r- « ai «n« n p j» m THURSDAY, MARCH THE flPIUNOFTELD NEWS 12. 1925 NEW SCIENCE HALL AT “U" TO BE READY IN SPlTiKL be unduly optlmlatlc In regard to the ! treatment. Tfo patient should dis­ continue the well known methoda for the cura of tuberculosis by proper regulation of their lives with «pedal emphasis upon REST. FOOD, and FKKSII AIR under competent medical i direction State Hoard of Health. t PAGE TH R E E •r . 8. Ralph Dtppel, Dentist. Vihaa Now on the Job At Washington ►«illdln«. Springfield. Oregon. University ut Oregon. Kugoue Mar. 11 tSpeclal)—Formal request haa baan mail» Io the hoard of r'ganta by tha University of Or »gun farulty While th« auga'-coat Is hel •lo ­ that tha new lioo.oot) aclenc* building ful to dlagulae our bitter pi dila, which will be ready for ovi-upanry aside from that, It'« wuthl OREGON AND STANFORD aoitie tint» next term, ba mimed Con­ aa a balm far human ilia. It don Hall in honor of Prof. Thomaa may add to th« appeuranca TO DEBATE THRU AIR from th« artist’« pint of vk-w, Condon, who taught at Oregon from —but it's absolutely «Hint, as 1H7# until hla ila t h In 1007 lie waa Intercollegiate Radio Debate W ill Be to what th« pill may do. on» of the boat known geologist* of | Held March 25 on Japanaaa When th« devil take« a notion th>' Weat. to annex a feller’* goat, he Queetlon When a little group of atudenta en­ cover« up hla nostrum with a fancy sugar coat And, l'v« rolled In the ftrat aeaalon of the Uni University of Oregon. Eugene. Mar. aeon a whole community auf- veralty |n IH75. 'Prof Condon waa one 12— , Special,-«O regon and Stanford fu«e• • « • » ’"Insantal stage One of the best blocks of patient. Unfortunately, moat disease ***** ””**'*’ wr,r’t must he done before Vrooman Franquette in gnrms cannot be destroyed In the pa- W r*n l>n *’VBn ’° ’he world as a State, select type, well tlunl'a body without endangering the ”• ” • ’► ’• ireatroeng tor tuberculosis grown. All other stocks, life of the patient. Up to the present Tuh” -cu|cele patients are advteed not filberts, apple, pear, cherry, tim e these efforts have reached thclr ,o P1**'*' f*'"’" ho»*" ln ,h ' hl*h’ prune, plum. i»each, apri­ culmination In the brilliant results se- ,y •*•««'■’»•*'’ «tatemen,« regarding cots, etc Small fruits etc cured by Ehrlich and hla co-workers1 « ° M rur*’ ’ h” ” • * • hcen made Right stock at right price«. Submit your w-ant list, send In the use of arsenical compounds in by various people. for prices 35 years in syph'Mi and sleeping sickness. Com-1 In I» view of the serious danger In buslenss. pounds of antimony, bismuth and sil­ volved In the use of gold compounds ver have also been found to be ef- , nnd In view of the extended study CARLTON NURSERY CO. fectlve A very large number of a t-1 now being1 made, patients afflicted C a r lto n ,O r e g o n ... <.-t.-««uioale are cautioned not to tempts have been msde to poison the tub'rcle bacillus within the human I uni, nnlmal body. In 1S94 the gold cure had a run ol popularity. The results were decided­ ly conflicting In regard to the value nf gold gs a curative agent, but It was definitely shown ths, gold compounds have a strongly Inhibiting effect upon th - growth of the bacillus of tuher We offer you a splendid assortment In all the leading toherrulrnls In the test tub«'. The j varieties of fruit trees, ornamental shade trees, walnuts, most recent experiments on gold In j butternuts, filberts and almonds. Berry plants of all kinds. tuherculosls nr» those coming from Low cash prices. th e laboratory fo l*rof. Holger Moell- gnsril In Copenhagen. He Injects a gold compound which he calls "Rann- A home without a Radio is like a home without a Friend Before you buy come and listen to the Famous Cros- ley. Demonstrations any evening- A. F. NEAT 758 B St. McCall’s, $1.00 The Springfield News, $1.25 il- 1 5 Save $-50 HERE Is your opportunity to get McCall’s Magazine for the oomlng year and The Springfield News every week, both for only >1.75. There will be no less than eight great novels in Mc­ Call’s this year, the work of Harold Bell Wright, Gene Stratton-Porter, Fan- niq Hurst, Robert W. Chambers, Ethel M. Dell, Rafael Sabatini, Vingie E. Roe and Samuel besides fifty or more bril­ liant short stories, scores of absorbing articles, a dozen practical homemak­ ing departments and ft btg sectloiT of the newest fash­ ions every month. We can only make this spedai of­ fer for a short time. W anted Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan i I Send Your Order Now FRUIT TREES FLOWERING SHRUBS ROSE BUSHES W o o d r u f f ’s N u r se r y Salcsyard 63 East 7th Street, Eugene. 601,317 Miles T a k e s th e “M a r ” o u t o f M a rch w e a th e r Tho elements during March are not Gonductlve to a good complexion of houlthy «klti. Then* are many things In the way of Toilet Articles and Pre­ parations which should lie em­ ployed as safeguards during thia period of cliaiigable weather conditions. SOAPS, LOTIONS, COLD CREAMS, POWDERS. MAS­ SAGE CREAMS. COMPLEX­ ION BRUSHES, ETC. terror. Let us supply you needs and March Wind« will lose their Speciakfor Saturday March 1 4 This way of romance EAST iln, th n Southland to N ew Yo rk— It cost) hut little mote. The tuperb Shared route to California — Ifour bne train« d *llv —thence the scenic Suiuet route through the South* land to New Orleans. Y o u ’ll re!i«h y o u r m e a l) in the S o u th e rn Pacific d in in g car— fre th fru it) and vegetable* alw .yt a delieiout feature. Connection at New O tlrin a with pa* latial »camera for New Yo rk— meal) and berth included in th r one fare. Ark about Cdrriro Gorge route from San Diego—Ap..cn< T ra il detour of Arizona. Stopovers rn route. For further Inform ation, ask •and Not One Cent for Repairs The real value of the 1925 Star it proven by the service it give* its owner» in every day use. x Here’s a case in point : Twenty-four 6tar-ewners report that they drove an aggregate of 601,317 miles with­ out one cent cost for repairs. w Sounds unusual— yet, based on the reports of 40,000 Star owners on the Pacific Coast, the average cost of replacement ports averages 63c per car. That’s what Star gives you in low upkeep cost. And it does prove the truth of our statement that no cor in the low cost field equals the 1925 Star for day in and day out mechanical perform­ ance. w And with all that, you drive the bejt looking light car designed. ' x Your dealer has the bte models, all with the Million Dollar Motor, with its quick and abundant p o w e r - quick acceleration (5 to 25 mile* per hour in 454 teconds}— 20% power increase. See the 1925 Star! Springfield High-Grade M e c h a n ic a l Features on all 1925 Star Cars Full Force Feed Lubrication 4-W h eel B r a k e s Tubular Backbone Disc Clutch H ollow Cam Shaft " 1 '«J Garage A Jar of our • Almond Cream ’’Î [ See It at 1 our Dealer’s. FREE Drive I t r **< Compare It] With every one dollnr Purchase of toilet goods. Southern Pacific CARL OLSON, Agent MILLION DOLLAR MOTOR & . .. ■— 11 ■ I lili fii i „ - • J t > In a