rrtlrt B L tm , TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, MARCII 12. 1925 .... . . X t —. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Early lambing results have bean IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OB THE six months from this data, STATE OB OREGON BOR LANE very satisfactory on tba whole, though be ted this 19th day of Bsbruary. COUNTY 1926. not so big a percentage ot tncreac« Alasandar Lewis sod Maynle E Lewis. JOSIE H. SPORES. has bean aecared thia spring an wan Plaint (fa Administrator. •a ll what yeu want ta aall, buy whet yau want ta buy thra an tnaaa born last spring, according to Dan • VS B 1» 26 M 6121» P. Smythe, prominent sheep man of aolumne- Wrlta ar ghana TWO 1 Frank Malin and —— Malin his wife, ba-nuel C. Malin and Ida Malin, his Brief Resume of Happenings of Pendleton. ORDINANCE NO. 481 wife, Sarah J. Dutton and———-Dutton An ordinance prohibiting the Park­ The weekly lumber review of the LOST -H iring plain. brada batwaon FOR HAJ.K Burroughs Adding Ma­ his wife, her husband, Anna Bella the Week Collected for Went Coast Lumbermen's association Christian church and 13th and ihin«. mudai 3117. Call Anderson Wilson and Henry H. Wilson, bar ing of Motor Vehicles and Trucks at husband, Henry A. Malin and Blor- Night on any street other than Main showed that 130 mills reported for tba Main straat. Mrs. I. Wabb. Main Our Readers. Motor Company. ence C. Malin, bis wife. A""1® M alin. Street, without keeping both the head week ending February 38 the manu­ and l»th St. Mar. II. Janma Malin and---------Malin his w ife,1 / facture ot 100,414,867 feet of lumber; Ollt-adgs contract on residence In William Malin. Robert Malin and »««“* •* « *«•• t* 11 Iwrnlng during P o ll RENT -Tlhirni«h«d house, In­ The Medford Y. M. C. A. has begun sale of 96,000,198 feet and shipment cluding piano and garag«. Inquire Portland to exchange for residence lb ■-------- Malin h'a wife. John Malin, Ban- such parking period, providing a a campaign to raise 13000. of 106.951,382 feet. at 30« N Second St-. or phone 10»W »Prlnglletd Address Bos «00. Spring nle Malin, Maude Malin and the un- penalty and declaring an emergency, The annual meeting of the blnn known h+lrs of Ann Malin, deceased; «png TOWN OB 8PRINOB1ELD field. Springfield Lumbar Co. tf James S. Stewart of Corvallis wan Msr 11 1» alao all other persons or parties un n n n a iM a n w m i / iw r - County Holstein Cattle club will be appointed special Investigator for the known claiming any right title, e s-, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS, F u ll HAfJfc <*arbnn paper ‘Tn'Turga B o ll SALE- Rhode Island lied hatch ta le, lien or Interest In lhe real ea- SECTION 1: That It shall bo unlawful held at Harrisburg Friday. state land board. Mr. Stewart will sheets, 36x3» Inch««, suitable for Illg $1.35 per setting. E. in« eggs tala described la the complaint herein. I for any person or persona to park any Frank Delbert Jones, 41. painter, Investigate all applications for school making tracings. The N ew s OfBce. ** n'1".,l,a' , Gormley, Houtb C Street. . . . j , 'motor vehicle or motor truck on any was killed Instantly at Medford by a fund loans, and arrange for the sale B10 3Q M 6-13. Frank Mai n and Malin, his wife !•*»•••* »'•«»'" the town of Springfield fall from a barn which he was paint­ of lands on which these loans have TO T R A D E , BOR S P R IN G F IE L D XNYII o DY wUSIng milk at gallon become delinquent. fin nmol C Malin and Ida Malin, ht» unless said motor vehicle or motor ing. PROPERTY rates m il Riverside Dairy, Phone wife. Harsh Dutton nnd ------ Dutton, truck k eers burning both Its head The graduating class of the Pen­ Collection of the unpaid portion of 34.000 equity In 36.000 stock ranch. her hu.band Anna IVdle Wilson and ||1 ) t , „ „ durl , h, 34 B3 dleton high »chool that will complete the state Income tax for the year 30 q acres with stock and