PAGE SIX T U R SPIUNGFÍKLD NEWS TH U R SD A Y, M ARCH 12, 102K Her« «or Dentai Ssrv-loe— W alter | Down From Cedar Flat—James Kar- between « h and 6th Eaatua oí the McKcnile rl»«r «aller h« n * n‘l J**“ H art of Cedar Flat moved lu Tur eday. was In Sunday tor dental service. were In town Tuesday on business. dircela. He week, returning to her home Maturday. Received Shipment The Hprlng Baby Born Saturday Mr. and Mrs Visit Markets Here—I.e e Foust. Receive* Cere—Andersen Motor I Down from Mabel -H a rry IVwere J. E. Smith are the parents of a 7 Si Ice machine expert from Ihirtland field M ill and Grain company received a oarload o f oats, and one of barley pound girl, born Saturday. company received a carload of c a r» w a a in town from Mabe) Saturday. visited local markets this w ,»k. front Minneapolis kfutday. They Here From Creawell— Mrs. U. K Down from Wendling— Howard Nel Go to Oklahoma- Mr. and Mra. . j . , i shipped a carload of fl >ur and feed Bundling Porch—J. M (Hirer who | Perkins, a resident of Creswell was son and family of Wendilng visited A Duncan left Tuesday for Oklaho | Satur lay to I ’owwa, ltd another in the city Sunday. lives on south 2nd street near D is in town Monday. ma Tu*aday to Dakrldge| building a front porch on his house. In for Mvdical Service— Frank Here from Jasper- —Sara Vinson, Rente Apartment Law relic Clark I "^Jleite at Olson Home Mrs. John From Leaburg—J. E. Kennerly was Campbell of Thurston was In the city who lives in the Jasper district was has rented the lower apartment In II Ulin i f W estfir visited at the Os- a business visitor here Monday. the l-axto n l'erktii, building on A wald ('l»on home several days this in town on business from Leaburg Monday for medical treatment. Friday, " .......- ■ ■ a Visit Here Sunday— Mr. and Mrs. Goes to Salem— Mrs . W. A. Adrain -------------------------------------- E. E. Boggü of Marcóla were Spring-¡spent the week-end lu Salem visiting Down from Manawk—Claude and field visitors Sunday. friends and relatives. John Downing were in town from the Mahawk valley Friday. Visiting Niect Here— I’ . B. Davis | Has Tonsils Removed Harold Gar ¡is visiting in this city with his niece. reU of Wendilng had hla tonsils re- In from Vida— Mr. and Mrs Fred Mrs. H. A. Korf. Mr. Davis camo moved by a local physician Saturday H arris and Mrs. Milo Thompson were from Ariiona. where he has spent the Old Rescldent Hero— Dr. M. G in town on business Friday. . winter. Evans of Portland, and a former real Buys New Car— R. W. Newland, of Baby Girl Born— Mr. and Mrs dent of this city Is In town for a few Newlands Dry Googs Store has pur Stark of Dexter are the parents of a Mays visiting with friends, chased a new Hudson coach baby girl, born at the Pacific Christ­ Go to Wendilng— Mr. and M ra Al ian hostitai Saturday. The baby I vin May. and daughter Florence, Boy has Pneumonia— The small son weighed 7 pounds, spent the week-end in Wendilng with of Georbge McVeigh of 8th and A Here for Week-End— Miss Lily relatives. streets is ill at his home with pneu­ Schiewe. sister of Mrs. F. G. Frese of monia. Visit In Brownsville— Frank Shar this city, was here for the week-end ¡man and family and Anthony Shar- Have Food Sale— The Methodist from Noli. Miss Schiewe Is an in ntan visited in Brownsville Sunday Ladles Aid h; ld a cooked food sale at structor in the Notl schools, with James Brown the Long and Cross pulmbing shop Go Fishing— C. F. Egglman. Jesa Saturday. Dismissed from Hoep.tal— Mrs Lorah and F. O. Frese went fishing on l^wrrence May was dismissed from Visits Friends Hero— Mrs. W elter the Long Tom. near Monroe last the Eugene hospital Tuesday, return Larwood and Miss Freda Fandrem Thursday The party caught several I ng to her home here. visited with Mrs. Sidney