PAGE SEVEN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THVR8DAY, MARCH B, IÖ2B Classified Advertisements • • I I what you want to aall. buy what you want to buy thro an eolumna. W rit a or phono TW O OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIALJNTEREST i • Mao KOlt HALE— Rhoda Irland Hod hatch' FOR HAJ.Ifr—Burrougb« Adding Ma- chin«, model 2117, Call Anderoon Ing n M * $1 20 per ssttlng. E. Motor Company. Gormley, Huulh C Slrort. F-19-lfiM612. Gilt-edge contract on residence In ANYBODY wishing milk at gallon Portland to exchange for residence In rates call Hlvorstdo Dairy, Phono Springfield. Address Box 400, Spring- M F» field. Springfield Lumber f a tf. Th« west oldn division of tbn Lailira P o ll HALE—<*arf»on paper fn lurge sheets, 26x19 Inches, suitable for Aid of thn M, K church will hold a making tracings. The Now« Office. cooked food aalo thiiurday in the Long a ('roar building. M-6. SPECIAL I'k iC E on plate work Dr N W. Emery, dentist. Sutton Bldg Dr it»)ph h. fnppM. Oonttot, Vitus building, Hprlugflvld, Oregon. NO TIC E Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. By a vote of two to one. electors of Tbs Dalles school district have ra ti­ fied th e action of the school board In transferring a nine-acre tract west of "Never mind ablut that now .Sallle, "Curtiss!" I called, town for tbs ulte ot a proposed union lie looked up from a pile of letters ma^e me take too much wine." W illiam A. Maselnglll was nominat­ hlgb school. the thing for you to do Is to go to on the table. ed by Prealdent Coolidge aa postmast­ The Bank ot Prineville has made ••Hallie!" he advanced with out sleep and sleep bard." er at Lakeview. •'Why, do I look like a hag?’’ application to the controller of the stretched arms but w in s he came “ No," he replied, "You look like a Bombs rilled with tear gaa were ef­ currency to be converted Into the dose to me. he stopped suddenly and ’ precious, bsautlfnl, little angel— hut fectively used by the Portland police Prineville National bank, with a cap­ an expreaalon of astonishment swept ital of $59,000. The bank bas $(00,- In raiding a bootleg establishment. over bla face. The glare of t t r ly you're not!’’ and he was gone. I woke with an awful start. Ellie morning streamed through the win­ The lumber market In Eugene and 000 deposits. dows and fell directly on my llgure had Jumped into bed with me In her Lane county 1» looking brighter, ac­ Harold Goldsmith, of the Bend Boy and face, bathing me In Ita p tiles» ha', fur «/at, gloves und even a cording to lumber men of the county. Scouts, has qualified for the rank of corsage. light. 1 During January the state game com­ Eagle Scout, the highest rank lo the "Lo, little boy, where’d you come •What on < irth Is the muter?" mission paid $3942 in bounties on 1209 Boy Scout organization. He recent­ h« asked “Look. Child you're cold from ’ " I ask d. rubbing my eyes, ly passed successfully tests for three and wet." be exclaimed. My coat had! "A fine, rousing welcome you give wildcat». 21 cougar» and two wolves. merit badges. Raymond W Hatch, Portland archi­ fallen op. • and he had seen my drip- Your gunite." she laughed, hugging roc Affidavits of prejudice against close. “Sallle, what on earth are you tect, 1» drawing plans for a new union pin* gown. judges of Oregon courts to be effective • And Hallie, your fovt! Where g re ]uoln«- you look like the wrath of high school at Molalla to cost $80,000. must be made before the judge under More than 40 acres of carrot» have your hose7 ' quickly ami In rapid ,Ood " attack bas made any rulings In the succession tht questions came. "Who i I bopped out of bed. 1 did look been planted by farmer» of The Dalle» case at Issue, according to an opinion brought you home?" and the kindly, '»u.b worse for wear My complexion district under contract wltb the local handed down by the supreme court. tone of concern In hla voice gave way had a peculiar rayleh tinge and there cannery. A serious explosion