THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1925 T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOH T W O I Twin The B issell Nettleton and lluwnhlah mills In Seetile. and the Aberdeen T H E . S P R I N G F I E L D There was no added curtailment of Sthuaon plant Bl Ballard, have re­ Pohttafcad Ever» Thursday at lsUc. H* hl* own ' “ *•• lor con,b‘ l - » • P‘«h» log production on Grays Harbor last duced culling program to four days ’ _ . ;he vulnerable spot aud strikes quick and hard. He Is no Kmployment Conditions Other Than week. Although the Aloha Lumber per week, tx ’gging at the North tlend Sprtaafleld. L e a . County, Oregon. by In Logging and Lumbering are company shut down one aid*, logging Timber ctunpany'a camps has been Better T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS ! course, he offended many senators, but what of thatT was resumed at the camps of Ihe curtailed to five day* weekly. EL K MAXEY, Editor F. <3. WKSTKRFIKLP Manager Xo ^ „ y i n , reformer has ever escaped giving offense and ■pokaoa Portland. March I»— t Special »— Dee Greenwood Timber company. Labor ¿ ¡ . r e d as a-xm d claa. matter. February 1«. IMS at t h . «>•'“ «« enemlea. It w a. not the Ju.t cr«fcl.m which turnover In camps of this district was Further Improvement In the employ­ pile Ute fact that logging and lumber* poatofflce, Springfield. O r^ on lroll«d (< >how manufacturing In this district i on- mill help Ihere la plenty of labor hero • of Contented Homee. other business . s. This probably results from the fact that | , h_ tlnues to to* greatly curtailed. Camps n' *" u *‘ ■l»Pr’* ch,n» • I I I . Improve Living Conditions on the Farm . Pro- the newspaper serves the menial needs of the 1 " ' , normal Condensed reports from thr closing last wv-ek Included one ef the • mote the R a ilin g of Purebred Livestock and while all other business serve physical netda. Simpson laigglng company at Sh •Hon. various 4L offices follow: CALL AND M » Hr N W Bmary • the Growing of F ru it; W o rk for B etter M arkets In one respect the newspaper Is not a business in the i anti also one side each at the Phoenix Portland „„ pH •• on •’Isle sod Mb«.' w,,rl> • IV . T e ll the W orld About Oregon's Scenic Wonder- sense of being a private »nterprlse. Its readers regard Potlatch, and at th» Irvtne llnrtl v Rmploymont conditions In Portland ( • land. their newspaper more In the light of a public utility serv­ have Improved slightly) during the ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • f t * * * ing the community C um » • • • private bus ness making a pa^t, w*ek. Road contractors hat*,* , .livllhood for its owners and employe». So thoroughly has been hiring crews and calls for agri- ( /» iV J lW i« « -; TILE NEW SCHOOL PROGRAM this feeling been inculcated Into the public mind that "*e cultural workers have continued to With funds voted for a 125,000 grade school average newspaper serves Its community first and Us ,.oroe |„ , teadlly. Most local sawmills ' building on the unit plan and the promise of a owners second. In return the newspaper gains that most Logging on the Tillamook line he site people ef Spingfield have em barked on a valuable assets, th» confidence of the public, that news- cani„ more active last week when the Qiuvrpomgfci a*.bool program which Will serve the city for paper which has lost the confidence of Its readers may be ^ ^ . l e c Lumber company at Cochran 571 D E P A R T M E N T STO R ES m any years. Springfield school district should »aid to have failed In the first test of newspaper »»cc***. t r«aum»d operations. The Cobb» Mil- get away from voting m are bonds until the t>ut so far a t business is concerned. It might mor- approp rhe„ tvimp n «r Vatatei /also hah $65,000 Of old bounded indebtedness of the c a te ly termed an adventure.—Centralia Chronicle. started logging and the Eagle Lumber d is tr ic t is reduced. The district will have a school • • • rorapany at Woallmb’ r. Ore., and the th a t will likely serve the grades for two o r three Certain insidious beliefs s o , « to find entry Into world American Logging company at C ar-, ‘ Tw o Knicker years when the new building is done. Units can consciousness every now and then In such a way that ua son. Washington, are other concerns be built on this structure at the cost of $3,000 doubtfdly they help IO produce hlthly uml strati • resttUs which will resume work this week. H a room. W henever a new room is needed it Such, for example, during the war period Wire the ag Is reported. There are fewer unem- would be good business to do it by a direct tax. gresslve suggestions from many sources w tlrh aroused on ployed men In this city than there _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ a , r > s i r m ’ conceded that he violated the am enities of ike solemn oc- WEST FIR PRODUCTION N F . l A f S .-«»ion and with uurettouable taste. Thia Is also character- j CONTINUES SLOWLY were one week M ° - Suits for Boys In that way the district will not be in.Teasing the b