S P R I N G F I E L D — T H E W EST ER N T E R M IN A L O F T H E NATRON SPRINGFIELD NEWS D IV O T IO TO I N T I R I I T OP IP R IN G F IIL D ANO T H I F A R M IR I OF T H I f W IL L A M IT T I V A L L IY TWBNTY-BEX'()N I) Y EAU KELLI BOULEVARD TOBEMAMDAMIZED "Th« Psople’a Papar" A KHRINGFIKLD, I*ANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1925 INTER-CITY DOUBLE TRACK TO START SOON Work Hara to H rg ln In P aw Waaka; Laying of Staal Above Oak­ ridge Reaumaa Seven Block« from D to K Double tro« king of tb» railroad ba- S treat a will be Graded and »»HBgfteld a "J K ug.ne «III Graveled on Petition of P ro-:“ “?, 7 “? 1" ‘? e T ,me believe that a hold-ra. City Engineer Hinton Klov heavier structure will ba placed on dahl, him self Interested In that sac the present piers, although thia la tlon, presented the pettonon signed contrary to what has be'n antlclpat Rep. Kick Longworth, wKo" fifteen years has battled to come by nearly all the property holders mt before. • The new Improvement will he 1490 Work through tha cutoff will be re­ nut from under the handicap of being son-in-law of the famous feet long and cgtend fro m I t Io K sumed In full blast In a week or so. T. IL, at last wins by his own »bit a tre e ta on JK elly teS ltevard . W li'-n Section crews are now preparing to j Ity and is the new speaker of Lbs completed It will make one of the i*y about als miles of steel from the House In the 56 th Congress. finest drives In the etty and It la eg. ratlr>-ad at MeCr*ad 1» e«pe« ted that tw o or three The funeral services were neld from bacJt. Jfcten-r on delinquent payments Springfield won eight, and lost will be considered. expressed them selves as In favor of ,""n,b’' more *'•• be re«|itlred before 'he Springfield Christian church Sun alone «re expected to come into th«- out of the fifteen games played, nan® “8 will Be taken up The board making the old rig do for a few more I lbe "nllr plnn' wl” rearh houW he punl, hwl u of n t^n church parsonage. Picking wool x w „ a s' hostesses to members _______ of all other Ilvnry Parsons of the Bprtngflald, 1 .................. ... ..................... K Bdmuoson. disbarred attorney who jiprtnxfleM team was consider- ' ’* ”° Vel and Pleasa”t pastime of the^8f w in< clubs in the ch y last Thurs- Lumber company requested the coun­ crews at that point. has figured In two moonshine cases at>|y hanri'eapped by the large floor, ? ,e^Boon- a»d • luncheon was served d®y afternoon for a theatrical and tea. cil to tuspoct his property, formerly A three act skit was put on at the the Loud Planing Mill, with the In- In court, has filed a writ o fmandamus ,,nrt pi8yen- second half of the game, the second places of several of the guests. and, I Were Young, Maggie” in ap­ could Iske no action 011 tae maitar and chlmney t»«tng Installed. Th«« *hlne operafons. Edmunson de; , lr(nK Of Q,e campus tqnsd sras run propriate costume. rMs. Charles O. msnds thesn t>e brought before until petitions lor Its paving w>-re smoke hnus- Is completed In. hot M made a very poor showing, DAVID MCCRAE, 86 YEARS, Wilson rendered “Old Black Joe,” and The west portion- of the building grand Jury. w selved by the council. The council and the regulars were put back. DIES AT CAMP CREEK Mrs. D. W. Crites, with Mrs. Carl Ol­ has orderml a survey and estim ate will he divided off. and Major H. B. Lineups for the two teams« with David McCree. 86. died at the home son. gave “Cornin' Thru the Rve.’’ costs of paving both Second and Mill Huntley will operate a ilellcantessen ANNUAL LAUGHERESQUE their scores was: New counters sre ex of his son John MeCrae at Camp Mrs. R. P. Mortensen and Mrs. J. M. iln -cts and will r«>c«lve the engln-er's shop there MAKES BIG HIT AT S. H. S. Springfield U. H. S. Scott represented the aged couple, p e e fd for the meat market, and all figures at a special meeting to be 11 Ridings Creek last night at 11:30. Mr. Mc­ F Cowart S whose day-dreaming recalled the cos­ the walls In the building will be re- Original stunts, som e beautiful, and n r ’ftls 4 Crea Is survived by his wife, one son. 2 Stearns hi'ld Monday evening. March 23. F tumed figures. Huntley said thul <0 pave Hecond I'npered. and the wood txork painted, others comical, featured the Laughter- McMullen Hall John, and a daughter. Mrs. Ida Russel C The second act was a black face esque. annual fun show of the