Cogswell Camp­ Entertains "500" Club been eliminated by securing a new Jarnos McDonald, who came hero Buys Lots to Build On bell and Mrs. Olson. Tho parent-teachers association will and properly ruled book, Into which recently from Washington, has rent­ Theodore J. McCracken has pur­ The club will beet next Thursday at night.” will be discussed, The 500 club was entertained at the all unpaid lelns have been carried chased two lots on the northeast corn­ ed the T. A. Llvesley building on most Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock the home of Mrs. Whitney. hnnv» of Mrs. Zella Cantrell Friday forward. south 8th strent, nenr’ lhe railroad. er of 9th and F streets from Mrs. nt the Lincoln aehool. This is the evening. The evening wns spent "The installing and maintaining of j Mary Plronie, of Eugene. The lots William Vasby. formerly of Salem, Buys Lots regular meeting. Plans for a "daddy’s playing cards, and a light luncheon an accounting system iu a small town, are numbers 9 and 10 of block 86. rented the house of Mrs. C. J. Steln- night,"' will ba discussed. W. I*:. Fritts, living in West Spring- wns served. Attending the meeting designed fo embrace tho requisites of Mr McCracken plans to build there hnuser, on the corner of 7th nnd F field, hns bought, two lots adjoining were: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adraln, Mr. the larger places, Is always a problem some tim e this summer. '•treet-s. Ho plans to move in im­ * McKenzie Guide In Town his property from Mrs. Mary Maxwell nnd Mrs. Ronald Roberts, Mr. nnd i faced by authorities in the matter of mediately. Harry Hayes, trapper and guide of of Pendleton. Mrs. Jesse S cfvey. Mr. and Mrs. Jim keeping up such system after Install­ Mrs. Henry Chase has donated McKenzie bridge, was a business visi­ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cullen of Salem Clark. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Larimer. ing. Inasmuch as the Charter pro­ eleven books to the Springfield library Here on Busines»—Dr. M. O. Evans tor In th** city Tuesday. He is erect­ have rented a house on 9th nnd L Mr. and Mrs. L. Eubanks, M. M. Peery. vides that the Recorder shall be the which will be ready for circulation of Portland, a formor resident of ing a gnrnge on his property at Me- streets, moving in today. They ex. IE. G. Sutton, Welby Steyens. F. A. bookkeeper of the town and with the next week. Lamb s "Tales of Shake- Springfield Is In town for n few days Kpnxio bridge to take care of cars of pect to make Springfield their per­ Cllngan, Mrs. Maude T. Bryan. Cryat remunerative attraction to the elective spere” was added to the shelves this on business. motorists this summer. ¡nl Bryan and Mrs. Cantrell. manent home. position, men are frequently placed In week. » 7. ," t Z , LJ1 NN N E0 - » _ o a ' .. I j = ': . x , s