some tools Henry H. Wilson, her hushnnd, Henry ------- N f5fR ’R l T r i ‘rti.T>rnoiiS’ ^ ' period of such parking. Provided, Its work In June will Include between ' 1924, based on Incomes for 1923. will good liouae and barn, orchard, and | Mal*n and Blorence ( Malin, his wife, however, that thia restriction shall 65 and 60 students. Notice Is hereby given the* J- M * Annit Malin. Jam s Malin a"d get under way within the next few Roby was appointed administrator Of lota of outrange 40 acres plow land. Ma„ n h|„ w)1„ aln Ma ln K„b«rt , prIy only to gU(h period intervening days, according to announcement Portland will be the greatest con- ! 30 of which I» seeded to amali grain the ««tale of tl. M Thompson, do Malin hla wife. John between dusk and daybreak. Malin an I Pro. ventlon city In the United States this 1 made nt the offices of the statu tax erased, by order of thu County Court About a million foet of limb r What Mslln. Bnnnle Malin and Msude M a’tn, . . . . . . . . . ... . „ and the unknown heirs of Anne Malin. » •’*<’. further, that thia shall not ap- year, with about 30 large and small commission s t Salem. tor Lane County, Dragon. duly made have you? Write me at Noll. Orc ¡Necease l; also all other persons or ply to parking on Main Street In said j conventions scheduled. on the 21«t day of Novwnhor, 1924- Members of the state board of con­ tf. | parties unknown, clalm'n« any right town Ralph E. Yoder. All persona having claim« against the The first annual bane county Jer- trol held a special meeting at Salem said esln le are hereby not If I'd to pre­ t’l ’e. esth.i th« herein You and each of you are here- found guilty of violating the regula- of b. D. Griggs In the Wtllakenzie dia- ( cifications for the propcaed new state to the «aid adm'nlxtrator at the office I«DTI( E 1« hereby given that the by summoned «o answer the coin tlona of thia ordlnanc“ shall be suh- of Donald Young. *60 Wiliam-Me training school for boys to be located o .e 'd ' H'"' 1 *«” ""* you > • • to a fine of not lea. the 3100 or trict some time in May. Street, Eugene, Orex-on. within »lx U t ? ro” li«rri.on I Ora°yr I near Vjoodburn. The proposed plant .k * . ’ _ i» ‘nt'l ed c u e end , ,,n with'.» - l x . ,n , h„ , , tv tall not lea« months from the date of this notice. i?.10. ?, 'J.“ . ’" “ . The Sunset Co-operative Fishermen | k h( f rt( p|ibl((.a<|oD of (h u be Imprisoned In the city Jail not less will coat approximately 3290,000. I la led u< Eugene. Oregon, «he 13th filed bla final account with the Coun- of Nehalem bay have started con- j Î2 U,iJ ' a “ Ou ‘î™ , « O? sÎAn'«üü »uœinon.. and In case you fa fall go to thftn onA for ftach fwo dollar«, or day of M arch. 1925. A total of 247 applications for loan» the 14th day of February. 1925, au I angwer Judgement will be taken be «ub)«ct to both fine and Imprison- slruction at Wheeler of a packing and J. M ROBY. by »fder of the County (o u r Hatur n)n||ni(t ymj (haI , aggregating 3197.795.67 have been re­ cold storage plant to cost 35000. Administrator of th- estat» of are the meat. day the 21st day of March. 1826, at ceived by the state board of control O M Thompson, deceased. Sine January 1 23 new fam ilies j r Z T p ro p ^ ly described BBCT, 0 N , . Th„ or*. nance. or the hour of (<-n o'clock A M. at the under a law enacted at the recent Donald Young. County Court room In the Court Beginning at a pe nt 6 5544 chain« P»rts thereof In conflict herewith are have been located In Jackscn county ! session of the legislature extending A1„-r,-> for 1 2 l, 2« A l , house at Eugeno. Lane County, Ore­ by the land aettlement committee of : financial relief to farmers in the frost gon, has b-en fixed as the time an! north of n point on the vouch line of hereby repealed. