pagb eight California. SHARP ANSWER IS MADE TO DEMAND SENT BY ENEMY Drama was a t its height in the world war when Lieut.-Col. Charles W hittlesey, commanding the Lost Battalion, is reputed to have told the Qerman forces to “Go to H U ." Whit- tlescy's defiance came m answer to the enemy's demand that he surrend­ er his position. It Is portrayed In faithful detail in the flint "The Lost Battalion." which is to be shown at the Bell Theater Monday and Tuesday March » and 10, for the benefit of the American Legion. Colonel W hittlesey and Captain G eorg' McMurtry rend the letter which was delivered by one of thel» own men who had been captured. It had been penciled by Lieutenant Heinrich Print of the German army who before the war had spent six years in Seattle. The German officer appealed to the Americans to sur­ render on the grounds of humanity, saying that the moans of the suffer­ ing Americans in the Argonne "pock­ et" could be heard in the enemy lines, that further resistance was vain and that rescue was impossible. A white flag was to be shown If the Americans wished to accept and surrender. The answer was an order from Colonel W hittelsey to take down even the white cloth panels which marked his position for his own airplanes. Doing th at he de­ liberately cut the last link connect­ in g h‘m with the American forces Trom whom he had become separated when his battalion pressed on and carried Its objectives while support tng units were unable to stand the pace. He cut thst link, the Yanks held on. relief came. W yoming Win» National Trophy by Voting | The state of Wyoming scored the greatest percentage of gain In votes at the national election last fall and won the trophy offered by • Collier's, The National Weekly. Photo shows Governor Nellie T. Rosa receiving the award as it was unveiled by her son, Bradford Roes, a boy scout. I W e Are Particular Down from W tn d lm g — Mr. ami Mrs Harley Hall and two children visited friends in Springfield Sunday. They jilve at Wendllng. , PICTURE PLAYERS LOST IN SIERRA NEVADA MOUNTAINS History has a habit of repealing itself! In 1840-47 Donner and his Minted Camp Creek Man In—S. I. Davis of Camp Greek was a Springfield party became lost In the high Sierra Ni-vadas. , ! visitor Tuesday. William Fsrnum. atarring in "The _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ ___ Have Baby Daughter— Mr and Mra. Mini Who Fights Alone," («turned . Richard Hart of C of a g pound daughter, Norma same range for a week with Ix>l* F IR S T B A P T IS T C H U R C H lodg sponsored a penny cafeteria Rae burn Tuea.;ay Wilson. Edward Horton. Director 2nd and C Streets Wallace Worsley and a party of over held at the I. O O. P. hall Monday , ____________________ J. Carlton Wetterhahn, Pastor night. Salads, sandwiches, c o f f e e . ___ thirty p- rsona. Bible School 10:00. Moning sevice cakes and other items of food were - - They were lost at least as far as 11:00. Meaning message. “Abound sold. | the Paramont studio was concerned In this Grace Also.” They left to lake location scenes. ' In from Wlnberry— A. Metbeny of ■ B Y. P. U. Service 6:30. When they did not return on schisi Evening service 7:30 Evening mes­ Winberry was in town Tuesday o n . BONO ole. apprehension was felt. business. , sage. "Saun. His Origin Purpose, and Destiny." Rave you ever heard It transpired that, after traveling San Francisco Man Here— W. J a sermon on th's person of Scripture* eighty miles over precipitous motin This message will be a vital help to Barnes of San Francisco, and a form­ ta n trails, the parly found the lake every real Christian and will open the er resident of Springfield was a practically dry. Not to be stumped eyes of every unsaved one. Plan to visitor here Tuesday. by the mere vanishing of a lake Wore