Spring- ^ 1(,‘p , street would practically be conflcatory 7 Hayes all of Camp Creek. O comedy, with Mrs. John K etels and field high school which was g'ven in Lewis ~1 He came to Oregon about four years of some of the property on the stre«»t 1 SCOUT LEADER WILL 4 Hempey O the high school auditorium Fr.day ago from California, to reside with Mrs. Pollard engaged ln sprightly besides It would Increase traffic over ADDRESS LION S CLUB afternoon and evening. Springfield. McPherson: Substitutes his son on Motor route B, near Eu­ darky repartee over the clothesline. a dangerous railroad crossing He Songs In vogue about 1900 were en­ The seniors skit was a burlesque of Vnlverslty high. Ford. I.lbby. Rogers gene, and only recently moved to declared residents near the railroad O. H. Oberteuffer. regional execu King Arthur's round table, wit,a the Marlatt, Page. Miller. Powers, acted in the third act. Among the Camp Creek. Funeral services will had counted 22 accidents at the c r o s s -tiv e of the boy scouts will be the knights seated In ridiculous attire J be held from the Walker chapel to- old favorites were “Waltz Me Around Ing In th'-last eleven months. speaker nt the Lions Club luncheon M arriag e Licenses Issued at oblong tables, rather Ine’ r'ated morrow at 2:00, Rev. W. L. Moore Again Willie." “School Days," “Put A report of the auditors will he Friday noon. Mr. Oberteuffer who Is from orange crush. Clever lines Marriage licenses have been issued of the Methodist church In charge. on Your Old Gray Bonnet,” “Sliver ready for the next meeting of the „ graduate of the University of Ore- parading the Arthurian of speech, won during the past week to the following: Mr. MeCrae was a member of that Bell,” and “There'll be a Hot Time In council- gon has been devoting his time dur­ the Old Town Tonight.” the prise for the stunt. ¡GusU L. Thomas, Eugene, and Mary church in Nebraska. ing the past few years to Boy Scout Keeping the gay spirit of the after­ The sophomores portrayed a “Srltl- Foster. Junction City; Alvin W. Bro- Infant P astes Away ! Work In Oregon. Washington. Idaho noon, the guests apepared in various cal Operation.” showln several sur- ,,m and Lula Boyd, both of Eugene; Instructor Recovering Patricia Kish, infant iluughter of nn(j Montana, with headquarters at and amusing costumes, adding to the geons removing tin cans and bolognes Lyle PVasley. Olympia, and Orpha Donald Grettie. Instructor In mathe­ Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fish, died at the | Spokane, A first class council I* be. from a patient suffering from ’ca n cer Clouse. Eugene; Orftt L. Coldren and m atics at the high school Is reported fun of the party. hoem of her grandparents, Mr. nnd |ny perfected In Eugene and It Is be and two-more.’ | j uu a cavlor. both of Eugene; John to be recovering nicely from injuries Mrs George Ditto Sunday night The ,. rvnd , hat „ trop coul(, bp organized " , , . , , •, ” "R ’ a v 'or- Doln 01 To Build New House baby was one of twins born Febru H.vrlnwrtvld as the sublect has been I , < oIo,'lal <*>8‘» « 08' «"<• ’ «Hous old ¡Alfred Moore and Cornelia Agnetta received ln an automobile accident , .,u ,‘ 1 Filefsom both of Eugene; Stanley late Sunday night. Mr Grettie was I (time » •K ir’ songs m >u«o featured g v a tu iv g g the i lg r Junior j u i n u r skit, F - lle fS O Ik W. H. N esbitt, whose home Is near ary 28, tnken up by the Lions club at various which centered around an old couple. Walker and Bladys Hawk, both returning from Salem, where he spent Jasper, has bought a lot on East Fonerai services were held from celebrating their golden wedding and ! Eugene. the week-end. when his car struck a , B stre®t from Chlorle Wooley. Mr. tho Ditto homo Monday afternoon at wishing for the old days. In hesponse car parked on the pavement and with- j b'esb^tt plans to build a house on the 4 o ’clock. Rev. ft E. Childers officia­ Anderson Oarage Sells Many Cara to their fancies, costumed people, out lights. He was thrown from h i s ! 1*? 