occurred in the were deep, violet shadows under my to one of auspeclon and doubt. Of the approximate 3500 carloads chemistry room of the Ashland high aa ejree. Hchuyler- but he'« gone." of apples harvested In the Hood River j My thought« rush«! to Curtis«. I valley last fall leas than 100 cars re­ school, in which one girl narrowly Curile» »tartesl toward th door. escaped death and several others per­ "Come here," I demanded. r wondered If 1 looked like this when main unshipped. manent Injury. The material explod­ he saw me at dawn. I ’d probably Hi- came aerosa the room. The Milton city council Wednesday " I’leae* tell me that you love mo nev* r him again if 1 did. He baJ decided tq grade and gravel 2500 feet ed while a preparation was being heat­ and that vou wont ever leave me en- **•»» kind to me but he would be to of city streets. The work will coat ed. Albany will hereafter be served by tlrely alone again. Im ao tired. I «nyone In trouble. And what did he approximately $2500. i mean by saying I "looked like an one newspaper as a result of the pur­ can't stand It tf you fu» The production departments of all chase ot the Albany Herald by the I'm not going to ecold you, c h ild ., ■n* " 1 bot wa* not-" In your condition, the beat thing for | “ EUle. p h a .e go down and talk up units of both Bend sawmills are run­ Albany Democrat, both evening pub­ ning full capacity six days a week lications. The Albany Democrat now you to do Is to get Into bed. Mom m>' to Curtlaa W right. You'll and on a two shift basts. Is In its 60th year and the Herald in Nellie w llll help you undrees" he said. f,n'1 h,m »omewhere. I'm so In love Figures recently compiled reveal Its 50th. "Oh. I'm ao cold" I ahuddered. w ltilh ln > »nd !’’ • * cted llke » Perfect that municipalities in Tillamook coun­ "Hold my hand«. Curtlee, hold m y , nul Republican House leaders agTeed on hand»? II pleaded and pulled H im I "Thrill« and heart th ro b .!" E lie , ty have approximately $2.600,000 out­ the selection of Representative Haw­ down on a divan. 1 •“ but I won't find the oh- standing bonds and warrants. ley of Oregon as chairman of the L. E. Blain, pioneer clothier of Al­ republican caucus. He will succeed He rubbed my hand., each finger J«1' Y°“ r youthful dream». W hile ■efaratelv. briskly and the flow of comln6 from the station, I i»w him | bany. has presented the Albany col­ Representative Anderson of Minne­ hlrxsl began. driving with a very pretty young girl. lege library with 31 volumes covering sota. who retires from congress the fields of science and history. "You poor little fellow" he m u r-' To B<* Continued March 4. mured »ympalhetlcally, "You’re cold j NO TIC E TO CREDITORS B. F. Schleslnger, of Loa Angeles, There were three fatalities in Ore­ through and through." He removed Notice 1» hereby given that the and hla sons became owner of the gon due to Industrial accidents dur­ nty mule» and rubbed my f?et as he [ undersigned Josie 11. Spore» has been pioneer Portland department store of ing the week ending February 26. ac­ •..a «... by the Probate Court of Lane County, had m> hauls. Now go to »„«r your I OreK„n appq(nled adm(nlRtrator ¿r Olds, Wortman & King, March 1. cording to a report prepared at ths Curtis W rig h t is Kind— Too Kind NO TIC E Is hereby given that the uuderalgn-d Administrator of tho es­ tate ot Harrison 11 Gray, dice used, filed his final account with the Coun- iv clerk o[ |jm e County, Oregon, on the 14th day of February. 1926. and by order of the County Court Hatur day (he 21st day of March. 