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT O F TH B place for hearing objections, if any the Robert McGowan Donation Claim SECTION «• W hereas It Is neces- the Medford chamber of commerce. Infected areas of eastern Oregon. J HTATK OB ORKOON, BOR LANE to final snd W h 1’" r'°p " _ « .5 : V” ‘r 7he “ . . . said ..., a «„.1 account — . . a for final fin a l, „5.’ o . ,,. 7.042 9 iJ .B -*- *arY to th® P«*ce, health and safety Portland again led the Pacific Eleven carloads of broccoli have COUNTY settlem ent . h thereof. .8S of All k n . i n e chU ctlons , o w illsm rtte merldlanf*Oregon. .«T i-n eo. Oregon. °U «6.85 of said said town town of of Springfield Springfield that that thia this northwest In value of building per­ been shipped out of Douglas county Ray K McMurray. said tins) account pre'hereby notified * * * ,< * 'h - south, a it corner ordln.nc» go Into effect, an emergen- mits Issued during the month of Feb­ up to the present, and the crop la to file the same with the County Ckrk “ ' t donation hnd claim, and run ry „ hereby declared to « l e t . and ruary. with 1236 permits, valued at maturing rapidly. It is estimated that Mite McMurray. Defendant. TO Mao McMurray, the abovo do- or before the time fixed for final « ’ *' thia ordinance becomes of full ’orce 33,504,680. the harvest this year will yield around north 40 deg Rfi min. W 13.77 chains, . fo n d a n t.^ NAMK oy> THE gTATE hearing thereon. Despondent over ill health for more 35 carloads, practically the entire thence 8 33M W. 4.43 chains, thence and effect upon ‘ta adoption by tne Il L BERGMAN than a year, Mrs. S. Kinser, wife of crop being in the Riddle and Myrtle Administrator of the Estât- w 4 44 <'h"in’ . to the weat Une of said council and approval by the mayor OB ORBOON. you are hereby re­ pa, Med by the Common Council this ' a well-known farmer at Needy, at­ Creek vicinity. quired to appear and answer the com­ of Harrison B. Gray, de­ donation land claim, th 'n ce north on the wee*, line aforeeald 20.04 chains to . . . . , _ k—, . — , « « hv ih» fob plaint filed against you In the above ceased. -he north weat corner of ..Id donation !Hh da’' ot ^ bruarY- 1M5' h* ,he ,o1 tempted suicide by leaping into the Because of the new prohibition law, entitled court and cause, on or before Williams g Rean M alalia river. land claim. th‘ nce east on the north lowing vote: the expiration of the tim e »roorrtbed Attorneys for the Estate providing for the distribution ot mon­ line of said donation claim 43.14 v Pea- Cox. Y»a; McKlin. Yes; May, In the Order of Publication. Ur wit. Bl»26-M -5 12 19 Two bond issues, 340,000 t.T addi­ ey for enforcement purposes, and giv­ clia'n» to the moat northerly northeast ▼»«• Moshler Yea. o n nr before the expiration of all tional fire equipment and 315.000 for ing the state agent 50 par cent of all . corner thereof, thence south along ‘ ‘ weeks from the date o f the Rrst M McPheraon^ D eceased, , _ he (ions, |, >n [and clarn Ijne lin 7 Nay«: the constrnction of a new city Jail, fines collected, it will be necessary of _____ _ ______ publication hereof, and If 7«™ /“ " ’ Estate NOTICE OB kTNAL SETTLEMENT cha)n, , 0 the __ ________________ ___________ most northerly _____ north Approved by the Mayor thia 9th day were defeated at a special election to reduce the law enforcement staff answer for want thereof. P**’n.“ 7 . J Notice la hereby given that Seth - Weet corner of the Charles Hardesty pp February. 1926, held In Bend. apply to the court for the relief prayed In Douglas county, according to Dis­ M Mcl-hcrson and Walter W. Me- - nation Land Claim No. 42 of the n n BUSHMAN. for in the complaint, to-wlt: trict Attorney Cordon. Robert Crumley. 50, operator of a Uhereon. administrators of the estate 19nn). township, thence 8 S9 deg. 68' ' ’ Bor a d e c r e of the court dissolv­ of P. M McPherson, deceased. h a v e j„ ,iP jc 11 «0 chains to a fir «take set Mayor. donkey engine In the camp ot the The state supreme court handed ing the bond« of matrimony now ex. ftl*»«• J* for hearing objection« to said r e p o r t,, Rtak<, nial-ked “C. S..' thence 8. 