8om0 t t a ®' tbis Mr. Plans to Improve City ting. Burial was at the Laurel Hill The Andsrson sawmill, near Donna, singing the nongs of their youth parad­ car hy the Impact, hitting the p a v e - i " ° ° ,ey 18 a re8ident Springfield, Beautlflcatlop of the city by means cemetery. The W. F. Walker chapel ’ . bought a Fordson from the Anderson ed upon the stage. of trees, shrubs and flowers was dis. ment on his head. His face was bad- ,ivln9 on east Main street, had charge of the services. The Glee clubs gave a rlevet cussed at the Ladies Civic Club m eet­ ly cut and bruised, and he was rend- Motor company this week for use with a donkey engine. This Is the second “Floradora” stunt, the boys singing ing held ln the Chamber of Commerce ered partly unconscious by the shock. Divorce Sought The week-old daughter of Mr. and 'one bought from Andersons for this songs to the girls, who replied with rooms Tuesday evening. If possible Clara L. Kincaid has filed spit ln Mrs. Albert H. Barnes of Marcóla | more songs. The number was eu- a Rose Show will be planned by the purpose. W alterville Store Sold circuit court against Chester A Kin­ «lied early Monday morning. Funeral In addition to this, the garage sold thuinstlcally received, and an oncnr6 ladles. A pnperhag luncheon was Charles Pember, former owner of caid for divorce. She alleges he services were held Mondny at Mar- throe other cars this week. Bob called tor. served after the meeting. the W alterville store, and postmaster threatened to kill her and her child. cola, with Interrmi-nt nt the Marcóla "I he Go-Getter staff, of tho high Green of Eugene, bought a touring has sold his store to George Marsh, The couple were married May 11, cemetery. car with haloon tires. George Mc­ school newspaper, gave “Go Gettei W ill Operate Confectionery of Eugene. M t . Marsh has taken 1924. George,” in which the bashful scltor, The Moone building in W est Spring, charge of the store Immediately, and Are Questa at Dinner— Mrs. B. Kinney bought a four-door sedan with George, was urged Into a much Inter­ field on the w est side of the Pacific will remodel It. Webster of Klamath Falls. Mrs. R. R bullions, Al Hnfstnder of Marcóla, a , Band Will Have Concert rupted courtship by hts tormentors. highway has been rented by A. W. Mr. Pember plans to resign the post- Smith nnd son of Tncomn. Mrs. May­ coupe with baloons. nnd the Wllfert Polly and her pals. Jlggs and Mag­ Hadley and W. L. Wilmot, where they office the first of the month, and Mr. The Springfield band, with other Snnd and Gravel company a mew nard Dawson of tho Yukon territory. gie, nnd the rest of the funypapet will open a confectionery the last of Marsh will then take charge of it. Focal entertainers will give a concert Mr nnd Mrs. Charles l’nddock, their truck. family frallced through a freshman this week. In the Christian church March 19. son. Wnile. nnd daughter Berthn. nnd girl's dream ln their stunt, making The concert will be In charge of Roy Realtor Opens for business T a lk on Poultry Mr. nnd Mrs. John Rossmnn were a brilliant display of their vivid cos­ To Have Social M eting A lecture on poultry raising will Holverson. Fred Louk and R. C. Mar­ dinner guests nt the N. W. Emery The real estate office of W. J. tumes. An op«n. social meeting Is being be given by Professor H. E. Cosby, kee. Proceeds of the entertainment home Wednesday evening. Barnes, at the corner of Fourth and Two shows were given, one in tha planned by the local unit of the 4L poultry specialist of O. A. C.. at the will be used to promote the band. Main street, will be opened this week afternoon for school children, and the for March 23. Local talent will be Woodman hall at Pleasant Hill Wed­ Two hundred children of the Lln- for business. The roams have been other Friday night for townspeople. Rents Fenwick House— Mrs. L. solicited, and a musical program, and nesday. March 18, at 2 o’clock In the coln school will be In a enntata. "Tho remodeled and painted making an at­ Brockman of Cottage drove has rent­ other entertainment Is expected. Loy­ afternoon. P rofess” Grief or tho Fairlea,’ 'to he given tractive real estate office. Mr, Mnreh 20 at the high school. The Barnes announces he will receive Vlalta from Siutlaw — Mrs. Harry al Legion men and their fam ilies are demonstrations In the Pleasant Hill ed a house belonging to Mrs. Jennie cantata will be ln the nature of a listings nnd handle property trans­ Hwearlnger. of the Sluslnw district invited to the meeting, which is In country and the poultrytnen are glad Fenwick zetween 3rd and 4th on E street, and w ill move In today. to have him return. charge of George Davenport. actions from now on. was a Springfield visitor Tuesday. spring festival.