j ley took the whole party back over hear it. In from Vida— Mr. and Mra. Milo the mountains, crossed the Sacrameli- ) Thompson, Carey Thompson. Frank Novel Lamp Hamm ered Out to Vwtley nnd pushed on up past Minnie and Rube Montgomery were Truckee and Donner Luke to T ah oe,, A novel lamp, resembling a big gun In from Vida Monday. the most beautiful lake In Southern shell is on display at the Anderson Motor company. The lamp was de­ signed and made by Henry Schwint. Jr., of Marcela, and is made from a piece of seam less brass tubing to represent a three inch fifty caliber shell The d-sign on on the lamp was first drawn on pater and then traced on the shell. It was then hammered on. a fill'ng of lead in the tube making this possible. The Range on the hot tom of the lamp and the projectile were made from a brass bar. Three lights are attached to the projectile All tools necessary for the work are kept in a ¿mail Prince Albert to bwcco car. with the exception of two small hammers aad a sand-bag This ensemble costume in mvo stone is trimmed in two-tone its*. The frock is of henna and gray crepe. This is an American design made from American fabric*. We use it when PRINTING ’ GOOD JOBS Give Us Yours, DAYS Today Goes to Condon—G. W. Zimmerman who has been h»re on business sever­ al davg r'turned to bis bom5 in Con­ don Tuesday. Janitor Resigns—R. W. Smith Jan! tor at ibe high school has turned in his resignation. His position will be taken over by G. W. Hawke. r'tuovad at th e Poolfle Christian The thousands of Americans who i huapltal fuesday. h .v . visited this worn!, r .p o t will liv e ' Undergoes Operation- Mrs Jsw to over again It. b e.u tlo. In the ecr.en Oliver had her toneil. removed Wed- presentation of "Tho Man Who F th is needay morning at the offlco of a Alono.“ which le Farnum'a first star- local physician. ring picture for l*aramoul. coming From Coast Fork Mr and . rs, , Friday and Saturday at the Bell lam es Hat risen were III Bprlngfl» lit ,ou huainoa« Wednesday from thel» I Thiatre. _. .home on I he Coast F 1 rk. , •o y haw Tonsils Remove ft J •»in III with Influenia I (• Murphy 1» Dealer, throe years old, had hla ton- III at hla home with Influniaa ONLY Friday DAYS Saturday Are You? The clev *r housewife does not discount I he value of flesh groceries In preparing ap|H*tlxlng incuts for her family Every lay we receive shipments of t< tuptiug fresh groceries Our prices too, are always lowest. Phone Phone •9 9 - WHITE E BELL THEATRE FRIDAY—SATURDAY— MARCH 6 and 7 WM. FARNUM in Only 3 days “The Man Who Fights Alone” A Two Fisted, Powerful Drumn Also Two Reel Comedy, ” Plumb Crazy.” SUNDAY. MARCH 8 Green Merrell Co’s. WttLIAM CLOSING OUT SALE Lieut.-Col. Charles W. W hittlesey, orltf famous commander of the Lost attalion, and the survivors of that nit re-enacted the original roles and ave set down for posterity through te motion picture production of ‘‘The ost Battalion" the stirring events ! their revered memory. This pic- ire Is playing at Bell Theater Mon­ ty and Tuesday, March 9 and 10. I home without Radio is like a iome without a Viend efore you buy come and Men to the Famous Cros- iy. Demonstrations any renlng- A. F. NEAT 758 B st- Don’t ever expect to to get Buch low prices again—Don’t ever expect to get such a selection again—the last cut has been made—the lowest prices are here—the last hour rush is on—don’t wait until tomorrow— get in today—play safe—save money while you can! NORTH °J HUDSON BAY Jovi llU x^ vioiin ronD U' rox /X , W > • ’ ’ w Also Two Reel Comedy "When Wise Duvkes Meet” MONDAY—TUESDAY— MARCH 9 and 10 Remember, Saturday Night, The End GREEN MERRELL Co. 828 Willamette 828 t . Battalia Under Auspices American Legion Admission 25 and 50c. EUGENE Coming April 5, 6 and 7, "The Thief of Bagdad."