1926. ul hour i t ten O'clock A. M. at the County Court room In th ' Court house nt Eugene. Lune County, Ore­ IN THE CIRCUIT COVHT OF THE gon, bus b--«n fixed aa the time and HTATW OF OREGON. POit LANK place for hearing object Iona, If any COUNTY to said final account und for final Itay II McMurray. Plaintiff settlement thereof. vs S IM M O N S : All persons having objections to Mae .McMurray, Defendant said final account are hereby notified TO Mae McMurray, the above de­ to file the same with the County Clerk on or before the time fixed for final fendant. IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE hearing thereon H L. BERGMAN. O F OlthXION, you aro hereby re­ Administrator of the Estate quired to appear and answer the com­ of Harrison B. Gray, de­ plaint filed ugalnat you In thn above ceased. entitled court and cause. on or before the «zplratton of the lime prescribed Williams A- Bean In ilm (irder of I ’utilh alien. lo-Wlt: Attorney« for the Estate F 19-I6 M 5-12-19 On or before the explrat'on of all weeks from the date ot the first publication hereof, and If you fall to Katate of P. M McPherson. Deceased answer for want thereof, plaintiff will NO TIC E GF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T apply to the court for the relief prayed Notice 1» hereby given that Seth for in the complaint, lo-wlf: M McPherson end W alter W. Mc­ For a decree of (he cour( dissolv­ Pherson. admlnlatrators of the estate ing (be bonds of matrimony now ax- of P. M McPherson, deceased, have Istlng between plaintiff and defend­ filed 1n the County Court of the ant and for such other and further State of Oregon. In and for Lane relief aa to the court may seem Just County, their final report as such ad- mlnlatratora; and (hat ten o'clock In and proper. Thia summons la published pursu­ ths forenoon of Saturday, the 28th ant Io an order of the Honorable G F. day of March, 1925, at the Court room Hklpmorth. C lrru ’t Judge, made and thereof, have been, by the Court, fixed entered February 27. 1926, and the and appointed as the tint- and place drat publication hereof Io made the for hearing objection» to »aid report 6ih day of March. 1926. and the last and for the final »ettlement of the room and get out of thoae cloth»», h « I t he estate of George W. Spore», de- of nubi <1wra*«*d publication thereof 1» on th« 16th day admonlahed. "Thia 1» a fine way to ¡ceased. All persons are hereby no-i S e t h m M c P h e r s o n . of April. 1925 catch pneumonia." he added aa I r a n l * 'f ',!d ,o present the claims. If anv w a l t e » w M c P h e r s o n . Uro* ir II A Brooke. you hare, against said estate to the Administrators. i upstairs. Attorneys for plaintiff undersign-d administrator at her rest- Mom Nellie put me to bed and or at the law offices of W ll Residence: Eugene. Oregon A, K Wheeler. Attorney. F 26 M-5412 19-26 covered me snugly with blankets ga- |llams & Bean. Eugene, Oregon, within Mg* 12 19 2-1 A 2 9 16 alx months from this date, lor». Someone wrapped. Dated this 19th day of February, "Come In." I called. 1925. It was Curtiss standing with a hot JOSIE H. SPORES. A-’ m'nlstrator. water bottle In his hand. F-19 ?£-.M 5 12 19 "I thought thre might need this," I Sophomores Havo Party Th« aophomorea of the high achiMtl hold their semester parly In the high achoot gymnasium Friday night (lanío« were playnd by (h r claaa. and m frm hm rnia of |c« cream and cookie« served. I he The Multnomah county farm at Troutdale totaled a profit of $7562 on farm products during 1924, according to tbs annual report of the Institu­ tion. filed with the county commte- •loners. "Joe jenee [ b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y W. F. WALKER F U N E R A L DIRECTOR Full Aute Equlp'oee* W. W. O. block Offlca Phons 62 M Rea Phons (14 DR. N. W. EMERY O E N T I8T Button Bldfl. , PJions 104 Rssldsnos Phons I M M Bprlngflsld, Ocsg»n SHOE REPAIRING Work Promptly »nd Carefully Done JOHN A. NELSON 509 Main Street WM. C. HUGHES FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC , Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK S p rln g fle ld , Oregon “The Loop” Your Home When In Springfield JOHN M W IL L IA M « . Mgorney for Vet. State Aid Con»., Soldier* Bonu» Loans. I.. E. BEAN Attorney 8t»la B0»1-*’ ’ Ptnto School Fund Loans. WILLIAMS & BEAN attorneys 860 W lllism ette 81. Eugene, Ore. Licensed to. practice In all Courts of the State, and United Blades. D. W. Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon ( • «• CLEANING AND PRESSING Phone 78-J We Call For nr.d Deliver G. M. PLUMMER 5th jin d Maim___ __ _ — J ~ -1- him whisper, "She was , o IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR thoroughly chilled.'* LANE COUNTY I was thrilled at hla voice. L. S. Scott, Margaret M. Scott, vs. "Lor' bless you Mister Curtiss Ella Bailey,-------------Bailey, her bus- Mom Nellie said. "I'ee gonna give dat band; Thonu.« Clemniena. --------- HANSON GARAGE heard Overhaulea any make of car, 75 cents per hour. Phone 45F14 Eugene -.u«« he., .- .i i. » <>. Clcmmetia, hda wife; Alfred Clem- H. H. Slchel of Portland was elect­ offices of the state industrial acci­ ed president of the Oregon Retail dent commission. A total of 689 acci­ Clothiers and Furnishers' association dents was reported. at the convention held in Portland. Upper W illam ette river traffic, as Clyde Waterman, clerk of the Ban­ checked on tonnage passing through croft school district, pleaded guilty the locks and canal at Oregon City, In circuit court at Marshfield to em­ increased encouragingly during Feb­ bezzlement of $800 of the district ruary as compared with business in funds. January, according to figures reported An election w ill be called in Marsh­ by the lock keeper. field during the latter part of March Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Linn of Port­ to vote on a proposed bond Issue of land made a second donation of books $35.000 for Deeded school Improve­ to Albany college library last week. ments. They gave 50 volumes and several A bond issue of $125.000 to be ex­ hundred magazines of historical and pended on the erection of a new union literary value. Eleven volumes had high school building In Rainier, car­ been presented previously. ried. 218 to eighty, in the special Income from the Portland-Vancou­ election. ver interstate bridge totaled (444,048 Tentative plans for the new $165,000 during 1924, according to annual fig­ high school building to be construct­ ures announced by the interstate ed In Roseburg this year were sub­ bridge commission. Totals for 1924 mitted to the school board by the ■how an Increase of $86,135 over fig­ ures of the previous year. architects. ch ll* a tDt mustard foot haf. Its rapni, --------- ciemmens. bla vrtfe; bittern all de hot water bottlea In John Clemm'us. Levona Ciemmens. de work! Fine pusson I'd be lettln his wife; Andrew Ciemmens, --------- ! dat lam' ketch de Flu while her papa Ciemmens, his wife, being the only , . , . .. surviving heirs at law- of Martha done gone an left her in my charge clemmens and Thomas Ciemmens. Call ’Curtis», come hers, I called him her husband, both deceased; Dellla again Jane Coatsworth, W illiam Coatsworth SUTTON TRANSFER •Stay, Mom Nellie" he nodded to ber bu’ ? nd/ 1 8 R, Copeland. --------- _ ' . ; , Copeland, hla wife; the unknown Phone 57 her as she was about to leave. Then helrg of John H ^ „ , „ „ , 0 0 and Bu­ An effort Is being made In Bend to bo came toward the bed. | phema Edmuuson. both deceased; al- "Do you love me?’’ I asked. »'1 other persons or parties un- secure a through mall stage to Klam­ knowm ,|en claiming any right, es- ath Falls. Mail between the two places Are you perf.ctly comfortable?- tatp of (nure?t (he title, r?a, pg GEO.. N. McLEAN was his reply. ,t'.'te described in the complaint here- now goee around by Weed, Cal., and takes four days. I nodded. "Thank you, yea,” I re- in. Automobile, Fire and Life piled. "Oh vou are such a dear Cur- To Ella Bailey. ——— Bailey, her IN S U R A N C K Mrs. Jane Grant Rennie. 