THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1928 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News .O F F IC IA L PUB LICA TIO N L A N « CO UN TY U N IT NO. 14 • FÍRMERS10 HEM A G B LM L TftLK ; • • • • • • LIME-SULPHUR CONTROLS • • Local Rsportsre MILDEW OF GOOSEBERRY • Canary .. J. L Northup Mildew «pray» on goua« herrl’» mu»t • Cl utral l«a> I'""11 Cloverdale Mra. 1. J. (Istchell bo applied Immediately In ho effective, Mr. anil Mr*. I,liuoin Taylor apen! Ralph Laird, Creevrell, President. • Th« La.lies Club huit a pleasant report» II I’ Bar»», plan! pathologist Will WhMlM, TrenL Vlee-Preal- • , • “«» profitable meeting Wednesday the week In Cottag tiro»», with Mr». • Coast Fork Mra. Geo. Kebelheck Mrs. M. A. Horn at the experiment station. I he !>• for«- • March 4. A good attendance we» rc\ Taylor'» «later, Mr». Morene« Small I* C ro w ell dant. • * Itorrna Mra. Ada J« nnlnga blossom »pray» control mildew with­ --------- 1» Batty Kappauf. Cottage Grove, • p orted . The time waa spent In quilt and family. Mra. B Baker out leaving »ulfur on ihe hr ill when Meetings Called for Coburg *nd , tPc.Trtat a lin g and soolal Intercourse, after Mr». Albrrt Woodard of Camp It ' • Hecota • Hudleyvillel Mr» M Gillespie developed. Vida: General Fruit Growers • n . A. Horn. Cottage Grove, Door »'w hich refreshments were served The |g enjoying a »1st with her slater (• Jasper Mra. Grace June» Sulfur on the herrl»« make them Meeting to be Held in Eugene} • Keeper • p »»™ of the next m eeting win he and family of Portland. Mra (» M Foster unf't for canning, according to can- Mr». F C. Ktltsel and daughter • Lorane and Society Organized. ,* H H. C. Jackson. W altervllle, Con- • announced later Speaking of papera, did you notice Mnrgnrv Jean of C ollage Grove are • .McKensle Mra Lawrence Mlllcalu anryaM A tahR i » r ,«iu»r«’ t f , • ductor. “springer»" or bulged can» develop * ¡the splendid appearance of the Farm- ap ndlng the week with the George • Mt Vernon Mr» V A It« ■n«d«l-> M clin gs of the farmers will be ! * O. L. Clement. Chaplain, Bulah Hmtth «Ilk Creek « ’era’ Union page In the laat laane of Kebelheck family. »•Inn htrrle» with »ulfur on are put held by County Agent O. S. Fletcher * * * * * F It Tinker Trent up. Even though the can« msy not — this paper? It was certainly good Mrs. Young. Mrs. Doolittle and Mrs. W. K Post a t the Coburg Grange hall at 8 o'clock »how outward effects of the sulfur, * Such work surely deserves our full« h i ra rtlle were called to Camas i Vida the product la not considered fit ft* * cooperation Are we giving it. If not Vi,ll«aw pi at Thursday hv the sudden Friday even ffg and at the same hour MT. VERNON LOCAL * * * * * * * let us subscribe today. death of their brother. Wealey t'arlll’ merchandising Saturday evening with the Vida Farm * Mr. Mathew», geucral Cannry mer wkl, WilB In a logging camp ( ‘«iiiipl« to t-«*nlrol of mildew baa ers Union. General farm subjects HADLEYVILLE LOCAL been obtained by u»e of before-bln»- will he taken up and the county ag nt j The Mt. Vernon Local of the Fnim- chant, la strongly advising a carload Ilpar , ha, p|a,,p era Union met Wednesday March 4 Ume, for the aweeetenlng of tha up j„dd (>«,little had C«.. misfortune to som »t ray» In exp«rlmenlal work on program outlined. ¡for a regular business sessloS. l lMMl POn. Would It not he well for hnr„ , wppk Treat Wheat The Hudleyvlllc Local met Thurs th e planting» of two Benton county A smut control demonstration was M. M. Boney of the Eug-ne Farm- farmers having upland »