39 ruary 9 l“' 19Z5 , , . gene-Klamath Falls line will begin The lower court held in favor of the first publication hereof Is made the Lynn Lansberrv March 15, according to company of­ plaintiff. 6th day of March >925 and the last and for the final aettlement of tbej deg 5s mtn W. 3 60 chain«, thence estate of said deceased. , N. o 30 chains more or less to the 1-t ficials. Orin W. Train. 69. well known in publication thereof ta on the 16th d y SETH M most easterly southeast corner of the ,-tf-ir iip * 'c i» p r r p '”r t lr R T * ( ir T I IF WALTER W MCPHERSON. Robert McCowan donation land ‘N T H R ^ m C U I T C«M R J OF THE of April. 1 ,,6 Browl|rii g Brooke A hundred tons of road building the Evans creek district, near Med- Administrator«, ¡claim , Ih nee W 10 45 chains to the STAT.RA^ COUNTY machinery are at Bend, ready to be | ford, where he had lived nearly 40 Attorney» for plaintiff. Wheeler. Attorney. I T ” « 5 2 J " * ’e ° ” ,h " ’KLu" i a.ry L. 8 Scott.'M argaret M. Scott, vs rushed to the McKenxie pass and years, was found dead on his ranch R esidence: Eugene. Oregon. A. E F 26 M 5*12 19 26 of said McCowan donation I-a"d Claim „.Jl J _____ _ -Bailey, R a )ie v I th e n c e . . u .h on ,l„ . a .t boundary of . "‘ ^ „ m L C le m e n s her hus- placed In operation In an effort to with a ballet wound through his head. complete the road over the mountains Although the dead man had a 38-call- a »aid donation land • lalin 12.701» Cle mmeeis. h is w ife; Alfred — Clean ber revolver In one hand, from which this season. chains, to a point 6.5564 cha'ns north . . - H,„ua. mens, -------- - Clemmens. his wife; a shell had been exploded, there la of the southeast corner of said Me- John Clemm M n» Levons Clemmens. The Douglas county court has call­ Iow an donation ... land k i. w ife; some doubt ot suicide. .. claim, thence . his Andr • Clemmens, --------- west parallel with the south line of clOTDmens. his «.ife, being the only ed for bids for the paving of approxi­ The United States bureau of public I said donallcn land claim J6.85 chains »urv| T| ng heirs st law of Martha mately one-half mile of Eden bower roads will co-operate In a Eugene- to the place of beginning, excepting clem m ens sn Clemmens, his wife; Andrew Cl m a mile east of Gates, has started the for the county shows to be held Surety Bonds,. Phone 3.17 Sutton Bldg. chains along the north- rly line of said mens, ■ —- Clemmens. his wife; plant for the first time in about two throughout the state. The Columbia My buelneca le to protect your Resldenco Phone 1M M right of way. thence S. 66 d eg . E. Dellla Jane Coatsworth. William county show will be on May 18; Clack­ buelntss 1.54 chains, more or less to an anchor Coatsworth, her husband; S. R. Cor-e- years, and it is planned to operate amas county on May 20; Marion on 86d W illa m e tte S t Eugene Oregon steadily from now on. S p rin g fie ld , Q reg « n , fence port on the southerly I n > of said land, --------- Copeland, his w ife; the May 21; Polk, on May 22; Linn, on right of way. thrnce S 56 deg E 16.23 urknown heirs of John H. E.Imunson Contrary to usual custom, the an­ May 23, and Lane, on May 25. Other j chains alon ; a certain f nee to an and Euph-urii E-draunVor| both de- nngle point, th nee S. 30 deg 24 min. ceased: also all other perron or parties nua! Polk county fair will be operated counties are scheduled, but definite NEW RAZOR E 6 29 chains to an ancle golat. thence unknown claiming eny right, title, es- with a free gate this year, according dates have not been chosen. For Sale SHOE REPAIRING i south 7 deg. 55 min. W. 22 77 chains tate. Her or Interest In the real esta t- to a decision made by the new fair Guaranteed. Price $2. Work Promptly and Oregon dealers disposed of 5,316,- lo the north hank of the Mohawk described In the complaint herein, de- board. The dates for this year's event 655 gallons of gasoline and 62.616 gal­ Carefully Done I river, th en -e S 7 deg 65 min W. 1.25 fendants: were set as September 10, 11 and 12. A. A. ANDERSON ¡chains to the center of the stream.