Ward here bass, Mr. Eggiman getting the largest Friday from Eugene. j which weighed 7(4 pounds Guest of Sister—1»® to deep-seated causes Adlerika helps any case gas on the stomaqh in a supris- Ingly quick time. It Is a wonder­ ful remedy to use for constipa­ tion—It often works In one horu and never gripest, Elanery’s Drug Store. Impossible? Well, It wasn't pos­ sible until tne Maying Uyra- foatn washer made It so. Collars, Cuffs and Neckbands— spotlessly clean, and without hand-rubbing! The Maytag 1« an ottnnlshlng advance—the world leader. It works on nn entirely new princi­ ple. Washes twice as fas t as any other washer! Washes (leaner! Washes the finest clothes more irentlv than Is hu­ manly |>osslhle. Washes the dirtiest clothes more thoroughly clean than you’d imagine pos­ sible. Besides, Its the simplest and easiest washer to operate. Tender Chops and Choice Meats of all Kinds Rounds Impossible? Prove II yourself! We’ll be glad to let you have a Maytag Io make the test. (Jet vottr cell In early— before next washday. For borne» without eloctricHy the Maytag Q yr a foam I t uva .aliiti with Multi-Motor* attachment •T h at famous Maytag Gasoline Motor. O UTSTA NDING MAYTAG FEATURES 1 Washes faster 2 Wash«« el-anei 3 Larger' hourly capacity in the world. 4 Most compact wisher made— ta k e « flo o r space (cnly 26 Inches square. f, Cast aluminum t u b— c a n ' l warp, rot. swell 9 Installs New Phew Case— A new show case was installed in HalVs cash store this w»ek. The east won- dow of the »tore has been extended back about three feet to make more display room. Meny in Saturday— Many people from out of town were in Saturday '«hopping. Among th“se wore: Mrs. C P»mher of Waltasi 0( Springfield We Can Train You burg, for a two year term. Sounds Impossible, But- was a guest of his sister, Mrs John Rossman, who lives north-east of town. Sunday. Dismissed from Hospital—George Sanderson of Camp Creek, was dis missed Crony the y ’acIR'c (Christian hospiati in Kugqne Saturday. Mr Sanderson had been In the hospital over five weeks. Made ;Lodgp OftJjer—Oswald * 'I* h„ b.„.n , | „ , PI| major, in eharg. of (|w> , ( , „ r including j un,.th>n City and Harria split or corrodo. ti Easily aljusiud to j~>ttr height. 7 Clothes cart be put in or taken out with the washer running 8 Tub cleans It- seit 9 All rnetnl wring­ er Reif ad­ justing Instant tension rel ase Reason» for World Leadership Gijrafoam^Washer (.WITH CAST A L U M IN U M TUB, MAYTAG SHOP Headquarters with Berty llano & Furniture Co. 740 Willamette St'. Phone 1470 A Garden /crYourBojj You don’t need to buy a license HERE’S no better outdoor, thrifty training for a good, live boy than taking care of a garden and marketing the produce. H e leama of nature's wonders and the value of regular attention to details. «• . Give him the value of your advice as to seeds. Start him rig h t It costs as much for ordinary seeds as for ours with 40 years reputation for good yields of excellent quality. Select the seeds from the Northrup, King & Co. Seed Box now on display at several dealers’ stores in your City. There are no better seeds at any price. T N orthrup , K ing &C o ? s Comh your hair cr change your clothes to join the “picture takers club”—just go to— Baker-Button T h e F l o w e r s 7 West 7th. and buy a Kodak-------- Everybody Eotographs A t L ocal D ealers .. /•< B K ’ a ' i W H EN t h e COVER IS iS r f f A ll S t a n d a r d S it e P a c k e t s V e g e ta b le S eeos A n d AA o b t O f RAPSED from a can of ottr ice cream, that delicious refreshment or dessert will be found firm and hard. PS1 We pack each can in a pail or tub of ice, thus Insuring the keeping of the cream. Order some for your next dinner par­ ty or dance. EGGIMANN’S Í 1 t ■ »NORTHRUP. KING a CO. -MÍÑ» MINN.«