THURSDAY. MARCH 12, 1D2T» THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE EIGHT “ ABRAHAM LINCOLN" TO BE SHOWN AT REX "Abraham Lincoln," th« picture which has been the sensation of the movie world, la announced thia week as a First National picture, to be shown a< the R es Theatre in Eugene, beginning Monday of nest week "Abraham Lincoln," was more than tw o years in the making, and at tin ea as many as S.500 people appear in the cast. It deals with the life of Lincoln from hia birth, through hts boyhood, the presidency and the •»rife of the Civil War, depicts the •urrender of Lee and shows life in Washington after the war and finally his assassination. The production has been hailed as an artistic and dramatic sensat'on by the national press and Is conceded generally to be one of the most lm- portent pictures ever brought to the screen. First National decision Io distribute "Abraham Lincoln'' is In keeping with its policy to handle productions of only the highest grade, according to Richard Rowlan^ ¡production ntatw ager. __ George Billings, considered to be a perfect likenes to the famous national hero, plays the title role, and Ruth It Always Pays to Trade at Gray’s If you are looking for a place to trade where you chn be assured of right prfces. quality goods and courteous tre a t­ Clifford la seen as A line Ruthledge Ncl| Craig la Mrs. Lincoln. Theae are the principal figures In (he remark ably flue cast "Abraham Lincoln' was directed by I'hll Rosen Fram es Marlon wrote the scenario and super vised the editing A special a tm 'spheric proles "Southern Memories." featuring Hush Winder and th* American Male Qunr- tel, in vocal selections with a special stage setting, will be presented twice each night at 7:SO and 9 SO p, nt. IBANE* STORIES ALL BIG I HITS IN PICTURE FORM Few authors’ works have been »0 consistently successful as those of Vecent Blase« I bn net, Spain's fore­ most novelist. "The Four Horsemen.*' "Blood and Sand,** and "Enemies of Women.“ are but three of his colorful romnnera which have been transferred to the screen. The first practically "made" Rudolph Valentino; the secon d ,« love, epic of the Spanish toreador brought Lodge M»n Io W » l t « r v l l l » — Abciit ¡(he same star Into pictures In th* twenty-five members of the loc«l |. G , kind of rote that has made hint world­ O. F. lodge attended first end se -famous; the last was one of the most cond d< gree work given at Walter colorful productions the screen has ville Bnturday. About the some t i u t n ever seen. her of Oddfellows from Marcola were And now Ibanei ha* writ ten a story at the meeting. especially for the screen! "Arg- m ine Love," an Allen Dwnn MOut After Hines* Mrs. W J. Darl­ production for Parsrnont peatuning ing Is again able to be about aftci Bebe Daniels and Ricardo Cortes an operation several weeks ago. which com et to the Bell Theatre Sun. day. combines all (he bright spots of CALL AND SSE Dr N. W, Emerv all the previous lhanrt *cr«»n plays. , n ne* - w o n e la t e a n d wnrv • W e are now handling Shoes fur Men Women unti Child­ ren, «Ilo»*« «hill ure made Iti sull the |w»ople the went, In all new Mtock, no old and shelf worn goods. Manufacturetl In Seattle, by the W ashington Shoe Mfg. Co. A. R. SNEED Dept. Store This W eek’s Crossword puzzle Bell Theatre ment Grays is th e place. You are safe in trading here and you can be assured of FRIDAY—SATURDAY— MARCH 13—14 Cecil H. DrMilles* right price«. We have the Peter Pan line of bakery goods fresh each “The Golden B ed” morning, and its m aking a real hit. A masterpiece of Fiction No advance lit price« for thin «uper-production. Also 2 i eel comedy. "The Bonehead.* Our line of groceries, fresh vegetables, feed and flour is complete. SUNDAY. MARCH 15 Come in and get acquainted and see what we have to offer. EASH&CARRX G arden S e e d A big variety of fresh seed in package or bulk. Yes, Groceries of all kinds, plus quality and service m akes this store popular. Morrison & Clingan Hay ili«* west and made tu Grain Land Plaster Feed Quality Groceries Often times Spring appetites need tempting. Here are many ideas that will add healthful enjoyment to your meals. J u s t received a new assortm ent 8. & W. Sweet and Sour Pickles, (/? Chow Chow, Sweet Relish, Pearl Onions, Orange M armal­ ade, Delphi Figs. S. & W. Fruit Salad. ' HORIZONTAL X. Vanity. «. Begin. ' l l . Ceremonial, 13. Machine to sow with. ¡1«. Whether. I15’ Saluted. 117. Personal pronoun. IS. Aged. ISO. CRy In Massachusetts. '21. Large Wagon. ' 22. Genuine. ¡24. Edge. 125. A drove. 2«. A deluge. ¡28. Vicious sea fish. SO. Falsehood. ¡31. Circle. ¡32. Fowls. 13«. Higher. ¡38. Walking stick. ¡37. To lick up. ¡39. To clip off. 141. Outfit. ¡42. Analyze. (Grain.( 44 An animal. I46. By. 4$. Cereal food. 48. Liquid measure (abbr.) 49. Instrument for sewing. 61. Triple. 53. Margin. (Plu.) 54. Stratum. ¿Argentine 6 Love 1 » S i- illiA N MW' PH vO VCH O N » -------- - Aiao 2 reel comedy. "W est of Hot Dog." WEDNESDAY. MARCH 18 Agnes Ayres In "TOMORROW'S LOVE" CO M ING — Live VERTICAL 1. Preceding. 2. Plundered. 3. Personal pronoun. 4. Excavated. 5. Part of head. (Plu.) 6. A p p ar. 7. To scatter grass for drying. 8. Public notice, (abbr.) 9. Comment 10. Tendency. 12. To acquire knowledge. 513. Parts of a plant. ¡16. Old testament prophet. ; 19. Loved one. ; 21. Flower, j 23. River in France. 25. Musical Instrument. (Pin.) ¡27. Married. : 29 Jump or leap. I 32. Lured. ; 33. Kind of stone. 34. Overturn, i 35. Little wave. ! 36. Wading bird, j 38. Part of body. 40. Man's name. 42. Companions. ! 43. A nobleman. ! 46. A poem. 147. A meadow 50. For example, fabr.) 152. Near. Springfield Methodist Q Gtotani«