must drench every part of the plant. been arranged All farmers of the her looking natural by next meeting Tb# • latl,,n l' “rm -„ pa, Mr, apen t Monday nt others from Lorane, also Brother Th.- mildew fungus hibernates In county who are Interested are urged i b” ,ook “ « e r . Union hall will open eooB under --------------- h« Jepson home. Moss from Spencer Cr ek in« t with the leaf bud amt Iff allowed to Iwcome to be present as « will not be pos- Thursday. March 5. the Mt. ' " a n»w name and new manager Bro- Mia* Hasel Führer, who la attend us. We were glad to see so many established on the growing leaf will sible to hold many of th ese meetings Thimble club met at the home of Mr. lhpf „alaapple K„ve up . gee He nt ser- A C. spent the week-end with out to watch ua grow All come produce spores that may Infect the “Orchard Plant Disease Control." w ill j Devis. vice an,j WP will m iss W" smiling her parents. again. berry Since It Is then too lade lo pro­ be the subject of an address by P ro-, The day was spent in quilt ng end ( face behind the oil pump, and his Mr and Mra Anderson and children tect the fruit without putting sulfur on The Walter Woodard Sawmill at cheerful "how many gallons- please. social chattlpg. fessor H. P. Barss. plant patheologlst - - made - — u - a - pl«W>r • --------- ■tis^d'g up Camp B began «awing for Ihe flral and Ml»a Mildred J< hnaon hax« got)" It. thereby damaging II for canning, A special feature of the day was ■ lhat of O. A. C.. and "Orchard Insect Pest time last Frldav. They are also mov­ to Washington on a visit. sprays must be put on early enough Control." will the discussed bv pro­ the splendid chicken dlnnqr. served at a square meal for "Llisli ing the donkeys from camp A to and often enough to k«eP the di»’ »»« the noon hour, by the hostes? and her j Logging across the In tel frpm Silt c>mn |? fessor Don C. Mote, head of the de­ Spring Time and Seed Time daughter Sara. co o . 1. progressing nicely * There are Tu(i<1a>. from starting on the leaf partment of ethnnology. I --------------------- Member» present were: Mesdames two donkey» In action now w(|h Mr> Fahra(lay A. R 8a« od, Dept. Stor«« I N W Emery. d« n llsl Sntton Itldl. C.. will be on hand to assist in th - Ingersoll, McPhvrson Reynolds and be speeded up as soon as w attitr ( n hll, , Re„ ........ 11 ...... _«v : conditions permit. , ! . . . J » K » 1 Mrs W L. Fish Is leaving Slllcoo» Mrs Scott w .s an Invited guest hut for r u , hm an. nV»’ >•“ *» m is w en i on was was H Y n r D R A IN A G E P R O J E C T S S before the,»«» business sers sersion VIEWED BY 30 FARMFRS ahe a m em ber Over thirty men were presejn al drainxg» demonstration held at the ranch of C F. Hyde Wednesday after noon under the supervision of F. E. Price, specialist In soils and dralnag" of O. A. C. extension department and O. S. Fyetcher. County A gent The drainage system b-lng put In by Mr. th e results. e n • FARM REMINDERS • • • • • If clover sod land which Is to be iised for potatoes Is plowed early and «hallow, the clover roots will have tim e to decay. The can then L.i22 be e . land 27"" up f p an n g tarn»« ^ •H sL t^ th ™ ' |«, both to the growers and the Inches deeper than they wgre In the Pnh||c. Premiums are as follow s: “H*1 slft lh e d,r‘ * •" “rOM“d pr“ e ,R0' ,o "r,h the roots. When the latter afe covered t20, an(1 f| fth 810 The heaviest pig “ ‘*W lBrh" ny utter ’ Pr'M "* ntth firmly 'n ‘ anjr ' Tbl- * ln notU nrt the root* .........