- IN THE NAME C p THE STATE lons ot distillate in January, accord­ JOHN A. NELSON j thence down sp-earn substantially as OB CREOGN:— You and tach of you When the time expired at Salem ing to a report issued by Sam A. K o BARBER SHOP follows: 8. 26 deg 30 m in, W. 4.24 are herebv required to appear and for filing bills and vetoes resulting 509 Main Street | xer. secretary of state. Taxes remit­ i chains. S. 45 deg 30 rain W, 6 96 answer the compa'nt filed against .chains. S. 17 deg. 30 min. W. )veu In th - above er*-'tled suit, on of from measures approved at the recent ted on the January sales of gasoline 4 11 cha'ns, to the north-asf■ rlv before April 11th, 1925. said date be session of the legislature. Governor and distillate aggregated $153,945.07, ¡lire of property heretofore con- ing more th in six weeks from the date Pierce had lopped off from the ap­ As compared with January, 1924, gas­ DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL Iveyed to Alexander Lewis. *henee of the order providing for publication propriations the amount of 3504,769. II oline sales Increased approximately | along said property line N. 65 of summons herein, and If you fall t- DENTIST The Crown-Willamette Paper com­ 25 per cent, while dis'.illa.e sales in­ | d«tg 40 min. MJ. 2 05 chains, nn-t answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff thence N. 52 deg. u mtn. W. 27.10 will apply to the court for the relief pany has torn up two miles of its Ne- creased 18 per cent. Phone 43 Your Home When In chains more or less to the place of therein demanded, towlt. for a decree canicum logging road track and is To insure that Medford's clean-up Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. b-ginn'ng, containing 86 96 ac-ee. ex- forever ouletlng title in plaintiffs and sending the rails to Cathlam et Springfield -Tlslve of railroad night of wav a en l-st defendants in snd to follow Wash.s where a logging road exten­ and palnt-up week, designated by the city council as April 1 to 8, Is thor­ through the asm«, all of the land ln* land, towlt: Begian'ng at e above mentioned, tv'ne r--1 i------ -r'lt'ii ?o,13 ch»'r-> «outh of the north sion Is under course of construction. ough, the Crater club, city booster or­ sections 26 and 27 In township 16 co r n e r o f so e t'n n 33 to w n sh ip Work is being rushed by the Ham­ ganization, has adopted the pian of JOHN M. WILLIAMS WM. G. HUGHES rop'li, cf range ? w< f of tb - Wilt«-*- 1 ' south, range 4 west W. M.. and run mond Lumber company on the com­ ! displaying photographs of unsightly Aetorney for Vet. State Aid Com.. ette Meridian. In Lane Co. Oregon n ,rK thence north 88 degrees 57 rain F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E a n d that you nnd each of you have no WM* ?n »0 chains to a F-rd axle pletion of several new bridges on their j buildings and untidy yards in the Soldiers Bonus Loan«. N O T A R Y P U B L IC right, title, estate, lien or Interest ahaff driven In the ground, th-BCE logging railroad to camp 24 at Mill > chamber of commerce windows and L. E. BEAN , Office at therein, and qu'.c'Ing. plaln'lffs title »outh 2" IB chains to the southwest City, and as soon as finished the j will award a prize to the person who Attornsy State Land Board, from any claim to anld land held or corner of the southeast fourth of the .amcq "-’1U be reopened for the sum­ ' submits a complete list naming those FIRST NATIONAL BANK assorted by you or any of you. , northeast qrarter of slid sictlon 33 g-tate Schdol Fund Loans. Springfield, Oregon responsible for the eyesores. This sum-Tions Is served upon you which Is marked by a Ford - -To sh a f mer run. WILLIAMS & BEAN The work of paving the left span hv publ'catton pursuant to nn order driven In the ground