92. pioneer . husband; Thomas Ciemmens. --------- Surety Bonds.. Phons (17 tits. I wanted to tell you about to ciemmetia, his wife; Andrew Cl m- of Oregon and a resident of the W il­ My bueineos is to protsot nlght It wasn't because I didn't love mens, --------- Ciemmens. his wife; lamette valley for more than 50 years, business you. I was thinking about you and Dellla Jane Coatsworth, W illiam died at the home of her son. John M. 860 W HIamettf St. Eugene Oregon missing you every minute but they Just Coatsworth, her husband; S R. Cop-e- Rennie, in Eugene. land. Copeland, his wife; the •—»— George Neuner Jr. of Roseburg was i unknown heirs of John H. Edmonson LOCAL CIRLS HELPS IN and Ruphani» Fdniutt.on^ both de- nominated by President Coolidge for NEW RAZOR MEMOSIAL CAMPAIGN ceased; also all other person or parties United States attorney for the district For Sale M t M U K I A L G A M r A I U N unknown , laiM-ing „ny right, title, es- Guaranteed. Price $2. ------------ tate. lien or interest In the real estate of Oregon and the nomination con­ Oregon Agrlelutural College. Cor- described In the complaint herein, de- tinued by the senate. Vallls, Feb. 29.— Thelma Cole of fondants A. A. ANDERSON Telephone users in the Tumalo and Springfield, sophomore In vocational „ 2 ^ - STATE Plainview districts have petitioned the . . . , . , . OF OREGON:— You and tach of you. BARBER SHOP education, has had n part In raising arp herehv required to appear and Bend commercial club to help them more than $300.000 of the $500.000 re -' answer the compalnt filed against get direct connection with the Bend or qulred to erect a Memorial Union v°u In the above ent’Oed suit, on of Redmond telephone exchange. building on the campus. Miss Cole before APrJ> n ‘ h- 192,5- ?n!d d“ ,e bt" DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL The state highway commission has . , .. . b? more than six w et’ts from the date served In the capacity of lieutenant Of the order nrovldlng for publication called for bids for surfacing the 21 DENTIST during the campaign. jot summons herein and tf you fall to miles of the Roosevelt highway south Inspired by the example of the men nnrwcr. for want thereof the rlaln tlff Phone 43 « who gave their lives In the Spanish- ”h’’ ’ 'T T’JV ,0 c,0',rL f° r theJre,,ef of Bandon. Grading and clearing have , ... ‘ , therein demanded, towlt. for a decr’ e been going on all winter. Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. , American an I World Wars, students forever ouletlng title In plaintiffs and Recent high waters washed away and faculty members contributed ’ •’Bln»* defendents ’n and to fotlow- j $283.000 to the project In less than a land, towlt: Beginning nt a the bridge leading to Goodpasture Is­ week Of th is sum faculty mem ber« r *,n' ? 2 , r " ,h no; t, h land near Eugene, and now the school r r'”nnr or «ect’nn 33. tO"’nf»nH children of the island are unable to Attorney-at-Law pledged $31,000 Alumni In Portland 17 south, range 4 west W M.. and run- get across to attend their classes. and business men of Corvallis have nlng thence north SS degrees 6" min., W. A. GRESSMAN Mrs. Josephine M. Sale, widow of contributed nearly $40|000 In cam- 20 00 chains to a F o r’ axle Commercial State Bank Bldg. the late A. H. Sale, died at «her home palgn. no, yet completed. W ith less Springfield, Oregon in Aatoria. Mrs. Sale crossed the. than $200,000 to be raised and the en-1 corner of the southeast fourth of the tire alumni field practically untoucred ! northeast quarter of said see’ 'on 33. plains in 1848 and had resided on the Notary Public CollectlMS the nnanrial goal of $600.000 will b e |* 2 * cb m a rk ,’l *,v « Ford ax1' «haft Sale homestead at Astoria since 1870. i-n 1 ’ «'riven In ,h» ground on the northern; Dr. Mary F. Farnham, former dean 1 reached kv b> April 1, say those In | boundary of county road N» 323. charge. |,hence along the northern be-ndary of women at Pacific university, has The building Is planned for com- of county road No. 323. south 88 de­ donated a large collection of photo­ pletion In the fall of 192,1. The plane ’ rc®8 67. 42'5? cba,ns to “ graphs of art studies and about 300 „ , » , 4 Ford axle shaft driven In the ground volumes of literature to the college offered by Lee Thomas. 