- .......... t £ - but they jio . [ X arç lcft^f Apy lifter fnrrowtng after March 1 ” ” ’ , h# B0(, 4 192'. and s etching not less than one Head back the top rtem ber 79 ‘s e lig ib le to com ---------- , ’’’ , , , 8ome n'“rh needer artlcl“* for th , system after the tr"e Js planted pete. This means any Utter, pur«« kitchen. The public Is also Invited -pjje height of the head will depend on bred eeoes br»d or ______ _____ __ _ Mr and Mrs. Edward Reynolds >,h |,ttara exhibited at the s t a f the Out ,o lh t yard , run ,lke Exchange, f orvallls. Oregon expert fa(r no awarrt going to any V.- -v ««1 t^a dickens, to milk the cows and ment stnfLm circular showing the pos- wt,|rb either the adjusted welch! or fee<1 the chickens: clean out the barn slbll'tles of this method will ’.»e sin» fhp off(r|a| weight Is less than one JoyeHc day and adjourned about towt o ’clock to meet next month with Mra Francis. Mrs. McPherson, two d mgbters. Lx>w and Vlnnle and George Gunn of Spr'ngfield visited one day recently at the J. R. McPherson home. Tome Zf "the4 co n .tr a r tlo r T s ^ d e r L ,?arCL .o n ,» Of »be tile b e in g a lr e a d e IT “ lon w U hoW a 8UPP«r *' tl,e laid and most of the ditches dug th e* haI1 J i d " demonstration was very su ccessfu l ' co", * ln,n’ ? " J , g PTrh About 10.000 feet of tile is being put In b“ «> ,b ° at r7 e „urn^r win bv Mr Hyde which will drain about' « •- hoped th .t a large number will 30 acre.. Many of the farm er, pres- ent expressed their desire to watch COAST FORK LOCAL CANARY LOCAL 189 • OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY • • FARMER'S UNION • ”* * oma-_____________ > b "J curry Nance and Jiggs. separate the - ' ______ cream and feed the pigs. Work two TIM E AND PLACE OF Now that the spring seed catalogs tben eat ,lke “ turlt' *Bd LOCAL MEETINGS are being distributed. It Is worth while heck' 1 am rea,ly for a ful1 dayi' work. to call the growers attention to th» Then, I gr ase the wagon and pot on • Canary— First Sunday and Third • desirability of using standard varie. • Saturday, Farmers Unkin H a ll * tie , of seed that agree with market ,he rack’ lhrow a Ju* of water ln an • Cloverdale— Second a c f Fourth • demands, and which hav» proved old *raln sa tk ' hltch up U,e hor,,eu" hustle down the lane, must get the * Fridays. Cloverdale School House. • their value over a period of years. It .. . Look * Creswell—First and Third Tues- • Is Important to standardize a product ay ln for 11 !ookB ik<; rain yonder—sure as as I'm I'm born, born, cattle * days, Creswell. M. W. of A Hall in any oommnnity that th e aame ° Ter Z«»nder-aure on the rampage and cows in th i corn; • Coast Fork—Second und Fourth • variety of vegetable should be pro­ start across the meddtr, run a mile * Thursdays. Hebron Church House. • duced by all growers A list of recoin- j or two. heaving like I’m wind-broke,'* Danebo— First Tutwday, Danebo • mended varieties of vegetables can ,. „ . . . . be obtained from the college exchange «et wet cIpan thro"kh' O,,t back , 0 !’ 8 ';h00' H"U"e' . , ,. Corvallis tbe horses, then for recomptnse * Dorena—Second m d lou th T u es ______ i Nance got straddle the barbed wfrb • days. Dorena Churtih. ... ______ __ .i f ' n c e ; Joints all aching and muscles * Hadleyvllle — First sod Third • 1 Ir t h V ! W ” f M e lh t r a Jerk« , m flt a" a flddlfi for a ful1 * Thursdays, Hadl< yrlU.i School * learning the value of Mangel beets » a ]ays, , H eceta -F Irst Sunday of each • a kale substitute ns the result of th» aU >umnw,r ,t(| wjn'>p,,! "ay that th,-rP a!n \ n° Ke„zle local, second and but they n»ver farmed, so they can’t • fourth Wednesday. 8 p. m. I. O. O. tell. When the spring rolls round I ! • Jf. hall. Waltervllle. take another chance, wh'le the fringe grows longer on my old pants« give my ’spenders a hitch, my belt another Jerk, and by heck, I am ready again for a full years' work.