on the northern Governor Pierce announced that he of Hon G. F Skloworth. ma t - In this boundary of county road No. 323 of the new Lewis ft Clark bridge a» had refused either to sign or veto a ATTORNEYS sutt and dated March 11, 1925, provide thence along the northern 1 -undary Astoria has been completed and it is 860 W llllamett« 8t. Eugene, Or«. bill passed at the recent session of »hat von b - s r e d with this summons of county road No. 323, south S8 de- bv nuhtleptlor thereof once In each Frees 67 m in. test 42.68 cha'ns to t- announced that the bridge will be . the legislature increasing materially Licensed to practice In all Courts , week for six successive in the Spring Ford nxle shaft driven In the ground opened as soon as adjustments to I the fees on automobile busses and of the State, and United States. All kinds of gravel for con­ ¡field News and requ'rlng von teA In county road No. 496. thence along the span lifting machinery had been trucks operating on the highways of crete or road work. Wo I answer the simie within six weeks center of county road No. 496. north completed. the state. U nless attacked In the from the first publication thereof 20.16 chains to a Ford axle shaft make a specialty of crushed J This siraitnons Is first so published driven in the ground, thene - north Vera Klore of Looking Glass and courts the bus bill will become ef­ rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ¡March 12. 1925. , 89 degrees 57 min., west 22.58 chains Wendell Smith of Klamath Falls re­ fective at the expiration of the 90- S D. Allen. Attorney for Plaintiffs. *0 the place of beginning. In bane ceived grades of 100 per cent in ex­ day statutory period. The law re­ ers at foot of Main on Mill Office, Hovey Block. Eugene. Or- gon County, Oregon, nnd for other relief aminations having to do with the Old quires busses to pay three-fourths of jew eler street. Mnr. 12-19-2G-A-2 9-16-23 • and coals nnd disbursements of the Repairing a Specialty HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. ¡suit. This summers Is published pur Testament, while Winton Erickson at a mill per passenger seat per mile, I euRtit to an order of Hon. O. F. Sklp- Oregon City scored 100 per cent on while trucks would be assessed a fee Springfield. Oregon NOTICE TO CREDITORS N otice is hereby given that the worth. Circuit Judge in said county the New Testament, according to a of 1 mill per ton per mile. It baa been underalgned Josie H. Spores has been dated February 25th. 1925, requiring report prepared by J. A. Churchill, estimated that thia law would return by th Probate Court of I.ane County, publication hereof once a week for to the state treasury approximately CLEANING AND Oregon, appointed administrator of six weeks In PprlnrCield New-,, a state superintendent of public in FRANK A. DEPUE tho estate of George W, Spores, do- newspaper printed and published in structlon. The examinations were $400,000 during the biennium. The PRESSING A T TO R N E Y A T LAW censed. All persons are hereby no- bane County, Oregon. held In connection with Bible study in attorney-general. In his legal opinion t Phone 73-J titled to present, the claims, if nnv FRED E. PMTTH. the high schools, for which tho stu to the governor, held that the law N O T A R Y P U B L IC ton have, ngalnst said eetnte to the Attorney for Plaintiffs, We Call For und Deliver was unconstitutional. undersigned administrator at her rest- Date of First publication February dents receive credits fbr graduation 8prlngfleld Sutton G. M. PLUMMER donee or nt the law offices of Wil- 26, 1925. Oregon. "? m • & Bena, E u je n e , Oregon, w ith in Buldllng F 29 i l 8 22 1,0 26 ?. 2. 5th and M nim____ _ ■I it. Cl ass if i ed Ad ve rti se m ents T T hs T n ess d i r e c t o r y * “The Loop SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W. Roof U"“ ¡at m yuii aim «ira. cantreii. j position, men are frequently placet! In j week.