0. architect. ,n ,.ounty road No 49fi , hencp aIo All kinds of gravel for con- - provide for a building 200 feet squure center of county road No. 496, north library. crete or road work. We and towering to a height of 180 feet. 20.16 chains to a Ford axle shaft I A total of 27(0 students attended make a specialty of crushed It Is designed In keeping with (he driven In the ground, thence n o rth ; Portland night schools during the rock and rock sand. Bunk­ 89 degree« 57 min., west 22.68 chains campus building plun, yet has the (0 ,j,e piace Of beginning. In Lane month ending February 20; 28 teach­ ers at foot of Main on Mill added attraction of classic archltec-, County. Oregon, and for other relief ers ware employed to give Instruction street. ture. ’ land costs and disbursements of the and five principals directed the ac­ HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. In the building will be offices for suit. This summers is published pur­ tivity. suant to an order of Hon. G. F. Skip- the various student organizations now worth. Circuit Judge In said county, Hearing of the wool rate case has scattered over the e-ntire catppus. dated February 25th. 1925, requiring I been set for March IS. according to and separuti gathering places for men publlcptlon hereof once a Week for' announcement made at the offices of six weeks In Springfield News, a FRANK A. DEPUE and women with appropriate rest and newspaper nrlnted and published In j the public service commission. The A TTO R N EY A T LAW reading rooms. The rotunda, with a Lane County, Oregon. hearing w ill be conducted by repre­ FRED E. SM ITH seating capacity of 500 to 800. will sentatives of the Interstate commerce NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney for Plaintiff« probably he utilized hy large gather­ oommlsetoa and w ill be held In Port­ Sutton Springfield 1 ings such as the uluuinl union In ths Date of First publication February land. 26, 1925. Buidllng Oregon. ! spring. F 28 M 5-22 J,? 26 A 2. -— »i your SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO, --- n x y -—- —— — — - - 1 Construction of a new veterans’ hos­ pital in Portland will be assured through passage of the veterans' aid bill, even though the general appro­ priation is reduced to $10.000,003, ac­ cording to a message received in Port­ land from Washington. D. C. A large cougar, weighing between 60 and 70 pounds, was killed in the hills northwest of McMinnville last week. The cougar had been preying upon a herd of goats and when killed had just finished eating a goat which It had lifted over the pasture fence. An alleged shortage of $5000 in the state's funds, discovered by a check after State Treasurer T. B. Kay took office the first of the year, was con­ fessed by Clarence W . Thompson, cashier In the state treasury under Treasurers Hoff and Jefferson Myers. Mr. Kay announced, . Owners of 70,000 sheep which wlIT be pastured in four national forests of Oregon this year met In Bend Sat­ urday. February 28. The meeting w ill be the first of its kind held in Bend and represents owners of flocks that will be pastured In the Deschutes. Santiam. Umpqua and Cascade Na tional forests during the coming sea. son. ---••» Chester C. Buchtel, who confessed to setting 65 fires with property dam­ age nearly $500,000, while he was a member of the Portland fire depart menL will be taken before a sanitary commission. If the board decides ha Is unbalanced he will be sent to the state hospital for treatment, it was said. I f he la found sane an arson charge w ill be pressed. Pulpit Rock, the hlatorlo «pot where Rev. Jason Lee and brethren convert­ ed thousands of Indiana to Christian­ ity when The Dallas was a m ilitary post on the Oregon trail, again w ill be the scene of a religious spectacle, ac­ cording to plans announced by the Knights Templar of The Dalles. A union religious service for members of denominations of the city will be held Easter morning, with a pastor occupying the same natural rock pul- pit used by Jason Lee In hla talks to the red men.