—Exchange. • ^ t. Vernon—First and Third • W ednesdsv Br««fleld Store. • Silk t'rarti Meets Flret and Third • T h u rsd a y at • • Fertilizers should be applied earlv • to do the crops the most benefit. Much • of the fertilizer used In the Wiliam • ette valley Is applied too late lo go ln- • ¡to solution the season Jt Is applied • Fertilizers öfter come cheaper If the • orders are bunched and sent In i * through th« county agent or farm '* .»'ur< au, nays the college experiment , • station. ton .The l'Iter» mav rontaln anv nu'nbrt of animals and mav contain vows, harrows and bores, hut It 's r»mtn "nded that no bores he In the ton ,)ttar Thp p| r , ,n , ke ton litter conte«t ari> pif^ible to enter In the regular contained In the state fair premium list, — • • • • • • • • • • » TRENT LOCAL * F. E. Price who held a demonalra lion on drainage nt the ranch of C. F. Hyde Wednesday afternoon March 11. was persuaded to remain In the diet rlct and talk to the members of the Trent local at their regular meeting which was made an open meeting so ♦ h .»? /» i I i p f « ** might nttprvl at . Mr ; xnve some valuable Information on soils, fertility, the use of cover crnpH. straw, commercial fertilizers, manure lime. After his talk the farmers nuked many ouestlons. thus Increas­ ing th p value of his talk. No business was transacted. The next regular . .. m tetlng will he March 25. • prof Jt R Coahv w ,n g| VP „ pnu|try Cedar St bool H o u s e • )Rf,t)Irf> H, W om 1man W e d n e sd a y Spencer C reek -T h ird Friday. * aitPrnoon Marrh 1R. Pine Grove School House. • nfyPh alarm was caused at the Har- Trent—»scored and Fourth Wed- • ¿Pn hom„ Tllp»day night when a noise nesdays. Pleasant. HUI High n»ar the chicken coon sounded Ilk« School Bldg chicken thieves. On Investigation It Vldn—Second and Fourth Satur- was discovered a neighbors pig was days at. M'nney H all causing the racket S«'cretsrles will please seed In Sprlnq Time and 8eed Time an(l place of m '»ting and • changes of date as kbey may oc- * We handle all kinds of garden seeds c u r ........................................... * In hulk and pnekagrs A. R Sneed, Dept. Store. .7,,. ” h GROW GREATER GARDENS Order Garden Seeds Direct F r o m G i l l H r o t. S e e d C o . Pedigree, acclimation, hardiness, trueness to name! These qualities w ill insure you u greater garden. “Seeds which are grown in Ihe Northwest,” »ay» Prof. A. G. 11 Bouquet, department vegetable gardening, O. A. C , “are usually more vigorous snd better acclimated for growing crops of vege­ tables than those purchased elsewhere.” G ill Uro*. Northwest-grown seeds are famed far and wide for their superior qualities. Market gardeners everywhere are using them in prefer­ ence to any other kind. Over 800 market g ar­ deners in the Northwest are now customers, and the list is steadily growing. Thousand» of home gardeners also are so thoroughly satisfied that they order year after year. One trial of seed usually creates a permanent customer. were market gardeners themselves twenty years ago. Their farm, six miles east of Portland, won a reputation for highest quality vegetables. They developed special strains, and in 1910 decided to grow acclimated seed, not only for their own use but for sale. Thus was born their seed business which today is growing by leaps and bounds. I f you have never tried these seeds, order the special collection listed below. You will be well repaitl In fine vegetables for yourself and your family. S en d fo jz a,t> *» • • 1 "«»ta»««« < olUHIon reowv »•lue 11 AK <>n« fiUI- Il-a n . ««rty fQtll-« Hwoet Corti Ííj|||- , AlOTLArtnO»?